Updated on 2025/02/24


Takeda Hayato
Nippon Medical School Hospital, Department of Urology, Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
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Research Areas

  • Life Science / Urology


  • Association between combination of VI-RADS based on T2WI and morphological features and pathological outcome and prognosis in bladder cancer.

    Shunsuke Ikuma, Jun Akatsuka, Hikaru Mikami, Kotaro Obayashi, Yuki Endo, Hayato Takeda, Go Kimura, Yukihiro Kondo

    Journal of Clinical Oncology   43 ( 5_suppl )   690 - 690   2025.2

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)  


    Background: VI-RADS is widely used to identify muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC). However, it is not known whether structural category (SC; VI-RADS based on T2-weighted images) alone is useful in diagnosing clinicopathological features and prognosis of bladder cancer. This study investigates the diagnostic performance of SC in the detection of MIBC. We also measured tumour contact length (TCL), difference in signal intensity ratio (dSIR) and coefficient of variation (CV) within the tumour on T2WI. We evaluated whether these factors could improve the diagnostic performance of SC for MIBC and explored the correlation between these morphological features and clinicopathological characteristics and prognosis. Methods: Between August 2018 and July 2023, we performed 587 transurethral resections of bladder tumours. This study includes 236 patients who underwent preoperative MRI. We first evaluated the diagnostic performance of VI-RADS and SC for MIBC. TCL, dSIR and CV were measured on T2WI. The dSIR was defined as the difference between the signal intensity (SI) of the tumour and that of the underlying muscle layer, divided by the SI of the normal muscle layer. The CV was calculated as the standard deviation of the SI within the tumour divided by the mean SI. All patients were divided into high and low SC groups and the relationship between MIBC and TCL, dSIR and CV was examined. Cut-off values for the diagnosis of MIBC and overall survival (OS) were calculated based on ROC curves for the most correlated factors in each group, which were added to the SC score to evaluate the diagnostic value. We also examined the correlation between each factor and pathological findings. Results: The diagnostic performance of VI-RADS with a cut-off score of 4 was an AUC of 0.888. Meanwhile, the diagnostic performance of SC with a cut-off score of 4 was AUC of 0.885. The association between MIBC and each factor was compared in the SC≥4 and SC≤3 groups. In the SC≥4, multivariate analysis showed significant differences in dSIR (p<0.001). In the SC≤3, multivariate analysis showed TCL is significantly longer in MIBC (p<0.001). The diagnostic performance was an AUC of 0.912 for suspected MIBC with SC≥4 and dSIR<1.03 and SC≤3 and TCL≥36mm. In pathological features, TCL is significantly longer in high-grade (p=0.018), necrosis(p<0.001), variant(p=0.002), lymph node metastasis (p<0.001) and organ metastasis (p<0.035). Univariate COX analysis showed that SC≥4 was risk factors for OS (HR = 2.15, P = 0.031). In the SC≥4, patients with TCL≥40 mm had worse OS (HR = 3.06, P < 0.015). In the SC≤3, patients with TCL≥31 mm had worse OS (HR = 10.59, P < 0.001). Conclusions: The present study showed that SC combined with dSIR and TCL has good diagnostic performance for MIBC. We also found that TCL correlates with high-grade tumor, necrosis, and variant histology. The combination of SC and TCL effectively predicts OS in bladder cancer.

    DOI: 10.1200/jco.2025.43.5_suppl.690


  • Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer Prediction Using Multimodal Deep Learning with Prostate-Specific Antigen Restriction

    Hayato Takeda, Jun Akatsuka, Tomonari Kiriyama, Yuka Toyama, Yasushi Numata, Hiromu Morikawa, Kotaro Tsutsumi, Mami Takadate, Hiroya Hasegawa, Hikaru Mikami, Kotaro Obayashi, Yuki Endo, Takayuki Takahashi, Manabu Fukumoto, Ryuji Ohashi, Akira Shimizu, Go Kimura, Yukihiro Kondo, Yoichiro Yamamoto

    Current Oncology   31 ( 11 )   7180 - 7189   2024.11

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:MDPI AG  

    Prostate cancer (PCa) is a clinically heterogeneous disease. Predicting clinically significant PCa with low–intermediate prostate-specific antigen (PSA), which often includes aggressive cancers, is imperative. This study evaluated the predictive accuracy of deep learning analysis using multimodal medical data focused on clinically significant PCa in patients with PSA ≤ 20 ng/mL. Our cohort study included 178 consecutive patients who underwent ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy. Deep learning analyses were applied to predict clinically significant PCa. We generated receiver operating characteristic curves and calculated the corresponding area under the curve (AUC) to assess the prediction. The AUC of the integrated medical data using our multimodal deep learning approach was 0.878 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.772–0.984) in all patients without PSA restriction. Despite the reduced predictive ability of PSA when restricted to PSA ≤ 20 ng/mL (n = 122), the AUC was 0.862 (95% CI: 0.723–1.000), complemented by imaging data. In addition, we assessed clinical presentations and images belonging to representative false-negative and false-positive cases. Our multimodal deep learning approach assists physicians in determining treatment strategies by predicting clinically significant PCa in patients with PSA ≤ 20 ng/mL before biopsy, contributing to personalized medical workflows for PCa management.

    DOI: 10.3390/curroncol31110530


  • Preoperative analysis of factors associated with prolonged pneumoretroperitoneum time during retroperitoneal laparoscopic nephroureterectomy for upper tract urothelial carcinoma. International journal

    Masato Yanagi, Tomonari Kiriyama, Jun Akatsuka, Yuki Endo, Hayato Takeda, Tsutomu Hamasaki, Taiji Nishimura, Yukihiro Kondo

    BMC urology   24 ( 1 )   155 - 155   2024.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: Prolonged laparoscopic nephroureterectomy (LNU) for upper tract urothelial cancer (UTUC) can increase the frequency of intravesical recurrence after surgery. Therefore, it is important for urological surgeons to have knowledge on preoperative risk factors for prolonged LNU. However, few studies have investigated the risk factors for prolonged LNU. We hypothesized that the quantity of perirenal fat affects the pneumoretroperitoneum time (PRT) of retroperitoneal LNU (rLNU). This study aimed to investigate the preoperative risk factors for prolonged PRT during rLNU. METHODS: We reviewed the data of 115 patients who underwent rLNU for UTUC between 2013 and 2021. The perirenal fat thickness (PFT) observed on preoperative computed tomography (CT) images was used to evaluate the perinephric fat quantity. Preoperative risk factors for PRT during rLNU were analyzed using logistic regression models. The cutoff value for PRT was determined based on the median time.The cutoff values for fat-related factors influencing PRT were defined according to receiver operating characteristic curve analysis. RESULTS: The median PRT for rLNU was 182 min (interquartile range, 155-230 min). The cutoff values of posterior, lateral, and anterior PFTs were 15 mm, 24 mm, and 6 mm, respectively. Multivariate analysis revealed that a posterior PFT ≥ 15 mm (odds ratio [OR], 2.72; 95% confidence interval, 1.04-7.08; p = 0.0410) was an independent risk factor for prolonged PRT. CONCLUSIONS: Thick posterior PFT is a preoperative risk factor for prolonged PRT during rLNU. For patients with UTUC and thick posterior PFT, surgeons should develop optimal surgical strategies, including the selecting an expert surgeon as a primary surgeon and the selecting transperitoneal approach to surgery or open surgery.

    DOI: 10.1186/s12894-024-01538-0



  • 淡明細胞型腎細胞癌に類似した画像パターンを示した腎原発グロムス腫瘍の1例

    谷内 真美, 木村 剛, 武田 隼人, 船門 良太, 長谷川 祐也, 三神 晃, 柳 雅人, 赤塚 純, 遠藤 勇気, 戸山 友香, 寺崎 泰弘, 清水 章, 近藤 幸尋

    腎癌研究会会報   ( 54 )   95 - 95   2024.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)腎癌研究会  


  • 転移性腎細胞癌におけるLDHアイソザイムの予後予測の有用性について

    武田 隼人, 木村 剛, 岸 帆奈海, 谷内 真美, 舩門 良太, 長谷川 裕也, 三神 晃, 大林 康太郎, 赤塚 純, 遠藤 勇気, 戸山 友香, 近藤 幸尋

    腎癌研究会会報   ( 54 )   37 - 37   2024.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)腎癌研究会  


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  • 膀胱surgery-術前術後管理 膀胱全摘除術・回腸導管造設術の術前・術後管理

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  • 転移性去勢抵抗性前立腺癌に対するがん遺伝子パネル検査の現状:がんゲノム医療連携病院における検討

    赤塚純, 遠藤勇気, 武田隼人, 近藤幸尋

    日本外科系連合学会誌   49 ( 3 )   2024

  • 筋層浸潤膀胱癌神経内分泌subtypeに対して術前化学療法および術後免疫補助療法にて長期無増悪生存を得られた1例

    遠藤勇気, 武田隼人, 赤塚純, 木村剛, 近藤幸尋

    日本外科系連合学会誌   49 ( 3 )   2024

  • Hinotoriサージカルロボットシステムを用いた腹腔鏡下前立腺全摘除術の初期治療成績

    大林康太郎, 赤塚純, 柴崎幹生, 長谷川弘也, 三神晃, 遠藤勇気, 武田隼人, 戸山友香, 木村剛, 近藤幸尋

    日本泌尿器内視鏡・ロボティクス学会(Web)   37th   2023

  • 当院におけるBRCA遺伝子変異陽性去勢抵抗性前立腺癌(mCRPC)に対するolaparibの初期治療経験

    舩門良太, 木村剛, 赤塚純, 谷内真美, 宮内翔吾, 高崎水仙, 長谷川裕也, 柴崎幹生, 三神晃, 大林康太郎, 武田隼人, 遠藤勇気, 戸山友香, 岸帆奈海, 近藤幸尋

    日本泌尿器科学会東部総会プログラム・抄録集   88th (CD-ROM)   2023

  • 当院における前立腺神経内分泌癌の病理学的特徴と予後

    長谷川裕也, 木村剛, 遠藤勇気, 岸帆奈海, 谷内真美, 舩門良太, 宮内翔吾, 高崎水仙, 柴崎幹生, 三神晃, 大林康太郎, 赤塚純, 武田隼人, 戸山友香, 近藤幸尋

    日本泌尿器科学会東部総会プログラム・抄録集   88th (CD-ROM)   2023

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  • 胸腔内腫瘤様陰影を呈した肝ヘルニアの2例

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  • 精索myxoid liposarcomaの1例

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  • 二次性白血病をきたした進行性精巣腫瘍の1例

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  • 完全珊瑚状結石に対してTUL単独で治療可能であった症例の検討

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  • 腹腔鏡下前立腺全摘術にて治療したのハイリスク前立腺癌のoncological outcome

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