Updated on 2024/10/29


Ikeda Yumiko
Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pharmacology, Senior Assistant Professor
Senior Assistant Professor
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  • 博士(医学) ( 日本医科大学 )

Research History

  • Nippon Medical School   Senior Assistant Professor

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  • Supplementary motor area is deactivated during mental rotation tasks with biomechanical constraints in fMRI. Reviewed International journal

    Makoto Nomura, Michihiko Koeda, Yumiko Ikeda, Amane Tateno, Ryosuke Arakawa, Yoichiro Aoyagi

    Frontiers in human neuroscience   18   1455587   2024.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    INTRODUCTION: Mental rotation (MR) tasks of body parts involve anatomically interconnected brain systems. The systems are implicated in sensorimotor information integration and activate cortical motor-related areas, corresponding to the execution of similar motor tasks. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effect of varying the angle in the hand MR task on cerebral activation of the motor-related areas. METHODS: Twenty healthy right-handed participants were recruited. We investigated cerebral activation while each participant decided whether a hand-palm image, rotated by 0°, 90°, 180°, and 270°, was a right or left hand. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: A significant negative correlation between the angle and brain activity was observed in the right and left supplementary motor area (SMA) and right posterior anterior cingulate gyrus. The SMA was inactivated with 180°- or 270°-rotated images in the regions of interest analysis. 180°- and 270°-rotated palms would be biomechanically difficult to position; thus, SMA deactivation may be closely associated with biomechanical constraints. This study provided novel findings regarding the neurophysiological mechanisms of motor imagery and may be useful in developing treatment plans using MR tasks during patient rehabilitation.

    DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2024.1455587



  • A randomized placebo controlled trial demonstrates the effect of dl-methylephedrine on brain functions is weaker than that of pseudoephedrine Reviewed

    Takeshi Sakayori, Yumiko Ikeda, Ryosuke Arakawa, Tsuyoshi Nogami, Amane Tateno

    Scientific Reports   14 ( 1 )   2024.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-71851-z


    Other Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-024-71851-z

  • Tramadol effects on brain activity during cognitive and emotional empathy for pain: a randomized controlled study Reviewed

    Chihiro Suzuki, Yumiko Ikeda, Amane Tateno, Yoshiro Okubo, Haruhisa Fukayama, Hidenori Suzuki

    The Journal of Pain   2024.9

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier BV  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jpain.2024.104672


  • The role of left insula mediating impaired error processing in response inhibition in adult heavy drinkers Reviewed

    Yumiko Ikeda, Takuya Funayama, Yoshiro Okubo, Hidenori Suzuki

    Cerebral Cortex   33 ( 10 )   5991 - 5999   2022.12

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Oxford University Press (OUP)  


    Identification of neurobiological mechanisms underlying development of alcohol use disorder is critical to ensuring the appropriate early-phase treatment and prevention of the disorder. To this aim, we tried to elucidate the disturbance of neural functions in heavy drinking, which can lead to alcohol use disorder. Because response inhibition is affected by alcohol use disorder, we examined neural activation and task performance for response inhibition using the Go/No-Go task in an fMRI paradigm in adult non-dependent heavy and light drinkers. We examined the neural activation for error processing and inhibitory control, components of response inhibition. We then investigated the mediating effect of the relevant neural substrate on the relationship between the level of alcohol drinking and task performance using mediation analysis. We found that heavy drinking significantly decreased activation in the left insula during error processing and increased the mean commission error rate for No-Go trials compared with light drinking. Mediation analysis demonstrated full mediation of the left insula activation during error processing for the relationship between drinking level and commission error rate. Our results suggested that left insula activation may be a neural marker pivotal for potential conversion to alcohol use disorder in individuals with high clinical risk such as heavy drinking.

    DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhac477


  • Effect of DL-Methylephedrine on Dopamine Transporter Using Positron Emission Tomography With [18F]FE-PE2I Reviewed

    Tsuyoshi Nogami, Ryosuke Arakawa, Takeshi Sakayori, Yumiko Ikeda, Yoshiro Okubo, Amane Tateno

    Frontiers in Psychiatry   13   799319   2022.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Frontiers Media SA  


    Since ephedrine has a dopamine transporter (DAT) inhibitory effect similar to amphetamine, dl-methylephedrine, a derivative of ephedrine, is considered to have the characteristics of a central nervous system stimulant due to the DAT inhibitory effect. For example, the World Anti-Doping Agency categorizes dl-methylephedrine as a stimulant in the prohibited list for competitions. Assuming to have the same effect as ephedrine, the urinary concentration of dl-methylephedrine is regulated below 10 μg/mL, as is ephedrine. However, the extent to which dl-methylephedrine affects brain function is not yet fully understood.


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate DAT occupancy by a single oral administration of a daily dose of dl-methylephedrine using positron emission tomography (PET) with [18F]FE-PE2I to characterize its stimulatory effect on the central nervous system.


    Nine healthy male volunteers were enrolled in the study. The experiments were designed as a placebo-controlled randomized double-blind crossover comparative study. After the first PET scan in a drug-free state, the second and third PET scans were performed with randomized dosing at 60 mg of dl-methylephedrine or placebo. The plasma and urine concentrations of dl-methylephedrine were measured just before and after the PET scans, respectively.


    Mean urine and plasma concentrations of dl-methylephedrine were 13.9 μg/mL and 215.2 ng/mL, respectively. Mean DAT occupancy in the caudate was 4.4% for dl-methylephedrine and 1.2% for placebo. Mean DAT occupancy in the putamen was 3.6% for dl-methylephedrine and 0.5% for placebo. There was no significant difference of DAT occupancies between the groups.


    In this study, the urinary concentration of dl-methylephedrine (13.9 μg/mL) was higher than the prohibited reference value (10.0 μg/mL), and there was no significant difference in DAT occupancy between dl-methylephedrine and placebo. These findings suggest that a clinical daily dose of dl-methylephedrine may exceed the doping regulation value according to urine concentration; however, it was considered that at least the central excitatory effect mediated by DAT inhibition was not observed at the daily dose of dl-methylephedrine.

    DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.799319


  • Effects of anodal transcranial direct current stimulation on implicit motor learning and language‐related brain function: An fMRI study Reviewed International journal

    Soichiro Nakashima, Michihiko Koeda, Yumiko Ikeda, Tomoko Hama, Takuya Funayama, Tomomi Akiyama, Ryosuke Arakawa, Amane Tateno, Hidenori Suzuki, Yoshiro Okubo

    Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences   75 ( 6 )   200 - 207   2021.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Wiley  

    AIM: Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) is known as a useful application for improving depressive symptoms or cognitive performance. Antidepressive effects by anodal tDCS over the left DLPFC are expected, but the neural mechanisms of these effects are still unclear. Further, in depression, reduced performance and left prefrontal hypofunction during the verbal fluency task (VFT) are generally known. However, few studies have examined the effect of tDCS on the language-related cerebral network. We aimed to investigate whether anodal tDCS at the left DLPFC affects cognitive performance and the neural basis of verbal fluency. METHODS: Nineteen healthy volunteers participated in this study. The effects of tDCS on cognitive behavior and cerebral function were evaluated by (i) performance and accuracy of implicit/explicit motor learning task (serial reaction time task/sequential finger-tapping task), and (ii) cerebral activation while the subjects were performing the VFT by using a functional MRI protocol of a randomized sham-controlled, within-subjects crossover design. RESULTS: Reaction times of the implicit motor learning task were significantly faster with tDCS in comparison with the sham. Further, language-related left prefrontal-parahippocampal-parietal activation was significantly less with tDCS compared with the sham. Significant correlation was observed between shortened response time in serial reaction time task and decreased cerebral activation during VFT with tDCS. CONCLUSION: Anodal tDCS over the left DLPFC could improve cognitive behavior of implicit motor learning by improving brain function of the frontoparietal-parahippocampal region related to motor learning, as well as language-related regions.

    DOI: 10.1111/pcn.13208



    Other Link: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full-xml/10.1111/pcn.13208

  • Bupropion increases cerebral activation in auditory affective processing: A randomized controlled fMRI study Reviewed

    Tomoko Hama, Michihiko Koeda, Yumiko Ikeda, Amane Tateno, Tokuhiro Kawara, Hidenori Suzuki, Yoshiro Okubo

    Neuroscience Letters   749   135716 - 135716   2021.4

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier BV  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.neulet.2021.135716


  • Modafinil decreased thalamic activation in auditory emotional processing: A randomized controlled functional magnetic resonance imaging study Reviewed

    Tomoko Hama, Michihiko Koeda, Yumiko Ikeda, Amane Tateno, Tokuhiro Kawara, Hidenori Suzuki, Yoshiro Okubo

    Journal of Nippon Medical School   88 ( 5 )   485 - 495   2021

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Medical Association of Nippon Medical School  

    BACKGROUND: Modafinil improves wakefulness and attention, is approved in Japan for treatment of narcolepsy, and was reported to be effective for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. However, it was reported to induce emotional instability, including mania, depression, and suicidal ideation. Such side effects may be related to changes in cognitive behavior caused by the effects of modafinil on emotional recognition. However, the effects of modafinil on the neural basis of emotional processing have not been fully verified. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate the effects of modafinil on the neural basis of auditory emotional processing. METHODS: This study adopted a placebo-controlled within-subject crossover design. Data from 14 participants were analyzed. The effects of modafinil on cerebral activation and task performance during an emotional judgement task were analyzed. RESULTS: Task accuracy decreased significantly and response time of emotional judgement was significantly delayed by modafinil, as compared with placebo. Right thalamic activation in auditory emotional processing was significantly less in the modafinil condition than in the placebo condition. In addition, reduction of right thalamic activation by modafinil was positively correlated with accuracy of emotional judgement. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that modafinil acts on the right thalamus and changes behavior and brain function associated with auditory emotional processing. These results indicate that modafinil might change emotional recognition by reducing emotional activation related to social communication.

    DOI: 10.1272/jnms.jnms.2021_88-607



  • Bupropion increases activation in nucleus accumbens during anticipation of monetary reward Reviewed

    Yumiko Ikeda, Takuya Funayama, Amane Tateno, Haruhisa Fukayama, Yoshiro Okubo, Hidenori Suzuki

    Psychopharmacology   236 ( 12 )   3655 - 3665   2019.7

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  

    DOI: 10.1007/s00213-019-05337-6



    Other Link: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00213-019-05337-6/fulltext.html

  • Acute atomoxetine selectively modulates encoding of reward value in ventral medial prefrontal cortex Reviewed

    Suzuki C, Ikeda Y, Tateno A, Okubo Y, Fukayama H, Suzuki H

    Journal of Nippon Medical School   86 ( 2 )   98 - 107   2019.4

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  • Acute tramadol enhances brain activity associated with reward anticipation in the nucleus accumbens Reviewed

    Yuki Asari, Yumiko Ikeda, Amane Tateno, Yoshiro Okubo, Takehiko Iijima, Hidenori Suzuki

    Psychopharmacology   235 ( 9 )   1 - 12   2018.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Verlag  

    Background: Tramadol is an analgesic with monoamine reuptake inhibition and μ-opioid receptor activation. Although tramadol has been widely used for treatment of various pain conditions, there is controversy over the risk of abuse potential. We examined the effects of tramadol on the reward system in humans using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to assess the potential of tramadol for drug abuse or dependence. Methods: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study was conducted for 19 healthy adults under tramadol or placebo. In association with subjective mood questionnaires, monetary incentive delay (MID) task was performed to assess the neural response to reward anticipation during fMRI. Subjective mood measures and blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) signal during gain and loss anticipation were compared between tramadol and placebo. Results: Tramadol significantly reduced anxiety (Z = − 2.513, p = 0.012) and enhanced vigor (Z = − 2.725, p = 0.006) compared with placebo. By Mood Rating Scale, tramadol provoked contented (Z = − 2.316, p = 0.021), relaxed (Z = − 2.236, p = 0.025), and amicable feelings (Z = − 2.015, p = 0.044) as well as increased alertness (Z = − 1.972, p = 0.049) and contentedness domains (Z = − 2.174, p = 0.030) compared with placebo. Several brain regions including nucleus accumbens (NAc) were activated during gain anticipation in the MID task under both tramadol and placebo. Tramadol increased the %BOLD signal change in NAc at +\500 cue significantly more than the placebo (Z = − 2.295, p = 0.022). Conclusion: Tramadol enhances the reward system and thereby may have abuse potential or precipitate drug abuse in human.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00213-018-4955-z




  • Modafinil enhances alerting-related brain activity in attention networks Reviewed

    Yumiko Ikeda, Takuya Funayama, Amane Tateno, Haruhisa Fukayama, Yoshiro Okubo, Hidenori Suzuki

    PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY   234 ( 14 )   2077 - 2089   2017.7

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER  

    Modafinil is a wake-promoting agent and has been reported to be effective in improving attention in patients with attentional disturbance. However, neural substrates underlying the modafinil effects on attention are not fully understood.
    We employed a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study with the attention network test (ANT) task in healthy adults and examined which networks of attention are mainly affected by modafinil and which neural substrates are responsible for the drug effects.
    We used a randomized placebo-controlled within-subjects cross-over design. Twenty-three healthy adults participated in two series of an fMRI study, taking either a placebo or modafinil. The participants performed the ANT task, which is designed to measure three distinct attentional networks, alerting, orienting, and executive control, during the fMRI scanning. The effects of modafinil on behavioral performance and regional brain activity were analyzed.
    We found that modafinil enhanced alerting performance and showed greater alerting network activity in the left middle and inferior occipital gyri as compared with the placebo. The brain activations in the occipital regions were positively correlated with alerting performance.
    Modafinil enhanced alerting performance and increased activation in the occipital lobe in the alerting network possibly relevant to noradrenergic activity during the ANT task. The present study may provide a rationale for the treatment of patients with distinct symptoms of impaired attention.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00213-017-4614-9

    Web of Science



  • Effect of placebo and lorazepam on functional connectivity in fearful vocal processing: an fMRI study Reviewed

    Koeda Michihiko, Hase Takeshi, Hama Tomoko, Ikeda Yumiko, Yahata Noriaki, Tateno Amane, Takahashi Hidehiko, Matsuura Masato, Suzuki Hidenori, Okubo Yoshiro


  • Interaction effect between handedness and CNTNAP2 polymorphism (rs7794745 genotype) on voice-specific frontotemporal activity in healthy individuals: an fMRI study Reviewed

    Michihiko Koeda, Atsushi Watanabe, Kumiko Tsuda, Miwako Matsumoto, Yumiko Ikeda, Woochan Kim, Amane Tateno, Banyar Than Naing, Hiroyuki Karibe, Takashi Shimada, Hidenori Suzuki, Masato Matsuura, Yoshiro Okubo


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:FRONTIERS RESEARCH FOUNDATION  

    Recent neuroimaging studies have demonstrated that Contactin-associated protein-like2 (CNTNAP2) polymorphisms affect left-hemispheric function of language processing in healthy individuals, but no study has investigated the influence of these polymorphisms on right-hemispheric function involved in human voice perception. Further, although recent reports suggest that determination of handedness is influenced by genetic effect, the interaction effect between handedness and CNTNAP2 polymorphisms for brain activity in human voice perception and language processing has not been revealed. We aimed to investigate the interaction effect of handedness and CNTNAP2 polymorphisms in respect to brain function for human voice perception and language processing in healthy individuals. Brain function of 108 healthy volunteers (74 right-handed and 34 non-right-handed) was examined while they were passively listening to reverse sentences (rSEN), identifiable non-vocal sounds (SND), and sentences (SEN). Full factorial design analysis was calculated by using three factors: (1) rs7794745 (A/A or A/T), (2) rs2710102 [G/G or A carrier (A/G and A/A)], and (3) voice-specific response (rSEN or SND). The main effect of rs7794745 (A/A or A/T) was significantly revealed at the right middle frontal gyrus (MFG) and bilateral superior temporal gyrus (STG). This result suggests that rs7794745 genotype affects voice-specific brain function. Furthermore, interaction effect was significantly observed among MFG-STG activations by human voice perception, rs7794745 (A/A or A/T), and handedness. These results suggest that CNTNAP2 polymorphisms could be one of the important factors in the neural development related to vocal communication and language processing in both right-handed and non-right-handed healthy individuals.

    DOI: 10.3389/fnbeh.2015.00087

    Web of Science



  • Modafinil augments brain activation associated with reward anticipation in the nucleus accumbens Reviewed

    Takuya Funayama, Yumiko Ikeda, Amane Tateno, Hidehiko Takahashi, Yoshiro Okubo, Haruhisa Fukayama, Hidenori Suzuki

    PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY   231 ( 16 )   3217 - 3228   2014.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER  

    The nucleus accumbens (NAc) works as a key brain structure of the reward system, in which reward-related neural activity is well correlated with dopamine release from mesolimbic dopaminergic neurons.
    Since modafinil can modulate dopaminergic transmission through re-uptake inhibition of dopamine, we investigated whether modafinil affects the reward-related brain activity in the NAc in healthy subjects.
    Twenty healthy participants underwent two series of functional magnetic resonance imaging while performing monetary incentive delay task in which they were cued to anticipate and respond to a rapidly presented target to gain or avoid losing varying amounts of money, under modafinil or placebo condition. Blood oxygenation-level dependent (BOLD) activation signals during gain and loss anticipations were analyzed in the NAc as an a priori region of interest as well as the whole brain.
    Modafinil significantly changed subjective feelings toward positive ones. The activation of BOLD signals was observed during gain anticipation under the placebo and modafinil conditions in the left and bilateral NAc, respectively. The modafinil condition showed significantly higher BOLD signal change at the highest gain (+Ayen500) cue compared to the placebo condition.
    The present study showed that modafinil affects reward processing in the NAc in healthy subjects through enhancing more positive anticipation, and it may provide a basis for the use of this drug for treating anhedonia observed in psychiatric disorders.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00213-014-3499-0

    Web of Science



  • Occupancy of serotonin transporter by tramadol: a positron emission tomography study with [C-11] DASB Reviewed

    Kohei Ogawa, Amane Tateno, Ryosuke Arakawa, Takeshi Sakayori, Yumiko Ikeda, Hidenori Suzuki, Yoshiro Okubo


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS  

    Tramadol is used for the treatment of pain, and it is generally believed to activate the -opioid receptor and inhibit serotonin (5-HT) and norepinephrine (NE) transporters. Recent findings from animal experiments suggest that 5-HT reuptake inhibition in brain is related to pain reduction. However, there has been no report of 5-HT transporter (5-HTT) occupancy by tramadol at clinical doses in humans. In the present study, we investigated 5-HTT occupancy by tramadol in five subjects receiving various doses of tramadol by using positron emission tomography (PET) scanning with the radioligand [C-11]DASB. Our data showed that mean 5-HTT occupancies in the thalamus by single doses of tramadol were 34.7% at 50mg and 50.2% at 100mg. The estimated median effective dose (ED50) of tramadol was 98.1mg, and the plasma concentration was 0.33g/ml 2h after its administration; 5-HTT occupancy by tramadol was dose-dependent. We estimated 5-HTT occupancy at 78.7% upon taking an upper limit dose (400mg) of tramadol. The results of the present study support the finding that 5-HTT inhibition is involved in the mechanism underlying the analgesic effect of tramadol in humans, and a clinical dose of tramadol sufficiently inhibits 5-HTT reuptake; this inhibition is similar to that shown by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

    DOI: 10.1017/S1461145713001764

    Web of Science



  • Effect of mazindol on extracellular dopamine concentration in human brain measured by PET Reviewed

    Takeshi Sakayori, Amane Tateno, Ryosuke Arakawa, Yumiko Ikeda, Hidenori Suzuki, Yoshiro Okubo

    PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY   231 ( 11 )   2321 - 2325   2014.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER  

    Mazindol, an appetite suppressant, inhibits the reuptake of dopamine in the synaptic cleft. It has been considered that mazindol might enhance dopamine transmission in the human brain. However, there has been no study that investigated the extracellular dopamine concentration in vivo.
    Using positron emission tomography (PET), we aimed to measure the effect of mazindol on the extracellular dopamine concentration and to evaluate how mazindol affects the dopamine system in the healthy human brain.
    Eleven healthy individuals (six males, five females, age 30.9 +/- 4.9 years) were enrolled in this study. Each participant was scanned with [C-11]raclopride on 1 day without any medicine as baseline condition, and on another day with mazindol as drug condition. In the drug condition, participants took mazindol 0.5 mg (N = 5) or 1.5 mg (N = 6) 2 h before the PET scan. Plasma concentrations of mazindol were measured before the injection of [C-11]raclopride, and urine concentrations of mazindol were measured after the scan.
    After taking mazindol, the calculated decrease in binding potential (Delta BP) in the striatum was 1.74 % for 0.5 mg and 8.14 for 1.5 mg, and the correlation with the blood concentration of mazindol was significant (P = 0.0016, R (2) = 0.69). Delta BP was not significantly correlated with the urine concentration of mazindol (P = 0.84, R (2) = 0.005).
    Mazindol increased the extracellular concentration of dopamine in the human brain, and its effect was dose dependent. A single administration of mazindol, even at usual dosage, elevated dopamine concentration similarly to other addictive drugs, suggesting that the risk of dependence may increase with the mazindol dose.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00213-013-3392-2

    Web of Science



  • In vivo activity of modafinil on dopamine transporter measured with positron emission tomography and [F-18]FE-PE2I Reviewed

    WooChan Kim, Amane Tateno, Ryosuke Arakawa, Takeshi Sakayori, Yumiko Ikeda, Hidenori Suzuki, Yoshiro Okubo


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS  

    Modafinil, a wake-promoting drug used to treat narcolepsy, is a dopamine transporter inhibitor and is said to have very low abuse liability; this, however, is still up for debate. We conducted a dopamine transporter (DAT) occupancy study with modafinil (200 or 300mg) in ten healthy volunteers using positron emission tomography (PET) with [F-18]FE-PE2I, a new PET radioligand with high affinity and selectivity for the dopamine transporter, to characterize its relation to abuse liability. Mean striatal DAT occupancies were 51.4% at 200mg and 56.9% at 300mg. There was a significant correlation between occupancy and plasma concentration, indicating dose dependency of DAT inhibition by modafinil in the striatum, and especially in the nucleus accumbens. This study showed that DAT occupancy by modafinil was close to that of methylphenidate, indicating that modafinil may be near the same level as methylphenidate in relation to abuse liability in terms of dopaminergic transmission.

    DOI: 10.1017/S1461145713001612

    Web of Science



  • Acute NK1 receptor antagonist administration affects reward incentive anticipation processing in healthy volunteers Reviewed

    Kanako Saji, Yumiko Ikeda, Woochan Kim, Yoshitoshi Shingai, Amane Tateno, Hidehiko Takahashi, Yoshiro Okubo, Haruhisa Fukayama, Hidenori Suzuki

    International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology   16 ( 7 )   1461 - 1471   2013.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The primary brain structures of reward processing are mainly situated in the mid-brain dopamine system. The nucleus accumbens (NAc) receives dopaminergic projections from the ventral tegmental area and works as a key brain region for the positive incentive value of rewards. Because neurokinin-1 (NK1) receptor, the cognate receptor for substance P (SP), is highly expressed in the NAc, we hypothesized that the SP/NK1 receptor system might play a role in positive reward processing in the NAc in humans. Therefore, we conducted a functional MRI (fMRI) study to assess the effects of an NK1 receptor antagonist on human reward processing through a monetary incentive delay task that is known to elicit robust activation in the NAc especially during gain anticipation. Eighteen healthy adults participated in two series of an fMRI study, taking either a placebo or the NK1 receptor antagonist aprepitant. Behavioural measurements revealed that there was no significant difference in reaction time, hit rate, or self-reported effort for incentive cues between the placebo and aprepitant treatments. fMRI showed significant decrease in blood oxygenation-level-dependent signals in the NAc during gain anticipation with the aprepitant treatment compared to the placebo treatment. These results suggest that SP/NK1 receptor system is involved in processing of positive incentive anticipation and plays a role in accentuating positive valence in association with the primary dopaminergic pathways in the reward circuit. © CINP 2013.

    DOI: 10.1017/S1461145712001678




  • Corticosterone Facilitates Fluoxetine-Induced Neuronal Plasticity in the Hippocampus Reviewed

    Katsunori Kobayashi, Yumiko Ikeda, Minoru Asada, Hirofumi Inagaki, Tomoyuki Kawada, Hidenori Suzuki

    PLOS ONE   8 ( 5 )   e63662   2013.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE  

    The hippocampal dentate gyrus has been implicated in a neuronal basis of antidepressant action. We have recently shown a distinct form of neuronal plasticity induced by the serotonergic antidepressant fluoxetine, that is, a reversal of maturation of the dentate granule cells in adult mice. This "dematuration'' is induced in a large population of dentate neurons and maintained for at least one month after withdrawal of fluoxetine, suggesting long-lasting strong influence of dematuration on brain functioning. However, reliable induction of dematuration required doses of fluoxetine higher than suggested optimal doses for mice (10 to 18 mg/kg/day), which casts doubt on the clinical relevance of this effect. Since our previous studies were performed in naive mice, in the present study, we reexamined effects of fluoxetine using mice treated with chronic corticosterone that model neuroendocrine pathophysiology associated with depression. In corticosterone-treated mice, fluoxetine at 10 mg/kg/day downregulated expression of mature granule cell markers and attenuated strong frequency facilitation at the synapse formed by the granule cell axon mossy fiber, suggesting the induction of granule cell dematuration. In addition, fluoxetine caused marked enhancement of dopaminergic modulation at the mossy fiber synapse. In vehicle-treated mice, however, fluoxetine at this dose had no significant effects. The plasma level of fluoxetine was comparable to that in patients taking chronic fluoxetine, and corticosterone did not affect it. These results indicate that corticosterone facilitates fluoxetine-induced plastic changes in the dentate granule cells. Our finding may provide insight into neuronal mechanisms underlying enhanced responsiveness to antidepressant medication in certain pathological conditions.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0063662

    Web of Science



  • Caffeine's Effects on Attentional Networks in Healthy Subjects: A Pharmacological Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study Reviewed

    Yumiko Ikeda, Michihiko Koeda, Woochan Kim, Amane Tateno, Yoshiro Okubo, Hidenori Suzuki

    JOURNAL OF NIPPON MEDICAL SCHOOL   79 ( 5 )   318 - 319   2012.10

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publisher:MEDICAL ASSOC NIPPON MEDICAL SCH  

    DOI: 10.1272/jnms.79.318

    Web of Science



  • Behavioral destabilization induced by the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor fluoxetine Reviewed

    Katsunori Kobayashi, Yumiko Ikeda, Hidenori Suzuki

    MOLECULAR BRAIN   4   12   2011.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:BIOMED CENTRAL LTD  

    Background: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are widely used to treat mood and anxiety disorders. However, neuronal bases for both beneficial and adverse effects of SSRIs remain poorly understood. We have recently shown that the SSRI fluoxetine can reverse the state of maturation of hippocampal granule cells in adult mice. The granule cell "dematuration" is induced in a large population of granule cells, and greatly changes functional and physiological properties of these cells. Here we show that this unique form of neuronal plasticity is correlated with a distinct change in behavior of mice.
    Results: We chronically treated adult male mice with fluoxetine, and examined its effect on several forms of behavior of mice. During fluoxetine treatments, mice showed a marked increase in day-to-day fluctuations of home cage activity levels that was characterized by occasional switching between hypoactivity and hyperactivity within a few days. This destabilized cage activity was accompanied by increased anxiety-related behaviors and could be observed up to 4 weeks after withdrawal from fluoxetine. As reported previously, the granule cell dematuration by fluoxetine includes a reduction of synaptic facilitation at the granule cell output, mossy fiber, synapse to the juvenile level. Mossy fiber synaptic facilitation examined electrophysiologically in acute hippocampal slices also remained suppressed after fluoxetine withdrawal and significantly correlated with the fluctuation of cage activity levels in individual mice. Furthermore, in mice lacking the 5-HT4 receptor, in which the granule cell dematuration has been shown to be attenuated, fluoxetine had no significant effect on the fluctuation of cage activity levels.
    Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that the SSRI fluoxetine can induce marked day-to-day changes in activity levels of mice in the familiar environment, and that the dematuration of the hippocampal granule cells is closely associated with the expression of this destabilized behavior. Based on these results, we propose that the granule cell dematuration can be a potential cellular basis underlying switching-like changes in the behavioral state associated with SSRI treatments.

    DOI: 10.1186/1756-6606-4-12

    Web of Science



  • A local anesthetic, ropivacaine, suppresses activated microglia via a nerve growth factor-dependent mechanism and astrocytes via a nerve growth factor-independent mechanism in neuropathic pain Reviewed

    Shigeru Toda, Atsushi Sakai, Yumiko Ikeda, Atsuhiro Sakamoto, Hidenori Suzuki

    MOLECULAR PAIN   7   2   2011.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:BIOMED CENTRAL LTD  

    Background: Local anesthetics alleviate neuropathic pain in some cases in clinical practice, and exhibit longer durations of action than those predicted on the basis of the pharmacokinetics of their blocking effects on voltage-dependent sodium channels. Therefore, local anesthetics may contribute to additional mechanisms for reversal of the sensitization of nociceptive pathways that occurs in the neuropathic pain state. In recent years, spinal glial cells, microglia and astrocytes, have been shown to play critical roles in neuropathic pain, but their participation in the analgesic effects of local anesthetics remains largely unknown.
    Results: Repetitive epidural administration of ropivacaine reduced the hyperalgesia induced by chronic constrictive injury of the sciatic nerve. Concomitantly with this analgesia, ropivacaine suppressed the increases in the immunoreactivities of CD11b and glial fibrillary acidic protein in the dorsal spinal cord, as markers of activated microglia and astrocytes, respectively. In addition, epidural administration of a TrkA-IgG fusion protein that blocks the action of nerve growth factor (NGF), which was upregulated by ropivacaine in the dorsal root ganglion, prevented the inhibitory effect of ropivacaine on microglia, but not astrocytes. The blockade of NGF action also abolished the analgesic effect of ropivacaine on neuropathic pain.
    Conclusions: Ropivacaine provides prolonged analgesia possibly by suppressing microglial activation in an NGF-dependent manner and astrocyte activation in an NGF-independent manner in the dorsal spinal cord. Local anesthetics, including ropivacaine, may represent a new approach for glial cell inhibition and, therefore, therapeutic strategies for neuropathic pain.

    DOI: 10.1186/1744-8069-7-2

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  • Functional magnetic resonance imaging study on the effects of acute single administration of paroxetine on motivation-related brain activity Reviewed

    Toshiyuki Marutani, Noriaki Yahata, Yumiko Ikeda, Takehito Ito, Manami Yamamoto, Masato Matsuura, Eisuke Matsushima, Yoshiro Okubo, Hidenori Suzuki, Tetsuya Matsuda

    PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES   65 ( 2 )   191 - 198   2011

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    Aim: The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of acute paroxetine administration on brain activity related to motivation.
    Methods: Sixteen healthy subjects participated in a randomized, single-blind, no-drug/placebo-controlled, cross-over study. After administration of no drug, placebo or paroxetine (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor; 20 mg), subjects underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging while performing a monetary incentive delay task. We analyzed the differences in brain activities of the reward anticipation/motor preparation period that are subject to motivational modulation. For this purpose, we subdivided the incentive trials on the basis of whether the reaction times (RT) were slower or faster than the subject's mean RT (slow RT and fast RT trials).
    Results: No drug and placebo showed robust activation differences in the globus pallidus and putamen for the fast RT trials compared to the slow RT trials, whereas paroxetine showed none. Paroxetine showed significantly lower activations in the globus pallidus, insula, putamen and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex compared to no drug in the fast RT trials.
    Conclusions: Paroxetine single acute administration diminished brain activity induced by motivation in healthy subjects. This may partially explain the increased lack of motivation seen in patients with relatively mild symptoms after taking a dose of paroxetine for the first time.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1819.2011.02189.x

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  • Reversal of hippocampal neuronal maturation by serotonergic antidepressants Reviewed

    Katsunori Kobayashi, Yumiko Ikeda, Atsushi Sakai, Nobuyuki Yamasaki, Eisuke Haneda, Tsuyoshi Miyakawa, Hidenori Suzuki


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:NATL ACAD SCIENCES  

    Serotonergic antidepressant drugs have been commonly used to treat mood and anxiety disorders, and increasing evidence suggests potential use of these drugs beyond current antidepressant therapeutics. Facilitation of adult neurogenesis in the hippocampal dentate gyrus has been suggested to be a candidate mechanism of action of antidepressant drugs, but this mechanism may be only one of the broad effects of antidepressants. Here we show a distinct unique action of the serotonergic antidepressant fluoxetine in transforming the phenotype of mature dentate granule cells. Chronic treatments of adult mice with fluoxetine strongly reduced expression of the mature granule cell marker calbindin. The fluoxetine treatment induced active somatic membrane properties resembling immature granule cells and markedly reduced synaptic facilitation that characterizes the mature dentate-to-CA3 signal transmission. These changes cannot be explained simply by an increase in newly generated immature neurons, but best characterized as "dematuration" of mature granule cells. This granule cell dematuration developed along with increases in the efficacy of serotonin in 5-HT4 receptor-dependent neuromodulation and was attenuated in mice lacking the 5-HT4 receptor. Our results suggest that serotonergic antidepressants can reverse the established state of neuronal maturation in the adult hippocampus, and up-regulation of 5-HT4 receptor-mediated signaling may play a critical role in this distinct action of antidepressants. Such reversal of neuronal maturation could affect proper functioning of the mature hippocampal circuit, but may also cause some beneficial effects by reinstating neuronal functions that are lost during development.

    DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0912690107

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  • Cerebral activation associated with speech sound discrimination during the diotic listening task: An fMRI study Reviewed

    Yumiko Ikeda, Noriaki Yahata, Hidehiko Takahashi, Michihiko Koeda, Kunihiko Asai, Yoshiro Okubo, Hidenori Suzuki

    NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH   67 ( 1 )   65 - 71   2010.5

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD  

    Comprehending conversation in a crowd requires appropriate orienting and sustainment of auditory attention to and discrimination of the target speaker. While a multitude of cognitive functions such as voice perception and language processing work in concert to subserve this ability, it is still unclear which cognitive components critically determine successful discrimination of speech sounds under constantly changing auditory conditions. To investigate this, we present a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study of changes in cerebral activities associated with varying challenge levels of speech discrimination. Subjects participated in a diotic listening paradigm that presented them with two news stories read simultaneously but independently by a target speaker and a distracting speaker of incongruent or congruent sex. We found that the voice of distracter of congruent rather than incongruent sex made the listening more challenging, resulting in enhanced activities mainly in the left temporal and frontal gyri. Further, the activities at the left inferior, left anterior superior and right superior loci in the temporal gyrus were shown to be significantly correlated with accuracy of the discrimination performance. The present results suggest that the subregions of bilateral temporal gyri play a key role in the successful discrimination of speech under constantly changing auditory conditions as encountered in daily life. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd and the Japan Neuroscience Society. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.neures.2010.02.006

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  • Chronic fluoxetine bidirectionally modulates potentiating effects of serotonin on the hippocampal mossy fiber synaptic transmission Reviewed

    Katsunori Kobayashi, Yumiko Ikeda, Eisuke Haneda, Hidenori Suzuki

    JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE   28 ( 24 )   6272 - 6280   2008.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SOC NEUROSCIENCE  

    Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have been used to treat various psychiatric disorders. Although the cellular mechanisms underlying amelioration of particular symptoms are mostly unknown, recent studies have shown critical importance of the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus in behavioral effects of SSRIs in rodents. Here, we show that serotonin potentiates synaptic transmission between mossy fibers, the sole output of the dentate granule cells, and CA3 pyramidal cells in mouse hippocampal slices. This potentiation is mediated by activation of 5-HT4 receptors and intracellular cAMP elevation. A chronic treatment of mice with fluoxetine, a widely used SSRI, bidirectionally modulates the 5-HT-induced potentiation: Fluoxetine enhances the potentiation induced by lower concentrations of serotonin, while attenuates that by the higher concentration, which represents stabilization of synaptic 5-HT action. In contrast to the chronic treatment, an acute application of fluoxetine in slices induces a leftward shift in the dose-response curve of the 5-HT-induced potentiation. Thus, acute and chronic fluoxetine treatments have distinct effects on the serotonergic modulation of the mossy fiber synaptic transmission. Exposure of mice to novel environments induces increases in locomotor activity and hippocampal extracellular 5-HT levels. In mice chronically treated with fluoxetine, the novelty-induced hyperactivity is reduced without significant alterations in home cage activity and motor skills. Our results suggest that the chronic fluoxetine treatment can stabilize the serotonergic modulation of the central synaptic transmission, which may contribute to attenuation of hyperactive behaviors.

    DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1656-08.2008

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  • Low serum levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and epidermal growth factor in patients with chronic schizophrenia Reviewed

    Yumiko Ikeda, Noriaki Yahata, Itsuo To, Masatoshi Nagano, Tomoko Toyota, Takeo Yoshikawa, Yoshiro Okubo, Hidenori Suzuki

    SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH   101 ( 1-3 )   58 - 66   2008.4

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    Neurotrophic factors (NFs) play a pivotal role in the development of the central nervous system. They are thus also suspected of being involved in the etiology of schizophrenia. Previous studies reported a decreased level of serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in schizophrenia, whereas the association of epidermal growth factor (EGF) with this illness remains controversial. Using a two-site enzyme immunoassay, we conducted the simultaneous measurement of serum BDNF and EGF levels in a group of patients with chronic schizophrenia (N= 74) and a group of normal controls matched in age, body mass index, smoking habit and sex (N= 8 7). We found that, compared to normal controls, patients with chronic schizophrenia exhibited lower serum levels of both BDNF and EGF across all ages examined (21-59 years). The serum levels of BDNF and EGF were negatively correlated in the controls (r=-0.387, P=0.0002) but not in the patients. Clinical parameters such as duration of illness and psychiatric rating scale also showed no robust correlations with the NF levels. Collectively, these results suggest that pervasive, abnormal signaling of NFs underlies the pathophysiology of chronic schizophrenia. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.schres.2008.01.017

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  • The prolonged analgesic effect of epidural ropivacaine in a rat model of neuropathic pain Reviewed

    Chiyo Sato, Atsushi Sakai, Yumiko Ikeda, Hidenori Suzuki, Atsuhiro Sakamoto

    ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA   106 ( 1 )   313 - 320   2008.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS  

    BACKGROUND: In clinical practice, the analgesic effects of epidurally administered local anesthetics on chronic pain sometimes outlast the duration of drug action expected from their pharmacokinetics. To investigate the underlying mechanisms of this prolonged effect, we examined the effects of ropivacaine, a local anesthetic, on pain-related behavior in a rat model of neuropathic pain. We also analyzed changes in the expression of nerve growth factor (NGF), which is involved in plasticity of the nociceptive circuit after nerve injury.
    METHODS: In a rat model of neuropathic pain produced by chronic constrictive injury (CCI) of the sciatic nerve, thermal hyperalgesia, and mechanical allodynia were observed from Day 3 after surgery. Ropivacaine or saline was administered through an epidural catheter once a day, every day, and from Days 7-13 after the CCI operation. NGF content was measured in the L4 dorsal root ganglion, the hindpaw skin, the L4/5 dorsal spinal cord, and the sciatic nerve, using enzyme immunoassay.
    RESULTS: The latency to withdrawal from thermal stimuli on the ipsilateral paw pads of CCI rats was significantly increased 4 days after the beginning of ropivacaine treatment, and thermal hyperalgesia was almost fully relieved. Similarly, mechanical allodynia was partially reduced after ropivacaine treatment. NGF content was increased in the L4 dorsal root ganglion on the ipsilateral, but not the contralateral, side, in CCI rats treated with ropivacaine.
    CONCLUSION: Repetitive administration of ropivacaine into the epidural space in CCI rats exerts an analgesic effect, possibly by inducing a plastic change in the nociceptive circuit.

    DOI: 10.1213/01.ane.0000296460.91012.51

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  • Locomotor activity correlates with modifications of hippocampal mossy fibre synaptic transmission Reviewed

    Katsunori Kobayashi, Yumiko Ikeda, Hidenori Suzuki

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE   24 ( 7 )   1867 - 1873   2006.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:BLACKWELL PUBLISHING  

    The hippocampus has long been implicated in memory formation. Although accumulating evidence suggests involvement of the hippocampus in other brain functions including locomotor regulation and emotional processes, cellular and synaptic bases underlying these functions remain largely unknown. We here report that environmental manipulations in mice unveiled the association of locomotor activity with the hippocampal mossy fibre (MF) synaptic transmission. Electrophysiological recordings of synaptic responses were made using hippocampal slices prepared from mice whose behaviour had been analysed. Environmental enrichment induced parallel decreases in open-field locomotor activity and MF synaptic facilitation. Facilitation induced by paired-pulse stimulation at relatively long intervals (>= 200 ms) was selectively reduced while the basal synaptic efficacy and high-frequency transmission were unaffected. Social isolation caused a change in behaviour in an elevated plus-maze, but neither the open-field activity nor the MF synaptic transmission was significantly altered. Effects of dopamine, a neurotransmitter essential for locomotor regulation, on the MF synapse were also examined using these mice. Environmental manipulations did not cause significant changes in potentiation of the MF synaptic transmission induced by dopamine. However, analysis of behavioural and electrophysiological results in individual subjects revealed that locomotor activity negatively correlates with magnitude of the dopamine-induced potentiation. These results suggest that the MF synapse plays important roles in the regulation of locomotor activity. We propose that the MF synapse can serve as the synaptic model for certain forms of locomotor regulation, with potential importance for investigation of the pathophysiology of psychiatric diseases using animal models.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2006.05079

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  • 市販の向知薬が脳内ドパミントランスポーターに与える影響

    大矢 智之, 坂寄 健, 内山 翔太朗, 野上 毅, 舘野 周, 池田 裕美子, 荒川 亮介

    日本医科大学医学会雑誌   18 ( 4 )   447 - 447   2022.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本医科大学医学会  


  • 経頭蓋直流刺激による安静時機能的MRI施行時の機能的結合に対する影響:予備的fMRI研究

    肥田道彦, 濱智子, 中島創一郎, 秋山友美, 池田裕美子, 舘野周, 鈴木秀典, 大久保善朗

    日本生物学的精神医学会(Web)   41st   2019

  • 経頭蓋直流刺激による言語流暢性課題施行時の脳賦活に対する影響:予備的fMRI研究

    中島創一郎, 肥田道彦, 濱智子, 秋山友美, 池田裕美子, 舘野周, 鈴木秀典, 大久保善朗

    日本生物学的精神医学会(Web)   41st   2019

  • fMRIを用いた鎮痛薬トラマドールによる脳内報酬系に対する効果

    池田 裕美子

    ファルマシア   55 ( 4 )   283 - 286   2019

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan  


  • 金銭的報酬予測における側坐核の脳活動に対するトラマドールの効果

    池田 裕美子, 舘野 周, 大久保 善朗, 鈴木 秀典

    日本医科大学医学会雑誌   14 ( 3 )   98 - 99   2018.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本医科大学医学会  


  • ブプロピオンによる聴覚情動認知・機能的結合に対する効果:fMRI研究

    濱智子, 肥田道彦, 池田裕美子, 舘野周, 鈴木秀典, 大久保善朗

    日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会プログラム・抄録集   20th   79   2018

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  • 音声情動認知時の機能的結合に対するブプロピオンの効果:予備的fMRI研究

    濱智子, 肥田道彦, 池田裕美子, 舘野周, 鈴木秀典, 大久保善朗

    日本神経精神薬理学会プログラム・抄録集   47th   164 - 164   2017.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本生物学的精神医学会・日本神経精神薬理学会  



  • ブプロピオンの情動認知時脳賦活に与える影響 予備的fMRI研究

    肥田 道彦, 濱 智子, 池田 裕美子, 舘野 周, 鈴木 秀典, 大久保 善朗

    日本生物学的精神医学会・日本神経精神薬理学会合同年会プログラム・抄録集   39回・47回   154 - 154   2017.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本生物学的精神医学会・日本神経精神薬理学会  



    Michihiko Koeda, Yumiko Ikeda, Amane Tateno, Hidenori Suzuki, Yoshiro Okubo


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:BMJ PUBLISHING GROUP  

    DOI: 10.1136/jnnp-2017-BNPA.80

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    Michihiko Koeda, Atsushi Watanabe, Kumiko Tsuda, Miwako Matsumoto, Yumiko Ikeda, Woochan Kim, Amane Tateno, Banyar Than Naing, Hiroyuki Karibe, Takashi Shimada, Hidenori Suzuki, Masato Matsuura, Yoshiro Okubo


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:BMJ PUBLISHING GROUP  

    DOI: 10.1136/jnnp-2017-BNPA.55

    Web of Science


  • ロラゼパム投与時の不安軽減度と恐怖感情認知脳内ネットワークの分布の関連:機能的MRI研究

    肥田道彦, 長谷武志, 濱智子, 濱智子, 池田裕美子, 舘野周, 鈴木秀典, 大久保善朗

    日本臨床精神神経薬理学会プログラム・抄録集   27th   119   2017

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  • 恐怖音声認知・脳処理時の機能的結合に対するプラセボ・ロラゼパムの効果 機能的MRI研究

    肥田 道彦, 長谷 武志, 濱 智子, 池田 裕美子, 八幡 憲明, 舘野 周, 高橋 英彦, 松浦 雅人, 鈴木 秀典, 大久保 善朗

    日本神経精神薬理学会年会プログラム・抄録集   46回   215 - 215   2016.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本神経精神薬理学会  


  • プラセボ・ロラゼパム投与時の恐怖感情認知脳内ネットワークと不安軽減度の関連:機能的MRI研究

    肥田道彦, 長谷武志, 長谷武志, 濱智子, 濱智子, 池田裕美子, 八幡憲明, 舘野周, 高橋英彦, 松浦雅人, 鈴木秀典, 大久保善朗

    日本生物学的精神医学会(Web)   38th   60 (WEB ONLY)   2016

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  • セルトラリンのドパミン神経伝達への作用に関するPET研究

    金禹瑣, 舘野周, 池田裕美子, 坂寄健, 荒川亮介, 荒川亮介, 鈴木秀典, 大久保善朗

    日本生物学的精神医学会(Web)   38th   168 (WEB ONLY)   2016

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  • ブプロピオンのドパミン神経伝達への作用に関するPET研究

    金 禹瑣, 舘野 周, 池田 裕美子, 坂寄 健, 荒川 亮介, 鈴木 秀典, 大久保 善朗

    日本生物学的精神医学会・日本神経精神薬理学会合同年会プログラム・抄録集   37回・45回   183 - 183   2015.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本生物学的精神医学会・日本神経精神薬理学会  



    Koeda Michihiko, Watanabe Atsushi, Tsuda Kumiko, Matsumoto Miwako, Ikeda Yumiko, Kim Woochan, Tateno Amane, Naing Banyar Than, Karibe Hiroyuki, Shimada Takashi, Suzuki Hidenori, Matsuura Masato, Okubo Yoshiro


  • 非言語性感情音声聴取時の脳賦活に対するマジンドールの効果 fMRI研究

    肥田 道彦, 池田 裕美子, 舘野 周, 鈴木 秀典, 大久保 善朗

    日本臨床精神神経薬理学会・日本神経精神薬理学会合同年会プログラム・抄録集   24回・44回   160 - 160   2014.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本臨床精神神経薬理学会・日本神経精神薬理学会  


  • セレギリンのドパミン情報伝達系への作用に関するPET研究

    金 禹瑣, 舘野 周, 池田 裕美子, 坂寄 健, 荒川 亮介, 鈴木 秀典, 大久保 善朗

    日本臨床精神神経薬理学会・日本神経精神薬理学会合同年会プログラム・抄録集   24回・44回   195 - 195   2014.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本臨床精神神経薬理学会・日本神経精神薬理学会  


  • Effects of bupropion on reward processing in healthy individuals: a pharmacological fMRI study Reviewed

    Takuya Funayama, Yumiko Ikeda, Amane Tateno, Hidehiko Takahashi, Yoshiro Okubo, Haruhisa Fukayama, Hidenori Suzuki


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:JAPANESE PHARMACOLOGICAL SOC  

    Web of Science


  • Modafinil affects the neural activity during attention in healthy adults Reviewed

    Yumiko Ikeda, Takuya Funayama, Amane Tateno, Hidehiko Takahashi, Yoshiro Okubo, Hidenori Suzuki


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:JAPANESE PHARMACOLOGICAL SOC  

    Web of Science


  • 人の声に選択的な脳賦活部位に対するCNTNAP2多型の影響:機能的MRI研究

    肥田道彦, 渡辺淳, 池田裕美子, キム ウーチャン, 舘野周, 苅部洋行, 鈴木秀典, 松浦雅人, 大久保善朗

    日本生物学的精神医学会誌   384   2014

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  • [11]DASBを用いたトラマドールのセロトニントランスポーターの占有率についての陽電子放射断層撮影(PET)研究 鎮痛効果の作用機序と抗うつ作用の可能性

    小川 耕平, 舘野 周, 荒川 亮介, 坂寄 健, 池田 裕美子, 鈴木 秀典, 大久保 善朗

    日本臨床精神神経薬理学会・日本神経精神薬理学会合同年会プログラム・抄録集   23回・43回   182 - 182   2013.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本臨床精神神経薬理学会・日本神経精神薬理学会  


  • 健常人を対象としてモダフィニルが報酬機能に及ぼす作用の検討 fMRI研究

    船山 拓也, 池田 裕美子, 佐治 可奈子, 鈴木 秀典, 深山 治久

    日本歯科麻酔学会雑誌   41 ( 4 )   533 - 533   2013.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本歯科麻酔学会  


  • Effects of modafinil on reward processing in healthy individuals: pharmacological fMRI Reviewed

    Funayama Takuya, Ikeda Yumiko, Tateno Amane, Takahashi Hidehiko, Okubo Yoshiro, Fukayama Haruhisa, Suzuki Hidenori


  • Modafinil使用時の音声情動認知の脳活動に関するfunctional MRI研究

    長濱健一郎, 戸田由美子, 肥田道彦, 池田裕美子, 舘野周, 鈴木秀典, 大久保善朗

    日本精神科診断学会プログラム・抄録集   32nd   114   2012

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  • Caffeine effects on attentional networks: a pharmacological fMRI study Reviewed

    Ikeda Yumiko, Koeda Michihiko, Kim Woochan, Yahata Noriaki, Takahashi Hidehiko, Tateno Amane, Okubo Yoshiro, Suzuki Hidenori


  • 健常成人を対象としてNK1受容体拮抗薬が報酬機能に及ぼす作用の検討 fMRI研究

    佐治 可奈子, 池田 裕美子, 鈴木 秀典, 深山 治久

    日本歯科麻酔学会雑誌   39 ( 4 )   540 - 540   2011.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本歯科麻酔学会  


  • Effects of caffeine on attentional networks in healthy individuals: A pharmacological fMRI study Reviewed

    Ikeda Yumiko, Koeda Michihiko, Kim Woochan, Yahata Noriaki, Takahashi Hidehiko, Tateno Amane, Okubo Yoshiro, Suzuki Hidenori

    NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH   71   E174   2011

  • Stroop課題関連の脳活動に対するcaffeineの効果―fMRlによるドーピング効果の検出―

    金禹瑣, 池田裕美子, 肥田道彦, 高橋英彦, 舘野周, 鈴木秀典, 大久保善朗

    日本生物学的精神医学会誌   21 ( Supplement )   101   2010.10

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  • 聴覚作動性記憶時の脳活動に対するカフェインの効果 機能的MRI研究

    肥田 道彦, 渡部 友香理, キム・ウーチャン, 池田 裕美子, 鈴木 秀典, 田中 博, 大久保 善朗

    臨床神経生理学   38 ( 5 )   354 - 354   2010.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本臨床神経生理学会  


  • 聴覚情動処理時の脳活動に対するカフェインの効果 機能的MRI研究

    渡部 友香理, 肥田 道彦, 金 禹叙, 池田 裕美子, 鈴木 秀典, 大久保 善朗, 田中 博

    臨床神経生理学   38 ( 5 )   354 - 354   2010.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本臨床神経生理学会  


  • パロキセチン単回投与の動機づけ関連脳活動への効果:fMRI研究

    丸谷俊之, 八幡憲明, 池田裕美子, 伊藤岳人, 山本愛実, 松浦雅人, 大久保善朗, 松島英介, 鈴木秀典, 松田哲也

    日本生物学的精神医学会誌   21 ( Supplement )   99   2010.10

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  • 局所麻酔薬ロピバカインは神経障害性疼痛における活性化脊髄グリア細胞を抑制する(A local anesthetic, ropivacaine, suppresses the activated spinal glial cells in neuropathic pain)

    坂井 敦, 戸田 繁, 池田 裕美子, 坂本 篤裕, 鈴木 秀典

    神経化学   49 ( 2-3 )   561 - 561   2010.8

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    Language:English   Publisher:日本神経化学会  


  • A local anesthetic, ropivacaine, suppresses the activated spinal glial cells in neuropathic pain

    Atsushi Sakai, Shigeru Toda, Yumiko Ikeda, Sakamoto Atsuhiro, Hidenori Suzuki

    NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH   68   E165 - E165   2010

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.neures.2010.07.2305

    Web of Science


  • The role of 5-HT4 receptors in reversal of neuronal maturation by SSRI

    Katsunori Kobayashi, Yumiko Ikeda, Atsushi Sakai, Hidenori Suzuki


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:SPRINGER TOKYO  

    Web of Science


  • NGF mediates an analgesic effect of local anesthetic ropivacaine on neuropathic pain

    Shigeru Toda, Atsushi Sakai, Yumiko Ikeda, Atsuhiro Sakamoto, Hidenori Suzuki


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:JAPANESE PHARMACOLOGICAL SOC  

    Web of Science


  • SSRI、プラセボが報酬予測に与える影響

    丸谷 俊之, 八幡 憲明, 池田 裕美子, 山本 愛実, 伊藤 岳人, 松浦 雅人, 松島 英介, 鈴木 秀典, 松田 哲也

    臨床神経生理学   37 ( 5 )   406 - 406   2009.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本臨床神経生理学会  


  • Auditory selective attention as revealed by a diotic listening task: an fMRI study

    Yumiko Ikeda, Noriaki Yahata, Hidehiko Takahashi, Michihiko Koeda, Yoshiro Okubo, Hidenori Suzuki

    NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH   65   S239 - S239   2009

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.neures.2009.09.1351

    Web of Science



    Katsunori Kobayashi, Yumiko Ikeda, Atsushi Sakai, Hidenori Suzuki

    JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGICAL SCIENCES   59   138 - 138   2009

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:SPRINGER TOKYO  

    Web of Science


  • Reversal of maturation of dentate gyrus granule cells by serotonergic antidepressants

    Katsunori Kobayashi, Yumiko Ikeda, Atsushi Sakai, Eisuke Haneda, Hidenori Suzuki

    NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH   65   S57 - S57   2009

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.neures.2009.09.145

    Web of Science


  • Changes in the maturation state of dentate granule cells induced by SSRI

    Kobayashi Katsunori, Ikeda Yumiko, Sakai Atsushi, Suzuki Hidenori

    Proc Annu Meet PSJ   2008 ( 0 )   35 - 35   2008

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    The dentate gyrus of the hippocampus has been implicated in behavioral effects of antidepressant drugs including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). The mossy fiber (MF) is the sole output of dentate granule cells and thus plays a pivotal role in regulation of hippocampal neuronal activity by the dentate gyrus. To test possible involvement of modification of the MF synapse in behavioral changes caused by SSRIs, we examined effects of chronic oral administration of fluoxetine, a widely used SSRI, on behaviors and the MF synaptic transmission in adult mice. Fluoxetine had multiple effects on behaviors and the MF synaptic transmission in a dose-dependent manner. At a lower dose, the fluoxetine treatment reduced activity of mice in a novel environment and affected modulation of the MF synaptic transmission by serotonin without noticeable effects on the synaptic transmission itself. At higher doses, however, it markedly increased fluctuation of home cage activity and anxiety-related behaviors, and also greatly reduced the large synaptic facilitation that is a characteristic of the mature MF synapse. This synaptic change was well correlated with the behavioral changes. In the dentate gyrus of mice treated with the higher dose of fluoxetine, expression of calbindin, a marker for the mature granule cells, was significantly reduced. These results indicate that fluoxetine at high doses can disrupt the maturation state of the dentate gyrus and the MF synaptic transmission in adult mice, which may underlie the destabilized behavior in the treated mice. <b>[J Physiol Sci. 2008;58 Suppl:S35]</b>


  • Reduced levels of serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor and epidermal growth factor in schizophrenia

    Yumiko Ikeda, Itsuo Ito, Noriaki Yahata, Masatoshi Nagano, Tomoko Toyota, Yoshiro Okubo, Hidenori Suzuki


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:JAPANESE PHARMACOLOGICAL SOC  

    Web of Science


  • Environmental regulation of locomotor activity and hippocampal mossy fiber synaptic transmission

    Yumiko Ikeda, Katsunori Kobayashi, Hidenori Suzuki

    NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH   55   S94 - S94   2006

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD  

    Web of Science


  • 精神神経症状を示すSLE患者の脳血流所見

    織田 健司, 松島 英介, 太田 克也, 村田 雄二, 加藤 元一郎, 笹井 妙子, 山崎 まどか, 池田 裕美子, 早川 梓, 大久保 善朗

    核医学   40 ( 3 )   336 - 336   2003.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本核医学会  


  • 精神疾患における脳の画像解析学的研究 PET,MRIを用いた統合失調症の研究

    大久保 善朗, 須原 哲也, 肥田 道彦, 高野 晶寛, 高橋 英彦, 安野 史彦, 一宮 哲哉, 浅井 禎之, 織田 健司, 池田 裕美子, 室田 亜希子, 中山 貴至, 伊藤 滋朗, 西條 朋行, 生駒 洋子, 前田 純, 田中 博, 浅井 邦彦

    厚生労働省精神・神経疾患研究委託費研究報告集   平成14年度   503 - 503   2003.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:国立精神・神経センター  


  • 選択的聴取のfMRI解析

    池田 裕美子, 室田 亜希子, 肥田 道彦, 高橋 英彦, 織田 健司, 大久保 善朗

    臨床神経生理学   31 ( 2 )   181 - 181   2003.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本臨床神経生理学会  


  • 聴覚刺激を用いた情動反応の解析

    室田 亜希子, 池田 裕美子, 肥田 道彦, 高橋 英彦, 織田 健司, 大久保 善朗

    臨床神経生理学   31 ( 2 )   182 - 182   2003.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本臨床神経生理学会  


  • Research of the schizophrenia using PET,MRI.

    大久保善朗, 須原哲也, 肥田道彦, 高野晶寛, 高橋英彦, 織田健司, 池田裕美子, 田中博, 浅井邦彦

    厚生労働省精神・神経疾患研究委託費による研究報告集 平成14年度 (2年度班・初年度班)   503   2003

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  • 歌の認知のfMRI

    肥田道彦, 高橋英彦, 室田亜希子, 池田裕美子, 織田健司, 浅井邦彦, 大久保善朗, 田中博

    情報計算化学生物学会大会論文集   3rd   316 - 317   2002.9

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Research Projects

  • Elucidation of impulse control neural circuits involved in suicide attempts and biological indicators for prevention of repeat attempts

    Grant number:24K10745  2024.4 - 2028.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

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    Grant amount:\4420000 ( Direct Cost: \3400000 、 Indirect Cost:\1020000 )


  • 薬理学的脳機能画像法と経頭蓋直流電気刺激法による痛みの共感に関する神経基盤の解明

    Grant number:19K07809  2019.4 - 2023.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    池田 裕美子, 舘野 周, 肥田 道彦

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    Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct Cost: \3300000 、 Indirect Cost:\990000 )



  • Effects of NK1 receptor antagonist on reward function as a candidate drug to treat alcohol dependence

    Grant number:24791237  2012.4 - 2015.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    IKEDA Yumiko

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    Grant amount:\4420000 ( Direct Cost: \3400000 、 Indirect Cost:\1020000 )

    Functional nuclear magnetic resonance image experiments were performed after placebo and NK1 receptor antagonist treatments in healthy adults and then the BOLD activation in nucleus accumbens during a reward task was examined. The activation in nucleus accumbens during the reward anticipation was significantly decreased in NK1 receptor antagonist treatment compared to placebo treatment. Next, we examined the BOLD activation in nucleus accumbens during the reward task in heavy drinkers with a high risk of alcohol dependence. In the heavy drinkers, there was a positive correlation between the BOLD signal change in nucleus accumbens during the reward anticipation and their alcohol consumption. Therefore, focusing on the activation in nucleus accumbens during the reward anticipation associated with alcohol consumption may be beneficial to elucidate the preventive effects of NK1 receptor antagonists on development of alcohol dependence in heavy drinkers.


  • Brap gene can be one of causal genes of the Ras-MAPK syndromes.

    Grant number:22591141  2010 - 2012

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    ASADA Minoru, MIZUTANI Shuki, IKEDA Yumiko

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    Grant amount:\4420000 ( Direct Cost: \3400000 、 Indirect Cost:\1020000 )

    To elucidate the biological significance of BRAP gene, brap targeting mice were generated. Brap null mice revealed embryonic lethal, which indicates Brap has essential role for developmental process. Whether Brap could be involved in Ras-MAPK pathway, mouse embryonic fibroblasts from brap mutant mice were analyzed. Phosphorylation of ERK was upregulated in brap deficient cells.


  • Hippocampal neuronal dematuration as a mechanism of action of antidepressant drugs

    Grant number:22500342  2010 - 2012

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    KOBAYSHI Katsunori, SAKAI Atsushi, IKEDA Yumiko

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    Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct Cost: \3300000 、 Indirect Cost:\990000 )

    We examined the effect of the antidepressant fluoxetine on behavior and hippocampal neurons in mice. A high dose of fluoxetine induced behavioral abnormalities including a marked day-to-day fluctuation of activity levels that correlated with functional dematuration of hippocampal neurons. In mice chronically treated with corticosterone that model depressive disorder, neuronal dematuration was facilitated. These results suggest that neuronal dematuration is enhanced in certain pathological states and that the induction of dematuration in the healthy state could contribute to adverse effects of antidepressants.


  • Optimization of electroconvulsive therapy for drug-resistant depression based on neurotrophic factor dynamics as a prognostic factor

    Grant number:21791151  2009 - 2011

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    IKEDA Yumiko

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    Grant amount:\4160000 ( Direct Cost: \3200000 、 Indirect Cost:\960000 )

    Level of serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor(BDNF) and Hamilton rating scale for depression symptoms were measured before, during and after electroconvulsive therapy(ECT) in patients with depression. Increased BDNF level was shown immediately after ECT, followed by improvement of the depressive symptoms. Increased BDNF level was maintained for 4 weeks after completion of ECT, while the depressive symptoms recurred 1 week after completion of ECT. These results show relationship between temporal dynamics of serum neurotrophic factor and severity of depressive symptoms induced by ECT.


  • Research on substance P receptor as a novel target for antidepressant therapy using neuroimaging techniques

    Grant number:19590261  2007 - 2009

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    SUZUKI Hidenori, OKUBO Yoshiro, NAGANO Masatoshi, IKEDA Yumiko, SAKAI Atsushi, SUHARA Tetsuya, ITO Hiroshi, MATSUDA Tetsuya, YAHATA Noriaki

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    Grant amount:\4420000 ( Direct Cost: \3400000 、 Indirect Cost:\1020000 )

    NK-1 receptors in the human brain were visualized and quantified using ^<18>F-FE-SPA-RQ with PET. The prefrontal and the limbic cortices, the regions responsible for the depression and the anxiety disorders, expressed substantial amount of NK-1 receptors. An fMRI study revealed neural substrates influenced by an antidepressant during the cognitive task performance. The combined application of both noninvasive neuroimaging techniques could be of great utility for development and evaluation of drugs to treat psychiatric disorders.


  • 機能的MRIを用いた統合失調症の聴覚性注意機能ネットワーク障害解明に関する研究

    Grant number:17790821  2005 - 2006

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  若手研究(B)

    池田 裕美子

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    Grant amount:\3400000 ( Direct Cost: \3400000 )

    統合失調症患者の認知機能には、さまざまな障害が報告されている。なかでもとりわけ重要なものとして、聴覚過程における注意障害がある。これは、多くの事象の中から注意を向けるべき事象を選択することが障害される、あるいは選択すべき事象以外に対する注意の抑制が障害されることによって生じると考えられている。本研究は、統合失調症患者の聴覚性注意機能に関わる脳内ネットワークの障害を機能的MRI(fMRI)検査によって検討することを目的とした。われわれが日常で行っている環境(カクテルパーティ効果)に類似した選択的聴取に対する脳活動を検討するため、ラジオのニュースを聴覚刺激として課題を作製した。被験者には複数の音声からターゲットの音声に注意して聴取することを指示した。また、各刺激の聴取後に単語を呈示し、それが直前の刺激で用いられていたか否かをボタン押しで判定させ、選択的聴取能力を評価した。fMRIデータは、gradient EPIによる高速撮像法で得た。昨年度は主に健常者を対象に撮影を行ったが、今年度は統合失調症患者を中心にデータ収集を行い、さらに健常者データも追加した。その結果、健常者群に比べて患者群では課題成績が有意に低下しており、選択的聴取に対する障害を認めた。選択的聴取条件における健常者群の脳賦活部位は、両側上・中側頭回、上・中・下前頭回であった。患者群においても同様の部位で賦活を認めたが、その強度は全般的に低く、特に右中側頭回における賦活は健常者群に比べて有意に低下していることが示された。過去の脳形態研究では、患者群において側頭葉の体積減少が多く報告されていることを考慮すると、これらの領域の体積減少と脳活動低下が関連して、音声の選択的注意機能障害が生じることが示唆された。現在、統合失調症患者の聴覚性注意機能障害の全体像を明らかにするために、病態評価も含めた解析を行っている。


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