Updated on 2024/11/23


Miyagawa Yoshitaka
Faculty of Medicine, Department of Molecular and Medical Genetics, Senior Assistant Professor
Senior Assistant Professor
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Research Interests

  • Gene therapy

  • Cell therapy

  • 小児腫瘍

  • 人工多能性幹細胞

  • ヘルペスウイルス

  • 間葉系幹細胞

  • Gene expression

  • HSV

Research Areas

  • Life Science / Cell biology

  • Life Science / Tumor biology

  • Life Science / Biomaterials

  • Nanotechnology/Materials / Chemistry and chemical methodology of biomolecules

  • Life Science / Neurology

  • Life Science / Biomedical engineering

  • Life Science / Applied molecular and cellular biology

  • Life Science / Pharmaceutical hygiene and biochemistry

  • Life Science / Molecular biology

  • Life Science / Virology  / ウイルス学

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  • 九州大学大学院   生物資源環境科学府   博士課程

    2002.4 - 2005.3

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  • 九州大学大学院   生物資源環境科学府   修士課程

    2000.4 - 2002.3

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  • Kyushu University   School of Agriculture

    1996.4 - 2000.3

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Research History

  • Nippon Medical School   Senior Assistant Professor


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  • University of Pittsburgh

    2011.9 - 2015.9

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  • University of Pittsburgh

    2009.7 - 2011.8

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  • 国立成育医療センター研究所   成育遺伝研究部   研究員

    2009.4 - 2009.6

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  • がん研究振興財団   リサーチレジデント

    2006.4 - 2009.3

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  • 国立成育医療センター研究所   発生分化研究部   研究員

    2005.4 - 2009.3

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  • 九州大学大学院   生物資源環境科学府   博士課程

    2002.4 - 2005.3

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  • Nippon Medical School

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Professional Memberships


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  • American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy

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  • 日本遺伝子細胞治療学会

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  • Mesenchymal stem cell origin contributes to the antitumor effect of oncolytic virus carriers. International journal

    Makoto Sukegawa, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Seiji Kuroda, Yoshiyuki Yamazaki, Motoko Yamamoto, Kumi Adachi, Hirofumi Sato, Yuriko Sato, Nobuhiko Taniai, Hiroshi Yoshida, Akihiro Umezawa, Mashito Sakai, Takashi Okada

    Molecular therapy. Oncology   32 ( 4 )   200896 - 200896   2024.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Oncolytic virotherapy shows promise as a cancer treatment approach; however, its systemic application is hindered by antibody neutralization. This issue can be overcome by using mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) as carrier cells for oncolytic viruses (OVs). However, it remains elusive whether MSC source influences the antitumor effect. Here, we demonstrate that their source affects the migration ability and oncolytic activity of OV-loaded MSCs. Among human MSCs derived from different tissues, bone marrow-derived MSCs (BMMSCs) showed a high migration ability toward cancer cells in two- and three-dimensional MSC-cancer cell co-culture models. Comprehensive gene expression and Gene Ontology-based functional analyses suggested that genes involved in cell migration and cytokine response influence the cancer-specific tropism of BMMSCs. Furthermore, MSC origin affected the susceptibility to OVs, including cytotoxicity resistance and OV release from MSCs. MSC-mediated OV delivery significantly increased the viral spread and antitumor activity compared with delivery by OVs alone, and OV-loaded BMMSCs demonstrated the most potent antitumor effect among OV-loaded MSCs. Our results offer promising insights into cancer gene therapy with carrier cells and can help with the selection of an appropriate MSC source for MSC-based OV therapy.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.omton.2024.200896



  • 水素水の飲用が網膜変性症6マウスの視細胞の構造と機能を改善する(Drinking hydrogen water improves photoreceptor structure and function in retinal degeneration 6 mice)

    Kameya Shuhei, Igarashi Tsutomu, Ohsawa Ikuroh, Kobayashi Maika, Miyazaki Kai, Igarashi Toru, Shiozawa Asaka Lee, Ikeda Yasuhiro, Miyagawa Yoshitaka, Sakai Mashito, Okada Takashi, Sakane Iwao, Takahashi Hiroshi

    眼科臨床紀要   16 ( 12 )   923 - 924   2023.12

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    Language:English   Publisher:眼科臨床紀要会  


  • 「細胞療法update」 間葉系幹細胞を応用した脳神経疾患に対する炎症制御療法

    仁藤 智香子, 高橋 史郎, 荒川 将史, 古寺 紘人, 宮川 世志幸, 岡田 尚巳, 木村 和美

    脳循環代謝   35 ( 1 )   44 - 44   2023.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本脳循環代謝学会  


  • Neat1 lncRNA organizes the inflammatory gene expressions in the dorsal root ganglion in neuropathic pain caused by nerve injury Reviewed

    Maruyama M, Sakai A, Fukunaga T, Miyagawa Y, Okada T, Hamada M, Suzuki H

    Front. Immunol.   14:1185322   2023.8

  • Induced pluripotent stem cell-derived mesenchymal stem cells attenuate cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury via anti-inflammation and anti-oxidative stress in rats

    Masafumi Arakawa, Yuki Sakamoto, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Chikako Nito, Shiro Takahashi, Yuko Nitahara-Kasahara, Satoshi Suda, Yoshiyuki Yamazaki, Mashito Sakai, Kazumi Kimura, Takashi Okada

    Molecular Therapy - Methods & Clinical Development   2023.7

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier BV  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.omtm.2023.07.005


  • 網膜色素変性モデルマウスに対する水素水飲用による視細胞保護効果の検討

    五十嵐 勉, 小林 舞香, 大澤 郁朗, 宮崎 海, 五十嵐 徹, 亀谷 修平, 塩澤 朝香, 池田 康博, 宮川 世志幸, 酒井 真志人, 岡田 尚巳, 高橋 浩

    日本眼科学会雑誌   127 ( 臨増 )   209 - 209   2023.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公財)日本眼科学会  


  • 網膜色素変性モデルマウスに対する水素水飲用による視細胞保護効果の検討

    五十嵐 勉, 宮川 世志幸, 酒井 真志人, 小林 舞香, 高橋 浩

    日本医科大学医学会雑誌   18 ( 4 )   462 - 462   2022.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本医科大学医学会  


  • ラット脳虚血モデルにおける羊膜由来間葉系幹細胞投与の脳保護効果

    高橋 史郎, 仁藤 智香子, 荒川 将史, 久保田 麻紗美, 須田 智, 宮川 世志幸, 笠原 優子, 澤 百合香, 酒井 真志人, 岡田 尚巳, 木村 和美

    脳循環代謝   34 ( 1 )   115 - 115   2022.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本脳循環代謝学会  


  • 一過性局所脳虚血モデルにおけるiPSC由来間葉系幹細胞(iMSC)の脳保護効果

    荒川 将史, 仁藤 智賀子, 宮川 世志幸, 坂本 悠記, 高橋 史郎, 笠原 優子, 須田 智, 酒井 真志人, 岡田 尚巳, 木村 和美

    脳循環代謝   34 ( 1 )   114 - 114   2022.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本脳循環代謝学会  


  • ラット脳虚血モデルにおける羊膜由来間葉系幹細胞投与の脳保護効果

    高橋 史郎, 仁藤 智香子, 荒川 将史, 久保田 麻紗美, 須田 智, 宮川 世志幸, 笠原 優子, 澤 百合香, 酒井 真志人, 岡田 尚巳, 木村 和美

    脳循環代謝   34 ( 1 )   115 - 115   2022.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本脳循環代謝学会  


  • 一過性局所脳虚血モデルにおけるiPSC由来間葉系幹細胞(iMSC)の脳保護効果

    荒川 将史, 仁藤 智賀子, 宮川 世志幸, 坂本 悠記, 高橋 史郎, 笠原 優子, 須田 智, 酒井 真志人, 岡田 尚巳, 木村 和美

    脳循環代謝   34 ( 1 )   114 - 114   2022.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本脳循環代謝学会  


  • 脳虚血に対するiPS細胞由来間葉系幹細胞治療の神経保護効果(Neuroprotective effects of iPSCs-derived mesenchymal stem cell therapy for cerebral ischemia)

    Arakawa Masafumi, Nito Chikako, Sakamoto Yuki, Takahashi Shiro, Suda Satoshi, Miyagawa Yoshitaka, Nitahara-Kasahara Yuko, Sakai Mashito, Okada Takashi, Kimura Kazumi

    臨床神経学   62 ( Suppl. )   S370 - S370   2022.10

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    Language:English   Publisher:(一社)日本神経学会  


  • Evaluation of parameters for efficient purification and long-term storage of herpes simplex virus-based vectors. International journal

    Seiji Kuroda, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Makoto Sukegawa, Taro Tomono, Motoko Yamamoto, Kumi Adachi, Gianluca Verlengia, William F Goins, Justus B Cohen, Joseph C Glorioso, Takashi Okada

    Molecular therapy. Methods & clinical development   26   132 - 143   2022.9

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Replication competent oncolytic herpes simplex virus (HSV) vectors have been used extensively to treat solid tumors with promising results. However, highly defective HSV vectors will be needed for applications that require sustained therapeutic gene expression in the absence of vector-related toxicity or inflammation. These vectors require complementing cell lines for their manufacture, creating significant challenges to achieve high yields of infectious virus particles. We recently described an improved upstream process for the production of a non-cytotoxic HSV vector for gene therapy applications. Here, we sought to optimize the downstream conditions for purification and long-term storage of the same vector, JΔNI5. We compared different methods to remove cellular impurities and concentrate the vector by monitoring both physical and biological titers, resulting in the establishment of optimal conditions for vector production. To optimize the long-term storage parameters for non-cytotoxic HSV vectors, we evaluated vector stability at low temperature and sensitivity to freeze-thaw cycles. We report that suboptimal purification and storage methods resulted in loss of vector viability. Our results describe effective and reproducible protocols for purification and storage of HSV vectors for pre-clinical studies.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.omtm.2022.06.007



  • Drinking hydrogen water improves photoreceptor structure and function in retinal degeneration 6 mice. International journal

    Tsutomu Igarashi, Ikuroh Ohsawa, Maika Kobayashi, Kai Miyazaki, Toru Igarashi, Shuhei Kameya, Asaka Lee Shiozawa, Yasuhiro Ikeda, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Mashito Sakai, Takashi Okada, Iwao Sakane, Hiroshi Takahashi

    Scientific reports   12 ( 1 )   13610 - 13610   2022.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a genetically heterogeneous group of inherited retinal disorders involving the progressive dysfunction of photoreceptors and the retinal pigment epithelium, for which there is currently no treatment. The rd6 mouse is a natural model of autosomal recessive retinal degeneration. Given the known contributions of oxidative stress caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS) and selective inhibition of potent ROS peroxynitrite and OH·by H2 gas we have previously demonstrated, we hypothesized that ingestion of H2 water may delay the progression of photoreceptor death in rd6 mice. H2 mice showed significantly higher retinal thickness as compared to controls on optical coherence tomography. Histopathological and morphometric analyses revealed higher thickness of the outer nuclear layer for H2 mice than controls, as well as higher counts of opsin red/green-positive cells. RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) analysis of differentially expressed genes in the H2 group versus control group revealed 1996 genes with significantly different expressions. Gene and pathway ontology analysis showed substantial upregulation of genes responsible for phototransduction in H2 mice. Our results show that drinking water high in H2 (1.2-1.6 ppm) had neuroprotective effects and inhibited photoreceptor death in mice, and suggest the potential of H2 for the treatment of RP.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-17903-8



  • A PCR-amplified transgene fragment flanked by a single copy of a truncated inverted terminal repeat for recombinant adeno-associated virus production prevents unnecessary plasmid DNA packaging. International journal

    Kumi Adachi, Taro Tomono, Hironori Okada, Yusuke Shiozawa, Motoko Yamamoto, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Takashi Okada

    Gene therapy   29 ( 7-8 )   449 - 457   2022.8

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The application of recombinant adeno-associated viruses (rAAVs) for gene therapy faces certain challenges, including genome packaging of non-vector sequences. Inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) flanking the rAAV genome, comprising three inverted repeat regions (A, B, and C) and a non-inverted repeat region (D), contribute to non-vector genome packaging. We aimed to circumvent this issue by comparing the properties of rAAV containing DNA plasmids and PCR-amplified transgenes, including a single copy of the AD sequence (rAAV-pAD/L-AD, respectively), which is a truncated form of ITR, with those of wild-type ITR genome (single-stranded and self-complementary AAV; ssAAV and scAAV). The packaging efficiency of rAAV-pAD/L-AD was found to be comparable to that of scAAV, whereas the transduction efficiency of rAAV-pAD/L-AD was lower than that of ss/scAAV. Remarkably, rAAV-L-AD reduced the plasmid backbone packaging contamination compared to ss/scAAV. Furthermore, to confirm the functionality of this system, we generated a rAAV-L-AD harboring a short hairpin RNA targeting ATP5B (rAAV-L-AD-shATP5B) and found that it caused a significant decrease in ATP5B mRNA levels when transduced into HEK293EB cells, suggesting that it was functional. Thus, our system successfully packaged L-AD into capsids with minimal contamination of plasmid DNA, offering a novel functional packaging platform without causing plasmid backbone encapsidation.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41434-021-00299-x



  • Generation of an Oncolytic Herpes Simplex Viral Vector Completely Retargeted to the GDNF Receptor GFRα1 for Specific Infection of Breast Cancer Cells. International journal

    Bonnie L Hall, Daniela Leronni, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, William F Goins, Joseph C Glorioso, Justus B Cohen

    International journal of molecular sciences   21 ( 22 )   2020.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Oncolytic herpes simplex viruses (oHSV) are under development for the treatment of a variety of human cancers, including breast cancer, a leading cause of cancer mortality among women worldwide. Here we report the design of a fully retargeted oHSV for preferential infection of breast cancer cells through virus recognition of GFRα1, the cellular receptor for glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF). GFRα1 displays a limited expression profile in normal adult tissue, but is upregulated in a subset of breast cancers. We generated a recombinant HSV expressing a completely retargeted glycoprotein D (gD), the viral attachment/entry protein, that incorporates pre-pro-GDNF in place of the signal peptide and HVEM binding domain of gD and contains a deletion of amino acid 38 to eliminate nectin-1 binding. We show that GFRα1 is necessary and sufficient for infection by the purified recombinant virus. Moreover, this virus enters and spreads in GFRα1-positive breast cancer cells in vitro and caused tumor regression upon intratumoral injection in vivo. Given the heterogeneity observed between and within individual breast cancers at the molecular level, these results expand our ability to deliver oHSV to specific tumors and suggest opportunities to enhance drug or viral treatments aimed at other receptors.

    DOI: 10.3390/ijms21228815



  • Protocol Optimization for the Production of the Non-Cytotoxic JΔNI5 HSV Vector Deficient in Expression of Immediately Early Genes. Reviewed International journal

    Seiji Kuroda, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Yuriko Sato, Motoko Yamamoto, Kumi Adachi, Hiromi Kinoh, William F Goins, Justus B Cohen, Joseph C Glorioso, Nobuhiko Taniai, Hiroshi Yoshida, Takashi Okada

    Molecular therapy. Methods & clinical development   17   612 - 621   2020.6

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Non-toxic herpes simplex virus (HSV) vectors can be generated by functional deletion of all immediate-early (IE) genes, providing a benign vehicle with potential for gene therapy. However, deletion of multiple IE genes raises manufacturing concerns and thus limits clinical application of these vectors. To address this issue, we previously developed a novel production cell line, called U2OS-ICP4/27, by lentiviral transduction of human osteosarcoma U2OS cells with two essential HSV IE genes, ICP4 and ICP27. To optimize the process of vector manufacturing on this platform, we evaluated several cell culture parameters of U2OS-ICP4/27 for high-titer and -quality production of non-toxic HSV vectors, revealing that the yields and functionality of these vectors can be significantly influenced by culturing conditions. We also found that several chemical compounds can enhance the replication of non-toxic HSV vectors and their release from producer cells into the supernatants. Notably, the vector produced by our optimized protocol displayed a greatly improved vector yield and quality and showed elevated transgene expression in cultures of primary dorsal root ganglion neurons. Taken together, our optimized production approach emerges as a relevant protocol for high-yield and high-quality preparation of non-toxic HSV-based gene therapy vectors.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.omtm.2020.03.014



  • Dorsal Root Ganglia Homeobox downregulation in primary sensory neurons contributes to neuropathic pain in rats Reviewed

    Takaya Ito, Atsushi Sakai, Motoyo Maruyama, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Takashi Okada, Haruhisa Fukayama, Hidenori Suzuki

    Molecular pain   16   2020.1

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1177/1744806920904462




  • がん治療用ウイルスベクター産生羊膜間葉系幹細胞の開発

    山崎 吉之, 笠原 優子, 宮川 世志幸, 岡田 尚巳, 宮崎 海

    日本医科大学医学会雑誌   15 ( 4 )   255 - 255   2019.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本医科大学医学会  


  • Biodistribution Analysis of Transgene Expression from a Non-Cytotoxic Herpes Simplex Virus Based Vector Reviewed

    Miyagawa Yoshitaka, Maruyama Motoyo, Kuroda Seiji, Sakai Atsushi, Sato Yuriko, Kinoh Hiromi, Yamamoto Motoko, Cohen Justus B, Glorioso Joseph C, Okada Takashi

    MOLECULAR THERAPY   27 ( 4 )   196   2019.4

  • Highly Efficient Ultracentrifugation-free Chromatographic Purification of Recombinant AAV Serotype 9. Reviewed

    Tomono T, Hirai Y, Okada H, Miyagawa Y, Adachi K, Sakamoto S, Kawano Y, Chono H, Mineno J, Ishii A, Shimada T, Onodera M, Tamaoka A, Okada T

    Molecular therapy. Methods & clinical development   11   180 - 190   2018.12

  • Cellular Antisilencing Elements Support Transgene Expression from Herpes Simplex Virus Vectors in the Absence of Immediate Early Gene Expression. Reviewed

    Han F, Miyagawa Y, Verlengia G, Ingusci S, Soukupova M, Simonato M, Glorioso JC, Cohen JB

    Journal of virology   92 ( 17 )   2018.9

  • Herpes Simplex Virus Vectors for Gene Transfer to the Central Nervous System. Reviewed

    Artusi S, Miyagawa Y, Goins WF, Cohen JB, Glorioso JC

    Diseases (Basel, Switzerland)   6 ( 3 )   2018.8

  • Refinements of rAAV8 Purification Protocol with Chromatography Technology

    Tomono, Taro, Hirai, Yukihiko, Okada, Hironori, Miyagawa, Yoshitaka, Adachi, Kumi, Ishii, Akiko, Shimada, Takashi, Tamaoka, Akira, Okada, Takashi

    MOLECULAR THERAPY   26 ( 5::1 )   328 - 328   2018.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:CELL PRESS  


  • Deletion of the Virion Host Shut-off Gene Enhances Neuronal-Selective TransgeneExpression from an HSV Vector Lacking Functional IE Genes Reviewed

    Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Gianluca Verlengia, Bonnie Reinhart, Fang Han, Hiroaki Uchida, Silvia Zucchini, William F. Goins, Michele Simonato, Justus B. Cohen, Joseph C. Glorioso


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:CELL PRESS  

    The ability of herpes simplex virus (HSV) to establish lifelong latency in neurons suggests that HSV-derived vectors hold promise for gene delivery to the nervous system. However, vector toxicity and transgene silencing have created significant barriers to vector applications to the brain. Recently, we described a vector defective for all immediate-early gene expression and deleted for the joint region between the two unique genome segments that proved capable of extended transgene expression in non-neuronal cells. Sustained expression required the proximity of boundary elements from the latency locus. As confirmed here, we have also found that a transgene cassette introduced into the ICP4 locus is highly active in neurons but silent in primary fibroblasts. Remarkably, we observed that removal of the virion host shutoff (vhs) gene further improved transgene expression in neurons without inducing expression of viral genes. In rat hippocampus, the vhs-deleted vector showed robust transgene expression exclusively in neurons for at least 1 month without evidence of toxicity or inflammation. This HSV vector design holds promise for gene delivery to the brain, including durable expression of large or complex transgene cassettes.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.omtm.2017.06.001

    Web of Science



  • Engineered HSV vector achieves safe long-term transgene expression in the central nervous system Reviewed

    Gianluca Verlengia, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Selene Ingusci, Justus B. Cohen, Michele Simonato, Joseph C. Glorioso

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   7 ( 1 )   1507   2017.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

    Previously we reported a new series of highly defective herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) vectors that were functionally devoid of all viral immediately early (IE) genes, resulting in virtual absence of viral gene expression. Nevertheless, a reporter gene cassette inserted into the vector flanked by boundary elements from the viral latency locus showed high, persistent reporter gene activity in non-neuronal cells while an independent expression cassette inserted into a deleted ICP4 locus remained almost silent. In contrast to non-neuronal cells, we show here that the ICP4 locus cassette permitted robust reporter gene expression in a diversity of neurons following stereotactic injection of different rat brain regions; transgene expression in the hippocampus lasted up to 6 months and was essentially restricted to neurons. No evidence of neuronal cell toxicity or induction of inflammatory cell infiltrates was observed. An independent reporter gene cassette located in an intergenic region remained silent, indicating that the transgene promoter and/or insertion site are critical for sustained expression. These findings suggest the suitability of this vector for therapeutic intervention into diseases of the central nervous system that require the expression of large and/or multiple therapeutic transgenes.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-01635-1

    Web of Science



  • Wnt signaling regulates hepatobiliary repair following cholestatic liver injury in mice Reviewed

    Hirohisa Okabe, Jing Yang, Kyle Sylakowski, Mladen Yovchev, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Shanmugam Nagarajan, Maria Chikina, Michael Thompson, Michael Oertel, Hideo Baba, Satdarshan P. Monga, Kari Nichole Nejak-Bowen

    HEPATOLOGY   64 ( 5 )   1652 - 1666   2016.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    Hepatic repair is directed chiefly by the proliferation of resident mature epithelial cells. Furthermore, if predominant injury is to cholangiocytes, the hepatocytes can transdifferentiate to cholangiocytes to assist in the repair and vice versa, as shown by various fate-tracing studies. However, the molecular bases of reprogramming remain elusive. Using two models of biliary injury where repair occurs through cholangiocyte proliferation and hepatocyte transdifferentiation to cholangiocytes, we identify an important role of Wnt signaling. First we identify up-regulation of specific Wnt proteins in the cholangiocytes. Next, using conditional knockouts of Wntless and Wnt coreceptors low-density lipoprotein-related protein 5/6, transgenic mice expressing stable -catenin, and in vitro studies, we show a role of Wnt signaling through -catenin in hepatocyte to biliary transdifferentiation. Last, we show that specific Wnts regulate cholangiocyte proliferation, but in a -catenin-independent manner. Conclusion: Wnt signaling regulates hepatobiliary repair after cholestatic injury in both -catenin-dependent and -independent manners. (Hepatology 2016;64:1652-1666)

    DOI: 10.1002/hep.28774

    Web of Science



  • Development of an oncolytic HSV vector fully retargeted specifically to cellular EpCAM for virus entry and cell-to-cell spread Reviewed

    T. Shibata, H. Uchida, T. Shiroyama, Y. Okubo, T. Suzuki, H. Ikeda, M. Yamaguchi, Y. Miyagawa, T. Fukuhara, J. B. Cohen, J. C. Glorioso, T. Watabe, H. Hamada, H. Tahara

    GENE THERAPY   23 ( 6 )   479 - 488   2016.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

    Oncolytic herpes simplex virus (HSV) vectors have attracted increasing attention as novel anti-cancer agents. HSV entry is triggered by the binding of glycoprotein D (gD) to its receptors, such as herpesvirus entry mediator or nectin-1. We have recently reported the construction of a fully retargeted HSV platform that incorporates single-chain antibodies (scFv) into gD to mediate entry exclusively via tumor-associated antigens. In this study, we created an scFv directed against epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM), a recognized carcinoma-associated antigen, and inserted it into the retargeted HSV platform that is ablated for gD recognition of its canonical receptors and contains the entry-enhancing mutations in gB we previously identified. We observed that both initial entry and subsequent cell-to-cell spread of the retargeted virus were stringently dependent on cellular EpCAM expression. Interestingly, the retargeted virus developed larger plaques on some of the human tumor lines tested than the control virus bearing wild-type gD. Intratumoral injection of the retargeted virus revealed antitumor activity in a mouse xenograft model. These observations illustrate the versatility of our retargeted HSV platform as it allows expansion of the oncolytic virus toolbox for the treatment of diverse cancers.

    DOI: 10.1038/gt.2016.17

    Web of Science



  • ウイルスベクタ-による遺伝子治療の可能性

    宮川 世志幸, 喜納 裕美, 岡田 尚己

    日本臨床プロテオーム研究会要旨集   2016   16   2016

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本臨床プロテオーム研究会  

    DOI: 10.14905/jscp.2016.0_16

    CiNii Research


  • Glycolipid dynamics in generation and differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells Reviewed

    Takuma Ojima, Eri Shibata, Shiho Saito, Masashi Toyoda, Hideki Nakajima, Mayu Yamazaki-Inoue, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Jun-ichiro Fujimoto, Toshinori Sato, Akihiro Umezawa

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   5   14988   2015.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

    Glycosphingolipids (GSLs) are glycoconjugates that function as mediators of cell adhesion and modulators of signal transduction. Some well-defined markers of undifferentiated human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) and human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) are glycoconjugates, such as SSEA-3, SSEA-4, TRA-1-60 and TRA-1-81. However, Comprehensive GSL profiles of hiPSCs have not yet been elucidated. The global images of GSLs from the parental cells, hiPSCs, and differentiated cells revealed that there are parental cell-independent specific glycolipids, including Globo H (fucosyl-Gb5Cer) and H type1 antigen (fucosyl-Lc4Cer) that are novel markers for undifferentiated hiPSCs. Interestingly, undifferentiated hiPSCs expressed H type 1 antigen, specific for blood type O, regardless of the cells' genotypes. Thus, in this study, we defined the dynamics of GSL remodeling during reprogramming from parental cell sets to iPSC sets and thence to iPSC-neural cells.

    DOI: 10.1038/srep14988

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  • Herpes simplex viral-vector design for efficient transduction of nonneuronal cells without cytotoxicity Reviewed

    Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Pietro Marino, Gianluca Verlengia, Hiroaki Uchida, William F. Goins, Shinichiro Yokota, David A. Geller, Osamu Yoshida, Joseph Mester, Justus B. Cohen, Joseph C. Glorioso


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:NATL ACAD SCIENCES  

    The design of highly defective herpes simplex virus (HSV) vectors for transgene expression in nonneuronal cells in the absence of toxic viral-gene activity has been elusive. Here, we report that elements of the latency locus protect a nonviral promoter against silencing in primary human cells in the absence of any viral-gene expression. We identified a CTCF motif cluster 5' to the latency promoter and a known long-term regulatory region as important elements for vigorous transgene expression from a vector that is functionally deleted for all five immediate-early genes and the 15-kb internal repeat region. We inserted a 16.5-kb expression cassette for full-length mouse dystrophin and report robust and durable expression in dystrophin-deficient muscle cells in vitro. Given the broad cell tropism of HSV, our design provides a nontoxic vector that can accommodate large transgene constructs for transduction of a wide variety of cells without vector integration, thereby filling an important void in the current arsenal of gene-therapy vectors.

    DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1423556112

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  • Use of miRNA Response Sequences to Block Off-target Replication and Increase the Safety of an Unattenuated, Glioblastoma-targeted Oncolytic HSV Reviewed

    Lucia Mazzacurati, Marco Marzulli, Bonnie Reinhart, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hiroaki Uchida, William F. Goins, Aofei Li, Balveen Kaur, Michael Caligiuri, Timothy Cripe, Nino Chiocca, Nduka Amankulor, Justus B. Cohen, Joseph C. Glorioso, Paola Grandi

    MOLECULAR THERAPY   23 ( 1 )   99 - 107   2015.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

    Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is an aggressive brain cancer for which there is no effective treatment. Oncolytic HSV vectors (oHSVs) are attenuated lytic viruses that have shown promise in the treatment of human GBM models in animals, but their efficacy in early phase patient trials has been limited. Instead of attenuating the virus with mutations in virulence genes, we engineered four copies of the recognition sequence for miR-124 into the 3'UTR of the essential ICP4 gene to protect healthy tissue against lytic virus replication; miR-124 is expressed in neurons but not in glioblastoma cells. Following intracranial inoculation into nude mice, the miR-124-sensitive vector failed to replicate or show overt signs of pathogenesis. To address the concern that this safety feature may reduce oncolytic activity, we inserted the miR-124 response elements into an unattenuated, human receptor (EGFR/ EGFRvIII)-specific HSV vector. We found that miR-124 sensitivity did not cause a loss of treatment efficiency in an orthotopic model of primary human GBM in nude mice. These results demonstrate that engineered miR-124 responsiveness can eliminate off-target replication by unattenuated oHSV without compromising oncolytic activity, thereby providing increased safety.

    DOI: 10.1038/mt.2014.177

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  • Removal of Reprogramming Transgenes Improves the Tissue Reconstitution Potential of Keratinocytes Generated From Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Reviewed

    Ken Igawa, Chikara Kokubu, Kosuke Yusa, Kyoji Horie, Yasuhide Yoshimura, Kaori Yamauchi, Hirofumi Suemori, Hiroo Yokozeki, Masashi Toyoda, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Hajime Okita, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hidenori Akutsu, Akihiro Umezawa, Ichiro Katayama, Junji Takeda

    STEM CELLS TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE   3 ( 9 )   992 - 1001   2014.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY  

    Human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) lines have a great potential for therapeutics because customized cells and organs can be induced from such cells. Assessment of the residual reprogramming factors after the generation of hiPSC lines is required, but an ideal system has been lacking. Here, we generated hiPSC lines from normal human dermal fibroblasts with piggyBac transposon bearing reprogramming transgenes followed by removal of the transposon by the transposase. Under this condition, we compared the phenotypes of transgene-residual and -free hiPSCs of the same genetic background. The transgene-residual hiPSCs, in which the transcription levels of the reprogramming transgenes were eventually suppressed, were quite similar to the transgene-free hiPSCs in a pluripotent state. However, after differentiation into keratinocytes, clear differences were observed. Morphological, functional, and molecular analyses including single-cell gene expression profiling revealed that keratinocytes from transgene-free hiPSC lines were more similar to normal human keratinocytes than those from transgene-residual hiPSC lines, which may be partly explained by reactivation of residual transgenes upon induction of keratinocyte differentiation. These results suggest that transgene-free hiPSC lines should be chosen for therapeutic purposes.

    DOI: 10.5966/sctm.2013-0179

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  • An Efficient Method for Differentiation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells into Hepatocyte-like Cells Retaining Drug Metabolizing Activity Reviewed

    Yuki Kondo, Takahiro Iwao, Katsunori Nakamura, Takamitsu Sasaki, Shogo Takahashi, Noboru Kamada, Tsutomu Matsubara, Frank J. Gonzalez, Hidenori Akutsu, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hajime Okita, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Masashi Toyoda, Akihiro Umezawa, Kiyoshi Nagata, Tamihide Matsunaga, Shigeru Ohmori

    DRUG METABOLISM AND PHARMACOKINETICS   29 ( 3 )   237 - 243   2014.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:JAPANESE SOC STUDY XENOBIOTICS  

    The use of human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells would be of great value for a variety of applications involving drug development studies. Several reports have been published on the differentiation of human iPS cells into hepatocyte-like cells; however, the cells were insufficient for application in drug metabolism studies. In this study, we aimed to establish effective methods for differentiation of human iPS cells into hepatocytes. Two human iPS cell lines were differentiated by addition of activin A, dimethyl sulfoxide, hepatocyte growth factor, oncostatin M, and dexamethasone. The differentiated cells expressed hepatocyte markers and drug-metabolizing enzymes, revealing that the human iPS cells were differentiated into hepatocyte-like cells. Expression of CYP3A4 and UGT1A1 mRNAs increased with treatment with typical inducers of the enzymes, and the response of the cells against the inducers was similar to that of human hepatocytes. Furthermore, the drug-metabolizing activity of CYP3A4, as monitored by testosterone 6 beta-hydroxylase activity, was elevated by these inducers. In conclusion, we established methods for differentiation of hepatocyte-like cells expressing drug metabolizing activity from human iPS cells. The hepatocyte-like cells derived from human iPS cells will be useful for drug metabolism studies.

    DOI: 10.2133/dmpk.DMPK-13-RG-104

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  • Derivation of human differential photoreceptor cells from adult human dermal fibroblasts by defined combinations of CRX, RAX, OTX2 and NEUROD Reviewed

    Yuko Seko, Noriyuki Azuma, Toshiyuki Ishii, Yukari Komuta, Kiyoko Miyamoto, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Makoto Kaneda, Akihiro Umezawa

    GENES TO CELLS   19 ( 3 )   198 - 208   2014.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY  

    Redirecting differentiation of somatic cells by over-expression of transcription factors is a promising approach for regenerative medicine, elucidation of pathogenesis and development of new therapies. We have previously defined a transcription factor combination, that is, CRX, RAX and NEUROD, that can generate photosensitive photoreceptor cells from human iris cells. Here, we show that human dermal fibroblasts are differentiated to photoreceptor cells by the same transcription factor combination as human iris cells. Transduction of a combination of the CRX, RAX and NEUROD genes up-regulated expression of the photoreceptor-specific genes, recoverin, blue opsin and PDE6C, in all three strains of human dermal fibroblasts that were tested. Additional OTX2 gene transduction increased up-regulation of the photoreceptor-specific genes blue opsin, recoverin, S-antigen, CNGB3 and PDE6C. Global gene expression data by microarray analysis further showed that photoreceptor-related functional genes were significantly increased in induced photoreceptor cells. Functional analysis, that is, patch-clamp recordings, clearly revealed that induced photoreceptor cells from fibroblasts responded to light. Both the NRL gene and the NR2E3 gene were endogenously up-regulated in induced photoreceptor cells, implying that exogenous CRX, RAX, OTX2 and NEUROD, but not NRL, are sufficient to generate rod photoreceptor cells.

    DOI: 10.1111/gtc.12127

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  • Differentiation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells into Functional Enterocyte-like Cells Using a Simple Method Reviewed

    Takahiro Iwao, Masashi Toyota, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hajime Okita, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Hidenori Akutsu, Akihiro Umezawa, Kiyoshi Nagata, Tamihide Matsunaga

    DRUG METABOLISM AND PHARMACOKINETICS   29 ( 1 )   44 - 51   2014.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:JAPANESE SOC STUDY XENOBIOTICS  

    Human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells were differentiated into the endoderm using activin A and were then treated with fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) for differentiation into intestinal stem cell-like cells. These immature cells were then differentiated into enterocyte-like cells using epidermal growth factor (EGF) in 2% fetal bovine serum (FBS). At the early stage of differentiation, mRNA expression of caudal type homeobox 2 (CDX2), a major transcription factor related to intestinal development and differentiation, and leucine-rich repeat-containing G-protein-coupled receptor 5 (LGR5), an intestinal stem cell marker, was markedly increased by treatment with FGF2. When cells were cultured in medium containing EGF and a low concentration of FBS, mRNAs of specific markers of intestinal epithelial cells, including sucrase-isomaltase, the intestinal oligopeptide transporter SLC15A1/peptide transporter 1 (PEPT1), and the major metabolizing enzyme CYP3A4, were expressed. In addition, sucrase-isomaltase protein expression and uptake of beta-Ala-Lys-N-7-amino-4-methylcoumarin-3-acetic acid (beta-Ala-Lys-AMCA), a fluorescence-labeled substrate of the oligopeptide transporter, were detected. These results demonstrate a simple and direct method for differentiating human iPS cells into functional enterocyte-like cells.

    DOI: 10.2133/dmpk.DMPK-13-RG-005

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  • A synthetic nanofibrillar matrix promotes in vitro hepatic differentiation of embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells Reviewed

    Taiji Yamazoe, Nobuaki Shiraki, Masashi Toyoda, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Hajime Okita, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hidenori Akutsu, Akihiro Umezawa, Yutaka Sasaki, Kazuhiko Kume, Shoen Kume

    JOURNAL OF CELL SCIENCE   126 ( 23 )   5391 - 5399   2013.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:COMPANY OF BIOLOGISTS LTD  

    Embryonic stem (ES) cells recapitulate normal developmental processes and serve as an attractive source for routine access to a large number of cells for research and therapies. We previously reported that ES cells cultured on M15 cells, or a synthesized basement membrane (sBM) substratum, efficiently differentiated into an endodermal fate and subsequently adopted fates of various digestive organs, such as the pancreas and liver. Here, we established a novel hepatic differentiation procedure using the synthetic nanofiber (sNF) as a cell culture scaffold. We first compared endoderm induction and hepatic differentiation between murine ES cells grown on sNF and several other substrata. The functional assays for hepatocytes reveal that the ES cells grown on sNF were directed into hepatic differentiation. To clarify the mechanisms for the promotion of ES cell differentiation in the sNF system, we focused on the function of Rac1, which is a Rho family member protein known to regulate the actin cytoskeleton. We observed the activation of Rac1 in undifferentiated and differentiated ES cells cultured on sNF plates, but not in those cultured on normal plastic plates. We also show that inhibition of Rac1 blocked the potentiating effects of sNF on endoderm and hepatic differentiation throughout the whole differentiation stages. Taken together, our results suggest that morphological changes result in cellular differentiation controlled by Rac1 activation, and that motility is not only the consequence, but is also able to trigger differentiation. In conclusion, we believe that sNF is a promising material that might contribute to tissue engineering and drug delivery.

    DOI: 10.1242/jcs.129767

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  • Establishment and directed differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells from glycogen storage disease type Ib patient Reviewed

    Daisuke Satoh, Tohru Maeda, Tetsuya Ito, Yoko Nakajima, Mariko Ohte, Akane Ukai, Katsunori Nakamura, Shin Enosawa, Masashi Toyota, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hajime Okita, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Hidenori Akutsu, Akihiro Umezawa, Tamihide Matsunaga

    GENES TO CELLS   18 ( 12 )   1053 - 1069   2013.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    Glycogen storage disease type Ib (GSDIb) is caused by a deficiency in the glucose-6-phosphate transporter (G6PT), which leads to neutrophil dysfunction. However, the underlying causes of these dysfunctions and their relationship with glucose homeostasis are unclear. Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) hold a great promise for advances in developmental biology, cell-based therapy and modeling of human disease. Here, we examined the use of iPSCs as a model for GSDIb. In this study, one 2-year-old patient was genetically screened and diagnosed with GSDIb. We established iPSCs and differentiated these cells into hepatocytes and neutrophils, which comprise the main pathological components of GSDIb. Cells that differentiated into hepatocytes exhibited characteristic albumin secretion and indocyanine green uptake. Moreover, iPSC-derived cells generated from patients with GSDIb metabolic abnormalities recapitulated key pathological features of the diseases affecting the patients from whom they were derived, such as glycogen, lactate, pyruvate and lipid accumulation. Cells that were differentiated into neutrophils also showed the GSDIb pathology. In addition to the expression of neutrophil markers, we showed increased superoxide anion production, increased annexin V binding and activation of caspase-3 and caspase-9, consistent with the GSDIb patient's neutrophils. These results indicate valuable tools for the analysis of this pathology and the development of future treatments.

    DOI: 10.1111/gtc.12101

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  • 高性能モノクローナル抗体リソースの標的化改変ヘルペスウイルスベクタープラットフォームへの適用(Application of in-house monoclonal antibody resources to a fully retargeted oncolytic herpes simplex virus platform)

    大久保 優, 鈴木 拓真, 柴田 智子, 駒井 麻央, 福原 武志, 山口 美樹, 平井 幸恵, 宮川 世志幸, Cohen Justus B., Glorioso Joseph C., 濱田 洋文, 内田 宏昭

    日本癌学会総会記事   72回   208 - 208   2013.10

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    Language:English   Publisher:(一社)日本癌学会  


  • Human cytomegalovirus induces apoptosis in neural stem/progenitor cells derived from induced pluripotent stem cells by generating mitochondrial dysfunction and endoplasmic reticulum stress. Reviewed International journal

    Nakamura H, Liao H, Minami K, Toyoda M, Akutsu H, Miyagawa Y, Okita H, Kiyokawa N, Umezawa A, Imadome K, Inoue N, Fujiwara S

    Herpesviridae   4 ( 1 )   2 - 2   2013.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: Congenital human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection, a leading cause of birth defects, is most often manifested as neurological disorders. The pathogenesis of HCMV-induced neurological disorders is, however, largely unresolved, primarily because of limited availability of model systems to analyze the effects of HCMV infection on neural cells. METHODS: An induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) line was established from the human fibroblast line MRC5 by introducing the Yamanaka's four factors and then induced to differentiate into neural stem/progenitor cells (NSPCs) by dual inhibition of the SMAD signaling pathway using Noggin and SB-431542. RESULTS: iPSC-derived NSPCs (NSPC/iPSCs) were susceptible to HCMV infection and allowed the expression of both early and late viral gene products. HCMV-infected NSPC/iPSCs underwent apoptosis with the activation of caspase-3 and -9 as well as positive staining by the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL). Cytochrome c release from mitochondria to cytosol was observed in these cells, indicating the involvement of mitochondrial dysfunction in their apoptosis. In addition, phosphorylation of proteins involved in the unfolded protein response (UPR), such as PKR-like eukaryotic initiation factor 2a kinase (PERK), c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK), inositol-requiring enzyme 1 (IRE1), and the alpha subunit of eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2α) was observed in HCMV-infected NSPC/iPSCs. These results, coupled with the finding of increased expression of mRNA encoding the C/EBP-homologous protein (CHOP) and the detection of a spliced form of X-box binding protein 1 (XBP1) mRNA, suggest that endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress is also involved in HCMV-induced apoptosis of these cells. CONCLUSIONS: iPSC-derived NSPCs are thought to be a useful model to study HCMV neuropathogenesis and to analyze the mechanisms of HCMV-induced apoptosis in neural cells.

    DOI: 10.1186/2042-4280-4-2



  • 単純ヘルペスウイルス標的化プラットフォームへのがん標的化抗体リソースの適用

    大久保 優, 鈴木 拓真, 柴田 智子, 駒井 麻央, 福原 武志, 山口 美樹, 平井 幸恵, 宮川 世志幸, Cohen Justus B., Glorioso Joseph C., 濱田 洋文, 内田 宏昭

    日本癌治療学会誌   48 ( 3 )   1105 - 1105   2013.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本癌治療学会  


  • がん標的化単鎖抗体を組み込んだ単純ヘルペスウイルスによる腫瘍溶解ウイルス療法

    柴田 智子, 鈴木 拓真, 大久保 優, 福原 武志, 宮川 世志幸, Cohen Justus, Glorioso Joseph, 中野 賢二, 熊谷 泉, 黒木 政秀, 山口 美樹, 濱田 洋文, 内田 宏昭

    日本生化学会大会プログラム・講演要旨集   86回   3LBA - 016   2013.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本生化学会  


  • Stability of genomic imprinting in human induced pluripotent stem cells Reviewed

    Hitoshi Hiura, Masashi Toyoda, Hiroaki Okae, Masahiro Sakurai, Naoko Miyauchi, Akiko Sato, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Hajime Okita, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hidenori Akutsu, Koichiro Nishino, Akihiro Umezawa, Takahiro Arima

    BMC GENETICS   14   32   2013.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:BIOMED CENTRAL LTD  

    Background: hiPSCs are generated through epigenetic reprogramming of somatic tissue. Genomic imprinting is an epigenetic phenomenon through which monoallelic gene expression is regulated in a parent-of-origin-specific manner. Reprogramming relies on the successful erasure of marks of differentiation while maintaining those required for genomic imprinting. Loss of imprinting (LOI), which occurs in many types of malignant tumors, would hinder the clinical application of hiPSCs.
    Results: We examined the imprinting status, expression levels and DNA methylation status of eight imprinted genes in five independently generated hiPSCs. We found a low frequency of LOI in some lines. Where LOI was identified in an early passage cell line, we found that this was maintained through subsequent passages of the cells. Just as normal imprints are maintained in long-term culture, this work suggests that abnormal imprints are also stable in culture.
    Conclusions: Analysis of genomic imprints in hiPSCs is a necessary safety step in regenerative medicine, with relevance both to the differentiation potential of these stem cells and also their potential tumorigenic properties.

    DOI: 10.1186/1471-2156-14-32

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  • Coexpression of Escherichia coli RNase III in silkworm cells improves the efficiency of RNA interference induced by long hairpin dsRNAs Reviewed

    Jae Man Lee, Yoshito Kojin, Tsuneyuki Tatsuke, Hiroaki Mon, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Takahiro Kusakabe

    Insect Science   20 ( 1 )   69 - 77   2013.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Long hairpin dsRNA transcribed from chromosomal DNA can induce RNA interference in Bombyx mori cells, although its gene silencing efficiency is lower than that of exogenously introduced double-stranded RNAs (dsRNAs). To solve this problem, we monitored the nuclear cytoplasmic translocation of the transcribed hairpin dsRNA and analyzed the processing efficiency into mature small interfering RNA (siRNA). Northern blot analysis revealed that the transcribed hairpin dsRNAs were spliced and transported into the cytoplasm, but were not effectively diced into siRNAs. Interestingly, RNAi with hairpin dsRNAs from genome-integrated IR transgene was stimulated by the coexpression of Escherichia coli RNase III, although this exogenous enzyme seemed to bring about nonspecific cleavage of cellular mRNA. © 2012 Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1744-7917.2012.01569.x

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  • Diverse underlying proliferation response to growth factors in imatinib-treated Philadelphia chromosome-positive leukemias Reviewed

    Atsushi Nemoto, Takeshi Inukai, Kanako Uno, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Kazuya Takahashi, Hiroki Sato, Koshi Akahane, Kinuko Hirose, Hiroko Honna-Oshiro, Kumiko Goi, Keiko Kagami, Shinpei Nakazawa, Junichiro Fujimoto, Toshiya Inaba, Kanji Sugita

    LEUKEMIA RESEARCH   37 ( 1 )   93 - 101   2013.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    Since BCR-ABL plays an essential role in the growth factor-independent proliferation of Philadelphia chromosome (Ph)+leukemia cells, imatinib treatment of Ph+leukemia cells inactivates signaling pathways of BCR-ABL, and subsequent addition of growth factors (GFs) could restore the signaling pathways without reactivating BCR-ABL. Here we demonstrated that non-lymphoid Ph+leukemia cell lines responded to diverse GFs depending on their immunophenotype and gene expression of transcription factors and GF receptors, while lymphoid Ph+leukemia cell lines restrictively responded to flit3 ligand and interleukin-7, suggesting that GF sensitivity of imatinib-treated Ph+leukemia cells could be powerful for specifying their distinctive lineage. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.leukres.2012.10.001

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  • Biologically active human bone morphogenetic protein 4 fused to collagen-binding domain produced in silkworm-baculovirus expression system

    Saki Imai, Zhiqing Li, Kazuhiro Iiyama, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Masashi Toyoda, Akihiro Umezawa, Hiroaki Mon, Takahiro Kusakabe, Kaito Yoshimura, Jae Man Lee

    Journal of Insect Biotechnology and Sericology   82 ( 2 )   39 - 44   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Human bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4) fused to the collagen-binding domain (CBD) of fbronectin was constructed and expressed in a silkworm-baculovirus expression system. When recombinant BmNPV was injected into the silkworm larvae and harvested after approximately 4 days, 0.22 mg/ml (0.1 mg/larva) of recombinant CBD-BMP4 was secreted into the silkworm haemolymph. Interestingly, cultured silkworm cells infected with the same recombinant virus could not secrete the recombinant CBD-BMP4 into culture media. The purifed rCBD-BMP4 showed Smad- and MAPK-stimulating activities in human UET-13 cells.

    DOI: 10.11416/jibs.82.2_039




  • Induction of adipogenic differentiation in three-dimensional culture model on a novel microfabricated scaffold Reviewed

    Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hajime Okita, Nobutaka Kiyokawa

    Methods in Molecular Biology   952   275 - 286   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The development of a three-dimensional (3D) culture system is very important for regenerative medicine and drug discovery applications of stem cell technology because the 3D culture condition could mimic the stem cell environment in vivo and support accurate differentiation. This chapter describes a novel 3D culture technique for efficient induction of adipogenic differentiation. This 3D culture system provides an easy way to allow cells to form a 3D spheroid structure without any matrix derived from animal and chemical substances. We firstly describe the details of the 3D culture technique using human mesenchymal stem/progenitor cells (MPCs) and its optimization. Then we elaborate on the protocol of efficient induction for adipogenic differentiation and adipocyte-specific gene expression, including peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ, with our culture system in human MPCs. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-62703-155-4_20




  • ZNF385B is characteristically expressed in germinal center B cells and involved in B-cell apoptosis Reviewed

    Kazutoshi Iijima, Hiroyuki Yamada, Masashi Miharu, Ken-Ichi Imadome, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Shingo Akimoto, Kenichiro Kobayashi, Hajime Okita, Atsuko Nakazawa, Shigeyoshi Fujiwara, Junichiro Fujimoto, Nobutaka Kiyokawa

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY   42 ( 12 )   3405 - 3415   2012.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    We previously identified zinc finger (ZF) protein ZNF385B as a molecule specifically expressed in Burkitt's lymphoma (BL) among hematologic malignancies. Here, we investigated ZNF385B expression in healthy B cells in a variety of hematological tissues by RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry. ZNF385B expression was found to be limited to a subset of GC B cells, the healthy counterpart to BL B cells. To elucidate the function of ZNF385B in healthy B cells, we established a tetracycline-controlled protein-inducible system in B-cell lines and observed that ectopic expression of the longest transcript variant of ZNF385B, possessing four ZF domains, induced upregulation of PERP and FAS/CD95, a downstream target of p53, and activation of caspase, resulting in apoptosis induction. However, a ZNF385B deletion mutant with three ZF domains corresponding to shorter isoforms, did not induce upregulation; rather it inhibited apoptosis induced by CD20 cross-linking and BCR stimulation. The direct binding of ZNF385B with p53 has suggested the involvement of ZNF385B in B-cell apoptosis via modulation of p53 transactivation; our data indicate that ZNF385B characteristically expressed in GC B cells has both proapoptotic and antiapoptotic activities depending on the type of isoform and should be a novel player in GC B-cell selection.

    DOI: 10.1002/eji.201242530

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  • RNA Interference Induction by Long Hairpin dsRNAs Expressed from Chromosomal DNA of Bombyx mori Cells Reviewed

    Jae Man Lee, Yoshito Kojin, Tsuneyuki Tatsuke, Hiroaki Mon, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Takahiro Kusakabe


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:KYUSHU UNIV, FACULTY AGRICULTURAL PUBLICATIONS  

    RNA interference (RNAi) triggered by long double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) transcribed from chromosomal DNA has a lot of advantages in high-throughput analyses of gene function. In this report, we have constructed Gatewar (R)-based RNAi induction vectors, by which we efficiently integrated expression cassettes for long hairpin dsRNA into chromosomal DNA of Bombyx mori cells. RNAi induced by the hairpin dsRNAs using our constructs decreased a reporter gene activity by approximately 70-80% in cultured B. mori cells.

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  • Derivation of Human Differential Photoreceptor-like Cells from the Iris by Defined Combinations of CRX, RX and NEUROD Reviewed

    Yuko Seko, Noriyuki Azuma, Makoto Kaneda, Kei Nakatani, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Yuuki Noshiro, Reiko Kurokawa, Hideyuki Okano, Akihiro Umezawa

    PLOS ONE   7 ( 4 )   e35611   2012.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE  

    Examples of direct differentiation by defined transcription factors have been provided for beta-cells, cardiomyocytes and neurons. In the human visual system, there are four kinds of photoreceptors in the retina. Neural retina and iris-pigmented epithelium (IPE) share a common developmental origin, leading us to test whether human iris cells could differentiate to retinal neurons. We here define the transcription factor combinations that can determine human photoreceptor cell fate. Expression of rhodopsin, blue opsin and green/red opsin in induced photoreceptor cells were dependent on combinations of transcription factors: A combination of CRX and NEUROD induced rhodopsin and blue opsin, but did not induce green opsin; a combination of CRX and RX induced blue opsin and green/red opsin, but did not induce rhodopsin. Phototransduction-related genes as well as opsin genes were up-regulated in those cells. Functional analysis; i.e. patch clamp recordings, clearly revealed that generated photoreceptor cells, induced by CRX, RX and NEUROD, responded to light. The response was an inward current instead of the typical outward current. These data suggest that photosensitive photoreceptor cells can be generated by combinations of transcription factors. The combination of CRX and RX generate immature photoreceptors: and additional NEUROD promotes maturation. These findings contribute substantially to a major advance toward eventual cell-based therapy for retinal degenerative diseases.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0035611

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  • Feeder-Free and Serum-Free Production of Hepatocytes, Cholangiocytes, and Their Proliferating Progenitors from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells: Application to Liver-Specific Functional and Cytotoxic Assays Reviewed

    Naoko Nakamura, Kumiko Saeki, Masami Mitsumoto, Satoko Matsuyama, Miwako Nishio, Koichi Saeki, Mamoru Hasegawa, Yoshiyuki Miyagawa, Hajime Ohkita, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Masashi Toyoda, Hidenori Akutsu, Akihiro Umezawa, Akira Yuo

    CELLULAR REPROGRAMMING   14 ( 2 )   171 - 185   2012.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:MARY ANN LIEBERT INC  

    We have established a serum- and feeder-free culture system for the efficient differentiation of multifunctional hepatocytes from human embryonic stem (ES) cells and three entirely different induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells (including vector/transgene-free iPS cells generated using Sendai virus vector) without cell sorting and gene manipulation. The differentiation-inducing protocol consisted of a first stage; endoderm induction, second stage; hepatic initiation, and third stage; hepatic maturation. At the end of differentiation culture, hepatocytes induced from human pluripotent stem cells expressed hepatocyte-specific proteins, such as alpha-fetoprotein, albumin, alpha 1 antitrypsin and cytochrome P450 (CYP3A4), at similar or higher levels compared with three control human hepatocyte or hepatic cell lines. These human iPS/ES cell-derived hepatocytes also showed mature hepatocyte functions: inclocyanine green dye uptake (similar to 30%), storage of glycogen (>80%) and metabolic activity of CYP3A4. Furthermore, they produced a highly sensitive hepatotoxicity assay system for D-galactosamine as determined by the extracellular release of hepatocyte-specific enzymes. Hepatoprotective prostaglandin El attenuated this toxicity. Interestingly, bile duct-specific enzymes were also detected after drug treatment, suggesting the presence of bile-duct epithelial cells (cholangiocytes) in our culture system. Electron microscopic studies confirmed the existence of cholangiocytes, and an immunostaining study proved the presence of bipotential hepatoblasts with high potential for proliferation. Differentiated cells were transferrable onto new dishes, on which small-sized proliferating cells with hepatocyte markers emerged and expanded. Thus, our differentiation culture system provides mature functional hepatocytes, cholangiocytes, and their progenitors with proliferative potential from a wide variety of human pluripotent stem cells.

    DOI: 10.1089/cell.2011.0064

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  • E2A-HLFキメラ転写因子によるLMO2誘導異常と、t(17:19)を持つB前駆細胞性ALLの白血病誘発におけるその意味(Aberrant induction of LMO2 by the E2A-HLF chimeric transcription factor and its implication in leukemogenesis of B-precursorALL with t(17:19))

    廣瀬 衣子, 犬飼 岳史, 菊池 次郎, 古川 雄祐, 伊川 友活, 河本 宏, Oram S. Helen, Goettgens Berthold, 清河 信敬, 宮川 世志幸, 大喜多 肇, 赤羽 弘資, 張 暁春, 黒田 格, 大城 浩子[本名], 加賀美 恵子, 合井 久美子, 黒澤 秀光, Look A. Thomas, 松井 啓隆, 稲葉 俊哉, 杉田 完爾

    小児がん   48 ( プログラム・総会号 )   194 - 194   2011.11

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    Language:English   Publisher:(NPO)日本小児がん学会  


  • Possible linkages between the inner and outer cellular states of human induced pluripotent stem cells Reviewed

    Shigeru Saito, Yasuko Onuma, Yuzuru Ito, Hiroaki Tateno, Masashi Toyoda, Akutsu Hidenori, Koichiro Nishino, Emi Chikazawa, Yoshihiro Fukawatase, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hajime Okita, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Yohichi Shimma, Akihiro Umezawa, Jun Hirabayashi, Katsuhisa Horimoto, Makoto Asashima

    BMC SYSTEMS BIOLOGY   5   S17   2011.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:BIOMED CENTRAL LTD  

    Background: Human iPS cells (hiPSCs) have attracted considerable attention for applications to drug screening and analyses of disease mechanisms, and even as next generation materials for regenerative medicine. Genetic reprogramming of human somatic cells to a pluripotent state was first achieved by the ectopic expression of four factors (Sox2, Oct4, Klf4 and c-Myc), using a retrovirus. Subsequently, this method was applied to various human cells, using different combinations of defined factors. However, the transcription factor-induced acquisition of replication competence and pluripotency raises the question as to how exogenous factors induce changes in the inner and outer cellular states.
    Results: We analyzed both the RNA profile, to reveal changes in gene expression, and the glycan profile, to identify changes in glycan structures, between 51 cell samples of four parental somatic cell (SC) lines from amniotic mesodermal, placental artery endothelial, and uterine endometrium sources, fetal lung fibroblast (MRC-5) cells, and nine hiPSC lines that were originally established. The analysis of this information by standard statistical techniques combined with a network approach, named network screening, detected significant expression differences between the iPSCs and the SCs. Subsequent network analysis of the gene expression and glycan signatures revealed that the glycan transfer network is associated with known epitopes for differentiation, e. g., the SSEA epitope family in the glycan biosynthesis pathway, based on the characteristic changes in the cellular surface states of the hiPSCs.
    Conclusions: The present study is the first to reveal the relationships between gene expression patterns and cell surface changes in hiPSCs, and reinforces the importance of the cell surface to identify established iPSCs from SCs. In addition, given the variability of iPSCs, which is related to the characteristics of the parental SCs, a glycosyltransferase expression assay might be established to define hiPSCs more precisely and thus facilitate their standardization, which are important steps towards the eventual therapeutic applications of hiPSCs.

    DOI: 10.1186/1752-0509-5-S1-S17

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  • Accelerated biosynthesis of neolacto-series glycosphingolipids in differentiated mouse embryonal carcinoma F9 cells detected by using dodecyl N-acetylglucosaminide as a saccharide primer Reviewed

    Nao Ogasawara, Yohko U. Katagiri, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Tomonori Kaneko, Ban Sato, Hideki Nakajima, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Yasunori Kushi, Hideharu Ishida, Makoto Kiso, Hajime Okita, Toshinori Sato, Junichiro Fujimoto

    JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY   149 ( 3 )   321 - 330   2011.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:OXFORD UNIV PRESS  

    Using dodecyl N-acetylglucosaminide (GlcNAc-C12) as a saccharide primer, we investigated the biosynthetic changes of neolacto-series glycosphingolipids (GSLs) in mouse embryonal carcinoma F9 cells during differentiation induced by retinoic acid plus dibutyryl cyclic AMP (RA/dbcAMP). In the differentiated cells, the glycosylation of GlcNAc-C12 was greatly enhanced. The sugar compositions of glycosylated primers were assigned as Hex-GlcNAc, [Hex](2)-GlcNAc, [Hex](2)[HexNAc]-GlcNAc, and [NeuAc][Hex]-GlcNAc by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. The detection of augmented biosynthesis of endogenous sialylparagloboside indicated that [NeuAc][Hex]-GlcNAc was predicted to be the non-reducing end trisaccharide of sialylparagloboside. The transcription of B3gnt5, B4galt1, Ggta1, Fut4 and St3gal6, encoding glycosyltransferases involved in the neolacto-series glycosphingolipids biosynthesis, was increased, whereas that of Fut9 and St6galI was decreased after RA/dbcAMP treatment. Furthermore, the sialyltransferase activity of ST3GalVI sialylating paragloboside was enhanced with the increase in St3gal6 expression. Since most stage-specific embryonic antigen-1 (SSEA-1) active determinants are carried by glycoproteins in F9 cells, the changes in glycolipid metabolism do not seem to be closely related to loss of cell surface SSEA-1 expression upon F9 differentiation. These results indicate that RA/dbcAMP treatment activates the biosynthesis of neolacto-series GSL and enhances sialylation of paragloboside in F9 cells with down-regulation of Fut9 expression.

    DOI: 10.1093/jb/mvq142

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  • A Microfabricated Scaffold Induces the Spheroid Formation of Human Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Progenitor Cells and Promotes Efficient Adipogenic Differentiation Reviewed

    Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hajime Okita, Masami Hiroyama, Ruriko Sakamoto, Maki Kobayashi, Hideki Nakajima, Yohko U. Katagiri, Junichiro Fujimoto, Jun-Ichi Hata, Akihiro Umezawa, Nobutaka Kiyokawa

    TISSUE ENGINEERING PART A   17 ( 3-4 )   513 - 521   2011.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC  

    Here, we report the highly efficient in vitro differentiation of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem/progenitor cells (MPCs) using a novel nanotechnology-based culture plate, nanoculture plate (R) (NCP). The NCP contains uneven microfabrications with diameters of similar to 2-3 mm arranged in a honeycomb pattern on its culture surface, which is devoid of animal-derived protein sources. When human MPCs were subjected to three-dimensional (3D) culture using an NCP, they rapidly formed adhesive spheroids. We showed that adipogenic differentiation in NCP-mediated 3D cultures led to more rapid accumulation of triglycerides than that in two-dimensional cultures. During adipogenesis in 3D cultures, the rapid and intense induction of adipocyte-specific gene expressions, such as peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR-gamma), CCAAT-enhancer-binding protein alpha (C/EBP-alpha), adipocyte protein 2 (aP2), and adiponectin was observed. Together, these results indicate that this 3D culture system is suitable for the differentiation of human MPCs into adipogenic lineage, and could be applicable to adipose tissue engineering under xeno-free condition.

    DOI: 10.1089/ten.tea.2009.0810

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  • Efficient Generation of Hepatoblasts From Human ES Cells and iPS Cells by Transient Overexpression of Homeobox Gene HEX Reviewed

    Mitsuru Inamura, Kenji Kawabata, Kazuo Takayama, Katsuhisa Tashiro, Fuminori Sakurai, Kazufumi Katayama, Masashi Toyoda, Hidenori Akutsu, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hajime Okita, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Akihiro Umezawa, Takao Hayakawa, Miho K. Furue, Hiroyuki Mizuguchi

    MOLECULAR THERAPY   19 ( 2 )   400 - 407   2011.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

    Human embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) have the potential to differentiate into all cell lineages, including hepatocytes, in vitro. Induced hepatocytes have a wide range of potential application in biomedical research, drug discovery, and the treatment of liver disease. However, the existing protocols for hepatic differentiation of PSCs are not very efficient. In this study, we developed an efficient method to induce hepatoblasts, which are progenitors of hepatocytes, from human ESCs and iPSCs by overexpression of the HEX gene, which is a homeotic gene and also essential for hepatic differentiation, using a HEX-expressing adenovirus (Ad) vector under serum/feeder cell-free chemically defined conditions. Ad-HEX-transduced cells expressed a-fetoprotein (AFP) at day 9 and then expressed albumin (ALB) at day 12. Furthermore, the Ad-HEX-transduced cells derived from human iPSCs also produced several cytochrome P450 (CYP) isozymes, and these P450 isozymes were capable of converting the substrates to metabolites and responding to the chemical stimulation. Our differentiation protocol using Ad vector-mediated transient HEX transduction under chemically defined conditions efficiently generates hepatoblasts from human ESCs and iPSCs. Thus, our methods would be useful for not only drug screening but also therapeutic applications.

    DOI: 10.1038/mt.2010.241

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  • Neuroblastoma cells can be classified according to glycosphingolipid expression profiles identified by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry Reviewed

    Tomonori Kaneko, Hajime Okita, Hideki Nakajima, Kazutoshi Iijima, Nao Ogasawara, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Yohko U. Katagiri, Atsuko Nakagawa, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Toshinori Sato, Junichiro Fujimoto

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY   37 ( 5 )   1279 - 1288   2010.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPANDIDOS PUBL LTD  

    It is hoped that the gangliosides contained in neuroblastomas (NBs) can be used as outcome predictors. We used liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS) to analyze the gangliosides expressed in 11 NB cell lines. LC-MS analysis detected a number of gangliosides, including acetylated forms, with significantly higher sensitivity than conventional high-performance thin-layer chromatography analysis, and the results revealed that the expression profiles of the gangliosides GD1a, GD2, and acetylated GD2 differed according to the NB cell line. Hierarchical clustering based on the ganglioside expression profiles obtained by LC-MS analysis revealed that the NB cell lines could be classified into three types according to their expression of these three gangliosides: A-type characterized by high expression of GD1a and low or no expression of GD2/acetylated GD2, B-type characterized by low or no expression of GD1a and high expression of GD2/acetylated GD2, and AB-type characterized by expression of both GD1a and GD2/acetylated GD2. Interestingly, all three MYCN non-amplified cell lines were classified into the A-type. The classification was found to be correlated with mRNA expression of ganglioside synthase and neural-differentiation-related genes. The results of this study indicate that LC-MS analysis is useful as a tool for glycosphingolipid research on malignancies.

    DOI: 10.3892/ijo_00000779

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  • Chemical inhibition of sulfation accelerates neural differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells and human induced pluripotent stem cells Reviewed

    Norihiko Sasaki, Takuya Hirano, Kumiko Kobayashi, Masashi Toyoda, Yoshitaka Miyakawa, Hajime Okita, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Hidenori Akutsu, Akihiro Umezawa, Shoko Nishihara


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE  

    Pluripotency of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) is maintained by the balancing of several signaling pathways, such as Wnt, BMP, and FGF, and differentiation of ESCs into a specific lineage is induced by the disruption of this balance. Sulfated glycans are considered to play important roles in lineage choice of ESC differentiation by regulating several signalings. We examined whether reduction of sulfation by treatment with the chemical inhibitor chlorate can affect differentiation of ESCs. Chlorate treatment inhibited mesodermal differentiation of mouse ESCs, and then induced ectodermal differentiation and accelerated further neural differentiation. This could be explained by the finding that several signaling pathways involved in the induction of mesodermal differentiation (Wnt, BMP, and FGF) or inhibition of neural differentiation (Wnt and BMP) were inhibited in chlorate-treated embryoid bodies, presumably due to reduced sulfation on heparan sulfate and chondroitin sulfate. Furthermore, neural differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) was also accelerated by chlorate treatment. We propose that chlorate could be used to induce efficient neural differentiation of hiPSCs instead of specific signaling inhibitors, such as Noggin. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2010.09.085

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  • Defining Hypo-Methylated Regions of Stem Cell-Specific Promoters in Human iPS Cells Derived from Extra-Embryonic Amnions and Lung Fibroblasts Reviewed

    Koichiro Nishino, Masashi Toyoda, Mayu Yamazaki-Inoue, Hatsune Makino, Yoshihiro Fukawatase, Emi Chikazawa, Yoriko Takahashi, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hajime Okita, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Hidenori Akutsu, Akihiro Umezawa

    PLOS ONE   5 ( 9 )   e13017   2010.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE  

    Background: Human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells are currently used as powerful resources in regenerative medicine. During very early developmental stages, DNA methylation decreases to an overall low level at the blastocyst stage, from which embryonic stem cells are derived. Therefore, pluripotent stem cells, such as ES and iPS cells, are considered to have hypo-methylated status compared to differentiated cells. However, epigenetic mechanisms of "stemness'' remain unknown in iPS cells derived from extra-embryonic and embryonic cells.
    Methodology/Principal Findings: We examined genome-wide DNA methylation (24,949 CpG sites covering 1,3862 genes, mostly selected from promoter regions) with six human iPS cell lines derived from human amniotic cells and fetal lung fibroblasts as well as two human ES cell lines, and eight human differentiated cell lines using Illumina's Infinium HumanMethylation27. A considerable fraction (807 sites) exhibited a distinct difference in the methylation level between the iPS/ES cells and differentiated cells, with 87.6% hyper-methylation seen in iPS/ES cells. However, a limited fraction of CpG sites with hypo-methylation was found in promoters of genes encoding transcription factors. Thus, a group of genes becomes active through a decrease of methylation in their promoters. Twenty-three genes including SOX15, SALL4, TDGF1, PPP1R16B and SOX10 as well as POU5F1 were defined as genes with hypo-methylated SS-DMR (Stem cell-Specific Differentially Methylated Region) and highly expression in iPS/ES cells.
    Conclusions/Significance: We show that DNA methylation profile of human amniotic iPS cells as well as fibroblast iPS cells, and defined the SS-DMRs. Knowledge of epigenetic information across iPS cells derived from different cell types can be used as a signature for "stemness'' and may allow us to screen for optimum iPS/ES cells and to validate and monitor iPS/ES cell derivatives for human therapeutic applications.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0013017

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  • Aberrant induction of LMO2 by the E2A-HLF chimeric transcription factor and its implication in leukemogenesis of B-precursor ALL with t(17;19) Reviewed

    Kinuko Hirose, Takeshi Inukai, Jiro Kikuchi, Yusuke Furukawa, Tomokatsu Ikawa, Hiroshi Kawamoto, S. Helen Oram, Berthold Goettgens, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hajime Okita, Koshi Akahane, Xiaochun Zhang, Itaru Kuroda, Hiroko Honna, Keiko Kagami, Kumiko Goi, Hidemitsu Kurosawa, A. Thomas Look, Hirotaka Matsui, Toshiya Inaba, Kanji Sugita

    BLOOD   116 ( 6 )   962 - 970   2010.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER SOC HEMATOLOGY  

    LMO2, a critical transcription regulator of hematopoiesis, is involved in human T-cell leukemia. The binding site of proline and acidic amino acid-rich protein (PAR) transcription factors in the promoter of the LMO2 gene plays a central role in hematopoietic-specific expression. E2A-HLF fusion derived from t(17;19) in B-precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) has the transactivation domain of E2A and the basic region/leucine zipper domain of HLF, which is a PAR transcription factor, raising the possibility that E2A-HLF aberrantly induces LMO2 expression. We here demonstrate that cell lines and a primary sample of t(17;19)-ALL expressed LMO2 at significantly higher levels than other B-precursor ALLs did. Transfection of E2A-HLF into a non-t(17;19) B-precursor ALL cell line induced LMO2 gene expression that was dependent on the DNA-binding and transactivation activities of E2A-HLF. The PAR site in the LMO2 gene promoter was critical for E2A-HLF-induced LMO2 expression. Gene silencing of LMO2 in a t(17;19)-ALL cell line by short hairpin RNA-induced apoptotic cell death. These observations indicated that E2A-HLF promotes cell survival of t(17;19)-ALL cells by aberrantly up-regulating LMO2 expression. LMO2 could be a target for a new therapeutic modality for extremely chemo-resistant t(17;19)-ALL. (Blood. 2010;116(6):962-970)

    DOI: 10.1182/blood-2009-09-244673

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  • Efficient soluble protein production on transgenic silkworms expressing cytoplasmic chaperones Reviewed

    Sun Mee Hong, Jun Yamashita, Hitoshi Mitsunobu, Keiro Uchino, Isao Kobayashi, Hideki Sezutsu, Toshiki Tamura, Hideki Nakajima, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Jae Man Lee, Hiroaki Mon, Yoshihiko Miyata, Yutaka Kawaguchi, Takahiro Kusakabe

    APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY   87 ( 6 )   2147 - 2156   2010.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER  

    Baculovirus expression systems (BES) are widely used for recombinant protein production in lepidopteran cells or larvae. However, even in BES, the insolubility of recombinant proteins sometimes makes their expression difficult. In this study, to improve the solubility and yield of foreign proteins, we constructed transgenic silkworms using silkworm heat-shock proteins, Hsp70 and Hsp40, or Hsc70 and Hsp90 co-chaperone Hop. In these transgenic silkworms, the expression levels of the transgenes were under the control of a UAS center dot hsp mini-promoter driven by a Gal4NFkBp65 activator. When the transgenic silkworm with HSP70 and 40 (TGS-HSP70/40) was infected with BmNPV carrying mC3d and Gal4NFkBp65 under the control of baculovirus polyhedrin or p10 promoters, respectively, the soluble fraction of the His- or His center dot GST-tagged mC3d increased significantly. Similarly, the transgenic silkworm with HSC70 and HOP (TGS-HOP7) was effective for the expression of a steroid hormone receptor, USP2. In conclusion, the His-tagged baculovirus expression system featuring the chaperone effect TGS-HSP70/40 and TGS-HOP7 silkworms is effective for increasing the yields of soluble and functional foreign gene products.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00253-010-2617-0

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  • Potential Linkages Between the Inner and Outer Cellular States of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Reviewed

    Saito S, Onuma Y, Ito Y, Tateno H, Toyoda M, Akutsu H, Nishino K, Chikazawa E, Fukawatase Y, Miyagawa Y, Okita H, Kiyokawa N, Shimma Y, Umezawa A, Hirabayashi J, Horimoto K, Asashima M

    Computational Systems Biology   13   381 - +   2010

  • A New Approach for Drug Discovery and Differentiation Study Using Cutting-Edge 3d Cell Culture System Reviewed

    Fujiko Ozawa, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Masami Hiroyama, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Akihiro Umezawa, Akito Tanoue, Satoru Tanaka


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:SPRINGER  

    DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-3892-0_16

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  • Efficient reprogramming of human and mouse primary extra-embryonic cells to pluripotent stem cells Reviewed

    Shogo Nagata, Masashi Toyoda, Shinpei Yamaguchi, Kunio Hirano, Hatsune Makino, Koichiro Nishino, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hajime Okita, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Masato Nakagawa, Shinya Yamanaka, Hidenori Akutsu, Akihiro Umezawa, Takashi Tada

    GENES TO CELLS   14 ( 12 )   1395 - 1404   2009.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC  

    Practical clinical applications for current induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) technologies are hindered by very low generation efficiencies. Here, we demonstrate that newborn human (h) and mouse (m) extra-embryonic amnion (AM) and yolk-sac (YS) cells, in which endogenous KLF4/Klf4, c-MYC/c-Myc and RONIN/Ronin are expressed, can be reprogrammed to hiPSCs and miPSCs with efficiencies for AM cells of 0.02% and 0.1%, respectively. Both hiPSC and miPSCs are indistinguishable from embryonic stem cells in colony morphology, expression of pluripotency markers, global gene expression profile, DNA methylation status of OCT4 and NANOG, teratoma formation and, in the case of miPSCs, generation of germline transmissible chimeric mice. As copious amounts of human AM cells can be collected without invasion, and stored long term by conventional means without requirement for in vitro culture, they represent an ideal source for cell banking and subsequent 'on demand' generation of hiPSCs for personal regenerative and pharmaceutical applications.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2443.2009.01356.x

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  • Ex vivo expanded cord blood CD4 T lymphocytes exhibit a distinct expression profile of cytokine-related genes from those of peripheral blood origin Reviewed

    Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Nakaba Ochiai, Ken-Ichi Imadome, Yasuomi Horiuchi, Keiko Onda, Misako Yajima, Hiroyuki Nakamura, Yohko U. Katagiri, Hajime Okita, Tomohiro Morio, Norio Shimizu, Junichiro Fujimoto, Shigeyoshi Fujiwara

    IMMUNOLOGY   128 ( 3 )   405 - 419   2009.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC  

    P>With an increase in the importance of umbilical cord blood (CB) as an alternative source of haematopoietic progenitors for allogenic transplantation, donor lymphocyte infusion (DLI) with donor CB-derived activated CD4+ T cells in the unrelated CB transplantation setting is expected to be of increased usefulness as a direct approach for improving post-transplant immune function. To clarify the characteristics of activated CD4+ T cells derived from CB, we investigated their mRNA expression profiles and compared them with those of peripheral blood (PB)-derived activated CD4+ T cells. Based on the results of a DNA microarray analysis and quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), a relatively high level of forkhead box protein 3 (Foxp3) gene expression and a relatively low level of interleukin (IL)-17 gene expression were revealed to be significant features of the gene expression profile of CB-derived activated CD4+ T cells. Flow cytometric analysis further revealed protein expression of Foxp3 in a portion of CB-derived activated CD4+ T cells. The low level of retinoic acid receptor-related orphan receptor gamma isoform t (ROR gamma t) gene expression in CB-derived activated CD4+ T cells was speculated to be responsible for the low level of IL-17 gene expression. Our data indicate a difference in gene expression between CD4+ T cells from CB and those from PB. The findings of Foxp3 expression, a characteristic of regulatory T cells, and a low level of IL-17 gene expression suggest that CB-derived CD4+ T cells may be a more appropriate source for DLI.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2567.2009.03122.x

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  • Ex vivo expanded cord blood CD4 T lymphocytes exhibit a distinct expression profile of cytokine-related genes from those of peripheral blood origin. Reviewed

    Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Nakaba Ochiai, Ken-ichi Imadome, Yasuomi Horiuchi, Keiko Onda, Misako Yajima, Hiroyuki Nakamura, Yohko U Katagiri, Hajime Okita, Tomohiro Morio, Norio Shimizu, Junichiro Fujimoto, Shigeyoshi Fujiwara

    Immunology   128 ( 3 )   405 - 419   2009.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2567.2009.03122.x



  • Mesenchymal to embryonic incomplete transition of human cells by chimeric OCT4/3 (POU5F1) with physiological co-activator EWS Reviewed

    Hatsune Makino, Masashi Toyoda, Kenji Matsumoto, Hirohisa Saito, Koichiro Nishino, Yoshihiro Fukawatase, Masakazu Machida, Hidenori Akutsu, Taro Uyama, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hajime Okita, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Takashi Fujino, Yuichi Ishikawa, Takuro Nakamura, Akihiro Umezawa

    EXPERIMENTAL CELL RESEARCH   315 ( 16 )   2727 - 2740   2009.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER INC  

    POU5F1 (more commonly known as OCT4/3) is one of the stern cell markers, and affects direction of differentiation in embryonic stern cells. To investigate whether cells of mesenchymal origin acquire embryonic phenotypes, we generated human cells of mesodermal origin with overexpression of the chimeric OCT4/3 gene with physiological co-activator EWS (product of the EWSR1 gene), which is driven by the potent EWS promoter by translocation. The cells expressed embryonic stern cell genes such as NANOG, lost mesenchymal phenotypes, and exhibited embryonal stern cell-like alveolar structures when implanted into the subcutaneous tissue of immunodeficient mice. Hierarchical analysis by microchip analysis and Cell surface analysis revealed that the cells are subcatagorized into the group Of embryonic stern cells and embryonal Carcinoma cells. These results imply that cells of mesenchymal origin call be traced back to cells of embryonic phenotype by the OCT4/3 gene in collaboration with the potent cis-regulatory element and the fused co-activator. The cells generated in this study with overexpression of chimeric OCT4/3 provide Lis with insight into cell plasticity involving OCT4/3 that is essential for embryonic cell maintenance, and the complexity required for changing cellular identity. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.yexcr.2009.06.016

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  • Kinetics and Effect of Integrin Expression on Human CD34(+) Cells During Murine Leukemia Virus-Derived Retroviral Transduction with Recombinant Fibronectin for Stem Cell Gene Therapy Reviewed

    Yasuomi Horiuchi, Masafumi Onodera, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Ban Sato, Keiko Onda, Yohko U. Katagiri, Hajime Okita, Mayumi Okada, Makoto Otsu, Akihiro Kume, Torayuki Okuyama, Junichiro Fujimoto, Tadatoshi Kuratsuji, Nobutaka Kiyokawa

    HUMAN GENE THERAPY   20 ( 7 )   777 - 783   2009.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:MARY ANN LIEBERT INC  

    The CH-296 recombinant fragment of human fibronectin is essential for murine leukemia virus (MLV)-derived retroviral transduction of CD34(+) cells for the purpose of stem cell gene therapy. Although the major effect of CH-296 is colocalization of the MLV-derived retrovirus and target cells at specific adhesion domains of CH-296 mediated by integrins expressed on CD34(+) cells, the precise roles of the integrins are unclear. We examined the kinetics of integrin expression on CD34(+) cells during the course of MLV-derived retrovirus-mediated gene transduction with CH-296. Flow cytometry revealed that the levels of both very late activation protein (VLA)-4 and VLA-5 on CD34(+) cells freshly isolated from cord blood were insufficient for effective MLV-derived retroviral transduction. However, increases were achieved during culture for preinduction and MLV-derived retrovirus-mediated gene transduction in the presence of a cocktail of cytokines. In addition, we confirmed by using specific antibodies that inhibition of the cell adhesion mediated by the integrins significantly reduced transduction efficiency, indicating that integrin expression is indeed important for CH-296-based MLV-derived retroviral transduction. Only a few cytokines are capable of inducing integrin expression, and stem cell factor plus thrombopoietin was found to be the minimal combination that was sufficient for effective transduction of an MLV-derived retrovirus based on CH-296. Our findings should be useful for improving the culture conditions for CH-296-based MLV-derived retroviral transduction in stem cell gene therapy.

    DOI: 10.1089/hum.2008.159

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  • The expression of granulysin in systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma in childhood Reviewed

    Noriko Kitamura, Yohko U. Katagiri, Mitsuko Itagaki, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Keiko Onda, Hajime Okita, Akio Mori, Junichiro Fujimoto, Nobutaka Kiyokawa

    LEUKEMIA RESEARCH   33 ( 7 )   908 - 912   2009.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    The expression of granulysin, a cytolytic protein produced by activated T and NK cells, has been revealed to be correlated with the prognosis of some adult cancer patients. By examination on various childhood lymphoma tissues, we found that granulysin level was especially high in systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) cases, whereas no close correlation with the expression of CD96, a marker for activated T and NK cells, was observed. We further demonstrated that both ALCL cells in biopsy specimens and cell lines established from ALCL express granulysin, indicating some correlation of gramulysin with biological features of ALCL (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.leukres.2009.01.032

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  • EWS/ETS Regulates the Expression of the Dickkopf Family in Ewing Family Tumor Cells Reviewed

    Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hajime Okita, Mitsuko Itagaki, Masashi Toyoda, Yohko U. Katagiri, Junichiro Fujimoto, Jun-ichi Hata, Akihiro Umezawa, Nobutaka Kiyokawa

    PLOS ONE   4 ( 2 )   e4634   2009.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE  

    Background: The Dickkopf (DKK) family comprises a set of proteins that function as regulators of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling and has a crucial role in development. Recent studies have revealed the involvement of this family in tumorigenesis, however their role in tumorigenesis is still remained unclear.
    Methodology/Principal Findings: We found increased expression of DKK2 but decreased expression of DKK1 in Ewing family tumor (EFT) cells. We showed that EFT-specific EWS/ETS fusion proteins enhance the DKK2 promoter activity, but not DKK1 promoter activity, via ets binding sites (EBSs) in the 5' upstream region. EWS/ETS-mediated transactivation of the promoter was suppressed by the deletion and mutation of EBSs located upstream of the DKK2 gene. Interestingly, the inducible expression of EWS/ETS resulted in the strong induction of DKK2 expression and inhibition of DKK1 expression in human primary mesenchymal progenitor cells that are thought to be a candidate of cell origin of EFT. In addition, using an EFT cell line SK-ES1 cells, we also demonstrated that the expression of DKK1 and DKK2 is mutually exclusive, and the ectopic expression of DKK1, but not DKK2, resulted in the suppression of tumor growth in immuno-deficient mice.
    Conclusions/Significance: Our results suggested that DKK2 could not functionally substitute for DKK1 tumor-suppressive effect in EFT. Given the mutually exclusive expression of DKK1 and DKK2, EWS/ETS regulates the transcription of the DKK family, and the EWS/ETS-mediated DKK2 up-regulation could affect the tumorigenicity of EFT in an indirect manner.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0004634

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  • B-cell-activating factor inhibits CD20-mediated and B-cell receptor-mediated apoptosis in human B cells Reviewed

    Yohei Saito, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Keiko Onda, Hideki Nakajima, Ban Sato, Yasuomi Horiuchi, Hajime Okita, Yohko U. Katagiri, Masahiro Saito, Toshiaki Shimizu, Junichiro Fujimoto, Nobutaka Kiyokawa

    IMMUNOLOGY   125 ( 4 )   570 - 590   2008.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    B-cell-activating factor (BAFF) is a survival and maturation factor for B cells belonging to the tumour necrosis factor superfamily. Among three identified functional receptors, the BAFF receptor (BAFF-R) is thought to be responsible for the effect of BAFF on B cells though details of how remain unclear. We determined that a hairy-cell leukaemia line, MLMA, expressed a relatively high level of BAFF-R and was susceptible to apoptosis mediated by either CD20 or B-cell antigen receptor (BCR). Using MLMA cells as an in vitro model of mature B cells, we found that treatment with BAFF could inhibit apoptosis mediated by both CD20 and BCR. We also observed, using immunoblot analysis and microarray analysis, that BAFF treatment induced activation of nuclear factor-kappa B2 following elevation of the expression level of Bcl-2, which may be involved in the molecular mechanism of BAFF-mediated inhibition of apoptosis. Interestingly, BAFF treatment was also found to induce the expression of a series of genes, such as that for CD40, related to cell survival, suggesting the involvement of a multiple mechanism in the BAFF-mediated anti-apoptotic effect. MLMA cells should provide a model for investigating the molecular basis of the effect of BAFF on B cells in vitro and will help to elucidate how B cells survive in the immune system in which BAFF-mediated signalling is involved.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2567.2008.02872.x

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  • The detergent-insoluble microdomains, rafts, can be used as an effective immunogen Reviewed

    Yohko U. Katagiri, Hideki Nakajima, Ban Sato, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Yasuomi Horiuchi, Hajime Okita, Junichiro Fujimoto, Nobutaka Kiyokawa

    GLYCOCONJUGATE JOURNAL   25 ( 6 )   495 - 501   2008.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER  

    Detergent-insoluble microdomains, or rafts, act as a platform to transduce signals from the extracellular space into the cytoplasm. In the process of developing monoclonal antibodies against raft molecules for the purpose of studying the molecular mechanism of raft-mediated signaling, we observed the uniqueness and certain advantages of immunization with rafts. Simple subcutaneous injection of mice with a phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) suspension of rafts without mixing with Freund's adjuvant made it possible to increase the titer of antiserum reacting with raft components. Interestingly, injection of rafts prepared from certain specific cell lines induced monoglycolipid-specific antibodies. Furthermore, antibodies were produced by raft-immunization of even syngeneic mice. Our findings suggest that this phenomenon does not represent a breakdown of immunological self-tolerance, but typical immune reactions accompanying the class switch from IgM antibodies to IgG antibodies.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10719-007-9083-7

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  • Inducible expression of chimeric EWS/ETS proteins confers Ewing's family tumor-like phenotypes to human mesenchymal progenitor cells (Molecular and Cellular Biology (2008) 28, 7, (2125-2137))

    Miyagawa Yoshitaka, Okita Hajime, Nakaijima Hideki, Horiuchi Yasuomi, Sato Ban, Taguchi Tomoko, Toyoda Masashi, Katagiri Yohko U, Fujimoto Junichiro, Hata Jun Ichi, Umezawa Akihiro, Kiyokawa Nobutaka

    Molecular and Cellular Biology   28 ( 11 )   3882   2008.6

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    DOI: 10.1128/MCB.00557-08


  • Inducible expression of chimeric EWS/ETS proteins confers Ewing's family tumor-like phenotypes to human mesenchymal progenitor cells Reviewed

    Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hajime Okita, Hideki Nakaijima, Yasuomi Horiuchi, Ban Sato, Tomoko Taguchi, Masashi Toyoda, Yohko U. Katagiri, Junichiro Fujimoto, Jun-ichi Hata, Akihiro Umezawa, Nobutaka Kiyokawa

    MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY   28 ( 7 )   2125 - 2137   2008.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER SOC MICROBIOLOGY  

    Ewing's family tumor (EFT) is a rare pediatric tumor of unclear origin that occurs in bone and soft tissue. Specific chromosomal translocations found in EFT cause EWS to fuse to a subset of ets transcription factor genes (ETS), generating chimeric EWS/ETS proteins. These proteins are believed to play a crucial role in the onset and progression of EFT. However, the mechanisms responsible for the EWS/ETS-mediated onset remain unclear. Here we report the establishment of a tetracycline-controlled EWS/ETS-inducible system in human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal progenitor cells (MPCs). Ectopic expression of both EWS/FLI1 and EWS/ERG proteins resulted in a dramatic change of morphology, i.e., from a mesenchymal spindle shape to a small round-to-polygonal cell, one of the characteristics of EFT. EWS/ETS also induced immunophenotypic changes in MPCs, including the disappearance of the mesenchyme-positive markers CD10 and CD13 and the up-regulation of the EFT-positive markers CD54, CD99, CD117, and CD271. Furthermore, a prominent shift from the gene expression profile of MPCs to that of EFT was observed in the presence of EWS/ETS. Together with the observation that EWS/ETS enhances the ability of cells to invade Matrigel, these results suggest that EWS/ETS proteins contribute to alterations of cellular features and confer an EFT-like phenotype to human MPCs.

    DOI: 10.1128/MCB.00740-07

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  • Preferential localization of SSEA-4 in interfaces between blastomeres of mouse preimplantaion embryos Reviewed

    Ban Sato, Yohko U. Katagiri, Kenji Miyado, Hidenori Akutsu, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Yasuomi Horiuchi, Hideki Nakajima, Hajime Okita, Akihiro Umezawa, Jun-Ichi Hata, Junichiro Fujimoto, Kiyotaka Toshimori, Nobutaka Kiyokawa


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE  

    The monoclonal antibody 6E2 raised against the embryonal carcinoma cell line NCR-G3 had been shown to also react with human germ cells. Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) immunostaining revealed that 6E2 specifically reacts with sialosylglobopentaosylceramide (sialylGb5), which carries an epitope of stage-specific embryonic antigen-4 (SSEA-4), known as an important cell surface marker of embryogenesis. The immunostaining of mouse preimplantation embryos without fixation showed that the binding of 6E2 caused the clustering and consequent accumulation of sialylGb5 at the interface between blastomeres. These results suggest that SSEA-4 actively moves on the cell surface and readily accumulates between blastomeres after binding of 6E2. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2007.10.093

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  • Molecular Cloning of Silkworm Cdc37 and its Interaction with Hsp90 Chaperone

    YAMASHITA Jun, MIYAGAWA Yoshitaka, SUGAHARA Ryohei, MON Hiroaki, MITSUNOBU Hitoshi, LEE Jae Man, KAWAGUCHI Yutaka, KUSAKABE Takahiro

    J Insect Biotechnol Sericology   76 ( 3 )   137 - 143   2007.10

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  • Interleukin-7 contributes to human pro-B-cell development in a mouse stromal cell-dependent culture system Reviewed

    Tomoko Taguchi, Hisami Takenouchi, Yusuke Shiozawa, Jun Matsui, Noriko Kitamura, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Yoko U. Katagiri, Takao Takahashi, Hajime Okita, Junichiro Fujimoto, Nobutaka Kiyokawa

    EXPERIMENTAL HEMATOLOGY   35 ( 9 )   1398 - 1407   2007.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC  

    Objective. The role of interleukin (IL)-7 in human B lymphopoiesis is still controversial. We used an in vitro culture system to verify involvement of IL-7 in development of human pro-B cells from hematopoietic stem cells.
    Materials and Methods. Human CD34(+) bone marrow cells were cultured for 4 weeks on MS-5 mouse strornal cells to induce pro-B cells. Expression of IL-7 receptor alpha or other B-cell differentiation marker genes on cultured human CD34(+)bone marrow cells was investigated by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Colony assay of human CD34(+) bone marrow cells was also performed to determine the effect of IL-7 on colony-forming ability. Neutralizing antibody or reagent that eliminates the effect of IL-7 was added to the culture system, and the number of pro-B cells induced was estimated by flow cytometry.
    Results. RT-PCR analysis revealed mRNA expression of IL-7 receptor a as well as B-cell differentiation marker genes in not only CD19(+) pro-B cells but also CD19(-) CD33(-) cells induced from CD34(+) bone marrow cells after cultivation for 4 weeks on MS-5 cells. Addition of anti-mouse IL-7 antibody, anti-human IL-7 receptor alpha antibody, or JAK3 kinase inhibitor reduced the number of pro-B cells induced, demonstrating that elimination of IL-7 reduces pro-B-cell development. Addition of anti-mouse IL-7 antibody emphasized the colony-forming ability of burst-forming unit erythroid cells.
    Conclusions. IL-7 produced by MS-5 cells is required for human pro-B-cell development from CD34(+)bone marrow cells in our culture system, and IL-7 appears to play a certain role in early human B lymphopoiesis. (c) 2007 ISEH - Society for Hematology and Stem Cells. Published by Elsevier Inc.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.exphem.2007.05.019

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  • Differential expression of a Bombyx mori AHA1 homologue during spermatogenesis

    Y. Miyagawa, J. M. Lee, T. Maeda, K. Koga, Y. Kawaguchi, T. Kusakabe

    Insect Molecular Biology   14 ( 3 )   245 - 253   2005.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The AHA1 (activator of Hsp90 ATPase) family of proteins were exclusively conserved from yeast to humans, but little is known about their tissue distribution or biological function. In this study, a cDNA for a Bombyx mori AHA1 homologue, BmAHA1, was isolated from the testes of larvae on day 3 of the fifth instar using an mRNA differential display method.This cDNA encodes a protein with 341 amino acid residues. Gene expression studies revealed that BmAHA1 mRNA occurred prominently in the testes. In situ hybridization and immunostaining showed that the BmAHA1 mRNA signals were strongly detected in spermatogonial cells and primary spermatocytes at the fifth larval instar stage, whereas the BmAha1 protein was abundant in round and elongated spermatids at the pupal stage. The localization pattern of the accumulated protein in the elongated spermatids was reminiscent of that reported previously for microtubules, but the BmAha1 protein showed a decrease in apparent concentration during maturation process. The stage-and cell-specific expression indicated that BmAha1 might play a role in silkworm spermatogenesis, especially in postmeiotic differentiation. © 2005 The Royal Entomological Society.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2583.2005.00553.x




  • Nonhomologous end-joining in a cell-free extract from the cultured silkworm cell line BmN4 Reviewed

    A Ohsaki, K Iiyama, Y Miyagawa, Y Kawaguchi, K Koga, T Kusakabe

    MOLECULAR BIOLOGY REPORTS   32 ( 1 )   25 - 34   2005.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER  

    Nonhomologous end-Joining (NHEJ) is one of the repair pathways for double-strand breaks (DSBs) in eukaryotic cells. By using linearized plasmid substrates, we have detected intramolecular NHEJ activity in a cell-free extract from the cultured silkworm cell line BmN4. The efficiency of NHEJ differed according to the structure of DNA ends; approximately 1% of input DNA was repaired when the substrate had cohesive ends. The reaction required the hydrolysis of nucleotide triphosphate; interestingly, all of four rNTPs or four dNTPs could support the reaction. A substrate with non-complementary DNA ends was mainly repaired by the DNA polymerase-mediated pathway. These results indicate that the present cell-free system will be useful to analyze the molecular mechanisms of DSB repair and NHEJ in insect cells.

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  • Cloning and characterization of a ribonuclease L inhibitor from the silkworm, Bombyx mori Reviewed

    T Maeda, JM Lee, Y Miyagawa, K Koga, Y Kawaguchi, T Kusakabe

    DNA SEQUENCE   16 ( 1 )   21 - 27   2005.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD  

    The ribonuclease L ( RNase L) pathway plays an important role in the response of cells to double-stranded RNA ( dsRNA) during the events such as virus infection. Ribonuclease L inhibitor (RLI) belonging to the ABC transporter family is known as a regulator of the RNase L pathway. The homologs of RLI were reported in many organisms including the fruit fly and mosquito, but their functions in insects and arthropods have not been elucidated to date. In the present study, we cloned a cDNA of a silkworm RLI homolog, termed BmRLI, and its nucleotide sequence was determined. RT-PCR analysis revealed that the expression of BmRLI mRNA was marked in the testis, ovary and fat body. From the cDNA, recombinant protein with an apparent molecular mass of 69 kDa was expressed in Escherichia coli and cultured insect cells. Although no obvious effect of up-regulation of the BmRLI expression on RNAi was observed, its down-regulation slightly reduced RNAi efficiency.

    DOI: 10.1080/10425170400028871

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  • Efficient nonviral gene transfer mediated by polyethylenimine in an insect cell line

    Takuji Maeda, Takahiro Kusakabe, Jae Man Lee, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Katsumi Koga, Yutaka Kawaguchi

    Journal of Insect Biotechnology & Sericology   74 ( 1 )   21 - 26   2005

  • Molecular cloning and characterization of the translationally controlled tumor protein gene in Bombyx mori. Reviewed

    Lee JM, Kusakabe T, Kawaguchi Y, Miyagawa Y, Takahashi M, Mon H, Nho SK, Koga K

    Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part B, Biochemistry & molecular biology   139 ( 1 )   35 - 43   2004.9

  • Isolation and Characterization of Differently Expressed cDNAs in a Meiotic Recombination Strain of Bombyx mori

    Miyagawa Yoshitaka, Kusakabe Takahiro, Man Lee Jae, Maeda Takuji, Kawaguchi Yutaka, Koga Katsumi

    Journal of Insect Biotechnology & Sericology   73 ( 3 )   117 - 127   2004

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    ( Role: Contributor)


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  • 間葉系幹細胞の基礎と臨床応用 別冊・医学のあゆみ

    宮川世志幸( Role: Contributor遺伝子細胞治療における間葉系幹細胞の利用)

    医歯薬出版  2021.1 

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  • 医学のあゆみ 間葉系幹細胞の基礎と臨床応用

    宮川 世志幸( Role: Contributor遺伝子細胞治療における間葉系幹細胞の利用)

    医歯薬出版  2020.1 

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  • iPS細胞の安全・高品質な作製技術

    宮川 世志幸( Role: Contributor7節 iPS細胞による筋ジストロフィーの病態解明と治療法への活用)

    技術情報協会  2016.10 

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  • Methods in Molecular Biology

    宮川 世志幸( Role: ContributorInduction of adipogenic differentiation in three-dimensional culture model on a novel microfabricated scaffold)

    Humana Press  2013 

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  • Long-term efficacy and safety of non-toxic herpesvirus vectors

    宮川世志幸, 丸山基世, 丸山基世, 坂井敦, 佐藤優里子, 黒田誠司, 喜納裕美, 山本基子, 橋詰令太郎, 鈴木秀典, JUSTUS Cohen, JOSEPH Glorioso

    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web)   46th   2023

  • 間葉系幹細胞を応用した脳神経疾患に対する炎症制御療法

    仁藤智香子, 高橋史郎, 荒川将史, 古寺紘人, 宮川世志幸, 岡田尚巳, 木村和美

    脳循環代謝(Web)   35 ( 1 )   2023

  • Trisomic rescue using the CRSPR/Cas9 platform in the human trisomy 21 iPS cell model in vitro

    橋詰令太郎, 橋詰令太郎, 脇田幸子, 原万里, 北畠康司, 宮川世志幸, 倉橋浩樹

    日本病理学会会誌   111 ( 1 )   2022

  • 高品質遺伝子治療用無毒化ヘルペスウイルス(HSV)ベクターの精製方法および保管条件の検討

    黒田誠司, 宮川世志幸, 酒井真志人, 助川誠

    日本医科大学医学会雑誌   17 ( 4 )   248 - 249   2021.10

  • ラット局所脳虚血モデルにおけるiPSC由来間葉系幹細胞の脳保護効果の検討

    荒川将史, 仁藤智香子, 宮川世志幸, 坂本悠記, 高橋史朗, 笠原優子, 須田智, 岡田尚巳, 木村和美

    神経治療学(Web)   37 ( 6 )   2020

  • 一次感覚神経におけるホメオボックス遺伝子DRGXの神経障害性疼痛への関与

    伊藤孝哉, 伊藤孝哉, 坂井敦, 丸山基世, 丸山基世, 宮川世志幸, 岡田尚巳, 深山治久, 鈴木秀典

    日本薬理学雑誌   155 ( Supplement )   2020

  • 生体内における無毒化ヘルペスウイルスベクターの機能性・安全性の検証

    宮川世志幸, 丸山基世, 丸山基世, 坂井敦, 佐藤優里子, 黒田誠司, 喜納裕美, 山本基子, 橋詰令太郎, 鈴木秀典, COHEN Justus B., GLORIOSO Joseph C., 岡田尚巳

    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web)   43rd   2020

  • カイコ-バキュロウイルス発現系を用いた組換えアデノ随伴ウイルスの大量生産法の検討

    海老原健, 李在萬, 宮川世志幸, 増田亮津, 藤田龍介, 門宏明, 日下部宜宏

    日本蚕糸学会大会・蚕糸・昆虫機能学術講演会講演要旨集   90th   2020

  • 遺伝子細胞治療における間葉系幹細胞の利用


    医学のあゆみ   272 ( 10 )   2020

  • DRGX regulates MMP-9 expression in the primary sensory neurons in neuropathic pain

    坂井敦, 伊藤孝哉, 伊藤孝哉, 丸山基世, 丸山基世, 宮川世志幸, 深山治久, 鈴木秀典

    Pain Research   35 ( 4 )   2020

  • 脳梗塞に対する間葉系幹細胞治療の取り組み

    仁藤智香子, 高橋史郎, 荒川将史, 笠原優子, 宮川世志幸, 岡田尚巳, 木村和美

    脳循環代謝(Web)   32 ( 1 )   2020

  • 遺伝子治療目的無毒化ヘルペスウイルスベクターの精製系及び品質管理方法の評価

    黒田誠司, 宮川世志幸, 助川誠, 助川誠, 助川誠, 伴野太郎, 山本基子, 足立久美, WILLIAM Goins F., JUSTUS Cohen B., JOSEPH Glorioso C., 岡田尚巳

    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web)   43rd   2020

  • コウモリの種特異的なレトロウイルス抑制機序の解明

    大倉定之, 堀江真行, 清水真澄, 小山内遥香, 宮川世志幸, 森田林平

    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web)   43rd   2020

  • がん治療用レトロウイルスベクター産生羊膜間葉系幹細胞(VP-AMSCs)生成プロトコルの最適化

    山崎吉之, 笠原優子, 宮崎海, 宮川世志幸, 岡田尚巳

    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web)   43rd   2020

  • PCR増幅ベクターゲノムのAAVカプシド内包技術の開発

    足立久美, 伴野太郎, 伴野太郎, 岡田浩典, 塩澤裕介, 宮川世志幸, 岡田尚巳

    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web)   43rd   2020

  • コウモリ細胞におけるRNAウイルス感染抵抗性に関わる分子生物学的解析

    大倉定之, 宮川世志幸, 清水真澄, 森田林平, 高橋秀実

    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web)   42nd   2019

  • ヘルペスウイルスベクター精製法の改良

    黒田誠司, 黒田誠司, 黒田誠司, 宮川世志幸, GIANLUCA Verlengia, 助川誠, 助川誠, 助川誠, 伴野太郎, 伴野太郎, 足立久美, 山本基子, JUSTUS Cohen B., GLORIOSO Joseph C., 谷合信彦, 吉田寛, 岡田尚巳

    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web)   42nd   2019

  • 染色体消去によるtrisomy21のhaplotype phasing方法構築

    橋詰令太郎, 脇田幸子, 原万里, 柴山道登, 宮川世志幸

    日本再生医療学会総会(Web)   18th   2019

  • コウモリ細胞におけるレトロウイルス感染制御の解析

    大倉定之, 宮川世志幸, 森田林平, 高橋秀実

    日本ウイルス学会学術集会プログラム・予稿集(Web)   67th   2019

  • In vivo遺伝子導入に至適化された無毒化ヘルペスウイルスベクターの開発

    宮川世志幸, 丸山基世, 丸山基世, 黒田誠治, 坂井敦, 佐藤優里子, 橋詰令太郎, 喜納裕美, 山本基子, JUSTUS Cohen, JOSEPH Glorioso, 岡田尚巳

    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web)   42nd   2019

  • 生体内における新規無毒化ヘルペスウイルスベクターの遺伝子発現特性・動態解析

    宮川世志幸, 丸山基世, 丸山基世, 黒田誠治, 坂井敦, 佐藤優里子, 喜納裕美, 山本基子, COHEN Justus B, GLORIOSO Joseph C, 岡田尚巳

    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web)   41st   ROMBUNNO.3P‐0793 (WEB ONLY)   2018

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  • Ultracentrifugation-Free Chromatography-Mediated Purification of Recombinant Adeno-Associated Virus Serotype 9 (rAAV9)

    Taro Tomono, Yukihiko Hirai, Hironori Okada, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Kumi Adachi, Yasuhiro Kawano, Hideto Chono, Junichi Mineno, Akiko Ishii, Takashi Shimada, Masafumi Onodera, Akira Tamaoka, Takashi Okada

    MOLECULAR THERAPY   25 ( 5 )   149 - 150   2017.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:CELL PRESS  

    Web of Science


  • がん治療用ウイルスベクター産生ヒト歯髄幹細胞培養系の確立

    ZHANG Shujuan, ZHANG Shujuan, 山崎吉之, 宮川世志幸, 渡邉淳, 岡田尚巳

    日本医科大学医学会雑誌   13 ( 3 )   2017

  • クロマトグラフィー技術を用いた8型アデノ随伴ウイルスベクター(rAAV8)の精製

    伴野太郎, 伴野太郎, 増田千明, 宮川世志幸, 岡田浩典, 平井幸彦, 石井亜紀子, 玉岡晃, 岡田尚巳

    日本生化学会大会(Web)   90th   2017

  • 新規ウイルス産生細胞を用いた無毒化ヘルペスウイルスベクターの生産系の確立

    黒田誠司, 黒田誠司, 黒田誠司, 宮川世志幸, 足立久美, 山本基子, COHEN Justus B., GLORIOSO JOSEPH C., 鈴木英之, 内田英二, 岡田尚巳

    日本生化学会大会(Web)   90th   2017

  • 難治性神経・筋疾患の遺伝子治療に向けた新規無毒化ヘルペスウイルスベクターの開発

    宮川世志幸, 黒田誠司, 丸山基世, 丸山基世, 喜納裕美, 山本基子, VERLENGIA Gianluca, SIMONATO Michele, COHEN Justus, GLORIOSO Joseph, 岡田尚巳

    日本生化学会大会(Web)   90th   2017

  • イオン交換カラムクロマトグラフィー技術による組換え5型アデノ随伴ウイルス精製法の開発

    増田千明, 伴野太郎, 宮川世志幸, 岡田浩典, 平井幸彦, 岡田尚巳

    日本生化学会大会(Web)   90th   2017

  • Benign Herpes Simplex Virus Vector Design for Efficient Delivery of Large or Multiple Transgenes To a Diversity of Cells

    Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Fang Han, Gianluca Verlengia, Hiroaki Uchida, Michele Simonato, Justus B. Cohen, Joseph C. Glorioso

    MOLECULAR THERAPY   23   S130 - S130   2015.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

    Web of Science


  • Use of miRNA Response Sequences to Block Off-target Replication and Increase the Safety of an Unattenuated, Glioblastoma-targeted Oncolytic HSV (vol 23, pg 99, 2014)

    Lucia Mazzacurati, Marco Marzulli, Bonnie Reinhart, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hiroaki Uchida, William F. Goins, Aofei Lil, Balveen Kaur, Michael Caligiuri, Timothy Cripe, Ennio A. Chiocca, Nduka Amankulor, Justus B. Cohen, Joseph C. Glorioso, Paola Grandi

    MOLECULAR THERAPY   23 ( 1 )   215 - 215   2015.1

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    Language:English   Publisher:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

    DOI: 10.1038/mt.2014.216

    Web of Science


  • HSV Vector Development for Targeted Gene Delivery to the CNS

    Daniela Leronni, Bonnie Reinhart, Marco Marzulli, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Justus B. Cohen, Joseph C. Glorioso

    MOLECULAR THERAPY   22   S122 - S123   2014.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

    Web of Science


  • 新たな腫瘍溶解ウイルス療法の開発-がん標的化単鎖抗体を挿入した単純ヘルペスウイルスによる精密なターゲティング

    駒井麻央, 鈴木拓真, 柴田智子, 大久保優, 福原武志, 宮川世志幸, COHEN Justus B., GLORIOSO Joseph C., 中野賢二, 熊谷泉, 黒木政秀, 濱田洋文, 内田宏昭

    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web)   36th   2013

  • 単純ヘルペスウイルスの標的化改変プラットフォームへのがん標的化抗体インハウスリソースの適用

    柴田智子, 鈴木拓真, 大久保優, 駒井麻央, 福原武志, 山口美樹, 平井幸恵, 宮川世志幸, COHEN Justus, GLORIOSO Joseph, 濱田洋文, 内田宏昭

    日本ウイルス学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集   61st   2013

  • エンベロープ糖タンパクgDにがん標的化単鎖抗体を挿入した単純ヘルペスウイルスを用いた腫瘍溶解ウイルス療法の開発

    鈴木拓真, 柴田智子, 大久保優, 福原武志, 宮川世志幸, COHEN Justus, GLORIOSO Joseph, 中野賢二, 熊谷泉, 黒木政秀, 山口美樹, 平井幸恵, 濱田洋文, 内田宏昭

    日本ウイルス学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集   61st   2013

  • ユーイング肉腫ファミリー腫瘍におけるEWS/ETS融合遺伝子の標的遺伝子DKK1/DKK2の腫瘍形成における役割

    大喜多肇, 秋元信吾, 宮川世志幸, 近森穣, 藤本純一郎, 小林健一郎, 秦順一, 清河信敬

    日本病理学会会誌   101 ( 1 )   2012

  • ユーイング肉腫ファミリー腫瘍におけるDickkopfファミリー分子の発現制御とその意義

    大喜多肇, 近森穣, 宮川世志幸, 秋元信吾, 小林健一郎, 藤本純一郎, 秦純一, 清河信敬

    日本小児血液・がん学会学術集会・日本小児がん看護学会・がんの子供を守る会公開シンポジウムプログラム・総会号   53rd-9th-16th   2011


    Yasuomi Horiuchi, Masafumi Onodera, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Ban Sato, Keiko Onda, Yohko U. Katagiri, Hajime Okita, Mayumi Okada, Makoto Otsu, Akihiro Kume, Torayuki Okuyama, Junichiro Fujimoto, Tadatoshi Kuratsuji, Nobutaka Kiyokawa

    JOURNAL OF GENE MEDICINE   12 ( 12 )   1058 - 1058   2010.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD  

    Web of Science


  • 哺乳類MAPK及び昆虫ホルモンレセプターに対するカイコHSP90コシャペロンの相互作用

    山下隼, 門宏明, 宮川世志幸, 光延仁志, 李在萬, 河口豊, 日下部宜宏

    日本蚕糸学会大会・蚕糸・昆虫機能学術講演会講演要旨集   79th   2009

  • カイコp53ホモログの探索と機能解析

    島田快, 高橋将晃, 宮川世志幸, 三田和英, 田附常幸, 田附常幸, LEE JaeMan, 日下部宜宏, 河口豊

    日本分子生物学会年会講演要旨集   32nd ( Vol.4 )   2009

  • Wntシグナル拮抗因子DKKのEwing肉腫ファミリー腫瘍発生における機能

    宮川世志幸, 大喜多肇, 佐藤伴, 片桐洋子, 梅澤明弘, 藤本純一郎, 清河信敬

    日本病理学会会誌   98 ( 1 )   2009

  • Imatinib存在下でのPh1陽性白血病における各種造血因子の造血関連遺伝子発現への影響

    根本篤, 根本篤, 犬飼岳史, 清河信敬, 宮川世志幸, 加賀美恵子, 杉田完爾

    臨床血液   49 ( 9 )   2008

  • 小児急性リンパ性白血病の質量分析装置による発現糖脂質解析

    中島英規, 金子智典, 巽国子, 宮川世志幸, 恩田恵子, 片桐洋子, 大喜多肇, 藤本純一郎, 清河信敬

    日本小児血液学会・日本小児がん学会学術集会・日本小児がん看護研究会・血友病看護研究会・財団法人がんの子供を守る会公開シンポジウムプログラム・総会号   50th-24th-6th-5th-13th   2008

  • 糖鎖プライマー法を用いた神経芽腫に発現する糖鎖のLC-MS/MSによるハイスループット解析

    金子智典, 大喜多肇, 中島英規, 宮川世志幸, 片桐洋子, 清河信敬, 藤本純一郎, 佐藤智典

    日本化学会講演予稿集   88th ( 2 )   2008

  • 高密度SNPマイクロアレイを用いた本邦の小児急性リンパ芽球性白血病のmolecular karyotyping

    清河信敬, 清河信敬, 加藤元博, 藤本純一郎, 宮川世志幸, 宮川世志幸, 恩田恵子, 恩田恵子, 恩田恵子, 大喜多肇, 大喜多肇, 齋藤正博, 牧本敦, 真部淳, 康勝好, 小原明, 林泰秀, 花田良二, 土田昌宏, 小川誠司

    臨床血液   49 ( 9 )   2008

  • 免疫不全マウスを用いたヒト造血細胞に対する放射線照射生物影響の生体内解析系

    堀内保臣, 宮川世志幸, 片桐洋子, 大喜多肇, 藤本純一郎, 清河信敬

    日本小児血液学会・日本小児がん学会学術集会・日本小児がん看護研究会・血友病看護研究会・財団法人がんの子供を守る会公開シンポジウムプログラム・総会号   50th-24th-6th-5th-13th   2008

  • 新たに確立した質量分析装置を用いた糖脂質相対定量法による間葉系前駆細胞の試験管内分化に伴う糖脂質の発現変化の解析

    中島英規, 巽国子, 太田百絵, 豊田雅士, 宮川世志幸, 大喜多肇, 片桐洋子, 梅澤明弘, 清河信敬, 藤本純一郎

    生化学   2008

  • 糖鎖プライマー法を用いたマウス胚性癌腫細胞F9に発現する糖鎖構造の探索

    小笠原尚, 大喜多肇, 中島英規, 宮川世志幸, 片桐洋子, 清河信敬, 藤本純一郎, 佐藤智典

    日本化学会講演予稿集   88th ( 2 )   2008

  • Ewing’sファミリー腫瘍特異的融合遺伝子EWS/ETSによるDKKファミリー遺伝子群の発現制御

    宮川世志幸, 大喜多肇, 梅澤明弘, 藤本純一郎, 秦順一, 清河信敬

    日本病理学会会誌   97 ( 1 )   2008

  • Wntシグナル拮抗因子DKKは融合遺伝子EWS/ETSにより遺伝子発現制御を受ける

    宮川世志幸, 大喜多肇, 中島英規, 豊田雅士, 片桐洋子, 梅澤明弘, 藤本純一郎, 清河信敬

    生化学   2008

  • ヒト胎児肺組織線維芽細胞(MRC-5)由来多能性幹細胞の特性解析

    深渡瀬嘉洋, 豊田雅士, 宮川世志幸, 阿久津英憲, 大喜多肇, 清河信敬, 梅澤明弘

    生化学   2008

  • カイコシャペロン過剰発現のもたらすターゲットタンパク質への影響

    山下隼, 山下隼, 宮川世志幸, 門宏明, 光延仁志, 光延仁志, 久保雄二, 沢津橋俊, 加藤茂明, LEE Jaeman, 河口豊, 日下部宜宏

    生化学   2008

  • ヒトB前駆細胞株に発現するCD10分子の糖鎖の多様性とendopeptidase活性

    片桐洋子, 片桐洋子, 佐藤伴, 佐藤伴, 中島英規則, 宮川世志幸, 堀内保臣, 大喜多肇, 大喜多肇, 藤本純一郎, 藤本純一郎, 清河信敬, 清河信敬

    日本病理学会会誌   97 ( 1 )   2008

  • カイコTPRドメインタンパク質BmCprA1,BmFKBP59,BmHOPとBmHsp90との相互作用

    山下隼, 宮川世志幸, 門宏明, 光延仁志, LEE Jae Man, 河口豊, 日下部宜宏

    生化学   2007

  • ヒト骨髄由来間葉系前駆細胞を用いたEwing’s family tumor発現融合遺伝子EWS/FLI1による糖脂質の変化

    中島英規, 宮川世志幸, 大喜多肇, 佐藤伴, 堀内保臣, 片桐洋子, 梅澤明弘, 清河信敬, 藤本純一郎

    生化学   2007

  • ラフトマイクロドメイン免疫の抗腫瘍効果

    片桐洋子, 佐藤伴, 宮川世志幸, 堀内保正, 石垣宏仁, 小笠原一誠, 大喜多肇, 藤本純一郎, 清河信敬

    日本病理学会会誌   96 ( 1 )   2007

  • Ewing肉腫特異的融合遺伝子発現による間葉系前駆細胞における発現糖鎖の変化

    中島英規, 宮川世志幸, 大喜多肇, 梅澤明弘, 清河信敬, 藤本純一郎

    日本糖質学会年会要旨集   27th   2007

  • 小児先天性疾患および難治性疾患における遺伝子診断法の標準化と国内実施施設の整備に関する研究 小児固形腫瘍および腫瘍関連先天性疾患における遺伝子診断法の標準化と制度管理

    清河信敬, 大喜多肇, 中里恵子, 宮川世志幸, 中島英規

    小児先天性疾患および難治性疾患における遺伝子診断法の標準化と国内実施施設の整備に関する研究 平成18年度 総括・分担研究報告書   2007

  • BAFFによるB細胞アポトーシスの抑制

    斉藤洋平, 斉藤洋平, 清河信敬, 田口智子, 宮川世志幸, 中島英規, 佐藤伴, 堀内保臣, 片桐洋子, 大喜多肇, 齋藤正博, 清水俊明, 藤本純一郎

    日本小児血液学会・日本小児がん学会学術集会・日本小児がん看護研究会・血友病看護研究会・財団法人がんの子供を守る会公開シンポジウムプログラム・総会号   49th-23rd-5th-4th-12th   2007

  • ヒト間葉系幹細胞培養系を用いたEwing肉腫ファミリー腫瘍発症モデルの確立

    宮川世志幸, 大喜多肇, 梅澤明弘, 藤本純一郎, 秦順一, 清河信敬

    日本病理学会会誌   96 ( 1 )   2007

  • ヒト間葉系前駆細胞におけるEwing腫瘍特異的融合遺伝子EWS/ETS発現はEwing腫瘍様形質を誘導する

    宮川世志幸, 大喜多肇, 梅澤明弘, 藤本純一郎, 清河信敬

    生化学   2007

  • 小児悪性リンパ腫におけるGranulysin発現の解析

    北村紀子, 北村紀子, 清河信敬, 片桐洋子, 板垣光子, 宮川世志幸, 大喜多肇, 森晶夫, 藤本純一郎

    日本小児血液学会・日本小児がん学会学術集会・日本小児がん看護研究会・血友病看護研究会・財団法人がんの子供を守る会公開シンポジウムプログラム・総会号   49th-23rd-5th-4th-12th   2007

  • Ewing family tumor特異的融合遺伝子EWS/ETSによるWntシグナル関連因子Dickkopf familyの発現制御

    宮川世志幸, 大喜多肇, 中島英規, 梅澤明弘, 藤本純一郎, 清河信敬

    日本小児血液学会・日本小児がん学会学術集会・日本小児がん看護研究会・血友病看護研究会・財団法人がんの子供を守る会公開シンポジウムプログラム・総会号   49th-23rd-5th-4th-12th   2007

  • 糖鎖プライマー法を利用した白血病等の発現糖鎖パネル化と発現糖鎖プローブ開発による診断・治療への応用 発現糖鎖解析,糖鎖修飾分子合成および抗糖鎖抗体作製

    中島英規, 宮川世志幸, 大喜多肇, 肥後大輔

    糖鎖プライマー法を利用した白血病等の発現糖鎖パネル化と発現糖鎖プローブ開発による診断・治療への応用 平成18年度 総括研究報告書   2007

  • oncostatin Mの造血調節作用に関するin vitroでの検討

    田口智子, 宮川世志幸, 堀内保臣, 斎藤洋平, 竹野内寿美, 北村紀子, 松井淳, 佐藤伴, 鈴木恭子, 斎藤正博, 片桐洋子, 大喜多肇, 藤本純一郎, 清河信敬

    臨床血液   48 ( 9 )   2007

  • ヒト造血幹細胞に対する組換えフィブロネクチンを用いたレトロウイルス感染の分子機構に関する検討

    堀内保臣, 清河信敬, 宮川世志幸, 中島英規, 斉藤洋平, 片桐洋子, 大喜多肇, 岡田真弓, 大津真, 小野寺雅史, 久米晃啓, 犬飼岳史, 奥山虎之, 杉田完爾, 藤本純一郎, 倉辻忠俊

    日本小児血液学会・日本小児がん学会学術集会・日本小児がん看護研究会・血友病看護研究会・財団法人がんの子供を守る会公開シンポジウムプログラム・総会号   49th-23rd-5th-4th-12th   2007

  • ヒト間葉系幹細胞培養系を用いたEwing肉腫病態関連候補因子群に関する網羅的解析

    宮川世志幸, 大喜多肇, 梅澤明弘, 藤本純一郎, 秦順一, 清河信敬

    日本癌学会学術総会記事   65th   2006

  • 培養系を用いたヒト造血幹細胞の放射線照射による遺伝子発現の変化の解析

    清河信敬, 宮川世志幸, 堀内保臣, 竹野内寿美, 田口智子, 佐藤伴, 大河原明美, 片桐洋子, 大喜多肇, 藤本純一郎

    日本小児血液学会雑誌   20 ( 5 )   2006

  • ヒト間葉系幹細胞培養系によるEwing肉腫ファミリー腫瘍群発症機構の解析

    宮川世志幸, 大喜多肇, 梅澤明弘, 藤本純一郎, 秦川順一, 清河信敬

    日本小児血液学会雑誌   20 ( 5 )   2006

  • EBV感染によってヒトB細胞に誘導される遺伝子発現の変化の解析

    田口智子, 宮川世志幸, 今留謙一, 堀内保臣, 竹野内寿美, 大河原明美, 松井淳, 北村紀子, 佐藤伴, 片桐洋子, 大喜多肇, 藤原成悦, 藤本純一郎, 清河信敬

    日本小児血液学会雑誌   20 ( 5 )   2006

  • カイコ精巣におけるAha1タンパク質の発現局在及び機能解析

    宮川世志幸, LEE J M, 古賀克己, 河口豊, 日下部宣宏

    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・講演要旨集   27th   2004

  • 精巣成熟に関わる新規クローンBm44(BmAHA1)の機能解析

    宮川世志幸, 日下部宣宏, 河口豊, 古賀克己

    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・講演要旨集   26th   2003

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  • Dorsal Root Ganglia Homeobox (DRGX) in the DRG neurons is involved in neuropathic pain.

    Ito Takaya, Sakai Atsushi, Maruyama Motoyo, Miyagawa Yoshitaka, Okada Takashi, Fukayama Haruhisa, Suzuki Hidenori

    Proceedings for The 93rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Pharmacological Society 

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    Event date: 2020.3


  • Improved purification method for herpes simplex virus-based vectors.

    Seiji Kuroda, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Gianluca Verlengia, Makoto Sukegawa, Kumi Adachi, Motoko Yamamoto, Justus B. Cohen, Joseph C. Glorioso, Hideyuki Suzuki, Hiroshi Yoshida, Takashi Okada

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    Event date: 2019.12


  • Novel molecular mechanism of bat cells for resisting RNA virus replication.

    Sadayuki Ohkura, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Masumi Shimizu, Rimpei Morita, Hidemi Takahashi

    The 42nd Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan (MBSJ2019) 

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    Event date: 2019.12


  • Optimization of vector design of non-toxic herpes simplex virus-based vector for efficient in vivo transduction.

    Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Motoyo Maruyama, Seiji Kuroda, Atsushi Sakai, Yuriko Sato, Ryotaro Hashizume, Hiromi Kinoh, Motoko Yamamoto, Justus B. Cohen, Joseph C. Glorioso, Takashi Okada

    The 42nd Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan (MBSJ2019) 

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    Event date: 2019.12


  • Involvement of novel long non-coding RNAs expressed in the primary sensory neuron in neuropathic pain.

    Atsushi Sakai, Motoyo Maruyama, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Takashi Okada, Hidenori Suzuki

    The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Neurochemistry(NEURO2019) 

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    Event date: 2019.7


  • Overexpression of LMO2 in acute lymphoblastic leukemia with t(17;19)(q21-q22;p13) translocation

    Kinuko Hirose, Takeshi Inukai, Jiro Kikuchi, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Itaru Kuroda, Xiaochun Zhang, Hiroshi Akaba, Kumiko Goi, Yusuke Furukawa, Hidemitsu Kurosawa, Toshiya Inaba, Kanji Sugita

    The 6th stem cell research symposium 

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    Venue:Kumamoto, Japan  


  • Expression analysis of glycolid in human mesenchymal progenitor cells by novel method with mass Spectrometry

    Hideki Nakajima, Kuniko Tatsumi, Momoe Ota, Masashi Toyoda, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hajime Okita, Yohko-U Katagiri, Akihiro Umezawa, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Junichiro Fujimoto

    The 31th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan (BMB2008) 

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    Venue:Kobe, Japan  


  • The regulation of Dickkopf2 (DKK2) expression by EWS/ETS in Ewing family tumor cells

    Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hajime Okita, Ban Sato, Yasuomi Horiuchi, Hideki Nakajima, Yohko-U Katagiri, Akihiro Umezawa, Jun-ichi Hata, Junichiro Fujimoto, Nobutaka Kiyokawa

    The 31th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan (BMB2008) 

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    Venue:Kobe, Japan  


  • A new approach for drug discovery and differentiation study using cutting-edge 3D cell culture system

    Fujiko Ozawa, Manami Shimomura, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Masami Hiroyama, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Akihiro Umezawa, Akito Tanoue, Tetsuya Nakatsura, Satoru Tanaka

    The 21st Annual and International Meeting of the Japanese Association for Animal Cell Technology 

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    Venue:Fukuoka, Japan  


  • 3-D culture of primary preadipocyte with NanoCulture_ Plate

    Masami Hiroyama, Ruriko Sakamoto, Fujiko Ozawa, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Akihiko Kanai, Norio Kubota, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Hajime Okita, Akihiro Umezawa, Tatsuya Miyazaki, Satoru Miyauchi, Satoru Tanaka

    Study Group on Adiposcience Symposium 2008 

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    Venue:Osaka, Japan  


  • Potential Linkages Between the Inner and Outer Cellular States of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells

    Shigeru Saito, Yasuko Onuma, Yuzuru Ito, Hiroaki Tateno, Masashi Toyoda, Hidenori Akutsu, Koichiro Nishino, Emi Chikazawa, Yoshihiro Fukawatase, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hajime Okita, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Yohichi Shimma, Akihiro Umezawa, Jun Hirabayashi, Katsuhisa Horimoto, Makoto Asashima

    The Fourth International Conference on Computational Systems Biology (ISB2010) 

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    Venue:Suzhou, China  


  • The interaction of BmHsp90 cochaperones with mammalian MAPKs and insect hormone receptors

    Jun Yamashita, Hiroaki Mon, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hitoshi Mitsumobu, Jaeman Lee, Yutaka Kawaguchi, Takahiro Kusakabe

    The Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Sericultural Science 

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    Venue:Tokyo, Japan  


  • ユーイング肉腫ファミリー腫瘍におけるDickkopf ファミリー分子の発現制御とその意義

    Hajime Okita, Chikamori Joe, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Shingo Akimoto, Kenichiro Kobayashi, Junichiro Fujimoto, Jun-ichi Hata, Nobutaka Kiyokawa

    The 53th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology 

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    Venue:Maehashi, Japan  


  • ユーイング肉腫ファミリー腫瘍におけるEWS/ETS 融合遺伝子の標的遺伝子DKK1/DKK2の腫瘍形成における役割

    Hajime Okita, Shingo Akimoto, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Chikamori Joe, Junichiro Fujimoto, Kenichiro Kobayashi, Jun-ichi Hata, Nobutaka Kiyokawa

    The 101st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Pathology 

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    Venue:Tokyo, Japan  


  • Aberrant induction of LMO2 by the E2A-HLF chimeric transcription factor and its implication in leukemogenesis of B-precursor ALL with t(17;19)

    Kinuko Hirose, Takeshi Inukai, Jiro Kikuchi, Yusuke Furukawa, Tomokatsu Ikawa, Hiroshi Kawamoto, S. Helen Oram, Berthold G_ttgens, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hajime Okita, Koshi Akahane, Xiaochun Zhang, Itaru Kuroda, Hiroko Honna, Keiko Kagami, Kumiko Goi, Hidemitsu Kurosawa, A. Thomas Look, Hirotaka Matsui, Toshiya Inaba, Kanji Sugita

    The 53th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology 

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    Venue:Maehashi, Japan  


  • Development of fully retargeted oncolytic herpes simplex virus vectors by insertion of tumor-specific single-chain antibodies into viral envelope glycoprotein D

    Tomoko Shibata, Takuma Suzuki, Yu Okubo, Takeshi Fukuhara, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Justus B. Cohen, Joseph C. Glorioso, Kenji Nakano, Izumi Kumagai, Masahide Kuroki, Miki Yamaguchi, Hirofumi Hamada, Hiroaki Uchida

    The 86th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society 

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    Venue:Yokohama, Japan,  


  • Development of an Efficient and Versatile Herpes Simplex Virus Vector System for Cellular Reprogramming

    Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Justus B. Cohen, Michele Simonato, Paola Grandi, Joseph C. Glorioso

    International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) 

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    Venue:Yokohama, Japan  


  • 単純ヘルペスウイルスの標的化改変プラットフォームへのがん標的化抗体インハウスリソースの適用

    Tomoko Shibata, Takuma Suzuki, Yu Okubo, Mao Komai, Takeshi Fukuhara, Miki Yamaguchi, Sachie Hirai, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Justus B. Cohen, Joseph C. Glorioso, Hirofumi Hamada, Hiroaki Uchida

    The 61st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Virology 

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    Venue:Kobe Japan  


  • Application of in-house monoclonal antibody resources to a fully retargeted oncolytic herpes simplex virus platform

    Yu Okubo, Takuma Suzuki, Tomoko Shibata, Mao Komai, Takeshi Fukuhara, Miki Yamaguchi, Sachie Hirai, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Justus B. Cohen, Joseph C. Glorioso, Hirofumi Hamada, Hiroaki Uchida

    72nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association 

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    Venue:Yokohama, Japan  


  • 新たな腫瘍溶解ウイルス療法の開発―がん標的化単鎖抗体を挿入した単純ヘルペスウイルスによる精密なターゲティング

    Mao Komai, Takuma Suzuki, Tomoko Shibata, Yu Okubo, Takeshi Fukuhara, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Justus B. Cohen, Joseph C. Glorioso, Kenji Nakano, Izumi Kumagai, Masahide Kuroki, Hirofumi Hamada, Hiroaki Uchida

    The 36th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan 

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    Venue:Kobe, Japan  


  • エンべローブ糖タンパクgDにがん標的化単鎖抗体を挿入した単純ヘルペスウイルスを用いた腫瘍溶解ウイルス療法の開発

    Takuma Suzuki, Tomoko Shibata, Yu Okubo, Takeshi Fukuhara, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Justus B. Cohen, Joseph C. Glorioso, Kenji Nakano, Izumi Kumagai, Masahide Kuroki, Hirofumi Hamada, Hiroaki Uchida

    The 61st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Virology 

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    Venue:Kobe Japan  


  • HSV Vector Development for Targeted Gene Delivery to the CNS

    Daniela Leronni, Bonnie Reinhart, Marco Marzulli, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Justus B. Cohen, Joseph C. Glorioso

    American society of gene therapy & cell therapy 17th annual meeting 

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    Venue:Washington, DC, USA  


  • Arming a tumor targeted oncolytic HSV vector with genes that enhance virus spread and tumor sensitivity to NK cell-mediated tumor destruction

    Aofei Li, Michael Brancho, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Justus B. Cohen, Joseph C. Glorioso, Nduka Amankulor, Paola Grandi

    8th International Conference on Oncolytic Virus Therapeutics 

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    Venue:Oxford, UK  


  • cHS4 and a Ubiquitous Chromatin Opening Element Support Transgene Expression From Herpes Simplex Virus Vectors in the Absence of Immediate-Early Gene Expression

    Fang Han, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Gianluca Verlengia, Michele Simonato, Justus B. Cohen, Joseph C. Glorioso

    The 38th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan 

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    Venue:Kobe, Japan  


  • Benign herpes simplex virus vector design for efficient delivery of large or multiple transgenes to a diversity of cells

    Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Fang Han, Gianluca Verlengia, Hiroaki Uchida, Michele Simonato, Justus B. Cohen, Joseph C. Glorioso

    American society of gene therapy & cell therapy 18th annual meeting 

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    Venue:New Orleans, USA  


  • HSV Vector Development for Targeted Gene Delivery

    Bonnie Reinhart, Marco Marzulli, Daniela Leronni, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Justus B. Cohen, Joseph C. Glorioso

    19th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy 

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    Venue:Washington, DC、USA  


  • Generation of a non-cytotoxic herpes simplex based vector for neural transduction

    Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Gianluca Verlengia, Michele Simonato, Justus B. Cohen, Joseph C. Glorioso

    The 13th international congress of human genetics 

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    Venue:Kyoto, Japan  


  • Deletion of virion host shut off protein promotes neural-specific transgene expression by a non-cytotoxic herpes simplex virus-based vector

    Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Gianluca Verlengia, Michele Simonato, Justus B. Cohen, Joseph C. Glorioso

    The 39th Annual meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan. 

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    Venue:Yokohama. Japan  


  • ウイルスベクターによる遺伝子治療の可能性

    Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hiromi Kinoh, Takashi Okada


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    Venue:Tokyo, Japan  


  • Persistent transduction of CNS neurons by a non-toxic herpes simplex virus-based vector

    Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Gianluca Verlengia, Michele Simonato, Justus B. Cohen, Joseph C. Glorioso

    23th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (JSGCT) 

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    Venue:Okayama, Japan  


  • Protocol optimization for high-yield production of a non-toxic herpes simplex virus-based vector using a novel producer cell line

    Seiji Kuroda, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Kumi Adachi, Motoko Yamamoto, Justus B. Cohen Joseph, C. Glorioso, Hideyuki Suzuki, Eiji Uchida, Takashi Okada

    The 39th Annual meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan. 

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    Venue:Yokohama. Japan  


  • Development of a new generation of herpes simplex virus vectors fully retargeted to a variety of tumor-associated antigens

    Hiroaki Uchida, Yu Okubo, Tomoko Shibata, Takuma Suzuki, Hitomi Ikeda, Tomoki Shiroyama, Takeshi Fukuhara, Masaki Kojima, Miki Yamaguchi, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Justus B. Cohen, Joseph C. Glorioso, Hirofumi Hamada

    Japan society of gene therapy. 20th annual meeting 

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    Venue:Tokyo Japan  


  • Effect of culture conditions on efficient production of non-toxic herpes simplex virus-based vectors using a novel producer cell line

    Seiji Kuroda, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Kumi Adachi, Motoko Yamamoto, Justus B. Cohen Joseph, C. Glorioso, Hideyuki Suzuki, Eiji Uchida, Takashi Okada

    23th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (JSGCT) 

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    Venue:Okayama, Japan  


  • イオン交換カラムクロマトグラフィー技術による組換え5型アデノ随伴ウイルス精製法の開発

    Chiaki Masuda, Taro Tomono, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hironori Okada, Yukihiko Hirai, Takashi Okada

    Consortium of Biological Science 2017 (ConBio2017) 

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    Venue:Kobe, Japan  


  • クロマトグラフィー技術を用いた8型アデノ随伴ウイルスベクター(rAAV8) の精製

    Taro Tomono, Chiaki Masuda, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hironori Okada, Yukihiko Hirai, Akiko Ishii, Akira Tamaoka, Takashi Okada

    Consortium of Biological Science 2017 (ConBio2017) 

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    Venue:Kobe, Japan  


  • Refinements of rAAV8 Purification Protocol with Chromatography Technology

    Taro Tomono, Yukihiko Hirai, Hironori Okada, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Kumi Adachi, Akiko Ishii, Takashi Shimada, Akira Tamaoka, Takashi Okada

    21th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy 

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    Venue:Chicago, USA  


  • Development of a novel non-toxic herpes simplex virus vector for treatment of neurodegenerative and neuromuscular diseases

    Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Seiji Kuroda, Motoyo Maruyama, Hiromi Kinoh, Motoko Yamamoto, Gianluca Verlengia, Michele Simonato, Justus B. Cohen, Joseph C. Glorioso, Takashi Okada

    Consortium of Biological Science 2017 (ConBio2017) 

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    Venue:Kobe, Japan  


  • In vivo distribution of transgene expression from an HSV vector functionally deleted for all immediate-early genes

    Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Motoyo Maruyama, Seiji Kuroda, Atsushi Sakai, Yuriko Sato, Hiromi Kinoh, Motoko Yamamoto, Justus B. Cohen, Joseph C. Glorioso, Takashi Okada

    The 41th Annual meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan. 

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    Venue:Yokohama. Japan  


  • Enhancement of non-toxic HSV vector production and functionality by chemical compound treatment

    Seiji Kuroda, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Kumi Adachi, Motoko Yamamoto, Hiromi Kinoh, Justus B. Cohen Joseph, C. Glorioso, Hideyuki Suzuki, Eiji Uchida, Takashi Okada

    24th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (JSGCT) 

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    Venue:Tokyo, Japan  


  • 新規ウイルス産生細胞を用いた無毒化ヘルペスウイルスベクターの生産系の確立

    Seiji Kuroda, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Kumi Adachi, Motoko Yamamoto, Justus B. Cohen Joseph, C. Glorioso, Hideyuki Suzuki, Eiji Uchida, Takashi Okada

    Consortium of Biological Science 2017 (ConBio2017) 

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    Venue:Kobe, Japan  


  • Chromatography-based rAAV9 purification protocol with ultracentrifugation-free procedure

    Taro Tomono, Yukihiko Hirai, Hironori Okada, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Kumi Adachi, Shuhei Sakamoto, Yasuhiro Kawano, Hideto Chono, Junichi Mineno, Akiko Ishii, Takashi Shimada, Masafumi Onodera, Akira Tamaoka, Takashi Okada

    23th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (JSGCT) 

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    Venue:Okayama, Japan  


  • 一次感覚神経におけるホメオボックス遺伝子DRGXの神経障害性疼痛への関与

    伊藤孝哉, 坂井敦, 丸山基世, 宮川世志幸, 岡田尚巳, 深山治久, 鈴木秀典

    第141回日本薬理学会関東部会  2019.10 

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  • Bat restricts retrovirus infection after the completion of reverse transcription.

    Okura S, Miyagawa Y, Morita R, Takahashi H

    The 67th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Virology  2019.10 

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  • がん治療用ウイルスベクター産生羊膜間葉系幹細胞の開発.

    山崎 吉之, 笠原 優子, 宮崎 海, 宮川 世志幸, 岡田 尚巳

    日本医科大学医学会総会  2019.9 

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  • Development of viral vector-producing amniotic mesenchymal stem cells for in situ cancer cell therapy.

    Yamazaki Y, Nitahara-Kasahara Y, Miyazaki K, Miyagawa Y, Okada T

    The 25th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (JSGCT).  2019.7 

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  • In vivo imaging of transgene expression from a non-toxic herpes simplex virus vector. The 25th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (JSGCT).

    Miyagawa Y, Maruyama M, Kuroda S, Sakai A, Sato Y, Kinoh H, Yamamoto M, Cohen JB, Glorioso JC, Okada T

    The 25th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (JSGCT).  2019.7 

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  • Analytical Ultracentrifugation Assays to characterize the purity of Recombinant Adeno-Associated Viral Type 9 Vectors (rAAV9).

    Hirai Y, Tomono T, Miyagawa Y, Ishii A, Tamaoka A, Onodera M, Okada T

    The 25th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (JSGCT).  2019.7 

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    Posadas-Herrera G, Masuda C, Hayashita-Kinoh H, Miyagawa Y, Okada T

    The 25th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (JSGCT).  2019.7 

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  • AAV amplicon vectors with minimal virus-derived genetic material.

    Shiozawa Y, Adachi K, Tomono T, Miyagawa Y, Okada T

    The 25th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (JSGCT).  2019.7 

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  • Biodistribution Analysis of Transgene Expression from a Non-Cytotoxic Herpes Simplex Virus Based Vector.

    Miyagawa Y, Maruyama M, Kuroda S, Sakai A, Sato Y, Kinoh H, Yamamoto M, Cohen JB, Glorioso JC, Okada T

    22th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy  2019.4 

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  • 粗鬆症のリスクファクター、層別化における低 ALP 血症、ALPL 病的変異の意義 ―成人型低ホスファターゼ症の症状の 1 つが骨粗鬆症である

    小島 慎也, 渡邉 淳, 川村 摩耶, 佐原 知子, 宮川 世志幸, 笠原 優子, 折茂 英生, 南 史朗, 岡田 尚巳

    The 13th Biennial Scientific Meeting of the ALPS Research Society.  2019.7 

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  • The analysis of silkworm mutants with the abnormality of testis development

    Takahiro Kusakabe, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Yutaka Kawaguchi, Katsumi Koga

    The 74th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Genetic Society. 

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    Venue:Fukuoka, Japan  


  • 染色体消去によるtrisomy 21のhaplotype phasing方法構築

    橋詰 令太郎, 脇田 幸子, 原 万里, 柴山 道登, 宮川 世志幸

    第18回日本再生医療学会  2019.3 

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  • Identification of spermatogenesis-associated genes in Bombyx mori

    Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Takahiro Kusakabe, Yutaka Kawaguchi, Katsumi Koga

    The 25th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan. 

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    Venue:Yokohama, Japan  


  • Isolation and characterization of meiotic recombination-associated genes from silkworm mutants

    Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Takahiro Kusakabe, Yutaka Kawaguchi, Katsumi Koga

    The 58th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Kyushu Society of Sericultural Science. 

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    Venue:Kyoto, Japan  


  • Isolation of meiotic recombination-associated genes from r20 silkworm mutants

    Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Takahiro Kusakabe, Jaeman Lee, Yutaka Kawaguchi, Katsumi Koga

    The 59th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Kyushu Society of Sericultural Science. 

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    Venue:Kyoto, Japan  


  • The function of novel testis-specific gene Bm44 in silkworm spermatogenesis

    Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Takahiro Kusakabe, Yutaka Kawaguchi, Katsumi Koga

    The 26th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan. 

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    Venue:Kobe, Japan  


  • The expression and functional analysis of Bombyx mori Aha1 homologue in silkworm testis

    Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Jaeman Lee, Katsumi Koga, Yutaka Kawaguchi, Takahiro Kusakabe

    The 27th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan 

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    Venue:Kobe, Japan  


  • Identification of the candidate genes involved in the defect of cell regulatory systems in Ewings family tumor

    Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hajime Okita, Yohko Katagiri, Akihiro Umezawa, Junichi Hata, Junichiro Fujimoto, Nobutaka Kiyokawa

    20th IUBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and 11th FAOBMB Congress 

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    Venue:Kyoto, Japan  


  • Molecular cloning and characterization of HSP90 cochaperones in the silkworm, Bombyx mori

    Jun Yamashita, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hiroaki Mon, Hitoshi Mistunobu, JM Lee, Yutaka Kawaguchi, Takahiro Kusakabe

    20th IUBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and 11th FAOBMB Congress 

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    Venue:Kyoto, Japan  


  • Identification of EWS/ETS targets in human mesenchymal progenitor cells

    Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hajime Okita, Akihiro Umezawa, Junichiro Fujimoto, Jun-ichi Hata, Nobutaka Kiyokawa

    The 65th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association. 

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    Venue:Yokohama, Japan  


  • The advantages of using detergent insoluble microdomains, rafts as immunogens

    Yohko Katagiri, Noriko Kitamura, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hisami Takenouchi, Hajime Okita, Junichiro Fujimoto, Nobutaka Kiyokawa

    20th IUBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and 11th FAOBMB Congress 

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    Venue:Kyoto, Japan  


  • Effect of EWS/ETS expression in human mesenchymal progenitor cells

    Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hajime Okita, Akihiro Umezawa, Junichiro Fujimoto, Nobutaka Kiyokawa

    The 22th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Oncology. 

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    Venue:Osaka, Japan  


  • Molecular Cloning and Characterization of Hsp70, Hsc70-4, and Hsp40 in the Silkworm, Bombyx mori

    Jun Yamashita, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hitoshi Mistunobu, Hiroaki Mon, Jae Man Lee, Yutaka Kawaguti, Takahiro Kusakabe

    Asia-Pacific Congress of Sericulture & Insect Biotechnology APSERI 2006 

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    Venue:Sangju, Korea  


  • Anti-tumor activity by raft microdomain immune in mice

    Yohko U. Katagiri, Ban Sato, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Yasuomi Horiuchi, Hirohito Ishigaki, Kazumasa Ogasawara, Hajime Okita, Junichiro Fujimoto, Nobutaka Kiyokawa

    The 96th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Pathology. 

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    Venue:Osaka, Japan  


  • Establishment of inducible EWS/ETS expression system in human mesenchymal progenitor cells

    Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hajime Okita, Akihiro Umezawa, Junichiro Fujimoto, Jun-ichi Hata, Nobutaka Kiyokawa

    The 96th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Pathology. 

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    Venue:Osaka, Japan  


  • EWS/FLI1 expression is involved in glycolipid expression in human mesenchymal stem/progenitor cells

    Hideki Nakajima, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hajime Okita, Akihiro Umezawa, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Junichiro Fujimoto

    The 27th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Carbohydrate Research. 

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    Venue:Fukuoka, Japan  


  • Regulation of Dickkopf family protein expression by EWS/ETS

    Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hajime Okita, Yohko U. Katagiri, Junichiro Fujimoto, Akihiro Umezawa, Nobutaka Kiyokawa

    The 66th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association. 

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    Venue:Yokohama, Japan  


  • The function of Oncostatin M on hematogenesis

    Tomoko Taguchi, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Yasuomi Horiuchi, Youhei Saito, Hisami Takenouchi, Noriko Kitamura, Jun Matsui, Ban Sato, Kyoko Suzuki, Masahiro Saito, Yohko U. Katagiri, Hajime Okita, Junichiro Fujimoto, ○Nobutaka Kiyokawa

    The 69th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Hematology 

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    Venue:Yokohama, Japan  


  • The expression analysis of Granulysin in pediatric malignant lymphoma

    Noriko Kitamura, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Yohko U. Katagiri, Mitsuko Itagaki, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hajime Okita, Masao Mori, Junichiro Fujimoto

    The 49th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Hematology 

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    Venue:Sendai, Japan  


  • The transcriptional regulation of Dickkopf gene family by EWS/ETS in Ewing family tumor cells

    Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hajime Okita, Hideki Nakajima, Akihiro Umezawa, Junichiro Fujimoto, Nobutaka Kiyokawa

    The 24th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Oncology. 

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    Venue:Sendai, Japan  


  • The inhibition of apoptosis by BAFF in human B cell

    Youhei Saito, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Tomoko Taguchi, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hideki Nakajima, Ban Sato, Yasuomi Horiuchi, Yohko U. Katagiri, Hajime Okita, Masahiro Saito, Toshiaki Shimizu, Junichiro Fujimoto

    The 49th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Hematology 

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    Venue:Sendai, Japan  


  • The molecular mechanism of retrovirus infection into human hematopietic stem cells using recombinant fibronectin

    Yasuomi Horiuchi, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hideki Nakajima, Youhei Saito, Osuke Migita, Yohko U. Katagiri, Hajime Okita, Mayumi Okada, Makoto Otu, Masashi Onodera, Akihiro Kume, Takashi Inukai, Torayuki Okuyama, Kanji Sugita, Junichiro Fujimoto, Tadatoshi Kuratsuji

    The 49th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Hematology 

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    Venue:Sendai, Japan  


  • The interaction of Bombyx mori Hsp90 with BmCprA1, BmFKBP59 and BmHOP

    Jun Yamashita, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hiroaki Mon, Hitoshi Mitsunobu, Jaeman Lee, Yutaka Kawaguchi, Takahiro Kusakabe

    The 30th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan (BMB2007) 

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    Venue:Yokohama, Japan  


  • The expression of EWS/ETS oncoprotein induces the Ewing family tumor-like phenotype in human mesenchymal stem/progenitor cells

    Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hajime Okita, Akihiro Umezawa, Junichiro Fujimoto, Nobutaka Kiyokawa

    The 30th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan (BMB2007) 

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    Venue:Yokohama, Japan  


  • Changes in glycolipid expression by EWS/FLI1 in human mesenchymal stem/progenitor cells

    Hideki Nakajima, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hajime Okita, Ban Sato, Yasuomi Horiuchi, Yohko U. Katagiri, Akihiro Umezawa, Junichiro Fujimoto, Nobutaka Kiyokawa

    The 30th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan (BMB2007) 

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    Venue:Yokohama, Japan  


  • 糖鎖プライマー法を用いたマウス胚性癌腫細胞F9に発現する糖鎖構造の探索

    Nao Ogasawara, Hajime Okita, Hideki Nakajima, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Yohko-U Katagiri, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Junichiro Fujimoto, Toshinori Sato

    The 88th Chemical Society of Japan annual meeting 

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    Venue:Tokyo, Japan  


  • 糖鎖プライマー法を用いた神経芽腫に発現する糖鎖のLC-MS/MSによるハイスループット解析

    Tomonori Kaneko, Hajime Okita, Hideki Nakajima, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Yohko-U Katagiri, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Junichiro Fujimoto, Toshinori Sato

    The 88th Chemical Society of Japan annual meeting 

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    Venue:Tokyo, Japan  


  • The regulation of Dickkopf gene family by EWS/ETS oncoprotein in Ewing family tumor cells

    Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hajime Okita, Akihiro Umezawa, Junichiro Fujimoto, Jun-ichi Hata, Nobutaka Kiyokawa

    The 97th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Pathology 

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    Venue:Kanazawa, Japan  


  • Induction of Ewing family tumor-like characteristics in human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal progenitor cells by chimeric EWS/ETS proteins

    Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hajime Okita, Hideki Nakajima, Yasuomi Horiuchi, Ban Sato, Tomoko Taguchi, Masashi Toyoda, Yohko U. Katagiri, Junichiro Fujimoto, Jun-ichi Hata, Akihiro Umezawa, Nobutaka Kiyokawa

    American Association for Cancer Research annual meeting 2008 

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    Venue:San Diego, USA  


  • Human neuroblastoma cells are characterized by glycolipids expression

    Tomonori Kaneko, Hajime Okita, Hideki Nakajima, Nao Ogasawara, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Yohko-U Katagiri, Toshinori Sato, Junichiro Fujimoto, Nobutaka Kiyokawa

    Advances in Neuroblastoma Research 2008 

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    Venue:Chiba, Japan  


  • Characterization of induced puripotent stem cells from human neonatal kidney fibroblasts MRC5

    Yoshihiro Fukawatase, Masashi Toyoda, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hidenori Akutsu, Hajime Okita, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Akihiro Umezawa

    The 31th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan (BMB2008) 

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    Venue:Kobe, Japan  


  • High density microarray-based SNP genotyping of Japanese chaildhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia

    Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Motohiro Kato, Junichiro Fujimoto, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Keiko Onda, Hajime Okita, Masahiro Saito, Atsushi Makimoto, Jun Manabe, Katsuyoshi Kou, Akira Ohara, Yasuhide Hayashi, Ryouji Hanada, Masahiro Tuchida, Seiji Ogawa

    The 70th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Hematology 

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    Venue:Kyoto, Japan  


  • Novel method of calculation of absolute values of remaining malignant lymphoma cells in peripheral bloodwith standard granula

    Keiko Onda, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Junichiro Fujimoto, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hajime Okita, Masahiro Saito, Atsushi Makimoto, Jun Manabe, Katsuyoshi Kou, Akira Ohara, Yasuhide Hayashi, Ryouji Hanada, Masahiro Tuchida

    The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japan Cytometry Society 

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    Venue:Tokyo, Japan  


  • Expression analysis of glycolid in chaildhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia with mass Spectrometry

    Hideki Nakajima, Tomonori Kaneko, Kuniko Tatsumi, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Keiko Onda, Yohko-U Katagiri, Hajime Okita, Junichiro Fujimoto, Nobutaka Kiyokawa

    The 50th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Hematology. 

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    Venue:Chiba, Japan  


  • Transcriptional regulation of Dickkopf2 by EWS/ETS in Ewing family tumor cells

    Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hajime Okita, Ban Sato, Yasuomi Horiuchi, Hideki Nakajima, Yohko-U Katagiri, Akihiro Umezawa, Jun-ichi Hata, Junichiro Fujimoto, Nobutaka Kiyokawa

    The 67th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association. 

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    Venue:Nagoya, Japan  


  • Establishment of method of analysis to effect of irradiation on human hemotopoietic cells in vivo using NOG mice

    Yasuomi Horiuchi, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Yohko-U Katagiri, Hajime Okita, Junichiro Fujimoto, Nobutaka Kiyokawa

    The 50th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Hematology. 

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    Venue:Chiba, Japan  


  • Effect of chaperon overexpression on client protein folding in silkworm

    Jun Yamashita, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Hiroaki Mon, Hitoshi Mitsumobu, Shun Sawatsubashi, Shigeaki Kato, Jaeman Lee, Yutaka Kawaguchi, Takahiro Kusakabe

    The 31th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan (BMB2008) 

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    Venue:Kobe, Japan  


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Industrial property rights

  • 効率的な遺伝子送達用途のための非毒性HSVベクター及びその製造のための補完細胞

    グロリオソ スリー, ジョゼフ シー, コーヘン、ジャスタス, 宮川 世志幸, クリスキー、デービッド, ウェチュク、ジェームズ, ウルフ、ダレン

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    Applicant:ユニヴァーシティ オヴ ピッツバーグ オヴ ザ コモンウェルス システム オヴ ハイアー エデュケーション, グロリオソ スリー、ジョゼフ シー., コーヘン、ジャスタス, 宮川 世志幸, クリスキー、デービッド, ウェチュク、ジェームズ, ウルフ、ダレン

    Application no:特願2016-527106  Date applied:2014.7

    Announcement no:特表2016-525349  Date announced:2016.8



Research Projects

  • 運動ニューロン標的化無毒化HSVベクターによる神経変性疾患遺伝子治療法の開発

    Grant number:24K03287  2024.4 - 2027.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(B)

    宮川 世志幸, 内田 宏昭, 酒井 真志人

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    Grant amount:\18590000 ( Direct Cost: \14300000 、 Indirect Cost:\4290000 )


  • Exploring the osteoarthritis therapy targeting for silent nociceptor

    Grant number:23H02802  2023.4 - 2027.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

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    Grant amount:\18720000 ( Direct Cost: \14400000 、 Indirect Cost:\4320000 )


  • Establishing the type I CRISPR platform for extra chromosome elimination through epigenetic modulation

    Grant number:21K06835  2021.4 - 2025.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

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    Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct Cost: \3300000 、 Indirect Cost:\990000 )


  • 羊膜間葉系幹細胞由来エクソソームを利用した次世代型脳梗塞治療法の確立

    Grant number:21K09163  2021.4 - 2024.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)  基盤研究(C)

    仁藤 智香子, 須田 智, 宮川 世志幸, 笠原 優子, 永田 哲也

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    Grant amount:\4030000 ( Direct Cost: \3100000 、 Indirect Cost:\930000 )

    一過性中大脳動脈閉塞(tMCAO)モデルにおける羊膜(AMSC)由来MSCエクソソーム の有効性の検討とmiRNA解析を目的として研究を進めている。
    AMSC由来MSCを培養し、その培養上清よりAMSC由来のエクソソーム(AMSC-Exo) を超遠心法にて回収し、エクソソーム・マーカーであるCD9およびCD63をELISA法にて確認した。C57BL/6マウスを用いて60分間の一過性局所脳虚血モデルを作製し、虚血再灌流直後に回収したAMSC-Exo を脳室内または経静脈的に投与し、再灌流3日後および7日後の梗塞巣や運動機能などの治療効果の評価を行った。しかし、この動物モデルでは7日後まで生存する確率が0%であり、梗塞巣のみならず長期の運動機能や認知機能などの治療効果の評価は困難であった。そこで、虚血時間を45分間または30分間へ短縮して再度実験を行ったが、45分間虚血においても7日後の生存率は43%であり、30分間虚血では生存率は83%に上昇するも梗塞範囲の不安定性が顕著となり、治療効果の評価に適さない結果となった。
    その後、中大脳動脈永久閉塞モデルを用いて引き続き同様の検討を行なっているが、少なくとも再灌流14日後までの生存はほぼ100%であり、梗塞範囲も安定しており、長期の運動・認知機能評価についても実施可能であることが確認された。引き続き、AMSC-Exo の炎症抑制効果や血管新生作用についての検討も行う予定である。


  • 高度オルガノイド技術を利用した革新的がん遺伝子治療モデリングと腫瘍溶解性機構解明

    Grant number:21H03828  2021.4 - 2024.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)  基盤研究(B)

    宮川 世志幸, 小池 博之, 酒井 真志人

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    Grant amount:\17550000 ( Direct Cost: \13500000 、 Indirect Cost:\4050000 )


  • 難治性固形がんに対するT細胞の遊走・浸潤能を強化した新規CAR-T細胞療法の開発

    Grant number:21K12692  2021.4 - 2024.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)  基盤研究(C)

    林 恵美子, 宮川 世志幸

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    Grant amount:\4160000 ( Direct Cost: \3200000 、 Indirect Cost:\960000 )


  • 改変ヘルペスウイルスLAT発現系による恒久的治療遺伝子供給システムの構築

    Grant number:19K22505  2019.6 - 2022.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的研究(萌芽)  挑戦的研究(萌芽)

    宮川 世志幸

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    Grant amount:\6500000 ( Direct Cost: \5000000 、 Indirect Cost:\1500000 )

    本研究では、無毒化ヘルペスウイルス(HSV)ベクターシステムに対して、半永久的に治療遺伝子が供給できる発現系を組み込み、次世代型の遺伝子治療ベクターの構築を達成する。今年度は、昨年度までに作製した改変CRISPR/Cas9発現系の評価を行い、本発現系に適するsgRNAを選定すること、開発した発現系を無毒化HSVベクターに組み込み、改変無毒化HSVベクターを作製することを目標としていた。本発現系は、ヌクレアーゼ活性を不活化したCas9 (dCas9)に転写活性因子を融合させた改変Cas9と治療遺伝子のモデルとしてAcGFPを2Aペプチドで連結した遺伝子発現系とtRNA発現機構を利用したsgRNA発現系から成る。同発現系に無毒化HSVベクターのHSV特異的インシュレーターLAT領域を標的としたsgRNAを組み込み、いずれのsgRNAが効率的に同領域を転写活性化できるか評価を試みた。転写活性化効率については、レポーター遺伝子を搭載した無毒化HSVベクターをtransductionした培養細胞に対して作製したdCas9ベクターを遺伝子導入することで検討した。その結果、当初のdCas9発現系のデザインでは効率的な転写活性上昇は認められないことがわかった。そこで本課題を解決するために、dCas9発現系とsgRNA発現系をそれぞれ独立したプラスミド上に再構築し、同様の試験を実施した。同試験により、作製したsgRNAのいくつかにおいてHSVの特定のゲノム領域の転写活性を有意に向上させる機能があることが判明した。現在、本発現系の発現カセットのデザインを最適化するために、sgRNA発現系の改変と挿入部位の検討を進めている。一方、並行して、同発現系の無毒化HSVベクターへの挿入も順次進めている。


  • The effects of viral vector encoding neurotrophin in a rat model of detrusor underacrivity

    Grant number:17K11180  2017.4 - 2020.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Majima Tsuyoshi

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    Grant amount:\4680000 ( Direct Cost: \3600000 、 Indirect Cost:\1080000 )

    We investigated the effects of viral vector encoding neurotrophin in a rat model of detrusor underactivity induced by pelvic nerve crush injury. We identified successful delivery of herpes simplex virus (HSV) vectors into dorsal root ganglions and pelvic ganglions, but not 6 serotypes of adeno-associated viral vectors (1, 2, 5, 6, 8, and 9). Rats treated by HSV vectors encoding NGF and BDNF showed significant better voiding efficiency and less post-void residual urine volume compared to control rats in cystometry. Muscle strip studies showed that contractile responses of detrusor obtained from rats treated by HSV vectors was significantly higher than those from control rats. Immunohistochemistry indicated that the expressions of NGF and BDNF in dorsal root ganglions and pelvic ganglions were significantly higher in rats treated by HSV vectors than control rats.


  • Development of inducible vector-producing mesenchymal stem cells for anticancer therapy

    Grant number:17K08773  2017.4 - 2020.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    YAMAZAKI Yoshiyuki

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    Grant amount:\4680000 ( Direct Cost: \3600000 、 Indirect Cost:\1080000 )

    We aimed to develop an innovative inducible vector-producing mesenchymal stem cells (iVP-MSCs) which is capable of producing therapeutic vectors in coincidence with differentiation from MSCs to cancer associated fibroblasts (CAFs) within the cancer microenvironment. Here, we established optimal differentiation methods from iPS cells to MSCs and from MSCs to CAFs for our study, and constructed inducible promoter for adeno-associated virus (AAV) vector production in a CAF differentiation-dependent manner. Meanwhile, MSCs and CAFs were revealed to have only low productivity of AAV vector.


  • Proof of concept study of a novel excess chromosome elimination therapy to ameliorate and prevent trisomy 21 associated complications

    Grant number:16K09964  2016.4 - 2019.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Hashizume Ryotaro, Wakita Sachiko, Kokubo Yasumasa, Okamoto Takayuki, Hara Mari, Ichishi Masako, Kawano Mitsuo

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    Grant amount:\4680000 ( Direct Cost: \3600000 、 Indirect Cost:\1080000 )

    Down syndrome is a chromosomal condition caused by an excess of chromosome 21, leading to an array of lifelong complications. The elimination of extra chromosome 21 could be directly linked to a primary intervention in this context for a person with Down syndrome. The overexpression of ZSCAN4 protein, a transcription factor previously reported as an aneuploidy correction effector, showed no significant extra chromosome elimination rate compared with no-treatment control trisomy 21 iPS cells in our in vitro setting. In an effort to delete extra chromosome, we next employ CRSPR/Cas9 system for DNA double-strand breaks on a single targeted chromosome 21, and found that 7% of entire chromosome loss rate on average by FISH analysis. The strategy to induce single chromosome cleavages at a multiple site using CRISPR/Cas9 thus may contribute to both basic and clinical science for aneuploidy-associated pathological condition, including Down syndrome and other autosomal trisomies.


  • Development of non-toxic herpes simplex virus vectors for neural-specific gene delivery

    Grant number:16K08249  2016.4 - 2019.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Glorioso Joseph C., III

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    Grant amount:\4810000 ( Direct Cost: \3700000 、 Indirect Cost:\1110000 )

    We aimed to generate an innovative non-toxic herpes simplex virus (HSV) -based vector capable of neuro-specific delivery of therapeutic genes. Here, we demonstrated that chromatin insulator-like elements in the terminal repeat (TR) locus of non-toxic HSV viral genome play a crucial role in the transcription from the TR locus in neural cells. In addition, the modification of the chromatin insulator-like elements significantly improves the transgene expression from the TR locus. Our results would provide the sophisticated neural-specific gene transduction system with non-toxic HSV vector.


  • LATmiRNA

    Grant number:16K15093  2016.4 - 2019.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research  Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    Okada Takashi

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    Grant amount:\3770000 ( Direct Cost: \2900000 、 Indirect Cost:\870000 )

    In this study, we developed a method for gene knockdown of CACNA1A which is the responsible gene for spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 (SCA6) using CRISPR interference(CRISPRi)technology. We also engineered non-toxic herpes simplex virus-based (HSV) vectors encoding the CACNA1A-CRISPRi expression system. Our results would help develop for non-toxic HSV vector-mediated SCA6 therapy.


  • Trisomic rescue induction by allele-specific chromosome breakage using genome editing technique

    Grant number:16K15242  2016.4 - 2018.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research  Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    Hara Mari, Hashizume Ryotaro, Ichishi Masako, Miyagawa yoshitaka, Inui masafumi

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    Grant amount:\3640000 ( Direct Cost: \2800000 、 Indirect Cost:\840000 )

    We have successfully established three induced disomy 21 iPS cell lines by genome editing technology from the original trisomy 21 iPS cells derived from a single individual with Down's syndrome. These induced three types of cells have different combinations of 21 chromosomes. The karyotypes of the induced disomy cells have been confirmed by means of chromosome spreading G-banding, short tandem repeat analysis, multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification, and fluorescent in situ hybridization. Furthermore, we also classified them based upon the origin of deleted chromosome 21 by STR analysis. Following chromosome phasing by comparison of sequencing data with the 3 cell lines, we have subsequently succeeded in constructing a CRISPR/Cas 9 system for allele specific cleavage in multiple sites.


  • ヒト間葉系前駆細胞培養系を用いたEWING腫瘍発症モデルの確立

    Grant number:19790751  2007

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)  若手研究(B)

    宮川 世志幸

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    Grant amount:\2000000 ( Direct Cost: \2000000 )


  • Ewing family tumor 発症機構の解析

    2005 - 2009

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • カイコ精子形成過程における精巣特異的遺伝子による制御に関する研究

    2000 - 2005

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    Grant type:Competitive


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