Updated on 2024/06/20


Sohara Koji
Nippon Medical School Hospital, Department of Radiology, Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
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  • Multi-Atlas MRI-Based Striatum Segmentation for 123I-FP-CIT SPECT (DAT-SPECT) Compared With the Bolt Method and SPECT-Atlas-Based Segmentation Method Toward the Accurate Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease/Syndrome. International journal

    Koji Sohara, Tetsuro Sekine, Amane Tateno, Sunao Mizumura, Masaya Suda, Takeshi Sakayori, Yoshiro Okubo, Shin-Ichiro Kumita

    Frontiers in medicine   8   662233 - 662233   2021

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Aims: This study aimed to analyze the performance of multi-atlas MRI-based parcellation for 123I-FP-CIT SPECT (DAT-SPECT) in healthy volunteers. The proposed method was compared with the SPECT-atlas-based and Bolt methods. 18F-FE-PE2I-PET (DAT-PET) was used as a reference. Methods: Thirty healthy subjects underwent DAT-SPECT, DAT-PET, and 3D-T1WI-MRI. We calculated the striatum uptake ratio (SUR/SBR), caudate uptake ratio (CUR), and putamen uptake ratio (PUR) for DAT-SPECT using the multi-atlas MRI-based method, SPECT-atlas-based method, and Bolt method. In the multi-atlas MRI-based method, the cerebellum, occipital cortex, and whole-brain were used as reference regions. The correlation of age with DAT-SPECT activity and the correlations of SUR/SBR, CUR, and PUR between DAT-SPECT and DAT-PET were calculated by each of the three methods. Results: The correlation between age and SUR/SBR for DAT-SPECT based on the multi-atlas MRI-based method was comparable to that based on the SPECT-atlas-based method (r = -0.441 to -0.496 vs. -0.488). The highest correlation between DAT-SPECT and DAT-PET was observed using the multi-atlas MRI-based method with the occipital lobe defined as the reference region compared with the SPECT-atlas-based and Bolt methods (SUR, CUR, and PUR: 0.687, 0.723, and 0.676 vs. 0.698, 0.660, and 0.616 vs. 0.655). Conclusion: Multi-atlas MRI-based parcellation with the occipital lobe defined as the reference region was at least comparable to the clinical methods.

    DOI: 10.3389/fmed.2021.662233



  • Diagnostic utility and characteristics of CT-based attenuation correction in brain perfusion SPECT/CT in predicting the exacerbation of Alzheimer changes from mild cognitive impairment utilizing voxel-based statistical analysis in comparison with Chang's method.

    Koji Sohara, Tomonari Kiriyama, Sunao Mizumura, Akiko Ishiwata, Mineo Yamazaki, Kazumi Kimura, Shin-Ichiro Kumita

    Annals of nuclear medicine   34 ( 7 )   502 - 511   2020.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    OBJECTIVE: We examined the diagnostic value of brain perfusion single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) using voxel-based statistical analysis with CT-based attenuation correction (CT-AC) by comparing it to that with Chang's AC in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) patients and attempted to locate brain areas that are good indicators predicting the progression of MCI. METHODS: Twenty-six individuals matched for age, educational background and initial Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score of more than 24 underwent SPECT with N-isopropyl-4-[123I]iodoamphetamine and were assigned to 2 groups: the stable MCI (S-MCI) group comprising 11 subjects who maintained their MMSE score (mean 27.0) during at least a 1-year follow-up period (mean 37.2 months) and the progressive MCI (P-MCI) group comprising 15 subjects whose MMSE scores decreased by 3 or more points (from 26.4 to 21.4, mean). The diagnostic values of the two AC methods for discriminating P-MCI from S-MCI were compared using voxel-based statistical analysis in the lobe (Level 2) and lobule/gyrus levels (Level 3). RESULTS: Receiver operating characteristic analysis revealed that the area under the curve (AUC) was higher with CT-AC than with Chang's AC in the left temporal and limbic lobes in Level 2. In Level 3, the AUC in the left middle temporal gyrus was higher with CT-AC (0.852) than with Chang's AC (0.827). There were differences between the gyri/lobules that showed higher AUCs with CT-AC and those that showed higher AUCs with Chang's AC. When the gyri with the 4 highest AUCs were combined, AUC (0.897) and accuracy (84.6%) were better with CT-AC than with Chang's AC (0.806 and 80.8%). Surprisingly, the AUCs in the posterior cingulate gyrus and precuneus, excluding the AUC in the right precuneus with Chang's AC (0.715), were no more than 0.70 and less useful. CONCLUSIONS: CT-AC may allow brain perfusion SPECT to reflect more exact neuropathic changes in MCI that would cause progression of early AD. CT-AC in conjunction with voxel-based statistical analysis could possess higher diagnostic accuracy for exacerbation of disease implying early Alzheimer changes in MCI patients, with decreases in cerebral perfusion in the left temporal and limbic lobes representing good indicators.

    DOI: 10.1007/s12149-020-01477-4



  • 健常者に対するDAT SPECTとDAT PETの線条体集積比の比較検討 PNEUROとDa TView、DaTQUANTによる解析

    曽原 康二, 関根 鉄郎, 舘野 周, 水村 直, 永山 寛, 須田 匡也, 桑子 智之, 桐山 智成, 福嶋 善光, 大久保 善郎, 汲田 伸一郎

    核医学   56 ( Suppl. )   S162 - S162   2019.10

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    Language:English   Publisher:(一社)日本核医学会  



  • 軽度認知障害からアルツハイマー型認知症への進行を予測する脳SPECT/CTにおけるCT減弱補正の診断有用性

    曽原 康二, 桐山 智成, 福嶋 善光, 野上 茜, 石渡 明子, 山崎 峰雄, 桑子 智之, 箱崎 謙太, 木村 和美, 汲田 伸一郎

    核医学   55 ( Suppl. )   S193 - S193   2018.11

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    Language:English   Publisher:(一社)日本核医学会  


  • Prediction of cardiovascular event using global myocardial flow reserve with nicorandil-stress myocardial perfusion single photon emission computed tomography in patients with acute ischemic heart failure

    Y. Fukushima, S. Kumita, Y. Kobayashi, Y. Sugihara, T. Kiriyama, T. Tomiyama, K. Sohara


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:SPRINGER  

    Web of Science
