2024/07/26 更新


イシイ トシユキ
石井 俊行
Ishii Toshiyuki
医学部 生理学(システム生理学) 准教授


  • 医学博士 ( 日本医科大学 )


  • ON and OFF starburst amacrine cells are controlled by distinct cholinergic pathways 査読

    Mie Gangi, Takuma Maruyama, Toshiyuki Ishii, Makoto Kaneda

    Journal of General Physiology   156 ( 8 )   2024年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Rockefeller University Press  

    Cholinergic signaling in the retina is mediated by acetylcholine (ACh) released from starburst amacrine cells (SACs), which are key neurons for motion detection. SACs comprise ON and OFF subtypes, which morphologically show mirror symmetry to each other. Although many physiological studies on SACs have targeted ON cells only, the synaptic computation of ON and OFF SACs is assumed to be similar. Recent studies demonstrated that gene expression patterns and receptor types differed between ON and OFF SACs, suggesting differences in their functions. Here, we compared cholinergic signaling pathways between ON and OFF SACs in the mouse retina using the patch clamp technique. The application of ACh increased GABAergic feedback, observed as postsynaptic currents to SACs, in both ON and OFF SACs; however, the mode of GABAergic feedback differed. Nicotinic receptors mediated GABAergic feedback in both ON and OFF SACs, while muscarinic receptors mediated GABAergic feedback in ON SACs only in adults. Neither tetrodotoxin, which blocked action potentials, nor LY354740, which blocked neurotransmitter release from SACs, eliminated ACh-induced GABAergic feedback in SACs. These results suggest that ACh-induced GABAergic feedback in ON and OFF SACs is regulated by different feedback mechanisms in adults and mediated by non-spiking amacrine cells other than SACs.

    DOI: 10.1085/jgp.202413550


  • Effects of Progesterone and Other Gonadal Hormones on Glutamatergic Circuits in the Retina 査読

    Mahito Ohkuma, Takuma Maruyama, Toshiyuki Ishii, Nozomi Igarashi, Keiko Azuma, Tatsuya Inoue, Ryo Obata, Ei-ichi Miyachi, Makoto Kaneda

    Journal of Nippon Medical School   90 ( 4 )   333 - 345   2023年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Medical Association of Nippon Medical School  

    DOI: 10.1272/jnms.jnms.2023_90-405


  • Starburst amacrine cells form gap junctions in the early postnatal stage of the mouse retina. 招待 査読 国際誌

    Takuma Maruyama, Toshiyuki Ishii, Makoto Kaneda

    Frontiers in cellular neuroscience   17   1173579 - 1173579   2023年


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Although gap junctional coupling in the developing retina is important for the maturation of neuronal networks, its role in the development of individual neurons remains unclear. Therefore, we herein investigated whether gap junctional coupling by starburst amacrine cells (SACs), a key neuron for the formation of direction selectivity, occurs during the developmental stage in the mouse retina. Neurobiotin-injected SACs coupled with many neighboring cells before eye-opening. The majority of tracer-coupled cells were retinal ganglion cells, and tracer coupling was not detected between SACs. The number of tracer-coupled cells significantly decreased after eye-opening and mostly disappeared by postnatal day 28 (P28). Membrane capacitance (Cm), an indicator of the formation of electrical coupling with gap junctions, was larger in SACs before than after eye-opening. The application of meclofenamic acid, a gap junction blocker, reduced the Cm of SACs. Gap junctional coupling by SACs was regulated by dopamine D1 receptors before eye-opening. In contrast, the reduction in gap junctional coupling after eye-opening was not affected by visual experience. At the mRNA level, 4 subtypes of connexins (23, 36, 43, and 45) were detected in SACs before eye-opening. Connexin 43 expression levels significantly decreased after eye-opening. These results indicate that gap junctional coupling by SACs occurs during the developmental period and suggest that the elimination of gap junctions proceeds with the innate system.

    DOI: 10.3389/fncel.2023.1173579



  • P2X2 receptors supply extracellular choline as a substrate for acetylcholine synthesis 査読

    Maruyama T, Mano A, Ishii T, Kakinuma Y, Kaneda M

    FEBS Open Bio   12 ( 1 )   250 - 257   2021年11月


    担当区分:責任著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Wiley  

    DOI: 10.1002/2211-5463.13332


  • Involvement of the C‐terminal domain in cell surface localization and G‐protein coupling of mGluR6 査読

    Rai D, Akagi T, Shimohata A, Ishii T, Gangi M, Maruyama T, Wada-Kiyama Y, Ogiwara I, Kaneda M

    Journal of Neurochemistry   158 ( 4 )   837 - 848   2021年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Wiley  

    DOI: 10.1111/jnc.15217


    その他リンク: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full-xml/10.1111/jnc.15217

  • Orai1 Channels Are Essential for Amplification of Glutamate-Evoked Ca2+ Signals in Dendritic Spines to Regulate Working and Associative Memory 査読

    Maneshi MM, Toth AB, Ishii T, Hori K, Tsujikawa S, Shum AK, Shrestha N, Yamashita M, Miller RJ, Radulovic J, Swanson GT, Prakriya M

    Cell Reports   33 ( 9 )   108464 - 108464   2020年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.108464


  • Interspike intervals within retinal spike bursts combinatorially encode multiple stimulus features 査読

    Ishii T, Hosoya T

    PLOS Computational Biology   16 ( 11 )   e1007726 - e1007726   2020年11月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Public Library of Science (PLoS)  

    Neurons in various regions of the brain generate spike bursts. While the number of spikes within a burst has been shown to carry information, information coding by interspike intervals (ISIs) is less well understood. In particular, a burst with <italic>k</italic> spikes has <italic>k−</italic>1 intraburst ISIs, and these <italic>k−</italic>1 ISIs could theoretically encode <italic>k−</italic>1 independent values. In this study, we demonstrate that such combinatorial coding occurs for retinal bursts. By recording ganglion cell spikes from isolated salamander retinae, we found that intraburst ISIs encode oscillatory light sequences that are much faster than the light intensity modulation encoded by the number of spikes. When a burst has three spikes, the two intraburst ISIs combinatorially encode the amplitude and phase of the oscillatory sequence. Analysis of trial-to-trial variability suggested that intraburst ISIs are regulated by two independent mechanisms responding to orthogonal oscillatory components, one of which is common to bursts with a different number of spikes. Therefore, the retina encodes multiple stimulus features by exploiting all degrees of freedom of burst spike patterns, i.e., the spike number and multiple intraburst ISIs.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007726


  • Two Types of Cl Transporters Contribute to the Regulation of Intracellular Cl Concentrations in ON- and OFF-type Bipolar Cells in the Mouse Retina 査読

    Yin C, Ishii T, Kaneda M

    Neuroscience   440   267 - 276   2020年8月


    担当区分:責任著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2020.06.004


  • Auxiliary proteins are the predominant determinants of differential efficacy of clinical candidates acting as AMPA receptor positive allosteric modulators. 査読

    Ishii T, Stolz JR, Swanson GT

    Molecular Pharmacology   97 ( 5 )   336 - 350   2020年5月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


  • Peripherally derived T regulatory and γδ T cells have opposing roles in the pathogenesis of intractable pediatric epilepsy. 査読

    Xu D, Robinson AP, Ishii T, Duncan DS, Alden TD, Goings GE, Ifergan I, Podojil JR, Penaloza-MacMaster P, Kearney JA, Swanson GT, Miller SD, Koh S

    The Journal of experimental medicine   215 ( 4 )   1169 - 1186   2018年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1084/jem.20171285




  • Variation in the phenotype of photosensitive cells produced from human fibroblast cell lines 査読

    Ishii T, Yin C, Seko Y, Umezawa A, Kaneda M

    Journal of Nippon Medical School   85 ( 2 )   110 - 116   2018年


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Medical Association of Nippon Medical School  

    Background: Photoreceptors differentiated from somatic cells are a useful tool for transplantation and drug screening. We previously showed that photosensitive cells are differentiated from human fibroblasts by direct reprogramming. In induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells or embryonic stem (ES) cells, the properties of differentiated cells differ among the source of cell lines. However, whether or not the properties of the photosensitive cells produced by direct reprogramming are controlled by the origin of the cell line remains unknown. Methods: We compared the morphological and physiological properties of photosensitive cells induced by two fibroblast cell lines. Results: The differentiated cells had larger somas and more primary processes than the non-infected cells in both cell lines. The degree of morphological change was statistically different between the two cell lines. In addition, physiological responses to light differed between the two cell lines. An outward current (photoreceptor-like response) was observed in both cell lines, while an inward current (intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cell-like response) was observed only in one cell line under light stimulation. Conclusions: These results suggest that photosensitive cells produced from different cell lines by direct reprogramming might express different phenotypes.

    DOI: 10.1272/jnms.2018_85-17




  • Excitatory synaptic input to hilar mossy cells under basal and hyperexcitable conditions 査読

    Tristan P. Hedrick, William P. Nobis, Kendall M. Foote, Toshiyuki Ishii, Dane M. Chetkovich, Geoffrey T. Swanson

    eNeuro   4 ( 6 )   2017年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Society for Neuroscience  

    Hilar mossy cells (HMCs) in the hippocampus receive glutamatergic input from dentate granule cells (DGCs) via mossy fibers (MFs) and back-projections from CA3 pyramidal neuron collateral axons. Many fundamental features of these excitatory synapses have not been characterized in detail despite their potential relevance to hippocampal cognitive processing and epilepsy-induced adaptations in circuit excitability. In this study, we compared preand postsynaptic parameters between MF and CA3 inputs to HMCs in young and adult mice of either sex and determined the relative contributions of the respective excitatory inputs during in vitro and in vivo models of hippocampal hyperexcitability. The two types of excitatory synapses both exhibited a modest degree of short-term plasticity, with MF inputs to HMCs exhibiting lower paired-pulse (PP) and frequency facilitation than was described previously for MF–CA3 pyramidal cell synapses. MF–HMC synapses exhibited unitary excitatory synaptic currents (EPSCs) of larger amplitude, contained postsynaptic kainate receptors, and had a lower NMDA/AMPA receptor ratio compared to CA3–HMC synapses. Pharmacological induction of hippocampal hyperexcitability in vitro transformed the abundant but relatively weak CA3–HMC connections to very large amplitude spontaneous bursts of compound EPSCs (cEPSCs) in young mice (∽P20) and, to a lesser degree, in adult mice (∽P70). CA3–HMC cEPSCs were also observed in slices prepared from mice with spontaneous seizures several weeks after intrahippocampal kainate injection. Strong excitation of HMCs during synchronous CA3 activity represents an avenue of significant excitatory network generation back to DGCs and might be important in generating epileptic networks.

    DOI: 10.1523/ENEURO.0364-17.2017




  • Novel channel-mediated choline transport in cholinergic neurons of the mouse retina 査読

    Ishii T, Homma K, Mano A, Akagi T, Shigematsu Y, Shimoda Y, Inoue H, Kakinuma Y, Kaneda M

    Journal of Neurophysiology   118 ( 4 )   1952 - 1961   2017年10月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER PHYSIOLOGICAL SOC  

    Choline uptake into the presynaptic terminal of cholinergic neurons is mediated by the high-affinity choline transporter and is essential for acetylcholine synthesis. In a previous study, we reported that P2X(2) purinoceptors are selectively expressed in OFF-cholinergic amacrine cells of the mouse retina. Under specific conditions, P2X(2) purinoceptors acquire permeability to large cations, such as N-methyl-D-glucamine, and therefore potentially could act as a noncanonical pathway for choline entry into neurons. We tested this hypothesis in OFF-cholinergic amacrine cells of the mouse retina. ATP-induced choline currents were observed in OFF-cholinergic amacrine cells, but not in ON-cholinergic amacrine cells, in mouse retinal slice preparations. High-affinity choline transporters are expressed at higher levels in ON-cholinergic amacrine cells than in OFF-cholinergic amacrine cells. In dissociated preparations of cholinergic amacrine cells, ATP-activated cation currents arose from permeation of extracellular choline. We also examined the pharmacological properties of choline currents. Pharmacologically, alpha,beta-methylene ATP did not produce a cation current, whereas ATP gamma S and benzoyl-benzoyl-ATP (BzATP) activated choline currents. However, the amplitude of the choline current activated by BzATP was very small. The choline current activated by ATP was strongly inhibited by pyridoxalphosphate-6-azophenyl- 2', 4'-sulfonic acid. Accordingly, P2X(2) purinoceptors expressed in HEK-293T cells were permeable to choline and similarly functioned as a choline uptake pathway. Our physiological and pharmacological findings support the hypothesis that P2 purinoceptors, including P2X(2) purinoceptors, function as a novel choline transport pathway and may provide a new regulatory mechanism for cholinergic signaling transmission at synapses in OFF-cholinergic amacrine cells of the mouse retina.
    NEW & NOTEWORTHY Choline transport across the membrane is exerted by both the high-affinity and low-affinity choline transporters. We found that choline can permeate P2 purinergic receptors, including P2X(2) purinoceptors, in cholinergic neurons of the retina. Our findings show the presence of a novel choline transport pathway in cholinergic neurons. Our findings also indicate that the permeability of P2X(2) purinergic receptors to choline observed in the heterologous expression system may have a physiological relevance in vivo.

    DOI: 10.1152/jn.00506.2016

    Web of Science



  • Physiological contribution of P2X receptors in postreceptoral signal processing in the mouse retina 査読

    Ichinohe S, Ishii T, Takahashi H, Kaneda M

    Neuroscience Research   115   5 - 12   2017年2月


    担当区分:責任著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD  

    ATP activates P2X receptors and acts as a neurotransmitter in the nervous system. We have previously reported that P2X receptors modulate the firing rate of retinal ganglion cells. Since many subtypes of P2X receptors are distributed in the mouse retina, it is likely that the modulatory effects of P2X receptor mediated signaling can occur at multiple synaptic levels in the retina. In this study, we investigated whether P2X receptors expressed between the photoreceptor layer and the inner nuclear layer in the mouse retina were physiologically functional, by electroretinography (ERG). In the combined rod-cone ERG and the scotopic ERG, intravitreal injection of PPADS, an antagonist of P2X receptors, had no effects on the amplitude of the a-wave, but decreased the amplitude of the b-wave. In the photopic ERG, intravitreal injection of PPADS significantly decreased the amplitude of both the a-wave and the b-wave. In ex vivo recordings, a decrease in the b-wave amplitude was observed at 20 mu M PPADS, confirming that the inhibition of the b-wave by intravitreal injection of PPADS is due to the inhibition of P2X receptors. Our findings suggest that P2X receptor-mediated signaling has a physiological effect in both the rod and the cone pathways in postreceptoral processing. (c) 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd and Japan Neuroscience Society. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.neures.2016.09.012

    Web of Science



  • In vitro transdifferentiation of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells to photoreceptor-like cells 査読

    Komuta Y, Ishii T, Kaneda M, Ueda Y, Miyamoto K, Toyoda M, Umezawa A, Seko Y

    BIOLOGY OPEN   5 ( 6 )   709 - 719   2016年6月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:COMPANY OF BIOLOGISTS LTD  

    Direct reprogramming is a promising, simple and low-cost approach to generate target cells from somatic cells without using induced pluripotent stem cells. Recently, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) have attracted considerable attention as a somatic cell source for reprogramming. As a cell source, PBMCs have an advantage over dermal fibroblasts with respect to the ease of collecting tissues. Based on our studies involving generation of photosensitive photoreceptor cells from human iris cells and human dermal fibroblasts by transduction of photoreceptor-related transcription factors via retrovirus vectors, we transduced these transcription factors into PBMCs via Sendai virus vectors. We found that retinal disease-related genes were efficiently detected in CRX-transduced cells, most of which are crucial to photoreceptor functions. In functional studies, a light-induced inward current was detected in some CRX-transduced cells. Moreover, by modification of the culture conditions including additional transduction of RAX1 and NEUROD1, we found a greater variety of retinal disease-related genes than that observed in CRX-transduced PBMCs. These data suggest that CRX acts as a master control gene for reprogramming PBMCs into photoreceptor-like cells and that our induced photoreceptor-like cells might contribute to individualized drug screening and disease modeling of inherited retinal degeneration.

    DOI: 10.1242/bio.016477

    Web of Science



  • マルチ電極法を用いたマウス網膜光応答に対するALK阻害薬の作用評価

    石井 俊行, 岩澤 俊一郎, 栗本 遼太, 前田 朱美, 鈴木 千晶, 碓井 澄子, 滝口 裕一, 金田 誠

    肺癌   55 ( 5 )   468 - 468   2015年10月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(NPO)日本肺癌学会  

    ISSN : 0386-9628, eISSN : 1348-9992, 医中誌Web ID : 2016155365


  • Crizotinib-Induced Abnormal Signal Processing in the Retina 査読

    Ishii T, Iwasawa S, Kurimoto R, Maeda A, Takiguchi Y, Kaneda M

    PLOS ONE   10 ( 8 )   e0135521   2015年8月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE  

    Molecular target therapy for cancer is characterized by unique adverse effects that are not usually observed with cytotoxic chemotherapy. For example, the anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK)-tyrosine kinase inhibitor crizotinib causes characteristic visual disturbances, whereas such effects are rare when another ALK-tyrosine kinase inhibitor, alectinib, is used. To elucidate the mechanism responsible for these visual disturbances, the responses to light exhibited by retinal ganglion cells treated with these agents were evaluated using a C57BL6 mouse ex vivo model. Both crizotinib and alectinib changed the firing rate of ON and OFF type retinal ganglion cells. However, the ratio of alectinib-affected cells (15.7%) was significantly lower than that of crizotinib-affected cells (38.6%). Furthermore, these drugs changed the response properties to light stimuli of retinal ganglion cells in some of the affected cells, i.e., OFF cells responded to both ON and OFF stimuli, etc. Finally, the expressions of ALK (a target receptor of both crizotinib and alectinib) and of MET and ROS1 (additional target receptors of crizotinib) were observed at the mRNA level in the retina. Our findings suggest that these drugs might target retinal ganglion cells and that the potency of the drug actions on the light responses of retinal ganglion cells might be responsible for the difference in the frequencies of visual disturbances observed between patients treated with crizotinib and those treated with alectinib. The present experimental system might be useful for screening new molecular target agents prior to their use in clinical trials.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0135521

    Web of Science



  • ON-pathway-dominant glycinergic regulation of cholinergic amacrine cells in the mouse retina 査読

    Ishii T, Kaneda M

    The Journal of Physiology - London   592 ( 19 )   4235 - 4245   2014年10月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    Direction selectivity in the retina has been studied as a model of dendritic computation of neural circuits. Starburst amacrine cells (SACs) have been examined as a model system of dendritic computation as they play a pivotal role in the formation of direction selectivity. Because the difference of anatomical location inside the retina made ON-SACs an easier target to record, the biophysical properties of ON-SACs have been used to predict those of OFF-SACs. In this study, we systematically compared the responses of ON-and OFF-SACs to the two principal neurotransmitters, glycine and glutamate. We found that responses to glycine were significantly larger in ON-SACs than in OFF-SACs. In contrast, ON-and OFF-SACs responded similarly to glutamate. The amplitude of glycine responses in ON-SACs increased after eye opening and the largest amplitude was observed at postnatal day 28. On the other hand, no increase in the amplitude of glycine responses in OFF-SACs was observed until postnatal day 28. Glycine-evoked currents were inhibited by the application of strychnine. Glutamate-evoked currents were mimicked by the application of AMPA or kainite, and responses to N-methyl-D-aspartate were observed in the absence of Mg2+ block. Glutamate-evoked currents produced an increase in the frequency of GABAergic inhibitory postsynaptic currents. Our results suggest that signal processing in ON-SACs cannot be directly used to understand the properties of OFF-SACs. Therefore fully defining the physiological properties of OFF-SACs will be critical to understanding and modelling direction selectivity in the retina.

    DOI: 10.1113/jphysiol.2014.271148

    Web of Science



  • Derivation of human differential photoreceptor cells from adult human dermal fibroblasts by defined combinations of CRX, RAX, OTX2 and NEUROD 査読

    Seko Y, Azuma N, Ishii T, Komuta Y, Miyamoto K, Miyagawa Y, Kaneda M, Umezawa A

    Genes to Cells   19 ( 3 )   198 - 208   2014年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:WILEY  

    Redirecting differentiation of somatic cells by over-expression of transcription factors is a promising approach for regenerative medicine, elucidation of pathogenesis and development of new therapies. We have previously defined a transcription factor combination, that is, CRX, RAX and NEUROD, that can generate photosensitive photoreceptor cells from human iris cells. Here, we show that human dermal fibroblasts are differentiated to photoreceptor cells by the same transcription factor combination as human iris cells. Transduction of a combination of the CRX, RAX and NEUROD genes up-regulated expression of the photoreceptor-specific genes, recoverin, blue opsin and PDE6C, in all three strains of human dermal fibroblasts that were tested. Additional OTX2 gene transduction increased up-regulation of the photoreceptor-specific genes blue opsin, recoverin, S-antigen, CNGB3 and PDE6C. Global gene expression data by microarray analysis further showed that photoreceptor-related functional genes were significantly increased in induced photoreceptor cells. Functional analysis, that is, patch-clamp recordings, clearly revealed that induced photoreceptor cells from fibroblasts responded to light. Both the NRL gene and the NR2E3 gene were endogenously up-regulated in induced photoreceptor cells, implying that exogenous CRX, RAX, OTX2 and NEUROD, but not NRL, are sufficient to generate rod photoreceptor cells.

    DOI: 10.1111/gtc.12127

    Web of Science



  • 網膜再生医学とパッチクランプ法 査読

    Ishii T, Seko Y, Kaneda M

    日本医科大学医学会雑誌   10 ( 1 )   4 - 5   2014年


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:The Medical Association of Nippon Medical School  

    DOI: 10.1272/manms.10.4


    その他リンク: http://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2014159020

  • Distribution and development of P2Y(1)-purinoceptors in the mouse retina 査読

    Dilip R, Ishii T, Imada H, Wada-Kiyama Y, Kiyama R, Miyachi E, Kaneda M

    JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR HISTOLOGY   44 ( 6 )   639 - 644   2013年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SPRINGER  

    There is increasing evidence that ATP acts on purinergic receptors and mediates synaptic transmission in the retina. In a previous study, we raised the possibility that P2X-purinoceptors, presumably P2X(2)-purinoceptors in OFF-cholinergic amacrine cells, play a key role in the formation of OFF pathway-specific modulation. In this study, we examined whether the P2Y(1)-purinoceptors can function in cholinergic amacrine cells in the mouse retina since cholinergic amacrine cells in the rat retina express P2Y(1)-purinoceptors. P2Y(1)-purinoceptors were shown to be expressed in dendrites of both ON- and OFF-cholinergic amacrine cells in adults. At postnatal day 7, there was immunoreactivity for P2Y(1)-purinoceptors in the soma of cholinergic amacrine cells. At postnatal day 14, weak immunoreactivity for P2Y(1)-purinoceptors was detected in the dendrites but not in the soma of cholinergic amacrine cells. At postnatal day 21, strong immunoreactivity for P2Y(1)-purinoceptors was detected in dendrites of cholinergic amacrine cells. The expression pattern of P2Y(1)-purinoceptors was not affected by visual experience. We concluded that P2Y(1)-purinoceptors are not involved in the OFF-pathway-specific signal transmission in cholinergic amacrine cells of the mouse retina.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10735-013-9525-4

    Web of Science



  • Mismatched Decoding in the Brain 査読

    Oizumi M, Ishii T, Ishibashi K, Hosoya T, Okada M

    JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE   30 ( 13 )   4815 - 4826   2010年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SOC NEUROSCIENCE  

    "How is information decoded in the brain?" is one of the most difficult and important questions in neuroscience. We have developed a general framework for investigating to what extent the decoding process in the brain can be simplified. First, we hierarchically constructed simplified probabilistic models of neural responses that ignore more than Kth-order correlations using the maximum entropy principle. We then computed how much information is lost when information is decoded using these simplified probabilistic models (i.e., "mismatched decoders"). To evaluate the information obtained by mismatched decoders, we introduced an information theoretic quantity, I-star, which was derived by extending the mutual information in terms of communication rate across a channel. We showed that I-star provides consistent results with the minimum mean-square error as well as the mutual information, and demonstrated that a previously proposed measure quantifying the importance of correlations in decoding substantially deviates from I-star when many cells are analyzed. We then applied this proposed framework to spike data for vertebrate retina using short natural scene movies of 100 ms duration as a set of stimuli and computing the information contained in neural activities. Although significant correlations were observed in population activities of ganglion cells, information loss was negligibly small even if all orders of correlation were ignored in decoding. We also found that, if we inappropriately assumed stationarity for long durations in the information analysis of dynamically changing stimuli, such as natural scene movies, correlations appear to carry a large proportion of total information regardless of their actual importance.

    DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4360-09.2010

    Web of Science



  • Estimating Receptive Fields from Responses to Natural Stimuli with Asymmetric Intensity Distributions 査読

    Lesica N.A, Ishii T, Stanley G.B, Hosoya T

    PLOS ONE   3 ( 8 )   e3060   2008年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE  

    The reasons for using natural stimuli to study sensory function are quickly mounting, as recent studies have revealed important differences in neural responses to natural and artificial stimuli. However, natural stimuli typically contain strong correlations and are spherically asymmetric (i.e. stimulus intensities are not symmetrically distributed around the mean), and these statistical complexities can bias receptive field (RF) estimates when standard techniques such as spike-triggered averaging or reverse correlation are used. While a number of approaches have been developed to explicitly correct the bias due to stimulus correlations, there is no complementary technique to correct the bias due to stimulus asymmetries. Here, we develop a method for RF estimation that corrects reverse correlation RF estimates for the spherical asymmetries present in natural stimuli. Using simulated neural responses, we demonstrate how stimulus asymmetries can bias reverse-correlation RF estimates (even for uncorrelated stimuli) and illustrate how this bias can be removed by explicit correction. We demonstrate the utility of the asymmetry correction method under experimental conditions by estimating RFs from the responses of retinal ganglion cells to natural stimuli and using these RFs to predict responses to novel stimuli.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0003060

    Web of Science



  • Pathway-dependent modulation by P2-purinoceptors in the mouse retina 査読

    Kaneda M, Ishii T, Hosoya T

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE   28 ( 1 )   128 - 136   2008年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    Adenosine trisphosphate (ATP) activates purinoceptors and acts as a neurotransmitter in the nervous system. In the retina, we previously reported that the immunohistochemical distribution of the subset of P2-purinoceptors differs between the ON and OFF pathways. Here, we investigated whether ATP activates P2-purinoceptors and modulates the physiological function of the mouse retina. We also examined if signal processing by P2-purinoceptors is pathway specific. Results showed that ATP activated both ON- and OFF-cholinergic amacrine cells. However, responses in OFF-cholinergic amacrine cells were greater than those in ON-cholinergic amacrine cells. Pharmacological studies in OFF-cholinergic amacrine cells showed that the response of OFF-cholinergic amacrine cells is mediated P2X(2)-purinoceptors. Further, ATP increased gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs) in OFF- but not ON-cholinergic amacrine cells. The increase in GABAergic IPSCs was mediated by P2-purinoceptors. P2-purinoceptor-mediated signals suppressed OFF ganglion cells but activated ON ganglion cells. Our findings indicate that ATP physiologically modulates signal processing of the ON and OFF pathways in a pathway-specific manner through P2-purinoceptors.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2008.06317.x

    Web of Science



  • A general framework for investigating how far the decoding process in the brain can be simplified. 査読

    Oizumi M, Ishii T, Ishibashi K, Hosoya T, Okada M

    Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 21, Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, December 8-11, 2008   1225 - 1232   2008年


    出版者・発行元:Curran Associates, Inc.  


    その他リンク: http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/nips/nips2008.html#conf/nips/OizumiIIHO08



  • Reversal potential of GABA responses in starburst amacrine cells changes during developmental period in the mouse retina.

    Yin C, Ishii T, Kaneda M

    J. Physiol. Sci.   74   S259 - S259   2024年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(全国大会,その他学術会議)  


  • The effect of acetylcholine on the starburst amacrine cells in the mouse retina.

    Gangi M, Maruyama T, Ishii T, Kaneda M

    J. Physiol. Sci.   74   S212 - S212   2024年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(全国大会,その他学術会議)  


  • P2X3 receptors modulate the transmission of visual information in the retina. 査読

    Ishii T, Shimohata A, Shimogori T, Kaneda M

    J. Physiol. Sci.   74   S204 - S204   2024年


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(全国大会,その他学術会議)  


  • Starburst amacrine cells form gap junctions in the early postnatal stage of the mouse retina.

    Ishii T, Maruyama T, Kaneda M

    J. Physiol. Sci.   73   S89 - S89   2023年


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(全国大会,その他学術会議)  


  • ON and OFF starburst amacrine cells are controlled by distinct cholinergic pathways.

    Gangi M, Maruyama T, Ishii T, Kaneda M

    J. Physiol. Sci.   73   S143 - S143   2023年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(全国大会,その他学術会議)  


  • マウス網膜におけるP2X3受容体はON型およびOFF型網膜神経節細胞に対し非対称な応答を誘導する

    石井俊行, 下畑充志, 鈴木千晶, 下郡智美, 金田誠

    日本神経化学会大会抄録集(Web)   65th   2022年


  • Starburst amacrine cells in the early postnatal development form gap junctions.

    Maruyama T, Ishii T, Usui S, Shimizu M, KanedaM

    J. Physiol. Sci.   72   S139 - S139   2022年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(全国大会,その他学術会議)  


  • Contribution of P2X3 receptors to visual information processing in the retina.

    Ishii T, Shimohata A, Suzuki C, Shimogori T, Kaneda M

    J. Physiol. Sci.   72   S114 - S114   2022年


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(全国大会,その他学術会議)  


  • Acetylcholine release from ON and OFF starburst amacrine cells are regulated by different feedback mechanisms.

    Gangi M, Maruyama T, Ishii T, Kaneda M

    J. Physiol. Sci.   72   S115 - S115   2022年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(全国大会,その他学術会議)  


  • Effects of Gonadal Hormones On Glutamatergic Circuits in the Retina

    OhkumaM, Maruyama T, Ishii T, Igarashi N, Azuma K, Inoue T, Obata R, Miyachi E, Kaneda M

    Research Square   2021年10月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Research Square Platform LLC  


    Gonadal hormones function as neurosteroids in the retina; however, their targets in the retina have not yet been identified. The present study examined the effects of gonadal hormones on glutamatergic circuits in the retina. Extracellular glutamate concentrations, which correspond to the amount of glutamate released, were monitored using an enzyme-linked fluorescent assay system. Progesterone and pregnenolone both increased extracellular glutamate concentrations at a physiological concentration in pregnancy, whereas estrogen and testosterone did not. Synaptic level observations using a patch clamp technique revealed that progesterone increased the activity of glutamatergic synapses. We also investigated whether high concentrations of gonadal hormones induced changes in the retina during pregnancy. The present results indicate that progesterone activates glutamatergic circuits as a neurosteroid when its concentration is elevated in pregnancy.

    DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-967890/v1


    その他リンク: https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-967890/v1.html

  • The C‐terminal domain is required for mGluR6 cell‐surface localization

    Atsushi Shimohata, Dilip Rai, Takumi Akagi, Toshiyuki Ishii, Mie Gangi, Takuma Maruyama, Yuko Wada‐Kiyama, Ikuo Ogiwara, Makoto Kaneda

    The FASEB Journal   35 ( S1 )   2021年5月



    DOI: 10.1096/fasebj.2021.35.s1.01591


  • Two types of Cl transporters contribute to the intracellular Cl concentrations in ON- and OFF-type bipolar cells in the retina.

    Yin C, Ishii T, Kaneda M

    J. Physiol. Sci.   71   S126 - S126   2021年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(全国大会,その他学術会議)  


  • 網膜におけるアセチルコリンの役割の検討

    雁木美衣, 石井俊行, 金田誠

    日本医科大学医学会雑誌   16 ( 4 )   263 - 264   2021年


  • The roles of the intracellular C-terminal domain in mGluR6 cell surface localization.

    Akagi T, Rai D, Shimohata A, Ishii T, Gangi M, Maruyama T, Wada-Kiyama Y, Ogiwara I, Kaneda M

    J. Physiol. Sci.   71   S125 - S125   2021年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(全国大会,その他学術会議)  


  • Novel transporter-independent acetylcholine synthesis in the mouse retina.

    Ishii T, Homma K, Maruyama T, Mano A, Kakinuma Y, Kaneda M

    J. Physiol. Sci.   71   S139 - S139   2021年


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(全国大会,その他学術会議)  


  • Interspike intervals within retinal spike bursts combinatorially encode multiple stimulus features

    Toshiyuki Ishii, Toshihiko Hosoya

    bioRxiv   16 ( 11 )   e1007726 - e1007726   2020年2月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   出版者・発行元:Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory  

    <title>Abstract</title>Neurons in various regions of the brain generate spike bursts. While the number of spikes within a burst has been shown to carry information, information coding by interspike intervals (ISIs) is less well understood. In particular, a burst with <italic>k</italic> spikes has <italic>k</italic>−1 intraburst ISIs, and these <italic>k</italic>−1 ISIs could theoretically encode <italic>k</italic>−1 independent values. In this study, we demonstrate that such combinatorial coding occurs for retinal bursts. By recording ganglion cell spikes from isolated salamander retinae, we found that intraburst ISIs encode oscillatory light sequences that are much faster than the light intensity modulation encoded by the number of spikes. When a burst has three spikes, the two intraburst ISIs combinatorially encode the amplitude and phase of the oscillatory sequence. Analysis of trial-to-trial variability suggested that intraburst ISIs are regulated by two independent mechanisms responding to orthogonal oscillatory components, one of which is common to bursts with different number of spikes. Therefore, the retina encodes multiple stimulus features by exploiting all degrees of freedom of burst spike patterns, i.e., the spike number and multiple intraburst ISIs.

    <sec><title>Author Summary</title>Neurons in various regions of the brain generate spike bursts. Bursts are typically composed of a few spikes generated within dozens of milliseconds, and individual bursts are separated by much longer periods of silence (∼hundreds of milliseconds). Recent evidence indicates that the number of spikes in a burst, the interspike intervals (ISIs), and the overall duration of a burst, as well as the timing of burst onset, encode information. However, it remains unknown whether multiple ISIs within a single burst encode multiple independent information contents. Here we demonstrate that such combinatorial ISI coding occurs for spike bursts in the retina. We recorded ganglion cell spikes from isolated salamander retinae stimulated with computer-generated movies. Visual response analyses indicated that multiple ISIs within a single burst combinatorially encode the phase and amplitude of oscillatory light sequences, which are different from the stimulus feature encoded by the spike number. The result demonstrates that the retina encodes multiple stimulus features by exploiting all degrees of freedom of burst spike patterns, i.e., the spike number and multiple intraburst ISIs. Because synaptic transmission in the visual system is highly sensitive to ISIs, the combinatorial ISI coding must have a major impact on visual information processing.


    DOI: 10.1101/2020.02.13.947283


  • 2種類のClトランスポーターがマウス網膜ON型及びOFF型双極細胞における細胞内Cl濃度の調節に関与する

    尹成珠, 石井俊行, 金田誠

    日本医科大学医学会雑誌   16 ( 4 )   238 - 239   2020年


  • 代謝型グルタミン酸6型受容体の細胞膜発現におけるC末端領域の役割

    赤木 巧, 石井 俊行, 荻原 郁夫, 金田 誠

    日本医科大学医学会雑誌   15 ( 4 )   254 - 254   2019年10月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本医科大学医学会  


  • Physiological Characterization of AMPA Receptor Positive Allosteric Modulators PF-04958242 and LY451395.


    日本医科大学医学会雑誌   14 ( 4 )   202 - 203   2018年4月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語  


  • ヒト線維芽細胞由来光感受性細胞は細胞株の起源により表現型が異なる

    石井俊行, 尹成珠, 世古裕子, 梅澤明弘, 金田誠

    日本医科大学医学会雑誌   14 ( 4 )   188 - 188   2018年4月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:日本語  


  • Comparative studies of AMPA receptor positive allosteric modulators PF-04958242 and PF-04531686

    Stolz J.R, Ishii T, Swanson G.T

    FASEB J.   31 ( 1 )   663.1   2017年


  • Transporter-independent choline uptake in the mouse retina.

    Ishii T, Homma K, Shigematsu Y, Shimoda Y, Kaneda M

    J. Physiol. Sci.   65   S268 - S268   2015年


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(全国大会,その他学術会議)  


  • Pathway-dependent modulation of cholinergic amacrine cells in the mouse retina

    Ishii T, Kaneda M

    J. Physiol. Sci.   64   S33 - S33   2014年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(全国大会,その他学術会議)  


  • Asymmetric glycinergic inputs between ON and OFF pathway in the mouse retina.

    Ishii T, Kaneda M

    J. Physiol. Sci.   63   S205 - S205   2013年


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語  


  • A novel regular structure of neocortical microcircuits. 査読

    Hosoya T, Kubota K, Maruoka H, Kurokawa R, Manabe T, Ishii T

    Neurosci. Res.   61   S13 - S13   2008年




  • Burst ISI coding is conserved across species

    Toshiyuki Ishii, Toshihiko Hosoya

    NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH   58   S215 - S215   2007年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD  

    Web of Science


  • Retinal spikes encode multiple quantities in a time-compressive manner.

    理論と実験の融合による神経回路機能の統合的理解   5 - 5   2007年


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語  


  • Retinal spikes encode multiple quantities in a time-compressive manner.

    Ishii T, Manabe T, Hosoya T

    Recent Advances in Cortical and Hippocampal Microcircuits   41 - 41   2006年


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語  


  • Burst temporal coding by the retina

    Toshiyuki Ishii, Toshihiko Hosoya

    NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH   55   S225 - S225   2006年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD  

    Web of Science


  • Burst temporal coding by the retina.

    Ishii T, Hosoya T

    Neuronal circuits: from structure to function   9 - 9   2006年


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語  


  • Pathway specific signal modulation by purinergic receptors in the parallel processing system

    Makoto Kaneda, Toshiyuki Ishii, Yasuhide Shigematsu, Toshihiko Hosoya, Yukio Shimoda

    NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH   55   S176 - S176   2006年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD  

    Web of Science




  • Retinal spikes encode multiple quantities in a time-compressive manner.

    Ishii T, Manabe T, Hosoya T

    生理研/統合脳 国際シンポジウム  2006年7月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • マウス網膜P2Xプリン受容体を介する情報処理はON経路とOFF経路で異なる

    金田誠, 石井俊行, 重松康秀, 細谷俊彦, 霜田幸雄

    生理学研究所研究会  2005年9月 


  • Burst Temporal Coding by the Retina. 国際会議

    Ishii T, Hosoya T

    Cold Spring Harbor  2006年3月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • Burst Temporal Coding by the Retina. 国際会議

    Ishii T, Hosoya T

    Computational and systems neuroscience conference  2006年3月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • Retinal spike bursts encode multiple quantities 国際会議

    Hosoya T, Ishii T, Manabe T

    Society for neuroscience  2006年10月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • P2X受容体を介したマウス網膜における経路特異的な応答の修飾

    金田誠, 石井俊行, 重松康秀, 細谷俊彦, 霜田幸雄

    生理学研究所研究会  2006年9月 




  • Contribution of P2X3 receptors to visual information processing in the retina.

    Ishii T, Shimohata A, Suzuki C, Shimogori T, Kaneda M

    Society for neuroscience  2021年11月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • The role of P2X2 receptor for acetylcholine synthesis pathway.

    Maruyama T, Ishii T, Mano A, Kakinuma Y, Kaneda M

    Society for neuroscience  2021年11月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • P2X2 receptor-mediated novel acetylcholine synthesis pathway

    Maruyama T, Ishii T, Mano A, Kakinuma Y, Kaneda M

    日本神経科学大会  2021年7月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • Novel transporter-independent acetylcholine synthesis in the mouse retina.

    Ishii T, Homma K, Maruyama T, Mano A, Kakinuma Y, Kaneda M

    日本生理学会大会  2021年3月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • 網膜におけるアセチルコリンの役割の検討.

    雁木美衣, 石井俊行, 金田誠

    日本医科大学医学会総会  2021年9月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • Modulation of visual information via P2X3 receptors in the mouse retina

    Ishii T, Shimohata A, Suzuki C, Shimogori T, Kaneda M

    日本神経科学大会  2021年7月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • Localization of novel ATP permeable channel, CALHM2, in the mouse nervous system.

    Ishii T, Akagi T, Kaneda M

    日本神経科学大会  2020年7月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • The analysis of novel ATP release channel in the mitochondria.

    Ishii T., Akagi T., and Kaneda M.

    日本生理学会大会  2020年3月 




  • Two types of Cl transporters contribute to the intracellular Cl concentrations in ON- and OFF-type bipolar cells in the retina.

    Yin C, Ishii T, Kaneda M

    日本生理学会大会  2021年3月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • The roles of the intracellular C-terminal domain in mGluR6 cell surface localization.

    Akagi T, Rai D, Shimohata A, Ishii T, Gangi M, Maruyama T, Wada-Kiyama Y, Ogiwara I, Kaneda M

    日本生理学会大会  2021年3月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • Maruyama T., Kiyama Y., Ogiwara I., and Kaneda M. Involvement of the C-terminal domain in cell surface expression and G-protein coupling of mGluR6.

    Shimohata A., Rai D., Akagi T., Ishii T., Gangi M., Maruyama T., Kiyama Y., Ogiwara I., and Kaneda M.

    日本生理学会大会  2020年3月 




  • Contribution of bicarbonate permeability to the reversal potential of GABA responses in bipolar cells of the mouse retina.

    Yin C., Ishii T., and Kaneda M.

    日本生理学会大会  2020年3月 




  • The developmental change of gap junction in starburst amacrine cells of the mouse retina.

    Maruyama T., Ishii T., and Kaneda M.

    日本生理学会大会  2020年3月 




  • Asymmetric properties of ON and OFF starburst amacrine cells in the retina.

    Gangi M., Ishii T., and Kaneda M.

    日本神経科学大会  2019年7月 




  • Interspike intervals within retinal spike bursts combinatorially encode oscillatory light sequences.

    Ishii T., and Hosoya T.

    日本神経科学大会  2019年7月 




  • Store-operated Orai1 channels regulate Ca2+ signaling in dendritic spines, synaptic plasticity, and cognition.

    Maneshi M., Toth A.B., Ishii T., Radulovic J.M., Swanson G.T., Prakriya M.





  • 代謝型グルタミン酸6型受容体の細胞膜発現におけるC末端領域の役割


    日本医科大学医学会総会  2019年9月 




  • Physiological characterization of AMPA receptor positive allosteric modulators PF-04958242 and LY-451395. 招待

    石井 俊行

    日本医科大学医学会総会  2018年9月 




  • Physiological characterization of AMPA receptor positive allosteric modulators PF-04958242 and LY-451395.

    Ishii T, Stolz J.R, Swanson G.T

    日本神経科学大会  2018年7月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • Roles of the C-terminal domain in cell surface expression of mGluR6.

    Akagi T., Rai D., Shimohata A., Ishii T., Gangi M., Maruyama T., Ogiwara I. and Kaneda M.

    日本神経科学大会  2019年7月 




  • NKCC1 and KCC2 determine the surround response of ON- and OFF-bipolar cells in the mouse retina.

    Yin C., Ishii T., and Kaneda M.

    日本神経科学大会  2019年7月 




  • Contribution of P2X3 receptor to light responses in the mouse retina.

    Ishii T, Ichinohe S, Suzuki C, Takahashi H, Kaneda M

    日本神経科学大会  2017年7月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • Comparative studies of AMPA receptor positive allosteric modulators PF-04958242 and PF-04531686. 国際会議

    Stolz J.R, Ishii T, Swanson G.T

    Experimental Biology 2017 (ASPET)  2017年4月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • Functional characterization of AMPA receptor positive allosteric modulators PF-04958242 and LY-451395. 国際会議

    Ishii T, Stolz J.R, Swanson G.T

    World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (WCP2018)  2018年6月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • Physiological contribution of P2X-purinoceptor at postreceptoral processing in the mouse retina.

    Ichinohe S, Ishii T, Takahashi H, Kaneda M

    日本神経科学大会  2016年7月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • The breakdown of the symmetric signal processing by pathway-dependent synaptic inputs to cholinergic amacrine cells in the retina.

    Ishii T, Kaneda M

    日本生理学会大会  2016年3月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • P2X-purinoceptor-mediated choline uptake.

    Kaneda M, Ishii T, Homma K, Mano A, Shigematsu Y, Inoue H, Kakinuma Y

    日本生理学会大会  2017年3月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:シンポジウム・ワークショップ パネル(公募)  


  • Choline transport through P2X2-purinergic receptors in the mouse retina. 国際会議

    Kaneda M, Ishii T, Homma K, Mano A, Shigematsu Y, Shimoda Y, Kakinuma Y

    Society for neuroscience  2016年11月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • Pathway Specific Signal Modulation by P2X-Purinoceptors in the Parallel Processing System of the Mouse Retina. 国際会議

    Kaneda M, Ishii T, Shigematsu Y, Hosoya T, Shimoda Y

    Asian Conference on Vision  2006年7月 




  • Crizotinib disrupt visual processing in the mouse retina. Society for neuroscience. 国際会議

    Ishii T, Iwasawa S, Kurimoto R, Maeda A, Takiguchi Y, Kaneda M

    Society for neuroscience  2015年10月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • 末梢血単核細胞から網膜視細胞様細胞への直接的分化誘導

    小牟田縁, 石井俊行, 金田誠, 上田泰次, 豊田雅士, 梅澤明弘, 世古裕子

    日本分子生物学会年会  2015年12月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • マルチ電極法を用いたマウス網膜光応答に対するALK 阻害薬の作用評価

    石井俊行, 岩澤俊一郎, 栗本遼太, 前田朱美, 鈴木千晶, 碓井澄子, 滝口裕一, 金田誠

    日本肺癌学会学術集会  2015年11月 


    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • Pathway-specific inputs of starburst amacrine cells in the mouse retina.

    Ishii T, Kaneda M

    日本神経科学大会  2014年9月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • マウス網膜OFF型コリン作動性ニューロンP2X型プリン受容体陽イオンチャネルを介したコリン取り込み機構

    金田誠, 石井俊行, 本間耕平, 重松康秀, 霜田幸雄, 井上浩義

    視覚科学フォーラム  2014年8月 


    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • Transporter-independent choline uptake in the mouse retina.

    Ishii T, Homma K, Mano A, Shigematsu Y, Shimoda Y, Kakinuma Y, Kaneda M

    日本神経科学大会  2015年7月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • Transporter-independent choline uptake in the mouse retina.

    Ishii T, Homma K, Shigematsu Y, Shimoda Y, Kaneda M

    日本生理学会大会  2015年3月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • Pathway-dependent modulation of cholinergic amacrine cells in the mouse retina.

    Ishii T, Kaneda M

    日本生理学会大会  2014年3月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:シンポジウム・ワークショップ パネル(公募)  


  • マウス網膜コリン作動性アマクリン細胞における入力応答の経路特異性

    石井俊行, 金田誠

    Retina Research Meeting  2013年11月 


    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • ヒト培養誘導網膜視細胞の光応答について

    世古裕子, 東範行, 石井俊行, 小牟田緑, 金田誠, 梅澤明弘

    視覚科学フォーラム  2014年8月 


    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • Pathway-specific inputs of starburst amacrine cells and its implication on light responses to ganglion cells in the mouse retina. 国際会議

    Ishii T, Kaneda M

    FASEB - Retinal Neurobiology and Visual Processing –  2014年6月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • マウス網膜コリン作動性アマクリン細胞への入力特異性

    石井俊行, 金田誠

    視覚科学フォーラム  2013年8月 


    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • Asymmetric glycinergic inputs between ON and OFF pathway in the mouse retina.

    Ishii T, Kaneda M

    日本生理学会大会  2013年3月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • A novel regular structure of neocortical microcircuits.

    Hosoya T, Kubota M, Maruoka H, Kurokawa R, Manabe T, Ishii T

    日本神経科学大会  2008年7月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:シンポジウム・ワークショップ パネル(指名)  


  • Retinal spike bursts encode multiple quantities in a time-compressive manner.

    石井俊行, 真鍋友則, 細谷俊彦

    生理学研究所研究会  2007年11月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • A general framework for investigating how far the decoding process in the brain can be simplified. 国際会議

    Oizumi M, Ishii T, Ishibashi K, Hosoya T, Okada M

    Neural Information Processing Systems  2008年12月 




  • 脳内情報の復号化はどれだけ簡略化され得るのか?

    大泉匡史, 石井俊行, 石橋和也, 細谷俊彦, 岡田真人

    日本神経回路学会  2008年9月 


  • Retinal spike bursts encode multiple quantities

    Hosoya T, Ishii T, Manabe T

    日本生理学会大会  2007年3月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:シンポジウム・ワークショップ パネル(公募)  


  • OFF-pathway-specific signal modulation by P2X-purinoceptors in the mouse retina

    Kaneda M, Ishii T, Shigematsu Y, Hosoya T, Shimoda Y

    日本生理学会大会  2007年3月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:シンポジウム・ワークショップ パネル(公募)  


  • Burst ISI coding is conserved across species. 国際会議

    Ishii T, Manabe T, Hosoya T

    Society for neuroscience  2007年11月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • Burst ISI coding is conserved across species.

    Ishii T, Hosoya T

    日本神経科学会  2007年9月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • How far the decoding process in the brain can be simplified? 国際会議

    Oizumi M, Ishii T, Ishibashi K, Hosoya T, Okada M

    Computational and Systems Neuroscience  2009年2月 




  • Pathway specific signal modulation by P2X-purinoceptors in the mouse retina. 国際会議

    Kaneda M, Ishii T, Shigematsu Y, Hosoya T, Shimoda Y

    Society for neuroscience  2006年10月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • Burst Temporal Coding by the Retina.

    Ishii T, Hosoya T

    日本神経科学大会  2006年7月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • Pathway specific signal modulation by purinergic receptors in the parallel processing system.

    Kaneda M, Ishii T, Shigematsu Y, Hosoya T

    日本神経科学大会  2006年7月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • ON and OFF starburst amacrine cells are differentially regulated through distinct acetylcholine receptors.

    Gangi M, Maruyama T, Ishii T, Kaneda M

    Society for neuroscience  2022年11月 




  • Starburst amacrine cells form gap junctions in early postnatal stage of the mouse retina.

    Ishii T, Maruyama T, Kaneda M

    Society for neuroscience  2022年11月 




  • Starburst amacrine cells in the early postnatal development form gap junctions.

    Maruyama T, Ishii T, Usui S, Shimizu M, KanedaM

    日本生理学会大会  2022年3月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • Enzyme linked fluorescent assay systemを用いたマウス網膜グルタミン酸放出の可視化

    金田誠, 石井俊行, 丸山拓真, 大熊真人, 宮地栄一

    Retina Research Meeting  2022年11月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • Starburst amacrine cells form gap junctions in the early postnatal stage of the mouse retina.

    Ishii T, Maruyama T, Kaneda M

    日本生理学会大会  2023年3月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • ON and OFF starburst amacrine cells are controlled by distinct cholinergic pathways.

    Gangi M, Maruyama T, Ishii T, Kaneda M

    日本生理学会大会  2023年3月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • Starburst amacrine cells form gap junctions in the early postnatal stage of the mouse retina.

    Ishii T, Maruyama T, Kaneda M

    日本神経科学大会  2023年8月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • Contribution of P2X3 receptors to visual information processing in the retina.

    Ishii T, Shimohata A, Suzuki C, Shimogori T, Kaneda M

    日本生理学会大会  2022年3月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • Acetylcholine release from ON and OFF starburst amacrine cells are regulated by different feedback mechanisms.

    Gangi M, Maruyama T, Ishii T, Kaneda M

    日本生理学会大会  2022年3月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • P2X3 receptors in the mouse retina elicit an asymmetric response to ON-type and OFF-type retinal ganglion cells.

    Ishii T, Shimohata A, Suzuki C, Shimogori T, Kaneda M

    日本神経科学大会  2022年7月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • Acetylcholine release of ON and OFF starburst amacrine cells are regulated through different acetylcholine receptors.

    Gangi M, Maruyama T, Ishii T, Kaneda M

    日本神経科学大会  2022年7月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • Starburst amacrine cells form gap junctions with other cell types in early postnatal stage of the mouse retina.

    Kaneda M, Ishii T, Maruyama T

    FAOPS  2023年11月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • P2X3 receptors modulate the transmission of visual information in the retina.

    Ishii T, Shimohata A, Shimogori T, Kaneda M

    日本生理学会大会  2024年3月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • The effect of acetylcholine on the starburst amacrine cells in the mouse retina.

    Gangi M, Maruyama T, Ishii T, Kaneda M

    日本生理学会大会  2024年3月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • Reversal potential of GABA responses in starburst amacrine cells changes during developmental period in the mouse retina.

    Yin C, Ishii T, Kaneda M

    日本生理学会大会  2024年3月 


    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


