Updated on 2025/01/05


Sakatani Takashi
Nippon Medical School Hospital, Department of Diagnostic Pathology, Clinical Professor
Clinical Professor
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  • 医学博士 ( 鳥取大学 )

Research Interests

  • Epstein-Barr ウイルス関連胃癌

  • DNAメチル化

  • 腫瘍学

  • 細胞診

  • 消化器

  • バイオマーカー

  • 乳腺腫瘍

  • エピジェネティクス

  • マイクロRNA

  • 病理診断

Research Areas

  • Life Science / Human pathology


  • Tottori University   Graduate School of Medical Sciences

    - 2001

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  • Tottori University   Faculty of Medicine   School of Medicine

    - 1996

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Research History

  • Nippon Medical School   Professor


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  • Jichi Medical University   Associate Professor

    2010.4 - 2014.9

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  • The University of Tokyo   Assistant Professor

    2006.4 - 2010.3

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  • Nippon Medical School School of Medicine   Professor

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Professional Memberships

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Committee Memberships

  • 日本乳癌学会   規約委員会  


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  • 日本臨床細胞学会 細胞診専門医会   会報編集委員会 幹事  


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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 日本病理学会   病理診断講習会委員会 委員長  


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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 日本病理精度保証機構   理事  


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    Committee type:Other


  • 日本病理学会   生涯教育委員会  


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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 日本病理学会   研修プログラム審査委員会  


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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 日本乳癌学会   働き方検討委員会  

    2016.9 - 2020   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 日本乳癌学会   登録委員会  

    2016.9 - 2018   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 日本病理学会   施設審査委員会  


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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 日本病理学会   乳癌Her2 ガイドライン委員会  

    2014.5 - 2016.4   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 日本病理学会   病理専門医試験実施委員会  

    2013.9 - 2015.9   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 日本臨床細胞学会   細胞診ガイドライン作成ワーキンググループ 乳腺、胆道系 小委員会  

    2013.4 - 2015.3   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 日本病理学会   pathology International 刊行委員会  

    2011.1 - 2019.3   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 日本乳癌学会   教育研修-病理小委員会  


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    Committee type:Academic society


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  • Triple negative乳癌で術前化学療法としてPembrolizumabが投与された症例の後方視的検討

    片山 結美香, 武井 寛幸, 伊藤 良則, 栗田 智子, 中村 卓, 范姜 明志, 小林 光希, 内海 ほたる, 猪股 真理絵, 草なぎ 華, 村里 梨咲, 坂谷 貴司, 大橋 隆治

    日本乳癌学会総会プログラム抄録集   32回   176 - 176   2024.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本乳癌学会  


  • HER2陽性乳癌に対する術前TCHPレジメンの有効性および安全性についての検討

    内海 ほたる, 武井 寛幸, 大橋 隆治, 坂谷 貴司, 栗田 智子, 中村 卓, 范姜 明志, 小林 光希, 片山 結美香, 猪股 真理絵, 草なぎ 華, 村里 梨咲, 伊藤 良則

    日本乳癌学会総会プログラム抄録集   32回   317 - 317   2024.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本乳癌学会  


  • 乳癌の術前化学療法症例におけるypCRの予測に関する検討

    猪股 真理絵, 武井 寛幸, 伊藤 良則, 栗田 智子, 中村 卓, 范姜 明志, 小林 光希, 内海 ほたる, 片山 結美香, 村里 梨咲, 草なぎ 華, 坂谷 貴司, 大橋 隆治

    日本乳癌学会総会プログラム抄録集   32回   286 - 286   2024.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本乳癌学会  


  • 術前内分泌療法により病理学的完全奏効が得られた乳癌の特徴

    小林 光希, 栗田 智子, 中村 卓, 范姜 明志, 内海 ほたる, 片山 結美香, 加藤 世奈, 猪股 真理絵, 草薙 華, 村里 里咲, 坂谷 貴司, 大橋 隆治, 伊藤 良則, 武井 寛幸

    日本乳癌学会総会プログラム抄録集   32回   283 - 283   2024.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本乳癌学会  


  • 摘出手術が施行された線維腺腫および葉状腫瘍の臨床病理学的特徴の比較検討

    村里 梨咲, 武井 寛幸, 伊藤 良則, 栗田 智子, 中村 卓, 范姜 明志, 小林 光希, 内海 ほたる, 片山 結美香, 草なぎ 華, 猪股 真理絵, 大橋 隆治, 坂谷 貴司

    日本乳癌学会総会プログラム抄録集   32回   203 - 203   2024.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本乳癌学会  


  • Triple negative乳癌で術前化学療法としてPembrolizumabが投与された症例の後方視的検討

    片山 結美香, 武井 寛幸, 伊藤 良則, 栗田 智子, 中村 卓, 范姜 明志, 小林 光希, 内海 ほたる, 猪股 真理絵, 草なぎ 華, 村里 梨咲, 坂谷 貴司, 大橋 隆治

    日本乳癌学会総会プログラム抄録集   32回   176 - 176   2024.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本乳癌学会  


  • 術前内分泌療法により病理学的完全奏効が得られた乳癌の特徴

    小林 光希, 栗田 智子, 中村 卓, 范姜 明志, 内海 ほたる, 片山 結美香, 加藤 世奈, 猪股 真理絵, 草薙 華, 村里 里咲, 坂谷 貴司, 大橋 隆治, 伊藤 良則, 武井 寛幸

    日本乳癌学会総会プログラム抄録集   32回   283 - 283   2024.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本乳癌学会  


  • 摘出手術が施行された線維腺腫および葉状腫瘍の臨床病理学的特徴の比較検討

    村里 梨咲, 武井 寛幸, 伊藤 良則, 栗田 智子, 中村 卓, 范姜 明志, 小林 光希, 内海 ほたる, 片山 結美香, 草なぎ 華, 猪股 真理絵, 大橋 隆治, 坂谷 貴司

    日本乳癌学会総会プログラム抄録集   32回   203 - 203   2024.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本乳癌学会  


  • HER2陽性乳癌に対する術前TCHPレジメンの有効性および安全性についての検討

    内海 ほたる, 武井 寛幸, 大橋 隆治, 坂谷 貴司, 栗田 智子, 中村 卓, 范姜 明志, 小林 光希, 片山 結美香, 猪股 真理絵, 草なぎ 華, 村里 梨咲, 伊藤 良則

    日本乳癌学会総会プログラム抄録集   32回   317 - 317   2024.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本乳癌学会  


  • 乳癌の術前化学療法症例におけるypCRの予測に関する検討

    猪股 真理絵, 武井 寛幸, 伊藤 良則, 栗田 智子, 中村 卓, 范姜 明志, 小林 光希, 内海 ほたる, 片山 結美香, 村里 梨咲, 草なぎ 華, 坂谷 貴司, 大橋 隆治

    日本乳癌学会総会プログラム抄録集   32回   286 - 286   2024.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本乳癌学会  


  • Combination of plasma MMPs and PD-1-binding soluble PD-L1 predicts recurrence in gastric cancer and the efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors in non-small cell lung cancer

    Fumihiko Ando, Takeru Kashiwada, Shoko Kuroda, Takenori Fujii, Ryotaro Takano, Yoshishige Miyabe, Shinobu Kunugi, Takashi Sakatani, Akihiko Miyanaga, Tomoko Asatsuma-Okumura, Masaaki Hashiguchi, Yoshikazu Kanazawa, Ryuji Ohashi, Hiroshi Yoshida, Masahiro Seike, Akihiko Gemma, Yoshiko Iwai

    Frontiers in Pharmacology   15   2024.5

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Frontiers Media SA  


    The tumor microenvironment (TME) impacts the therapeutic efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs). No liquid biomarkers are available to evaluate TME heterogeneity. Here, we investigated the clinical significance of PD-1-binding soluble PD-L1 (bsPD-L1) in gastric cancer (GC) patients and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients treated with PD-1/PD-L1 blockade.


    We examined bsPD-L1, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), and IFN-γ levels in plasma samples from GC patients (n = 117) prior to surgery and NSCLC patients (n = 72) prior to and 2 months after ICI treatment. We also examined extracellular matrix (ECM) integrity, PD-L1 expression, and T cell infiltration in tumor tissues from 25 GC patients by Elastica Masson-Goldner staining and immunohistochemical staining for PD-L1 and CD3, respectively.


    bsPD-L1 was detected in 17/117 GC patients and 16/72 NSCLC patients. bsPD-L1 showed strong or moderate correlations with plasma MMP13 or MMP3 levels, respectively, in both GC and NSCLC patients. bsPD-L1 expression in GC was associated with IFN-γ levels and intra-tumoral T cell infiltration, whereas MMP13 levels were associated with loss of ECM integrity, allowing tumor cells to access blood vessels. Plasma MMP3 and MMP13 levels were altered during ICI treatment. Combined bsPD-L1 and MMP status had higher predictive accuracy to identify two patient groups with favorable and poor prognosis than tumor PD-L1 expression: bsPD-L1+MMP13high in GC and bsPD-L1+(MMP3 and MMP13)increased in NSCLC were associated with poor prognosis, whereas bsPD-L1+MMP13low in GC and bsPD-L1+(MMP3 or MMP13)decreased in NSCLC were associated with favorable prognosis.


    Plasma bsPD-L1 and MMP13 levels indicate T cell response and loss of ECM integrity, respectively, in the TME. The combination of bsPD-L1 and MMPs may represent a non-invasive tool to predict recurrence in GC and the efficacy of ICIs in NSCLC.

    DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2024.1384731


  • Cytomorphological disparities in invasive breast cancer cells following neoadjuvant endocrine therapy and chemotherapy. International journal

    Hideko Hoshina, Takashi Sakatani, Yoko Kawamoto, Ryuji Ohashi, Hiroyuki Takei

    Pathobiology : journal of immunopathology, molecular and cellular biology   2024.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    INTRODUCTION: Neoadjuvant endocrine therapy (NAE) offers a breast-conserving surgery rate and clinical response rate similar to those of neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC), while presenting fewer adverse events and lower pathological complete response rates. The assessment of pathological response determines degenerative changes and predicts the prognosis of breast cancer treated with NAC. This study clarified the degenerative changes occurring in breast cancer following NAE. METHODS: Our study encompassed two groups: NAE, consisting of 15 patients, and NAC, comprising 18 patients. Tissue samples were obtained from core needle biopsies and surgeries. Nuclear and cell areas were calculated using Autocell analysis. Furthermore, we assessed markers associated with microtubule depolymerization (KIF2A) and initiators of apoptosis (caspase-9). RESULTS: In the NAC group, we observed significant increases in both cytoplasmic and cell areas. These changes in cytoplasm and cells were notably more pronounced in the NAC group compared to the NAE group. Post-treatment, KIF2A exhibited a decrease, with the magnitude of change being greater in the NAE group than in the NAC group. However, no discernible differences were found in caspase-9 expression between the two groups. CONCLUSION: Our findings indicate that NAE induces condensation in cancer cells via cell cycle arrest or apoptosis. Conversely, NAC leads to cell enlargement due to the absence of microtubule depolymerization. These discrepancies underscore the importance of accounting for these distinctions when establishing criteria for evaluating pathological responses.

    DOI: 10.1159/000538227



  • 胎児発育不全を伴う早産胎盤におけるマクロファージ分極の変化(Altered macrophage polarity in preterm placenta of fetal growth restriction)

    滝澤 彩子, 石野 孔祐, 藤井 雄文, 許田 典男, 工藤 光洋, 堂本 裕加子, 坂谷 貴司, 松島 隆, 鈴木 俊治, 大橋 隆治

    日本病理学会会誌   113 ( 1 )   430 - 430   2024.2

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    Language:English   Publisher:(一社)日本病理学会  


  • 質量分析法を用いた左室の心筋におけるタンパク質の発現量と年齢との相関について(Proteomic profiling of the aging heart)

    長谷川 湧生, 宮田 隆宏, 宮崎 海, 堂本 裕加子, 藤井 雄文, 北村 妙子, 工藤 光洋, 石野 孔祐, 坂谷 貴司, 大橋 隆治

    日本病理学会会誌   113 ( 1 )   466 - 466   2024.2

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    Language:English   Publisher:(一社)日本病理学会  


  • 皮膚アミロイドーシスと周囲環境に対する検討(Histopathological review of Locallized cutaneous amyloidosis)

    堀井 千裕, 宮崎 海, 堂本 裕加子, 山田 麻以, 岩田 隆, 石野 孔祐, 藤井 雄文, 北村 妙子, 坂谷 貴司, 大橋 隆治

    日本病理学会会誌   113 ( 1 )   455 - 455   2024.2

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    Language:English   Publisher:(一社)日本病理学会  


  • 胎児発育不全を伴う早産胎盤におけるマクロファージ分極の変化(Altered macrophage polarity in preterm placenta of fetal growth restriction)

    滝澤 彩子, 石野 孔祐, 藤井 雄文, 許田 典男, 工藤 光洋, 堂本 裕加子, 坂谷 貴司, 松島 隆, 鈴木 俊治, 大橋 隆治

    日本病理学会会誌   113 ( 1 )   430 - 430   2024.2

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    Language:English   Publisher:(一社)日本病理学会  


  • 局所再発およびオリゴメタスタシスに対し完全奏効が得られた乳癌の1例

    村里 梨咲, 武井 寛幸, 栗田 智子, 中村 卓, 范姜 明志, 小林 光希, 加藤 世奈, 猪股 真理絵, 草なぎ 華, 亀谷 美菜, 井上 真梨子, 坂谷 貴司

    日本臨床外科学会雑誌   85 ( 2 )   317 - 317   2024.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本臨床外科学会  


  • 皮膚アミロイドーシスと周囲環境に対する検討(Histopathological review of Locallized cutaneous amyloidosis)

    堀井 千裕, 宮崎 海, 堂本 裕加子, 山田 麻以, 岩田 隆, 石野 孔祐, 藤井 雄文, 北村 妙子, 坂谷 貴司, 大橋 隆治

    日本病理学会会誌   113 ( 1 )   455 - 455   2024.2

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    Language:English   Publisher:(一社)日本病理学会  


  • Immunohistochemical Diagnosis of Amyloid Typing: Utility and Limitations as Determined by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry.

    Yukako Shintani-Domoto, Kousuke Ishino, Takenori Fujii, Taeko Kitamura, Kiyoshi Teduka, Hironobu Naiki, Takashi Sakatani, Ryuji Ohashi

    Journal of Nippon Medical School = Nippon Ika Daigaku zasshi   91 ( 3 )   261 - 269   2024

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: Although immunohistochemical techniques and proteomic analysis are widely used for typing diagnosis of amyloidosis, the diagnostic utility of immunohistochemical evaluation is not well understood. METHODS: We used immunohistochemical techniques to characterize staining patterns of in-house rabbit polyclonal anti-κ, anti-λ, anti-transthyretin antibodies, and commercial anti-amyloid A and anti-β2-microglobulin antibodies in 40 autopsy cases. RESULTS: In thirty cases (75%), the subtype was determined by using the criterion that amyloid is strongly and diffusely positive for one antibody while negative for other antibodies. We then performed proteomic analysis of all 40 cases. In 39 cases, we identified only one amyloid protein and confirmed the immunohistochemically determined subtypes of the abovementioned 30 cases. In seven other cases, we could retrospectively determine subtypes with immunohistochemistry by using information from proteomic analysis, which increased the immunohistochemistry diagnosis rate to 92.5% (37/40). In one case, we identified double subtypes, both immunohistochemically and with proteomic analysis. In the remaining three cases, proteomic analysis was essential for typing diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS: The present findings suggest that combined immunohistochemistry and proteomic analysis is more useful than immunohistochemistry alone. Our findings highlight the importance of carefully interpreting immunohistochemistry for anti-TTR and light chain and offer insights that can guide amyloid typing through immunohistochemistry.

    DOI: 10.1272/jnms.JNMS.2024_91-304



  • Picture in Clinical Hematology(No.159) 再発難治急性骨髄性白血病に対するHLA半合致同種造血幹細胞移植後に発症した皮膚フサリウム症

    竹吉 敦志, 丸毛 淳史, 山田 麻以, 田中 康平, 福永 景子, 由井 俊輔, 脇田 知志, 坂谷 貴司, 大橋 隆治, 山口 博樹

    臨床血液   64 ( 11 )   1395 - 1395   2023.11

  • Elucidation of the mechanism of amyloid A and transthyretin formation using mass spectrometry-based absolute quantification. International journal

    Yukako Shintani-Domoto, Koji L Ode, Seitaro Nomura, Hiroyuki Abe, Hiroki R Ueda, Takashi Sakatani, Ryuji Ohashi

    Virchows Archiv : an international journal of pathology   2023.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Amyloidosis is triggered by the truncation of amyloid precursor proteins, causing organ damages. While previous studies found the truncation of amyloid A (AA) and amyloid transthyretin (ATTR) occurs in C- and N-terminal, respectively, the detailed mechanism of the fibril formation remains unclear. Liquid chromatography mass spectrometry is usually applied for a qualitative purpose, and thus quantification of tryptic peptide residue is difficult. We therefore employed a mass spectrometry-based quantification by isotope-labeled cell-free (MS-QBIC) to analyze the truncation processes in amyloid fibrillogenesis of AA and ATTR using the formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues of autopsy cases. In this study, the process of transthyretin from an 'early fibril state' consisting of full-length ATTR to a 'mature ATTR amyloid fibril' with a truncated low-amyloidogenic segment has been mathematically revealed. The amount of full-length ATTR was nine times higher than in mature fibers. Large cohort studies using MS-QBIC may shed light on the clinical significance of amyloid fibrils.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00428-023-03591-w



  • 術前薬物療法によりHER2過剰発現が陽性化した症例の検討

    山川 珠実, 武井 寛幸, 片山 結美香, 加藤 世奈, 小林 光希, 佐野 恵美, 范姜 明志, 栗田 智子, 坂谷 貴司, 大橋 隆治

    乳癌基礎研究   30   61 - 66   2023.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:乳癌基礎研究会  



  • 当院における自家組織乳房再建の取り組み 乳腺外科医の目線から

    栗田 智子, 青木 宏信, 范姜 明志, 佐野 恵美, 亀谷 美奈, 関谷 健太, 山川 珠実, 小林 光希, 内海 ほたる, 片山 結美香, 加藤 世奈, 梅澤 裕己, 坂谷 貴司, 村上 隆介, 武井 寛幸

    日本乳癌学会総会プログラム抄録集   31回   328 - 328   2023.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本乳癌学会  


  • 進行乳癌において乳癌治療適応外のチロシンキナーゼ阻害薬が奏功した症例の検討

    佐野 恵美, 片山 結美香, 加藤 世奈, 山川 珠実, 関谷 健太, 范姜 明志, 栗田 智子, 武井 寛幸, 坂谷 貴司, 大橋 隆治

    日本乳癌学会総会プログラム抄録集   31回   268 - 268   2023.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本乳癌学会  


  • 術前Detective Flow Imagingでの局在診断が有用であった副甲状腺double adenomaの一例

    阿部 武司, 數阪 広子, 松井 満美, 銭 真臣, 齋藤 麻梨恵, 長岡 竜太, 軸薗 智雄, 坂谷 貴司, 大橋 隆治, 杉谷 巌

    日本内分泌外科学会雑誌   40 ( Suppl.1 )   S202 - S202   2023.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌外科学会  


  • 術前Detective Flow Imagingでの局在診断が有用であった副甲状腺double adenomaの一例

    阿部 武司, 數阪 広子, 松井 満美, 銭 真臣, 齋藤 麻梨恵, 長岡 竜太, 軸薗 智雄, 坂谷 貴司, 大橋 隆治, 杉谷 巌

    日本内分泌外科学会雑誌   40 ( Suppl.1 )   S202 - S202   2023.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌外科学会  


  • 質量分析法を用いた左室の心筋におけるタンパク質の発現量と年齢との相関について

    長谷川 湧生, 宮田 隆宏, 堂本 裕加子, 藤井 雄文, 石野 孔祐, 坂谷 貴司, 大橋 隆治

    日本病理学会会誌   112 ( 1 )   379 - 379   2023.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本病理学会  


  • 術前薬物療法によりHER2発現が陽性化した症例の検討

    山川 珠実, 武井 寛幸, 栗田 智子, 范姜 明志, 佐野 恵美, 関谷 健太, 小林 光希, 片山 結美香, 加藤 世奈, 坂谷 貴司, 大橋 隆治

    日本医科大学医学会雑誌   18 ( 4 )   470 - 471   2022.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本医科大学医学会  


  • 乳癌患者におけるPEPIスコアの生存率予測因子としての有効性の検討

    小林 光希, 田村 美樹, 山川 珠実, 関谷 健太, 八木 美緒, 佐野 恵美, 范姜 明志, 越智 友洋, 二宮 淳, 浅川 英輝, 保科 淑子, 大橋 隆治, 坂谷 貴司, 栗田 智子, 武井 寛幸

    日本乳癌学会総会プログラム抄録集   30回   EP15 - 2   2022.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本乳癌学会  


  • 乳管内乳頭腫に対する新しい手術術式

    范姜 明志, 越智 友洋, 田村 美樹, 小林 光希, 関谷 健太, 八木 美緒, 佐野 恵美, 栗田 智子, 坂谷 貴司, 大橋 隆治, 武井 寛幸

    日本乳癌学会総会プログラム抄録集   30回   EP28 - 113   2022.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本乳癌学会  


  • 遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群に対するリスク低減乳房切除術が施行された5症例の検討

    田村 美樹, 山川 珠実, 小林 光希, 関谷 健太, 八木 美緒, 佐野 惠美, 范姜 明志, 大橋 隆治, 坂谷 貴司, 栗田 智子, 武井 寛幸

    日本乳癌学会総会プログラム抄録集   30回   EP11 - 72   2022.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本乳癌学会  


  • 乳癌のOncotypeDx再発スコアと臨床病理学的因子との関連性の検討

    八木 美緒, 田村 美樹, 小林 光希, 関谷 健太, 佐野 恵美, 范姜 明志, 栗田 智子, 坂谷 貴司, 大橋 隆治, 武井 寛幸

    日本乳癌学会総会プログラム抄録集   30回   EP6 - 6   2022.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本乳癌学会  


  • 非浸潤性乳管癌に対する術前内分泌療法の検討

    栗田 智子, 田村 美樹, 小林 光希, 関谷 健太, 八木 美緒, 佐野 恵美, 范姜 明志, 坂谷 貴司, 大橋 隆治, 武井 寛幸

    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集   122回   DP - 7   2022.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本外科学会  


  • 乳がんの免疫組織化学染色によるサブタイプとOncotypeDX再発スコアとの関連性の検討

    八木 美緒, 田村 美樹, 小林 光希, 関谷 健太, 佐野 恵美, 范姜 明志, 栗田 智子, 坂谷 貴司, 大橋 隆治, 武井 寛幸

    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集   122回   DP - 4   2022.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本外科学会  


  • 家族性副甲状腺機能亢進症3例の検討

    數阪 広子, 長岡 竜太, 松井 満美, 齋藤 麻梨恵, 軸薗 智雄, 坂谷 貴司, 遠藤 陽子, 大橋 隆治, 竹内 靖博, 杉谷 巌

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   97 ( 5 )   1149 - 1149   2022.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  


  • 家族性副甲状腺機能亢進症3例の検討

    數阪 広子, 長岡 竜太, 松井 満美, 齋藤 麻梨恵, 軸薗 智雄, 坂谷 貴司, 遠藤 陽子, 大橋 隆治, 竹内 靖博, 杉谷 巌

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   97 ( 5 )   1149 - 1149   2022.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  


  • Autopsy case with concurrent transthyretin and immunoglobulin amyloidosis. International journal

    Yukako Shintani-Domoto, Kousuke Ishino, Hironobu Naiki, Takashi Sakatani, Ryuji Ohashi

    Pathology international   2021.10

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    An 85-year-old man with a history of aortic dissection suddenly fainted, underwent cardiac heart arrest, and died. An autopsy was performed, but the cause of death was not grossly identified. Congo red staining detected amyloid deposits in systemic organs, including the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys. Immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis revealed immunoglobulin (Ig) λ light chain (-λ) in systemic blood vessels and transthyretin (TTR) in the heart and lungs. Ig-λ was predominantly positive in the blood vessels of the lungs, while TTR was detected in the alveolar septum. In the heart, Ig-λ was positive in the endocardium and blood vessels, and TTR was positive in nodular deposits between cardiomyocytes. The concurrent deposition of Ig-λ and TTR in the heart was further substantiated by laser microdissection (LMD)-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) at each deposition site. Despite systemic deposition of Ig-λ, bone marrow biopsy findings were not diagnostic for multiple myeloma. In summary, we present an autopsy case of concurrent Ig-λ and TTR deposition as revealed by IHC and LC-MS/MS. When Congo red staining and IHC results are indeterminate due to the deposition of multiple amyloid proteins, LMD-LC-MS/MS is useful for determining the precursor protein.

    DOI: 10.1111/pin.13179



  • 日本医科大学におけるアミロイドーシス剖検症例の検討

    堂本 裕加子, 坂谷 貴司, 大橋 隆治

    日本医科大学医学会雑誌   17 ( 4 )   248 - 248   2021.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本医科大学医学会  


  • 術前内分泌療法後の術後補助化学療法決定に影響する因子の検討

    田村 美樹, 小林 光希, 関谷 健太, 八木 美緒, 佐野 恵美, 范姜 明志, 栗田 智子, 武井 寛幸, 二宮 淳, 淺川 英輝, 坂谷 貴司, 大橋 隆治

    日本医科大学医学会雑誌   17 ( 4 )   273 - 274   2021.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本医科大学医学会  


  • 遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群で予防的乳房全切除術を施行した2症例

    小林 光希, 田村 美樹, 関谷 健太, 八木 美緒, 佐野 恵美, 范姜 明志, 栗田 智子, 武井 寛幸, 青木 宏信, 梅澤 裕己, 小川 令, 坂谷 貴司, 大橋 隆治

    日本医科大学医学会雑誌   17 ( 4 )   274 - 274   2021.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本医科大学医学会  


  • 腋窩副乳に発症した線維腺腫の1例

    石黒 昂, 土佐 眞美子, 高田 明日香, 小川 令, 坂谷 貴司, 大橋 隆治

    日本医科大学医学会雑誌   17 ( 4 )   283 - 284   2021.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本医科大学医学会  


  • 乳癌の病態と形態 サブタイプにおける細胞像

    葉山 綾子, 松澤 こず恵, 渡會 泰彦, 寺崎 泰弘, 大橋 隆治, 坂谷 貴司, 土屋 眞一

    日本臨床細胞学会雑誌   60 ( Suppl.2 )   424 - 424   2021.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本臨床細胞学会  


  • 肛門周囲膿瘍から発生したと考えられた肛門管癌の一例

    小泉 岐博, 松田 明久, 森本 幸治, 久保田 至, 奥田 哲也, 大塚 新一, 田村 周三, 久保田 和, 左雨 元樹, 金澤 周, 菅又 奈々, 山田 岳史, 吉田 寛, 富永 健太, 坂谷 貴司, 大橋 隆治

    日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌   74 ( 9 )   A216 - A216   2021.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本大腸肛門病学会  


  • An advanced case of gastric histiocytic sarcoma treated with chemotherapy and gastrectomy: a case report and review of literature

    Ryu Matsunaga, Yoshikazu Kanazawa, Kunihiko Matsuno, Daisuke Kakinuma, Taichiro Tokura, Atsushi Marumo, Shunsuke Yui, Fumihiko Ando, Yuka Masuda, Nobutoshi Hagiwara, Tsutomu Nomura, Shunji Kato, Toshiro Yoshiyuki, Yukako Domoto, Takashi Sakatani, Ryuji Ohashi, Koiti Inokuchi, Hiroshi Yoshida

    Clinical Journal of Gastroenterology   14 ( 4 )   1053 - 1059   2021.8

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Histiocytic sarcoma is a relatively new disease category and the gastrointestinal origin is sporadic. We report a case of a 74-year-old woman who underwent chemotherapy and proximal gastrectomy for extremely rare, advanced gastric histiocytic sarcoma. The resected specimen was subjected to numerous immunostainings to meet the diagnostic criteria of histiocytic sarcoma and was positive for the histiocyte markers’ cluster of differentiation 68 and lysozyme. The markers of Langerhans cells, follicular dendritic cells, and myelocyte were all negative. Six reports of surgical resection of histiocytic sarcoma originating in the stomach exist, including our case. We reviewed the clinical course and the histological and immunohistochemical diagnostic features of surgically resected gastric histiocytic sarcoma.

    DOI: 10.1007/s12328-021-01438-y




  • An advanced case of gastric histiocytic sarcoma treated with chemotherapy and gastrectomy: a case report and review of literature.

    Ryu Matsunaga, Yoshikazu Kanazawa, Kunihiko Matsuno, Daisuke Kakinuma, Taichiro Tokura, Atsushi Marumo, Shunsuke Yui, Fumihiko Ando, Yuka Masuda, Nobutoshi Hagiwara, Tsutomu Nomura, Shunji Kato, Toshiro Yoshiyuki, Yukako Domoto, Takashi Sakatani, Ryuji Ohashi, Koiti Inokuchi, Hiroshi Yoshida

    Clinical journal of gastroenterology   14 ( 4 )   1053 - 1059   2021.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Histiocytic sarcoma is a relatively new disease category and the gastrointestinal origin is sporadic. We report a case of a 74-year-old woman who underwent chemotherapy and proximal gastrectomy for extremely rare, advanced gastric histiocytic sarcoma. The resected specimen was subjected to numerous immunostainings to meet the diagnostic criteria of histiocytic sarcoma and was positive for the histiocyte markers' cluster of differentiation 68 and lysozyme. The markers of Langerhans cells, follicular dendritic cells, and myelocyte were all negative. Six reports of surgical resection of histiocytic sarcoma originating in the stomach exist, including our case. We reviewed the clinical course and the histological and immunohistochemical diagnostic features of surgically resected gastric histiocytic sarcoma.

    DOI: 10.1007/s12328-021-01438-y



  • 原著 Hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumor syndromeの1例

    渡部 涼子, 渡辺 健太, 武田 英彦, 臼井 健, 杉谷 巌, 數阪 弘子, 長岡 竜太, 大橋 隆治, 坂谷 貴司, 竹内 靖博

    耳鼻咽喉科・頭頸部外科   93 ( 8 )   637 - 642   2021.7

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    DOI: 10.11477/mf.1411202765

    CiNii Research


  • 乳癌の乳房部分切除術における切除断端の術中迅速病理診断の有用性についての検討

    佐藤 あい, 関谷 健太, 范姜 明志, 中井 麻木, 栗田 智子, 坂谷 貴司, 武井 寛幸

    日本乳癌学会総会プログラム抄録集   29回   84 - 84   2021.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本乳癌学会  


  • Hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumor syndromeの1例

    渡部 涼子, 渡辺 健太, 武田 英彦, 臼井 健, 杉谷 巌, 數阪 弘子, 長岡 竜太, 大橋 隆治, 坂谷 貴司, 竹内 靖博

    耳鼻咽喉科・頭頸部外科   93 ( 8 )   637 - 642   2021.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)医学書院  

    症例は26歳女性で、右下顎骨腫瘍(骨形成線維腫)術後の血液検査でカルシウム(Ca)とi-PTHが高値を示した。頸部造影CTでは嚢胞変性を伴う左上副甲状腺の腫大(長径20mm大)を認めたが、MIBIシンチグラフィでは病変に一致した集積はなく、産婦人科で子宮ポリープを指摘された。hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumor syndrome(HPT-JT)による原発性副甲状腺機能亢進症と判断して左上副甲状腺腫摘出術を行い、病理検査の結果は副甲状腺腺腫の所見であり、術後は血中Ca、i-PTHが正常化した。後日、遺伝子検査でCDC73遺伝子(cell division cycle protein 73 homolog gene)に「c.238-8G>A」変異を認め、HPT-JTと診断された。家族性副甲状腺機能亢進症ではHPT-JTも念頭に置いた診療が必要である。


  • 乳癌の乳房部分切除術における切除断端の術中迅速病理診断の有用性についての検討

    佐藤 あい, 関谷 健太, 范姜 明志, 中井 麻木, 栗田 智子, 坂谷 貴司, 武井 寛幸

    日本乳癌学会総会プログラム抄録集   29回   84 - 84   2021.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本乳癌学会  


  • Hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumor syndromeの1例

    渡部 涼子, 渡辺 健太, 武田 英彦, 臼井 健, 杉谷 巌, 數阪 弘子, 長岡 竜太, 大橋 隆治, 坂谷 貴司, 竹内 靖博

    耳鼻咽喉科・頭頸部外科   93 ( 8 )   637 - 642   2021.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)医学書院  


  • Magnetically Guided Localization Using a Guiding-Marker System® and a Handheld Magnetic Probe for Nonpalpable Breast Lesions: A Multicenter Feasibility Study in Japan. International journal

    Tomoko Kurita, Kanae Taruno, Seigo Nakamura, Hiroyuki Takei, Katsutoshi Enokido, Takashi Kuwayama, Yoko Kanada, Sadako Akashi-Tanaka, Misaki Matsuyanagi, Meishi Hankyo, Keiko Yanagihara, Takashi Sakatani, Kentaro Sakamaki, Akihiro Kuwahata, Masaki Sekino, Moriaki Kusakabe

    Cancers   13 ( 12 )   2021.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Accurate pre-operative localization of nonpalpable lesions plays a pivotal role in guiding breast-conserving surgery (BCS). In this multicenter feasibility study, nonpalpable breast lesions were localized using a handheld magnetic probe (TAKUMI) and a magnetic marker (Guiding-Marker System®). The magnetic marker was preoperatively placed within the target lesion under ultrasound or stereo-guidance. Additionally, a dye was injected subcutaneously to indicate the extent of the tumor excision. Surgeons checked for the marker within the lesion using a magnetic probe. The magnetic probe could detect the guiding marker and accurately localize the target lesion intraoperatively. All patients with breast cancer underwent wide excision with a safety margin of ≥5 mm. The presence of the guiding-marker within the resected specimen was the primary outcome and the pathological margin status and re-excision rate were the secondary outcomes. Eighty-seven patients with nonpalpable lesions who underwent BCS, from January to March of 2019 and from January to July of 2020, were recruited. The magnetic marker was detected in all resected specimens. The surgical margin was positive only in 5/82 (6.1%) patients; these patients underwent re-excision. This feasibility study demonstrated that the magnetic guiding localization system is useful for the detection and excision of nonpalpable breast lesions.

    DOI: 10.3390/cancers13122923



  • Non-functioning oxyphilic parathyroid carcinoma: a case report. International journal

    Masaomi Sen, Ryuta Nagaoka, Hiroko Kazusaka, Mami Matsui, Marie Saitou, Iwao Sugitani, Takashi Sakatani, Kaori Kameyama

    Surgical case reports   7 ( 1 )   119 - 119   2021.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: Non-functioning parathyroid carcinoma is an extremely rare malignancy among endocrine tumors. We report a case in which non-functional oxyphilic parathyroid carcinoma was diagnosed from clinical symptoms and pathological diagnosis. CASE PRESENTATION: The patient was a 42-year-old man with no medical or family history of note. He had presented to a local hospital with a neck mass 2 months earlier. Medullary thyroid carcinoma was diagnosed and he was referred to our department. A 3.5-cm mass was observed in the left thyroid lobe. Laboratory data for thyroid functions, thyroglobulin, anti-thyroglobulin antibodies, anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies, serum calcium, and parathyroid hormone (PTH) were all within normal ranges. Ultrasonography revealed a 40-mm irregular, hypoechoic mass throughout the left thyroid lobe. Follicular thyroid tumor was suspected from fine-needle aspiration cytology. Left lobectomy was performed. Pathological features revealed a thick fibrous capsule around the tumor, and a thick fibrous band was observed inside the tumor. Both capsular invasions and vascular invasions were observed. Tumor cells were eosinophilic and displayed solid growth. Immunohistochemically, tumor cells were negative for thyroid transcription factor-1, negative for thyroglobulin, negative for chromogranin A (positive for normal parathyroid tissue within the nodule), positive for PTH, and positive for parafibromin. Ki-67 labeling index was 10%. Based on these findings, non-functional oxyphilic parathyroid carcinoma was diagnosed. One and a half years postoperatively, calcium and PTH were within normal ranges, and he has shown no evidence of recurrence or metastasis. CONCLUSIONS: Non-functioning oxyphilic parathyroid carcinoma is an extremely rare malignancy, and definitive diagnosis is difficult to obtain preoperatively. Few reports have been made worldwide, and information on the long-term prognosis is scarce. Long-term surveillance by imaging is mandatory, since no indices that can be used as a marker for postoperative recurrence and metastasis have been identified.

    DOI: 10.1186/s40792-021-01201-y



  • 乳がん治療の最前線 磁性体と磁気プローブを用いたピンポイント乳がん手術

    栗田 智子, 垂野 香苗, 中村 清吾, 武井 寛幸, 榎戸 克年, 桑山 隆志, 金田 陽子, 明石 定子, 松柳 美咲, 范姜 明志, 柳原 恵子, 坂谷 貴司, 桑波田 晃弘, 関野 正樹, 日下部 守昭

    日本外科系連合学会誌   46 ( 3 )   370 - 370   2021.5

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  • 乳がん治療の最前線 磁性体と磁気プローブを用いたピンポイント乳がん手術

    栗田 智子, 垂野 香苗, 中村 清吾, 武井 寛幸, 榎戸 克年, 桑山 隆志, 金田 陽子, 明石 定子, 松柳 美咲, 范姜 明志, 柳原 恵子, 坂谷 貴司, 桑波田 晃弘, 関野 正樹, 日下部 守昭

    日本外科系連合学会誌   46 ( 3 )   370 - 370   2021.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本外科系連合学会  


  • Marine-Lenhart症候群に対して外科的治療を施行した一例

    銭 真臣, 長岡 竜太, 齋藤 麻梨恵, 功刀 しのぶ, 寺崎 泰弘, 坂谷 貴司, 杉谷 巌

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   96 ( 4 )   973 - 973   2021.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  


  • Neoadjuvant endocrine therapy in women with operable breast cancer: A retrospective analysis of real-world use.

    Miki Iwamoto, Hiroyuki Takei, Jun Ninomiya, Hideki Asakawa, Tomoko Kurita, Keiko Yanagihara, Shinya Iida, Takashi Sakatani, Ryuji Ohashi

    Journal of Nippon Medical School = Nippon Ika Daigaku zasshi   88 ( 5 )   448 - 460   2021.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: A retrospective study of the real-world use of neoadjuvant endocrine therapy (NET) is important for standardizing its role in breast cancer care. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In a consecutive series of women with operable breast cancer who received NET for ≥28 days, NET objectives, NET outcomes, adjuvant chemotherapy use after NET, and survivals, were examined for the correlation with clinicopathological factors. RESULTS: NET objectives were for surgery extent reduction in 49 patients, surgery avoidance in 31, and treatment until scheduled surgery in 8. The mean duration of NET was 349.5 (range, 34-1923), 869.8 (range, 36-4859), and 55.8 (range, 39-113) days in the above cohorts (success: 79.6%, 64.5%, and 100%), respectively, with significant difference. In patients of the former two cohorts, better progression-free survival was significantly correlated with stage 0 or I, ductal carcinoma in situ or invasive ductal carcinoma, ≥71% estrogen receptor (ER) positivity, and the surgery extent reduction cohort than the other counterparts. Postoperative chemotherapy use was significantly correlated with lymph node metastasis, a high Ki67 labeling index, lymphovascular invasion, and a high Preoperative Endocrine Prognostic Index, at surgery after NET. Better recurrence-free survival after surgery was significantly correlated with high ER expression after NET and high PgR expression before and after NET. CONCLUSIONS: NET can help to reduce the surgery extent or to avoid surgery in women with breast cancer of early-stage, ductal carcinoma, or high ER expression. NET may also contribute to appropriate decision of postoperative systemic therapy to improve survivals.

    DOI: 10.1272/jnms.JNMS.2021_88-603



  • 残胃に生じた低分化腺癌と、神経内分泌細胞病変の発生における考察

    岩田 隆, 堂本 裕加子, 高熊 将一朗, 功刀 しのぶ, 寺崎 泰弘, 坂谷 貴司, 大橋 隆治

    日本病理学会会誌   110 ( 1 )   299 - 299   2021.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本病理学会  


  • CDX2-positive breast cancer presented with axillary lymph node metastases: A case report. International journal

    Hideko Hoshina, Hiroyuki Takei, Takashi Sakatani, Zenya Naito

    Cancer treatment and research communications   26   100300 - 100300   2021

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: The caudal type homeobox 2 transcription factor (CDX2) is a specific and sensitive marker for intestinal carcinoma, but usually not expressed in breast cancer. In CDX2-positive metastatic cancer of occult primary, the origin is highly suspicious of an enteric carcinoma. CASE PRESENTATION: A 50-year-old woman complained of enlarged lymph nodes (LNs) in the right axilla. Mammography and ultrasonography scans showed no abnormal findings in her breasts. Core needle biopsy (CNB) revealed metastatic adenocarcinoma. Immunohistochemical staining was positive for CDX2 intensely. The primary tumor was suspicious of intestinal adenocarcinoma. A dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging scan revealed an accentuated lesion which was detected using a second-look ultrasound, and diagnosed invasive ductal carcinoma by CNB. A partial mastectomy of the right breast with level I and II axillary LN dissection was performed. A few cells of primary cancer were expressed CDX2 and estrogen receptor. The final pathological diagnosis was T1bN3aM0 stage IIIC. The fluorescent double staining showed that CDX2 simultaneously expressed on the Ki67 positive cells of metastatic tumors. The adjuvant treatment included chemotherapy and radiation, followed by tamoxifen administration. The patient survived without any recurrences over the following 36 months. CONCLUSIONS: We report a rare case of CDX2-positive metastatic breast cancer in the axillary LNs. As some literatures reported vitamin D pathways induced cancer cell apoptosis and inhibition, these metastatic cells of our case might play the effort of autoregulation of inhibiting progression.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ctarc.2020.100300



  • A case of hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumor syndrome

    Ryoko Watanabe, Kenta Watanabe, Hidehiko Take Da, Takeshi Usui, Iwao Sugitani, Hiroko Kazusaka, Ryuta Nagaoka, Ryuji Ohashi, Takashi Sakatani, Yasuhiro Takeuchi

    Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery (Japan)   93 ( 8 )   637 - 642   2021

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    A 26-year-old woman visited our hospital to undergo an evaluation for primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT). She had undergone surgery for a mandibular tumor three years prior. Her blood calcium level and intact parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels were high, and computed tomography revealed swelling of the upper parathyroid on her left side. She underwent sur¬gery for the parathyroid tumor, and subsequently, her blood calcium level and intact parathyroid hormone level became normal. Genetic analysis revealed a CDC73 mutation. Based on the PHPT. mandibular tumor, and genetic analysis, she was diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumor syndrome (HPT-JT).



  • 乳腺細胞診-どのような所見をみて良・悪性診断に迫るか?- 症例1、2

    葉山 綾子, 渡會 泰彦, 寺崎 泰弘, 坂谷 貴司, 大橋 隆治

    日本臨床細胞学会雑誌   59 ( Suppl.2 )   495 - 495   2020.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本臨床細胞学会  


  • 乳腺細胞診-どのような所見をみて良・悪性診断に迫るか?- 症例1、2

    葉山 綾子, 渡會 泰彦, 寺崎 泰弘, 坂谷 貴司, 大橋 隆治

    日本臨床細胞学会雑誌   59 ( Suppl.2 )   495 - 495   2020.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本臨床細胞学会  


  • 男性乳房に認めた巨大粉瘤(表皮嚢腫)の1例

    鈴木 えりか, 柳原 恵子, 武井 寛幸, 坂谷 貴司

    日本臨床外科学会雑誌   81 ( 増刊 )   559 - 559   2020.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本臨床外科学会  


  • 当院でのセンチネルリンパ節生検の検討

    柳原 恵子, 佐藤 あい, 范姜 明志, 鈴木 えりか, 金丸 里奈, 中井 麻木, 栗田 智子, 谷 瞳, 村上 隆介, 坂谷 貴司, 石井 英昭, 大橋 隆治, 土屋 眞一, 武井 寛幸

    日本乳癌学会総会プログラム抄録集   28回   209 - 209   2020.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本乳癌学会  


  • Breast cancer survival among Japanese individuals and US residents of Japanese and other origins: a comparative registry-based study Reviewed

    Rin Ogiya, Naoki Niikura, Hiraku Kumamaru, Yoshinori Takeuchi, Takuho Okamura, Takayuki Kinoshita, Kenjiro Aogi, Keisei Anan, Kotaro Iijima, Takanori Ishida, Takayuki Iwamoto, Masaaki Kawai, Yasuyuki Kojima, Takashi Sakatani, Yasuaki Sagara, Naoki Hayashi, Hideji Masuoka, Masayuki Yoshida, Hiroaki Miyata, Hitoshi Tsuda, Shigeru Imoto, Hiromitsu Jinno

    Breast Cancer Research and Treatment   184 ( 2 )   585 - 596   2020.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  

    Background Breast cancer survival outcomes vary across different ethnic groups. We clarified the differences in clinicopathological and survival characteristics of breast cancer among Japanese, US residents with Japanese origin (USJ), and US residents with other origins (USO). Method Using Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) 18 dataset and Japanese Breast Cancer Society (JBCS) registry, we included patients first diagnosed with breast cancer between 2004 and 2015. We categorized the patients into three groups based on the database and the recorded ethnicity: Japanese (all those from the JBCS registry), USJ (those from SEER with ethnicity: Japanese), and USO (those from SEER with ethnicity other than Japanese). Excluding patients diagnosed after 2012, stage 0, and 4 patients, we examined the overall survival (OS) and breast cancer-specific survival (BCSS) using the Kaplan-Meier method and Cox proportional hazards models, adjusting for age, sex, cancer stage, and hormone receptor (HR) status. Results We identified 7362 USJ, 701,751 USO, and 503,013 Japanese breast cancer patients. The proportion of HR-positive breast cancer was the highest among USJ (71%). OS was significantly longer among Japanese and USJ than USO (Hazard ratio 0.46; 95% Confidence Interval [CI] 0.45-0.47 for Japanese and 0.66 [95% CI 0.59-0.74] for USJ) after adjusting for baseline covariates. BCSS was also significantly higher in the two groups (HR 0.53 [95% CI 0.51-0.55] for Japanese and 0.53 [95% CI 0.52-0.74] for USJ). Conclusions In stage I-III breast cancer, Japanese and US residents with Japanese origin experienced significantly longer survival than US residents with non-Japanese origins.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10549-020-05869-y

    Web of Science


    Other Link: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10549-020-05869-y/fulltext.html

  • 甲状腺超低リスク乳頭癌の非手術経過観察中に進行を認めたため内視鏡下手術を施行した2症例

    林 捺稀, 數阪 広子, 銭 真臣, 齋藤 麻梨恵, 長岡 竜太, 岡村 律子, 杉谷 巌, 寺崎 美佳, 寺崎 泰弘, 坂谷 貴司

    日本内分泌外科学会雑誌   37 ( Suppl.1 )   S152 - S152   2020.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌外科学会  


  • Multispectral quantitative immunohistochemical analysis of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in relation to programmed death-ligand 1 expression in triple-negative breast cancer. Reviewed

    Tomoharu Sugie, Eiichi Sato, Minoru Miyashita, Rin Yamaguchi, Takashi Sakatani, Yuji Kozuka, Suzuko Moritani, Eiji Suzuki, Kazuhiro Kakimi, Yoshiki Mikami, Takuya Moriya

    Breast cancer (Tokyo, Japan)   27 ( 4 )   519 - 526   2020.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: Programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) expression on immune cells (ICs) is a predictive marker for PD-L1 checkpoint blockade in patients with triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). However, the level of PD-L1 expression and the percentage of cells that are PD-L1+ are continuous variables not dichotomous variables for tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) and other cells. METHODS: Multiplexed immunohistochemistry was applied to 31 archived surgical specimens from untreated TNBC patients. TIL levels were visually scored, and CD8+ T cells and PD-L1+ ICs were quantified using an automated multispectral imaging system. PD-L1 expression was assessed within a multiplexed context (CD8 combined spectral composite). RESULTS: The mean value of stromal TILs (i.e., the percentage of the stromal area with a dese mononuclear infiltrate) was 20%. The frequency of patients with PD-L1-positive tumor cells (TC) and ICs was 38.7% and 32.2%, respectively, with a significant association between them. TIL levels were correlated with CD8+ T cell infiltration in the stroma (Spearman r = 0.795, p < 0.0001). PD-L1 expression on IC was significantly associated with TIL levels (Spearman r = 0.790, p < 0.001) and infiltration of CD8+ T cells (Spearman r = 0.683, p < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: The level of PD-L1 on IC was correlated with the level of PD-L1 on TC as well as TIL levels and infiltration of CD8+ T cells. These results suggest that high PD-L1 on IC may reflect T cell-inflamed tumors with the amount of TILs present, including the CD8+ T cells required for anti-tumor responses.

    DOI: 10.1007/s12282-020-01110-2



  • The expression level of long noncoding RNA H19 of normotensive placentas in late pregnancy relates to the fetal growth restriction Reviewed International journal

    Tsunoda Y, Kudo M, Wada R, Ishino K, Kure S, Sakatani T, Takeshita T, Naito Z

    The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research   2020

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • In vitro and in vivo studies on the association of long non‑coding RNAs H19 and urothelial cancer associated 1 with the susceptibility to 5‑fluorouracil in rectal cancer. Reviewed International journal

    Yasuyuki Yokoyama, Takashi Sakatani, Ryuichi Wada, Kousuke Ishino, Mitsuhiro Kudo, Michihiro Koizumi, Takeshi Yamada, Hiroshi Yoshida, Zenya Naito

    International journal of oncology   55 ( 6 )   1361 - 1371   2019.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    There is no predictive biomarker for response to 5‑fluorouracil (5FU)‑based neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) in rectal cancer. In the present study, we examined potential long non‑coding RNAs (lncRNAs) linked to the susceptibility to 5FU in cultured colorectal cancer cells, and in biopsy and resected tissues of 31 human rectal cancer cases treated with NAC. Candidate lncRNAs for the prediction of susceptibility to 5FU were investigated by comprehensive analysis of expression profiles of 84 lncRNAs in cultured cells using PCR array. Bioinformatic analysis identified H19 and urothelial cancer associated 1 (UCA1) as candidate biomarkers for 5FU susceptibility. Quantitative PCR of H19 and UCA1 in cultures of colorectal cancer cells demonstrated the notable variation in expression. The ratios of changes of H19 and UCA1 expression in response to 5FU were low in cells resistant to 5FU, whereas ratios were high in cells susceptible to 5FU. In 5FU‑susceptible cells, cell proliferation was inhibited by 5FU. Upregulation of H19 and UCA1 were associated with the reduction in target molecule expression, including retinoblastoma and p27kip1. In 31 cases of rectal cancer, H19 and UCA1 expression levels in biopsy and resected tissue were comparable. The ratios of H19 and UCA1 expression in resected tissue compared with biopsy samples were low in 17 cases, whereas the ratios were high in 14 cases; 11 of the 17 cases (65%) with low ratios exhibited poor response to NAC, whereas 4 of the 14 cases (29%) with high ratios showed poor response (P=0.045). The increase in H19 and UCA1 expression may represent the response to impaired cell cycle in cells susceptible to 5FU. Our results indicate that changes in H19 and UCA1 expression may be considered for predicting the susceptibility to 5FU‑based NAC in rectal cancer.

    DOI: 10.3892/ijo.2019.4895



  • Marine-Lenhart症候群に対して外科的治療を施行した1例

    銭 真臣, 長岡 竜太, 齋藤 麻梨恵, 杉谷 巌, 功刀 しのぶ, 寺崎 康弘, 坂谷 貴司

    日本医科大学医学会雑誌   15 ( 4 )   268 - 268   2019.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本医科大学医学会  


  • トリプルネガティブ乳癌における微小管阻害薬パクリタキセルに対する細胞死誘導機構の解析(Analysis of Microtubule-targeting agents-induced apoptosis in triple-negative breast cancer) Reviewed

    中嶋 亘, 栗田 智子, 阪口 正洋, 坂谷 貴司, 内藤 善哉, 武井 寛幸, 田中 信之

    日本癌学会総会記事   78回   P - 3242   2019.9

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    Language:English   Publisher:日本癌学会  


  • Farnesoid X receptor induces cell death and sensitizes to TRAIL-induced inhibition of growth in colorectal cancer cells through the up-regulation of death receptor 5. Reviewed

    Hotta M, Sakatani T, Ishino K, Wada R, Kudo M, Yokoyama Y, Yamada T, Yoshida H, Naito Z

    Biochem Biophys Res Commun.   2019.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • トリプルネガティブ乳癌における微小管阻害薬パクリタキセルに対する細胞死誘導機構の解析(Analysis of Microtubule-targeting agents-induced apoptosis in triple-negative breast cancer)

    中嶋 亘, 栗田 智子, 阪口 正洋, 坂谷 貴司, 内藤 善弥, 武井 寛幸, 田中 信之

    日本癌学会総会記事   78回   P - 3242   2019.9

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    Language:English   Publisher:(一社)日本癌学会  


  • 診断に難渋した非機能性副甲状腺癌の1例

    銭 真臣, 長岡 竜太, 數阪 広子, 松井 満美, 齋藤 麻梨恵, 杉谷 巌, 坂谷 貴司, 亀山 香織

    日本内分泌外科学会雑誌   36 ( Suppl.3 )   S341 - S341   2019.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌外科学会  


  • Mucin 21 is a key molecule involved in the incohesive growth pattern in lung adenocarcinoma. Reviewed International journal

    Yoshimoto T, Matsubara D, Soda M, Ueno T, Amano Y, Kihara A, Sakatani T, Nakano T, Shibano T, Endo S, Hagiwara K, Fukayama M, Denda-Nagai K, Irimura T, Mano H, Niki T

    Cancer science   110 ( 9 )   3006 - 3011   2019.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Decreased cell adhesion has been reported as a significant negative prognostic factor of lung cancer. However, the molecular mechanisms responsible for the cell incohesiveness in lung cancer have not yet been elucidated in detail. We herein describe a rare histological variant of lung adenocarcinoma consisting almost entirely of individual cancer cells spreading in alveolar spaces in an incohesive pattern. A whole exome analysis of this case showed no genomic abnormalities in CDH1 or other genes encoding cell adhesion molecules. However, whole mRNA sequencing revealed that this case had an extremely high expression level of mucin 21 (MUC21), a mucin molecule that was previously shown to inhibit cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion. The strong membranous expression of MUC21 was found on cancer cells using mAbs recognizing different O-glycosylated forms of MUC21. An immunohistochemical analysis of an unselected series of lung adenocarcinoma confirmed that the strong membranous expression of MUC21 correlated with incohesiveness. Thus, MUC21 could be a promising biomarker with potential diagnostic and therapeutic applications for lung adenocarcinoma showing cell incohesiveness.

    DOI: 10.1111/cas.14129



  • Analytical validation of a standardised scoring protocol for Ki67 immunohistochemistry on breast cancer excision whole sections: an international multicentre collaboration

    Samuel C Y Leung, Torsten O Nielsen, Lila A Zabaglo, Indu Arun, Sunil S Badve, Anita L Bane, John M S Bartlett, Signe Borgquist, Martin C Chang, Andrew Dodson, Anna Ehinger, Susan Fineberg, Cornelia M Focke, Dongxia Gao, Allen M Gown, Carolina Gutierrez, Judith C Hugh, Zuzana Kos, Anne-Vibeke Lænkholm, Mauro G. Mastropasqua, Takuya Moriya, Sharon Nofech-Mozes, C Kent Osborne, Frédérique M Penault-Llorca, Tammy Piper, Takashi Sakatani, Roberto Salgado, Jane Starczynski, Tomoharu Sugie, Bert van der Vegt, Giuseppe Viale, Daniel F Hayes, Lisa M McShane, Mitch Dowsett, on behalf of the International Ki67 in Breast Cancer Working Group of the Breast International Group and North American Breast Cancer Group (BIG-NABCG)

    Histopathology   75 ( 2 )   225 - 235   2019.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Blackwell Publishing Ltd  

    Aims: The nuclear proliferation marker Ki67 assayed by immunohistochemistry has multiple potential uses in breast cancer, but an unacceptable level of interlaboratory variability has hampered its clinical utility. The International Ki67 in Breast Cancer Working Group has undertaken a systematic programme to determine whether Ki67 measurement can be analytically validated and standardised among laboratories. This study addresses whether acceptable scoring reproducibility can be achieved on excision whole sections. Methods and results: Adjacent sections from 30 primary ER+ breast cancers were centrally stained for Ki67 and sections were circulated among 23 pathologists in 12 countries. All pathologists scored Ki67 by two methods: (i) global: four fields of 100 tumour cells each were selected to reflect observed heterogeneity in nuclear staining
    (ii) hot-spot: the field with highest apparent Ki67 index was selected and up to 500 cells scored. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) for the global method [confidence interval (CI) = 0.87
    95% CI = 0.799–0.93] marginally met the prespecified success criterion (lower 95% CI ≥ 0.8), while the ICC for the hot-spot method (0.83
    95% CI = 0.74–0.90) did not. Visually, interobserver concordance in location of selected hot-spots varies between cases. The median times for scoring were 9 and 6 min for global and hot-spot methods, respectively. Conclusions: The global scoring method demonstrates adequate reproducibility to warrant next steps towards evaluation for technical and clinical validity in appropriate cohorts of cases. The time taken for scoring by either method is practical using counting software we are making publicly available. Establishment of external quality assessment schemes is likely to improve the reproducibility between laboratories further.

    DOI: 10.1111/his.13880




  • Magnetically Promoted Rapid Immunofluorescence Staining for Frozen Tissue Sections Reviewed International journal

    Tatsuya Onishi, Sachiko Matsuda, Yuki Nakamura, Junko Kuramoto, Akinori Tsuruma, Satoshi Sakamoto, Shunichi Suzuki, Daiichiro Fuchimoto, Akira Onishi, Shinichi Chikaki, Miki Kaneko, Akihiro Kuwahata, Masaki Sekino, Hiroshi Yasuno, Naohiro Hanyu, Tomoko Kurita, Hiroyuki Takei, Takashi Sakatani, Kanae Taruno, Seigo Nakamura, Tetsu Hayashida, Hiromitsu Jinno, Moriaki Kusakabe, Hiroshi Handa, Kaori Kameyama, Yuko Kitagawa

    JOURNAL OF HISTOCHEMISTRY & CYTOCHEMISTRY   67 ( 8 )   575 - 587   2019.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD  

    Current immunohistochemistry methods for diagnosing abnormal cells, such as cancer cells, require multiple steps and can be relatively slow compared with intraoperative frozen hematoxylin and eosin staining, and are therefore rarely used for intraoperative examination. Thus, there is a need for novel rapid detection methods. We previously demonstrated that functionalized fluorescent ferrite beads (FF beads) magnetically promoted rapid immunoreactions. The aim of this study was to improve the magnetically promoted rapid immunoreaction method using antibody-coated FF beads and a magnet subjected to a magnetic field. Using frozen sections of xenograft samples of A431 human epidermoid cancer cells that express high levels of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and anti-EGFR antibody-coated FF beads, we reduced the magnetically promoted immunohistochemistry procedure to a 1-min reaction and 1-min wash. We also determined the optimum magnetic force for the antibody reaction (from 7.79 x 10(-15) N to 3.35 x 10(-15) N) and washing (4.78 x 10(-16) N), which are important steps in this technique. Furthermore, we stained paraffin-embedded tissue arrays and frozen sections of metastatic breast cancer lymph nodes with anti-pan-cytokeratin antibody-coated FF beads to validate the utility of this system in clinical specimens. Under optimal conditions, this ultra-rapid immunostaining method may provide an ancillary method for pathological diagnosis during surgery. (J Histochem Cytochem 58:XXX-XXX, 2010)

    DOI: 10.1369/0022155419841023

    Web of Science



  • MUC21 is a Key Molecule Involved in the Incohesive Growth Pattern in Lung Adenocarcinoma. Reviewed

    Yoshimoto T, Matsubara D, Soda M, Ueno T, Amano Y, Kihara A, Sakatani T, Nakano T, Shibano T, Endo S, Hagiwara K, Fukayama M, Denda-Nagai K, Irimura T, Mano H, Niki T

    Cancer Sci.   2019.7

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  • Taxane-based combinations as adjuvant chemotherapy for node-positive ER-positive breast cancer based on 2004-2009 data from the Breast Cancer Registry of the Japanese Breast Cancer Society. Reviewed

    Hojo T, Masuda N, Iwamoto T, Niikura N, Anan K, Aogi K, Ohnishi T, Yamauchi C, Yoshida M, Kinoshita T, Masuoka H, Sagara Y, Sakatani T, Kojima Y, Tsuda H, Kumamaru H, Miyata H, Nakamura S

    Breast Cancer   2019.7

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  • 乳癌磁気法センチネルリンパ節生検の臨床試験報告 AMED開発機構委託・多施設共同臨床研究

    栗田 智子, 垂野 香苗, 柳原 恵子, 中井 麻木, 范姜 明志, 坂谷 貴司, 蒔田 益次郎, 眞鍋 恵理子, 榎戸 克年, 明石 定子, 沢田 晃弘, 桑山 隆志, 橋本 梨佳子, 川手 佳美, 斉藤 逸郎, 桑波田 晃弘, 関野 正樹, 日下部 守昭, 中村 清吾, 武井 寛幸

    日本乳癌学会総会プログラム抄録集   27回   325 - 325   2019.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本乳癌学会  


  • ニボルマブにより薬剤性肺障害を発症した間質性肺炎合併肺扁平上皮癌の1剖検例 Reviewed

    林 杏奈, 宮永 晃彦, 鈴木 彩奈, 高野 夏希, 久金 翔, 高橋 聡, 菅野 哲平, 武内 進, 野呂 林太郎, 峯岸 裕司, 齋藤 好信, 久保田 馨, 清家 正博, 弦間 昭彦, 功刀 しのぶ, 坂谷 貴司

    肺癌   59 ( 3 )   323 - 323   2019.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(NPO)日本肺癌学会  


  • Toll‑like receptor 4 plays a tumor‑suppressive role in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. Reviewed International journal

    Erina Mikami, Mitsuhiro Kudo, Ryuji Ohashi, Kiyoko Kawahara, Yoko Kawamoto, Kiyoshi Teduka, Takenori Fujii, Taeko Kitamura, Shoko Kure, Kousuke Ishino, Takashi Sakatani, Ryuichi Wada, Hidehisa Saeki, Zenya Naito

    International journal of oncology   54 ( 6 )   2179 - 2188   2019.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Toll‑like receptor 4 (TLR4), a key regulator of the innate immune system, is expressed not only in immune cells, but also in a number of cancer cells. A biological role for TLR4 in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), however, is unclear. In this study, we first examined TLR4 expression and localization in cases of SCC, actinic keratosis (AK) and Bowen's disease (BD) by immunohistochemistry. TLR4 expression was significantly higher in the SCC than in the AK or BD tissues. We then determined the TLR4 expression level in vivo, in 3 histological subtypes of SCC. TLR4 expression in poorly differentiated SCC was significantly lower compared with that of the moderately and well‑differentiated type. In addition, the CD44 immunoreactivity tended to be high in the cell membrane of poorly differentiated SCC. Of note, poorly differentiated SCC is a risk factor of unfavorable outcomes in affected patients. We then assessed the biological role of TLR4 in HSC‑1 and HSC‑5 SCC cells and HaCaT human keratinocytes. TLR4 knockdown by transfection with siRNA accelerated HSC‑1 and HaCaT cell migration and invasion compared to the control siRNA‑transfected cells. TLR4 knockdown resulted in an increased CD44 expression and in an enhanced filopodia protrusion formation, particularly in HSC‑1. On the whole, these results suggest that a reduced TLR4 expression enhances the malignant features in SCC cases and cultured SCC cell lines. TLR4 may thus play an anti‑tumor role in cutaneous SCC.

    DOI: 10.3892/ijo.2019.4790



  • ブレンナー腫瘍を背景とした卵巣扁平上皮癌の一例 Reviewed

    青木 真莉菜, 釜口 晴美, 松原 美幸, 寺崎 美佳, 山本 晃人, 呉 壮香, 大橋 隆治, 寺崎 泰弘, 坂谷 貴司, 石井 英昭

    日本臨床細胞学会雑誌   58 ( Suppl.1 )   323 - 323   2019.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本臨床細胞学会  


  • 小児造血器腫瘍の治療後に甲状腺濾胞癌を発症した1例

    數阪 広子, 長岡 竜太, 松井 満美, 銭 真臣, 眞田 麻梨恵, 遠藤 陽子, 寺崎 泰弘, 坂谷 貴司, 岡村 律子, 杉谷 巌

    日本内分泌外科学会雑誌   36 ( Suppl.1 )   S139 - S139   2019.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌外科学会  


  • Analytical validation of a standardized scoring protocol for Ki67 immunohistochemistry on breast cancer excision whole sections: an international multicenter collaboration. Reviewed

    Leung SCY, Nielsen TO, Zabaglo LA, Arun I, Badve SS, Bane AL, Bartlett JMS, Borgquist S, Chang MC, Dodson A, Ehinger A, Fineberg S, Focke CM, Gao D, Gown AM, Gutierrez C, Hugh JC, Kos Z, Laenkholm AV, Mastropasqua MG, Moriya T, Nofech-Mozes S, Osborne CK, Penault-Llorca FM, Piper T, Sakatani T, Salgado R, Starczynski J, Sugie T, van der Vegt B, Viale G, Hayes DF, McShane LM, Dowsett M, International K, in Breast Cancer Working, Group of the, Breast International, Group North American Breast Cancer Group, BIG-NABCG

    Histopathology   2019.4

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  • Magnetically Promoted Rapid Immunofluorescence Staining for Frozen Tissue Sections. Reviewed

    Onishi T, Matsuda S, Nakamura Y, Kuramoto J, Tsuruma A, Sakamoto S, Suzuki S, Fuchimoto D, Onishi A, Chikaki S, Kaneko M, Kuwahata A, Sekino M, Yasuno H, Hanyu N, Kurita T, Takei H, Sakatani T, Taruno K, Nakamura S, Hayashida T, Jinno H, Kusakabe M, Handa H, Kameyama K, Kitagawa Y

    J Histochem Cytochem   2019.4

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  • Enhanced Sternal Healing Through Platelet-Rich Plasma and Biodegradable Gelatin Hydrogel. Reviewed

    Shibata M, Takagi G, Kudo M, Kurita J, Kawamoto Y, Miyagi Y, Kanazashi M, Sakatani T, Naito Z, Tabata Y, Miyamoto M, Nitta T

    Tissue Eng Part A.   24 ( 17-18 )   1406 - 1412   2018.9

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  • Prognostic utility of atypical mitoses in patients with breast cancer: A comparative study with Ki67 and phosphohistone H3. Reviewed International journal

    Ohashi R, Namimatsu S, Sakatani T, Naito Z, Takei H, Shimizu A

    Journal of surgical oncology   18 ( 3 )   557 - 567   2018.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Emerging evidence suggests that the presence of atypical mitoses is associated with poor prognosis in some types of cancer, but its clinical significance remains uncertain. Here, we investigated the occurrence of atypical mitoses in breast cancers. METHODS: Mitotic figures, including normal and atypical mitoses, were assessed in resected histological sections from 109 patients with invasive carcinoma of no special type (ICNST). Comparisons with clinicopathological features and biomarkers such as Ki67 and phosphohistone H3 (PHH3) were performed. RESULTS: The total number of mitotic figures, including atypical mitoses, was higher in situ and invasive ductal carcinoma components than in normal ducts. Morphological characteristics of atypical mitoses included multipolar, lagged, ring, asymmetrical mitoses, and anaphase bridge. Patients with higher total mitoses and PHH3, and the presence of atypical mitoses showed reduced overall survival (OS), compared to those with lower total mitoses and PHH3, and without atypical mitoses (P = 0.03, 0.02, and <0.001, respectively). In multivariate analysis, the presence of atypical mitoses alone attained significant correlation with shorter OS (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Atypical mitoses in routinely resected specimens have a robust prognostic value for ICNST of the breast, but its clinical utility remains to be validated in a multicenter large material.

    DOI: 10.1002/jso.25152



  • Dysregulation of Epstein-Barr Virus Infection in Hypomorphic ZAP70 Mutation. Reviewed International journal

    Akihiro Hoshino, Takehiro Takashima, Kenichi Yoshida, Akira Morimoto, Yuta Kawahara, Tzu-Wen Yeh, Tsubasa Okano, Motoi Yamashita, Noriko Mitsuiki, Kohsuke Imai, Takashi Sakatani, Atsuko Nakazawa, Yusuke Okuno, Yuichi Shiraishi, Kenichi Chiba, Hiroko Tanaka, Satoru Miyano, Seishi Ogawa, Seiji Kojima, Tomohiro Morio, Hirokazu Kanegane

    The Journal of infectious diseases   218 ( 5 )   825 - 834   2018.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Background: Some patients with genetic defects develop Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-associated lymphoproliferative disorder (LPD)/lymphoma as the main feature. Hypomophic mutations can cause different clinical and laboratory manifestations from null mutations in the same genes. Methods: We sought to describe the clinical and immunologic phenotype of a 21-month-old boy with EBV-associated LPD who was in good health until then. A genetic and immunologic analysis was performed. Results: Whole-exome sequencing identified a novel compound heterozygous mutation of ZAP70 c.703-1G>A and c.1674G>A. A small amount of the normal transcript was observed. Unlike ZAP70 deficiency, which has been previously described as severe combined immunodeficiency with nonfunctional CD4+ T cells and absent CD8+ T cells, the patient had slightly low numbers of CD8+ T cells and a small amount of functional T cells. EBV-specific CD8+ T cells and invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells were absent. The T-cell receptor repertoire, determined using next generation sequencing, was significantly restricted. Conclusions: Our patient showed that a hypomorphic mutation of ZAP70 can lead to EBV-associated LPD and that EBV-specific CD8+ T cells and iNKT cells are critically involved in immune response against EBV infection.

    DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiy231



  • 当院におけるトラスツズマブ、ペルツズマブ併用療法の検討

    金丸 里奈, 范姜 明志, 中井 麻木, 栗田 智子, 柳原 恵子, 坂谷 貴司, 土屋 眞一, 武井 寛幸

    日本乳癌学会総会プログラム抄録集   26回   763 - 763   2018.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本乳癌学会  


  • 乳癌センチネルリンパ節生検における磁性体・磁気プローブシステムの有効性と展望 AMED委託多施設共同研究

    栗田 智子, 垂野 香苗, 柳原 恵子, 明石 定子, 榎戸 克年, 沢田 晃暢, 中井 麻木, 金丸 里奈, 范姜 明志, 桑山 隆志, 坂谷 貴司, 大橋 靖雄, 金子 美樹, 桑波田 晃弘, 日下部 守昭, 関野 正樹, 蒔田 益二郎, 中村 清吾, 武井 寛幸

    日本乳癌学会総会プログラム抄録集   26回   369 - 369   2018.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本乳癌学会  


  • 乳腺偽血管腫様過形成との鑑別に苦慮した過誤腫の一例

    大野 礼, 范姜 明志, 金丸 里奈, 中井 麻木, 栗田 智子, 柳原 恵子, 坂谷 貴司, 土屋 眞一, 武井 寛幸

    日本乳癌学会総会プログラム抄録集   26回   644 - 644   2018.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本乳癌学会  


  • Breast carcinoma with osteoclast-like giant cells: A cytological-pathological correlation with a literature review Reviewed

    Ryuji Ohashi, Ayako Hayama, Miyuki Matsubara, Yasuhiko Watarai, Takashi Sakatani, Zenya Naito, Akira Shimizu

    Annals of Diagnostic Pathology   33   1 - 5   2018.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:W.B. Saunders  

    Breast carcinoma with osteoclast-like giant cells (OGCs) is a rare disease characterized by the infiltration of OGCs in the tumor
    however, cytological aspects of this tumor type remain elusive. We examined the cytological features in fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy smears obtained from 5 patients who were histologically diagnosed with breast carcinoma with OGCs. We compared FNA and clinicopathological findings with results from the published literature. Histological assessment of the resected samples showed that all tumors exhibited a histological grade 1 phenotype with a predominant cribriform architecture. Four patients were estrogen receptor positive, and 1 patient showed a triple negative phenotype. All patients survived without tumor recurrence. In the FNA smears, tumor cells were arranged in loosely cohesive clusters, characterized by varying degrees of OGCs infiltration and rare formation of solid tumor nests. Occasionally, 2- or 3-dimensional clusters of tumor cells were found, accompanied by OGCs at the peripheral regions. In all patients, tumor cells were small without severe nuclear atypia. None of the patients showed significant background necrosis. In summary, cytological features of breast carcinoma with OGCs are characterized by loose aggregates of low grade tumor cells, the presence of OGCs, and the absence of necrosis, all of which were consistent with features reported previously. This peculiar form of breast tumors should be included in the differential diagnosis, when physicians encounter FNA findings including low grade ductal carcinoma with the admixture of multinucleated giant cells or OGCs.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.anndiagpath.2017.11.003



  • Osteoclast-like giant cells in invasive breast cancer predominantly possess M2-macrophage phenotype Reviewed

    Ryuji Ohashi, Keiko Yanagihara, Shigeki Namimatsu, Takashi Sakatani, Hiroyuki Takei, Zenya Naito, Akira Shimizu

    Pathology Research and Practice   214 ( 2 )   253 - 258   2018.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier GmbH  

    Breast carcinoma with osteoclast-like giant cells (OGCs) is a rare tumor
    however, their clinicopathological aspects remain unclear. We described the clinicopathological characteristics of 8 patients with breast carcinoma with OGCs. Immuno-phenotypes of the OGCs were comparatively examined with that of foreign body giant cells (FBGCs) in 4 cases of granulomatous reaction (GR) without cancerous elements. In most cancers, tumors displayed cribriform and tubular growth patterns. Three cases showed moderate to high nuclear grade, while all the other tumors had low nuclear grade. Six patients were estrogen receptor (ER) positive, while triple negative phenotype was identified in 2 patients. During the follow-up period, 1 patient had local recurrence of the tumor, and all the patients remained alive. All OGCs and FBGCs expressed CD68, a pan-macrophage marker. OGCs in all the breast cancers showed moderate to high expression of CD163 — a marker of M2-macrophage with pro-tumoral function — whereas its expression in FBGCs was low to moderate (p = 0.04). CD86 — a marker of M1-macrophage with a tumoricidal activity — was positive in the OGCs of 3 breast cancers, and in the FBGCs of 3 GR cases (p = 0.15). The expression of CD163 was significantly higher than that of CD86 in the OGCs of breast cancer (p &lt
    0.001), whereas they were comparable in the FBGCs of GR (p = 0.79). In summary, we found that breast carcinoma with OGCs mostly exhibited cribriform and tubular growth pattern, ER positivity, and predominantly possessed the M2-macrophage phenotype. However, the clinical significance of OGCs in breast cancer needs to be elucidated in further studies involving a larger number of cases.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.prp.2017.11.002




  • 専門医のためのアトラス 腹腔洗浄細胞診 Reviewed

    坂谷 貴司, 内藤 善哉

    胃がんperspective   9 ( 3 )   210 - 214   2017.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • 平滑筋分化を伴った低悪性度子宮内膜間質肉腫の1例

    呉 壮香, 和田 龍一, 彭 為霞, 坂谷 貴司, 内藤 善哉

    診断病理   34 ( 3 )   167 - 172   2017.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本病理学会  



  • Clinicopathological significance of a solid component in papillary thyroid carcinoma Reviewed

    Ryuji Ohashi, Kiyoko Kawahara, Shigeki Namimatsu, Takehito Igarashi, Takashi Sakatani, Iwao Sugitani, Zenya Naito

    Histopathology   70 ( 5 )   775 - 781   2017.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Blackwell Publishing Ltd  

    Aims: Solid variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma (SVPTC) is characterized by a solid component (SC) involving more than 50% of the tumour with the preservation of the classical cytological features of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC). However, the clinical significance of SC in PTC has been rarely examined. Herein, we investigated retrospectively the clinicopathological features of PTC with various degrees (10–85%) of SC (PTCSC). Methods and results: Patients with PTCSC (n = 27) were stratified into SC-major (SC &gt
    50% of the tumour) and SC-minor (SC &lt
    49%) groups. The clinicopathological parameters were compared to the well-differentiated PTC (WPTC) group (n = 47). Both SC-minor (n = 18) and SC-major (n = 9) groups had increased incidence of a large-sized tumour, extracapsular extension and a high recurrence rate, compared to WPTC. Disease-free survival (DFS) of both SC-minor and SC-major was shorter than that of WPTC (P = 0.035 and P = 0.016, respectively). Overall survival was similar among all the groups. Univariate analysis revealed that SC was associated significantly with a recurrence rate (P = 0.018). Using multivariate analysis, SC appeared to be associated with a recurrence rate with borderline significance (P = 0.055). Conclusions: Our findings indicate that the presence of SC in PTC, regardless of the proportion, is associated with adverse clinical parameters and a shorter DFS.

    DOI: 10.1111/his.13132




  • Prognostic value of IMP3 expression as a determinant of chemosensitivity in triple-negative breast cancer Reviewed

    Ryuji Ohashi, Maoka Sangen, Shigeki Namimatsu, Keiko Yanagihara, Koji Yamashita, Takashi Sakatani, Hiroyuki Takei, Zenya Naito

    PATHOLOGY RESEARCH AND PRACTICE   213 ( 9 )   1160 - 1165   2017

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER GMBH, URBAN & FISCHER VERLAG  

    Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) has an aggressive phenotype and poor prognosis. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) is often used to treat TNBC, but some patients are resistant to NAC. We postulated that a subpopulation of TNBC cells expressing IMP3, an oncofetal protein, could be resistant to NAC, contributing to the poor prognosis. We investigated immunohistochemical expression of IMP3 in 42 TNBC patients who underwent NAC in association with clinical outcomes. The patients were divided into IMP3 positive (+) (n=19) and negative (-) (n=23) groups. High Ki67 positivity was detected in 13 patients of the IMP3 + group and 8 cases in the IMP3 - group (p = 0.03). While 9 patients in the IMP3 - group (39%) were responders, the majority of the IMP3 + patients (84.2%) were non-responders (p = 0.01). In a Cox proportional hazard model, IMP3 expression was independently associated with poor NAC response and clinical outcomes (p = 0.03 and 0.046, respectively). The IMP3 + group showed a tendency toward shorter overall survival compared to the IMP3 - group with marginal significance (p = 0.07). These findings suggest that IMP3 + tumor cells contributed to the poor clinical outcomes by exerting a chemoresistance to NAC, and that IMP3 expression has prognostic value as a biomarker for chemosensitivity and overall survival in TNBC. (C) 2017 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.prp.2017.07.002

    Web of Science



  • Analytical validation of a standardized scoring protocol for Ki67: Phase 3 of an international multicenter collaboration

    Samuel C. Y. Leung, Torsten O. Nielsen, Lila Zabaglo, Indu Arun, Sunil S. Badve, Anita L. Bane, John M. S. Bartlett, Signe Borgquist, Martin C. Chang, Andrew Dodson, Rebecca A. Enos, Susan Fineberg, Cornelia M. Focke, Dongxia Gao, Allen M. Gown, Dorthe Grabau, Carolina Gutierrez, Judith C. Hugh, Zuzana Kos, Anne-Vibeke Lænkholm, Ming-Gang Lin, Mauro G. Mastropasqua, Takuya Moriya, Sharon Nofech-Mozes, C. Kent Osborne, Frédérique M. Penault-Llorca, Tammy Piper, Takashi Sakatani, Roberto Salgado, Jane Starczynski, Giuseppe Viale, Daniel F. Hayes, Lisa M. McShane, Mitch Dowsett, International Ki67 in Breast Cancer Working Group of the Breast International Group North American Breast Cancer Group (BIG-NABCG)

    npj Breast Cancer   2 ( 1 )   2016.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Nature Publishing Group  

    Pathological analysis of the nuclear proliferation biomarker Ki67 has multiple potential roles in breast and other cancers. However, clinical utility of the immunohistochemical (IHC) assay for Ki67 immunohistochemistry has been hampered by unacceptable between-laboratory analytical variability. The International Ki67 Working Group has conducted a series of studies aiming to decrease this variability and improve the evaluation of Ki67. This study tries to assess whether acceptable performance can be achieved on prestained core-cut biopsies using a standardized scoring method. Sections from 30 primary ER+ breast cancer core biopsies were centrally stained for Ki67 and circulated among 22 laboratories in 11 countries. Each laboratory scored Ki67 using three methods: (1) global (4 fields of 100 cells each)
    (2) weighted global (same as global but weighted by estimated percentages of total area)
    and (3) hot-spot (single field of 500 cells). The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), a measure of interlaboratory agreement, for the unweighted global method (0.87
    95% credible interval (CI): 0.81–0.93) met the prespecified success criterion for scoring reproducibility, whereas that for the weighted global (0.87
    95% CI: 0.7999–0.93) and hot-spot methods (0.84
    95% CI: 0.77– 0.92) marginally failed to do so. The unweighted global assessment of Ki67 IHC analysis on core biopsies met the prespecified criterion of success for scoring reproducibility. A few cases still showed large scoring discrepancies. Establishment of external quality assessment schemes is likely to improve the agreement between laboratories further. Additional evaluations are needed to assess staining variability and clinical validity in appropriate cohorts of samples.

    DOI: 10.1038/npjbcancer.2016.14



  • Prognostic significance of mucin expression profiles in breast carcinoma with signet ring cells: A clinicopathological study Reviewed

    Ryuji Ohashi, Ayako Hayama, Keiko Yanagihara, Koji Yamashita, Takashi Sakatani, Hiroyuki Takei, Zenya Naito

    Diagnostic Pathology   11 ( 1 )   131   2016.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:BioMed Central Ltd.  

    Background: Signet ring cells (SRCs) often accompany gastrointestinal carcinoma, referred to as SRC carcinoma
    however, breast cancers containing SRCs have not been well characterized, leaving the prognostic significance of SRCs undetermined. We have described clinicopathological characteristics of patients with breast cancer containing SRCs in relation to the expression levels of MUC1, MUC2, MUC4, MUC5AC, and MUC6. Methods: Twenty-two breast cancer cases with variable degrees of SRC population were retrospectively studied. Each case was categorized as high (&gt
    31%) or low (&lt
    30%) SRC tumor. The SRCs were morphologically classified into the intra-cytoplasmic lumen (ICL) type, or the non-ICL type. The expression levels of MUC1, MUC2, MUC4, MUC5AC and MUC6 were determined immunohistochemically. Depending on its subcellular localization, MUC1 was categorized as the luminal and cytoplasmic (LC) type, or the cytoplasmic with circumferential membranous accentuation (CM) type. These histological findings were compared with other clinicopathological parameters. Results: The series consisted of invasive ductal carcinoma (n=9), invasive lobular carcinoma (n=9), and mucinous carcinoma (n=4) cases. The SRC population accounted for 8-81% of the tumor cells. Eight cases had ICL type SRCs, and the remaining 14 had non-ICL type SRCs. Neither the high (n=12) and low (n=10) percentage of SRCs, nor the SRC types affected the clinicopathological parameters. In the low MUC1 group (n=11), larger tumors, higher nuclear grade, lymph node metastasis, and negativity for estrogen receptor was more frequently identified compared to the high MUC1 group (n=11
    p=0.01, p=0.002, p=0.008, and p=0.02, respectively). The CM group (n=7) had more patients with large-sized tumors, lymph node metastasis, lymphovascular invasion, and higher Ki67 indices than the LC group (n=15
    p=0.04, p=0.001, p=0.006, and p=0.03, respectively). The expression levels of MUC2, MUC4, MUC5AC, and MUC6 showed no clinicopathological significance. Two patients with low MUC1 expression and CM patterns had tumor recurrence, resulting in death, while all the other patients survived without recurrence. Conclusion: Our results demonstrate that in breast cancers containing SRCs, low MUC1 expression and/or its CM subcellular localization patterns are associated with unfavorable clinicopathological factors. The utility of MUC1 expression as a prognostic marker remains to be verified in future studies.

    DOI: 10.1186/s13000-016-0584-1




  • Mucinous carcinoma of the breast: A comparative study on cytohistological findings associated with neuroendocrine differentiation Reviewed

    R. Ohashi, T. Sakatani, M. Matsubara, Y. Watarai, K. Yanagihara, K. Yamashita, S. Tsuchiya, H. Takei, Z. Naito

    Cytopathology   27 ( 3 )   193 - 200   2016.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Blackwell Publishing Ltd  

    Objective: Mucinous carcinoma (MCA) may show neuroendocrine differentiation (ND), but the cytological features characteristic of ND remains elusive. We compared fine needle aspiration (FNA) findings of MCA between cases with high and low degrees of ND. Methods: Histological sections of 37 MCA cases were immunohistochemically evaluated for expression of chromogranin A and synaptophysin, and were graded as 0 to 3+ degrees of ND. They were divided into low ND (grade 0 and 1+) and high ND (grade 2+ and 3+) groups. Pre-operative FNA samples of each group were assessed for cytological features. Results: The mean age of the high ND group (n = 18) was higher than the low ND group (n = 19, P = 0.01). In FNA samples of the high ND group, 17 cases showed moderate to severe degrees of discohesiveness, but low ND cases mainly showed no or only mild discohesiveness (P &lt
    0.001). Nine of the low ND cases displayed overlapped, cohesive cell clusters, whereas, in the high ND cases, the cells were arranged in a loose, flat and monolayered pattern (P = 0.045). Fourteen of the high ND cases had round nuclei, but oval nuclei were predominant in the low ND cases (P = 0.027). The nuclei were eccentrically located in 12 of the high ND cases but were centrally located in 14 of the low ND cases (P = 0.01). Conclusions: Mucinous carcinoma with high ND may be diagnosed by the presence of discohesiveness, a flat, monolayered pattern, and round or eccentrically located nuclei. Features of ND in carcinomas in other organs, such as intracytoplasmic granules and coarse chromatin, may not be reliable cytological features of ND in MCA. This study describes the detailed cytological features of the Mucinous carcinoma (MCA) of breast with neuroendocrine differentiation (ND) in 37 patients. The staining distribution of ND markers was semi-quantitatively graded as high and low ND groups. This was correlated with the clinical profile of these patients.

    DOI: 10.1111/cyt.12298




  • Analytical validation of a standardized scoring protocol for Ki67: Phase-3 of an international multicenter collaboration Reviewed

    M. Dowsett, S. C. Y. Leung, L. Zabaglo, I. Arun, S. S. Badve, A. L. Bane, J. M. S. Bartlett, S. Borgquist, M. C. Chang, A. Dodson, R. E. Enos, S. Fineberg, C. M. Focke, D. Gao, A. M. Gown, D. Grabau, C. Gutierrez, J. C. Hugh, Z. Kos, A-V Laenkholm, M-G Lin, M. G. Mastropasqua, T. Moriya, S. Nofech-Mozes, C. K. Osborne, F. M. Penault-Llorca, T. Piper, T. Sakatani, R. Salgado, J. Starczynski, G. Viale, D. F. Hayes, L. M. McShane, T. O. Nielsen

    CANCER RESEARCH   76   16014   2016.2

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    Language:English   Publisher:AMER ASSOC CANCER RESEARCH  

    Web of Science


  • Assessment of the Ki67 labeling index: a Japanese validation ring study Reviewed

    Naoki Niikura, Takashi Sakatani, Nobuyuki Arima, Yasuyo Ohi, Naoko Honma, Naoki Kanomata, Kazuya Yoshida, Takayuki Kadoya, Kentaro Tamaki, Nobue Kumaki, Takayuki Iwamoto, Tomoharu Sugie, Takuya Moriya

    BREAST CANCER   23 ( 1 )   92 - 100   2016.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER JAPAN KK  

    A lack of consistent methods to evaluate Ki67 expression is problematic in terms of accurately predicting prognosis in breast cancer. Accordingly, this study aimed to identify the causes of discrepancies in Ki67 labeling index measurements by different observers under different conditions using breast cancer samples.
    This Japanese study group compared and assessed immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis of the Ki67 labeling index when measured by different pathologists. Six pathologists (pathologists A-F) in Japan participated in this ring study. One hundred and ten surgical cases of estrogen receptor-positive and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative invasive breast cancer treated in 2007 were identified from the breast cancer database of Tokai University Hospital and were included in this study.
    For all 6 pathologists, the Ki67 labeling index were significantly different between grade 3 and grade 1 cases and between grade 3 and grade 2 cases, whereas the index tended to be different between grade 1 and grade 2 cases. Further, the Ki67 labeling indexes measured by the 6 pathologists were strongly correlated (rho: 0.73-0.88). The IHC scores recorded by pathologist A were in moderate to good agreement with those recorded by the others in patients with a Ki67 labeling index of &lt; 13.25 % and in those with a Ki67 labeling index of &gt; 13.25 % (kappa = 0.429-0.660). The Ki67 low and high concordance rates between pathologist A and the others were 0.452-0.778 and 0.862-0.979, respectively. The most pertinent reason for discrepancy in scores seemed to be the selection of the area for counting and the quality of nuclear staining.
    The Ki67 labeling index measured by 6 pathologists without method standardization was in fair to good agreement. We plan to undertake a second ring study, pending recommendations by the international Ki67 panel.

    DOI: 10.1007/s12282-014-0536-0

    Web of Science


  • Fine needle aspiration cytology of signet ring cells in breast carcinoma: a cytohistological study of 11 cases Reviewed

    Ryuji Ohashi, Ayako Hayama, Miyuki Matsubara, Yasuhiko Watarai, Takashi Sakatani, Hiroyuki Takei, Zenya Naito


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:E-CENTURY PUBLISHING CORP  

    Signet ring cell (SRC) carcinoma is a unique subtype of adenocarcinoma; however, the clinicopathological profiles of SRCs in breast carcinoma are yet to be determined. Here, we investigated cyto-histological findings of 11 breast carcinoma cases with SRCs comprising more than 20% of the tumor cells; invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) (n=4), invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC) (n=4), pleomorphic lobular carcinoma (PLC) (n=1), and mucinous carcinoma (MC) (n=2). The mean age of the patients was 60.2 +/- 13 years, and the mean tumor size was 2.0 +/- 0.8 cm. Three cases of IDC, 1 PLC, and 1 of MC had grade 2 or 3 nuclear atypia, whereas 1 case of IDC, 4 of ILC, and 1 of MC had grade 1 nuclear atypia. Axillary lymph nodes were positive for metastatic carcinoma in 1 patient with IDC and 1 with ILC. In fine needle aspiration smears, intracytoplasmic lumen (ICL) type SRCs were found to be major constituents of SRCs in ILC and PLC, while non-ICL type SRCs were predominant in IDC. MC tumors had SRCs of both ICL and non-ICL types. During our follow-up period ranging from 97 to 3650 (mean 1458 +/- 1055) days, all the patients were alive without recurrence of the tumor. Our results indicate that the nature of SRCs may vary with the histological subtype of breast cancer, but its presence may not indicate poor prognosis. A large study with more cases of breast cancer with SRCs for a longer period may be needed to determine the clinical significance of SRCs.

    Web of Science


  • Reduction in the size of enlarged pelvic lymph nodes after chemoradiation therapy is associated with fewer lymph node metastases in locally advanced rectal carcinoma.

    Mitsuaki Morimoto, Yasuyuki Miyakura, Alan T Lefor, Kazuya Takahashi, Hisanaga Horie, Koji Koinuma, Hiroyuki Tanaka, Homare Ito, Tetsuichiro Shimizu, Yoshihiko Kono, Naohiro Sata, Noriyoshi Fukushima, Takashi Sakatani, Yoshikazu Yasuda

    Surgery today   45 ( 7 )   834 - 40   2015.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    PURPOSE: We hypothesized that a reduction in the size of the lymph nodes after neoadjuvant therapy for locally advanced rectal carcinoma would be associated with decreased lymph node metastases and/or a better prognosis. METHODS: Between March 2006 and April 2012, 71 patients with primary rectal cancer received neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy (CRT). For all lymph nodes 5 mm or larger in size, the major and minor axes were measured on CT scan images, and the product was calculated. The lymph node size was determined before and after CRT. The patients were divided into three groups based on the lymph node size before and after treatment. Group A exhibited a reduction in size of 60% or more, Group B a reduction of less than 60% and Group C had no lymph node enlargement before treatment. RESULTS: The incidence of lymph node metastases on pathological examination was 15% in Group A and 50% in Group B (p = 0.006). The five-year disease-free survival in Group A was 84% compared with 78% in Group B (log rank p = 0.34). The five-year overall survival in Group A was 92% compared with 74% in Group B (log rank p = 0.088). CONCLUSIONS: A reduction in the size of enlarged lymph nodes after neoadjuvant therapy may be a useful prognostic factor for recurrence and survival.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00595-014-1007-0



  • An international study to increase concordance in Ki67 scoring Reviewed

    Mei-Yin C. Polley, Samuel C. YLeung, Dongxia Gao, Mauro G. Mastropasqua, Lila A. Zabaglo, John M. S. Bartlett, Lisa M. McShane, Rebecca A. Enos, Sunil S. Badve, Anita L. Bane, Signe Borgquist, Susan Fineberg, Ming-Gang Lin, Allen M. Gown, Dorthe Grabau, Carolina Gutierrez, Judith C. Hugh, Takuya Moriya, Yasuyo Ohi, C. Kent Osborne, Frederique M. Penault-Llorca, Tammy Piper, Peggy L. Porter, Takashi Sakatani, Roberto Salgado, Jane Starczynski, Anne-Vibeke Laenkholm, Giuseppe Viale, Mitch Dowsett, Daniel F. Hayes, Torsten O. Nielsen

    MODERN PATHOLOGY   28 ( 6 )   778 - 786   2015.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

    Although an important biomarker in breast cancer, Ki67 lacks scoring standardization, which has limited its clinical use. Our previous study found variability when laboratories used their own scoring methods on centrally stained tissue microarray slides. In this current study, 16 laboratories from eight countries calibrated to a specific Ki67 scoring method and then scored 50 centrally MIB-1 stained tissue microarray cases. Simple instructions prescribed scoring pattern and staining thresholds for determination of the percentage of stained tumor cells. To calibrate, laboratories scored 18 'training' and 'test' web-based images. Software tracked object selection and scoring. Success for the calibration was prespecified as Root Mean Square Error of scores compared with reference &lt;0.6 and Maximum Absolute Deviation from reference &lt;1.0 (log2-transformed data). Prespecified success criteria for tissue microarray scoring required intraclass correlation significantly &gt;0.70 but aiming for observed intraclass correlation &gt;= 0.90. Laboratory performance showed non-significant but promising trends of improvement through the calibration exercise (mean Root Mean Square Error decreased from 0.6 to 0.4, Maximum Absolute Deviation from 1.6 to 0.9; paired t-test: P=0.07 for Root Mean Square Error, 0.06 for Maximum Absolute Deviation). For tissue microarray scoring, the intraclass correlation estimate was 0.94 (95% credible interval: 0.90-0.97), markedly and significantly &gt;0.70, the prespecified minimum target for success. Some discrepancies persisted, including around clinically relevant cutoffs. After calibrating to a common scoring method via a web-based tool, laboratories can achieve high inter-laboratory reproducibility in Ki67 scoring on centrally stained tissue microarray slides. Although these data are potentially encouraging, suggesting that it may be possible to standardize scoring of Ki67 among pathology laboratories, clinically important discrepancies persist. Before this biomarker could be recommended for clinical use, future research will need to extend this approach to biopsies and whole sections, account for staining variability, and link to outcomes.

    DOI: 10.1038/modpathol.2015.38

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  • Immunohistochemical analysis of the expression of E-cadherin and ZEB1 in non-small cell lung cancer Reviewed

    Daisuke Matsubara, Yuka Kishaba, Taichiro Yoshimoto, Yuji Sakuma, Takashi Sakatani, Tomoko Tamura, Shunsuke Endo, Yukihiko Sugiyama, Yoshinori Murakami, Toshiro Niki

    Pathology International   64 ( 11 )   560 - 568   2014.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Blackwell Publishing  

    We performed an immunohistochemical analysis of the expression of zinc-finger E-box binding homeobox 1 (ZEB1), a master regulator of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), and determined its relationship with E-cadherin in 157 non-small cell lung carcinomas (93 adenocarcinomas, 36 squamous cell carcinomas, 18 large cell carcinomas, and 10 pleomorphic carcinomas). Although the expression of E-cadherin was low in the subset of adenocarcinomas (10%) and squamous cell carcinomas (11%), ZEB1 expression was only observed in one case of squamous cell carcinoma and none of the adenocarcinomas. In contrast, the low expression of E-cadherin (50% and 90%, respectively) and the positive expression of ZEB1 (11% and 50%, respectively) were more frequently observed in poorly differentiated carcinomas (large cell carcinomas and pleomorphic carcinomas). Overall, the expression of ZEB1 was inversely correlated with that of E-cadherin. Furthermore, the distribution of ZEB1-positive cancer cells was more restricted than in the area in which the expression of E-cadherin was lost, and the former was detected within the latter. We concluded that the expression of ZEB1 was not necessarily associated with the low expression of E-cadherin in lung adenocarcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas. The expression of ZEB1 correlated with an undifferentiated and/or sarcomatoid morphology that may occur in the late stage of EMT.

    DOI: 10.1111/pin.12214




  • Pathological responses and survival of patients with human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive breast cancer who received neoadjuvant chemotherapy including trastuzumab Reviewed

    Hideyuki Ohzawa, Takashi Sakatani, Toshiro Niki, Yoshikazu Yasuda, Yasuo Hozumi

    BREAST CANCER   21 ( 5 )   563 - 570   2014.9

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    The effectiveness of neoadjuvant chemotherapy is evaluated on the basis of pathological responses and survival outcome, because achievement of a pathological complete response (pCR) is a good predictor of long-term survival. However, few studies have assessed the survival of breast cancer patients who received neoadjuvant chemotherapy including trastuzumab.
    The records of 161 breast cancer patients who received neoadjuvant chemotherapy between January 2006 and December 2011 were retrospectively reviewed. The patients were categorized into 4 subgroups on the basis of the status of the estrogen receptor (ER), the progesterone receptor (PR), and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2). HER2-positive patients received trastuzumab-based regimens. Pathological responses and survival were analyzed on the basis of breast cancer subtypes.
    The pCR results obtained were: luminal A and B (ER and/or PR-positive, HER2-negative), 6.3 % (5/79 cases); luminal-HER2 hybrid (ER and/or PR-positive, HER2-positive), 25.0 % (5/20 cases); HER2-enriched (ER and PR-negative, HER2-positive), 63.0 % (17/27 cases); and triple-negative (ER and PR-negative, HER2-negative), 25.7 % (9/35 cases). Achievement of pCR was a good predictor of disease-free survival in the HER2-enriched group. Overall survival of patients with pCR was slightly, but not significantly, better in the HER2-enriched and triple-negative subgroups.
    Responses and survival after neoadjuvant chemotherapy including trastuzumab of patients with HER2-positive tumors differed among disease subtypes. Our findings suggest that disease subtype is an important determinant of the efficacy of neoadjuvant chemotherapy.

    DOI: 10.1007/s12282-012-0424-4

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  • Lung cancer with loss of BRG1/BRM, shows epithelial mesenchymal transition phenotype and distinct histologic and genetic features Reviewed

    Daisuke Matsubara, Yuka Kishaba, Shumpei Ishikawa, Takashi Sakatani, Sachiko Oguni, Tomoko Tamura, Hiroko Hoshino, Yukihiko Sugiyama, Shunsuke Endo, Yoshinori Murakami, Hiroyuki Aburatani, Masashi Fukayama, Toshiro Niki

    Cancer Science   104 ( 2 )   266 - 273   2013.2

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    BRG1 and BRM, two core catalytic subunits in SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complexes, have been suggested as tumor suppressors, yet their roles in carcinogenesis are unclear. Here, we present evidence that loss of BRG1 and BRM is involved in the progression of lung adenocarcinomas. Analysis of 15 lung cancer cell lines indicated that BRG1 mutations correlated with loss of BRG1 expression and that loss of BRG1 and BRM expression was frequent in E-cadherin-low and vimentin-high cell lines. Immunohistochemical analysis of 93 primary lung adenocarcinomas showed loss of BRG1 and BRM in 11 (12%) and 16 (17%) cases, respectively. Loss of expression of BRG1 and BRM was frequent in solid predominant adenocarcinomas and tumors with low thyroid transcription factor-1 (TTF-1, master regulator of lung) and low cytokeratin7 and E-cadherin (two markers for bronchial epithelial differentiation). Loss of BRG1 was correlated with the absence of lepidic growth patterns and was mutually exclusive of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations. In contrast, loss of BRM was found concomitant with lepidic growth patterns and EGFR mutations. Finally, we analyzed the publicly available dataset of 442 cases and found that loss of BRG1 and BRM was frequent in E-cadherin-low, TTF-1-low, and vimentin-high cases and correlated with poor prognosis. We conclude that loss of either or both BRG1 and BRM is involved in the progression of lung adenocarcinoma into solid predominant tumors with features of epithelial mesenchymal transition and loss of the bronchial epithelial phenotype. BRG1 loss was specifically involved in the progression of EGFR wild-type, but not EGFR-mutant tumors. © 2012 Japanese Cancer Association.

    DOI: 10.1111/cas.12065




  • Identification of CCDC6-RET fusion in the human lung adenocarcinoma cell line, LC-2/ad Reviewed

    Daisuke Matsubara, Yoshihiko Kanai, Shumpei Ishikawa, Shiori Ohara, Taichiro Yoshimoto, Takashi Sakatani, Sachiko Oguni, Tomoko Tamura, Hiroaki Kataoka, Shunsuke Endo, Yoshinori Murakami, Hiroyuki Aburatani, Masashi Fukayama, Toshiro Niki

    Journal of Thoracic Oncology   7 ( 12 )   1872 - 1876   2012.12

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    Rearranged during transfection (RET) fusions have been newly identified in approximately 1% of patients with primary lung tumors. However, patient-derived lung cancer cell lines harboring RET fusions have not yet been established or identified, and therefore, the effectiveness of an RET inhibitor on lung tumors with endogenous RET fusion has not yet been studied. In this study, we report identification of CCDC6-RET fusion in the human lung adenocarcinoma cell line LC-2/ad. LC-2/ad showed distinctive sensitivity to the RET inhibitor, vandetanib, among 39 non-small lung cancer cell lines. The xenograft tumor of LC-2/ad showed cribriform acinar structures, a morphologic feature of primary RET fusion-positive lung adenocarcinomas. LC-2/ad cells could provide useful resources to analyze molecular functions of RET-fusion protein and its response to RET inhibitors. © 2012 by the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer.

    DOI: 10.1097/JTO.0b013e3182721ed1




  • Floating gallbladder strangulation caused by the lesser omentum: Report of a case Reviewed

    Yasuyuki Miyakura, Ai Sadatomo, Makoto Ohta, Alan T. Lefor, Naohiro Sata, Naoyuki Nishimura, Takashi Sakatani, Yoshikazu Yasuda

    Surgery Today   42 ( 7 )   693 - 696   2012.7

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    Strangulation of the gallbladder by the omentum is extremely rare. We report what to our knowledge is only the second documented case of strangulation of a floating gallbladder by the lesser omentum. A 61-year-old Japanese woman presented to a local hospital after the sudden onset right upper quadrant pain. Her clinical features suggested a gallbladder volvulus, and the patient was referred to our hospital for investigation and treatment. Ultrasonography and computed tomography showed no cholecystolithiasis, but the fundus and body of the gallbladder were markedly swollen without wall thickening, whereas the neck of the gallbladder was normal. A narrowed, twisted area was seen between the body and neck of the gallbladder. Based on these findings, gallbladder volvulus was diagnosed and she underwent emergency laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The fundus and body of the gallbladder were grossly necrotic. The narrowest part of the gallbladder was tightly strangulated by the lesser omentum, but the gallbladder neck was normal. Histopathologic examination of the resected gallbladder showed ischemic changes in the wall of the fundus and body. This case highlights that the clinical features and imaging findings of a gallbladder strangulated by the lesser omentum are similar to those of gallbladder volvulus and that a positive outcome is dependent on a correct diagnosis and prompt surgical management.© 2012 Springer.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00595-012-0171-3




  • Primary non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of the breast treated nonsurgically: report of three cases Reviewed

    Toshihisa Ogawa, Ei-ichi Tsuji, Kazuo Shirakawa, Noriaki Hayashibara, Rie Kurabayashi, Kotoe Terada, Yasuko Kikuchi, Hajime Kanauchi, Takashi Sakatani

    BREAST CANCER   18 ( 1 )   68 - 72   2011.1

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    Extranodal non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) is a rare breast disease. Here we report three cases of primary NHL of the breast. The first patient was a 29-year-old woman with a firm mass in her right breast with ipsilateral axillary lymphadenopathy. An excisional biopsy revealed NHLs. Clinical stage was IIAE. The tumor and enlarged lymph nodes had successfully been treated following the combination therapy. The second patient was a 70-year-old women with an elastic hard mass in her left breast. An excisional biopsy revealed NHLs and clinical stage was 1AE. The tumor disappeared following the combination therapy. The third patient was a 67-year-old women with a hard mass in her left breast. Core needle biopsy revealed NHLs and clinical stage was 1AE. The tumor disappeared following chemotherapy. All patients are alive with no evidence of recurrence 4-8 years after the initial treatment. Although a standard treatment has yet to be established, an initial treatment with combination therapy without surgical intervention including axillary dissection appears to be appropriate for this rare disease.

    DOI: 10.1007/s12282-009-0107-y

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  • Transcriptional factor typing with SOX2, HNF4aP1, and CDX2 closely relates to tumor invasion and Epstein-Barr virus status in gastric cancer Reviewed

    Hiroshi Uozaki, Rita Rani Barua, Sun Minhua, Tetsuo Ushiku, Rumi Hino, Aya Shinozaki, Takashi Sakatani, Masashi Fukayama

    International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology   4 ( 3 )   230 - 240   2011

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    Background: Gastric cancer (GC) is a major cancer, sometimes associated with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Some transcriptional factors (TFs) are specific to the digestive tract and related to the character of the tumors. Methods: We studied three TFs, SOX2, CDX2, and hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha-promoter 1 (HNF4aP1) in GC. First, 255 tumors including 31 EBV-associated GC were immunohistochemically examined using tissue arrays and compared TF type and mucin phenotype. We classified them into 4 TF types: N-TF type as SOX2-/HNF4aP1- tumor, G: SOX2+/HNF4aP1-, GI: SOX2+/HNF4aP1+, and I: SOX2-/HNF4aP1+. Next, 915 GCs were intensely investigated and compared with their clinicopathological factors.Results: In the first study, 255 GCs were classified into N-TF 44%, GTF 31%, GI-TF 3%, and I-TF 2%. The TF type did not strictly accord with the mucin phenotype, classified by MUC2/5AC/6/CD10 expression. EBV status was the only factor related to both the TF and mucin phenotype classifications (P&lt
    0.0001, &lt
    0.0001). TF classification is related to more factors including tumor stage, than mucin phenotype classification. The second study using 915 GCs revealed that N-TF gradually increased and I-TF decreased as GC invaded deeper. TF classification was not related to nodal involvement in each tumor stage. HNF4aP1 and CDX2 were independent factors for early stage tumor in logistic regression analysis. Conclusions: EBV-associated GC is a discriminating group in both TF and mucin phenotype. TF classification, especially the absence of HNF4aP1 and CDX2, is related to tumor invasion. TF classification is a useful marker to study the carcinogenesis of GC further.




  • Expression of ribonucleotide reductase M2 subunit in gastric cancer and effects of RRM2 inhibition in vitro Reviewed

    Teppei Morikawa, Rumi Hino, Hiroshi Uozaki, Daichi Maeda, Tetsuo Ushiku, Aya Shinozaki, Takashi Sakatani, Masashi Fukayama

    Human Pathology   41 ( 12 )   1742 - 1748   2010.12

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    Ribonucleotide reductase M2 subunit is one of two subunits that constitute ribonucleotide reductase, the enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of ribonucleotide 5′-diphosphates into 2′-deoxyribonucleotides, which are required for DNA synthesis. This study was conducted to investigate the roles of ribonucleotide reductase M2 subunit in gastric cancer. The expression of ribonucleotide reductase M2 subunit protein was examined by immunohistochemistry. In normal gastric mucosa, ribonucleotide reductase M2 subunit expression was restricted to the neck regions of gastric pits and no expression was observed in the surface epithelium. Among 112 gastric cancer tissues, ribonucleotide reductase M2 subunit overexpression (≥10% cancer cells stained) was observed in 72 cases (64.3%). Ribonucleotide reductase M2 subunit overexpression was significantly associated with male sex (P = .015), presence of muscularis propria invasion (P = .020), presence of Epstein-Barr virus (P = .045), expression of survivin (P = .0014), and DNA methyltransferase 1 (P = .043), but not with age, histology, tumor size, lymph node metastasis or expression of phosphatase and tensin homolog, phosphorylated signal transducer, and activator of transcription 3 or p53. Suppression of ribonucleotide reductase M2 subunit synthesis, using small interfering RNA, inhibited the growth of 3 gastric cancer cell lines, MKN-1, MKN-7, and SNU-719. Our data suggest that ribonucleotide reductase M2 subunit overexpression could be associated with the gastric cancer progression and that suppression of its function is a potential therapeutic strategy in gastric cancer. © 2010 Elsevier Inc.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2010.06.001




  • Downregulation of MicroRNA-200 in EBV-Associated Gastric Carcinoma Reviewed

    Aya Shinozaki, Takashi Sakatani, Tetsuo Ushiku, Rumi Hino, Maya Isogai, Shunpei Ishikawa, Hiroshi Uozaki, Kenzo Takada, Masashi Fukayama

    CANCER RESEARCH   70 ( 11 )   4719 - 4727   2010.6

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    EBV-associated gastric carcinoma is a distinct gastric carcinoma subtype with characteristic morphologic features similar to those of cells that undergo epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. The effect of microRNA abnormalities in carcinogenesis was investigated by measuring the expression of the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition-related microRNAs, miR-200a and miR-200b, in 36 surgically resected gastric carcinomas using quantitative reverse transcription-PCR analysis. MiR-200 family expression was decreased in EBV-associated gastric carcinoma, as compared with that in EBV-negative carcinoma. Downregulation of the miR-200 family was found in gastric carcinoma cell lines infected with recombinant EBV (MKN74-EBV, MKN7-EBV, and NUGC3-EBV), accompanied by the loss of cell adhesion, reduction of E-cadherin expression, and upregulation of ZEB1 and ZEB2. E-cadherin expression was partially restored by transfection of EBV- infected cells with miR200-family precursors. Reverse transcription-PCR analysis of primary precursors of miR-200 (pri-miR-200) revealed that the transcription of pri-miR-200 was decreased in EBV- infected cells. Transfection of MKN74 cells with BARF0, EBNA1, and LMP2A resulted in a decrease of pri-miR-200, whereas transfection with EBV- encoded small RNA (EBER) did not. These four latent genes contributed to the downregulation of the mature miR-200 family and the subsequent upregulation of ZEB1/ZEB2, resulting in the reduction of E-cadherin expression. These findings indicate that all the latency type I genes have a synergetic effect on the downregulation of the miR-200 family that leads to reduced E-cadherin expression, which is a crucial step in the carcinogenesis of EBV-associated gastric carcinoma. Cancer Res; 70(11); 4719-27. (c) 2010 AACR.

    DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-09-4620

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  • Long-term clinical course of igG4-related systemic disease accompanied by hypophysitis Reviewed

    Michiko Hori, Noriko Makita, Takahiro Andoh, Hirotoshi Takiyama, Yuki Yajima, Takashi Sakatani, Seiji Fukumoto, Taroh Iiri, Toshiro Fujita

    Endocrine Journal   57 ( 6 )   485 - 492   2010

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    A 70-year old man with a 14 year history of Sjögren syndrome, interstitial pneumonia, and autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) was admitted to our hospital due to hyponatremia with a one month history of fatigue, thirst, and nausea. Laboratory tests on admission revealed that this patient had a central adrenal insufficiency. Pituitary magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) further showed swelling of the stalk and posterior lobe of his pituitary, suggesting infundibulo-hypophysitis. Based on his past history of autoimmune disease, his serum IgG4 levels were measured and found to be remarkably high (924 mg/ dL). Previous biopsy specimens from his liver, lung, and parotid gland were immunostained for IgG4, which revealed a marked infiltration of IgG4-positive plasma cells. As a result of our tests, we made a diagnosis of IgG4-related systemic disease. Interestingly, a subsequent MRI scan at three weeks after the patient commenced glucocorticoid replacement therapy for adrenal insufficiency showed that the swelling of his pituitary stalk was reduced. This finding suggested that IgG4-related hypophysitis may improve either as a result of a supplemental dose of glucocorticoid or possibly spontaneously. Although six cases of IgG4-related hypophysitis have been reported in the scientific literature published in English, our current case is the first in which IgG4-related hypophysitis likely occurred as a result of a long-term history of IgG4-related systemic disease. We report this case herein and review the relevant literature.

    DOI: 10.1507/endocrj.K09E-356




  • Epstein-Barr virus-associated gastric carcinoma: A distinct carcinoma of gastric phenotype by claudin expression profiling Reviewed

    Aya Shinozaki, Tetsuo Ushiku, Teppei Morikawa, Rumi Hino, Takashi Sakatani, Hiroshi Uozaki, Masashi Fukayama

    Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry   57 ( 8 )   775 - 785   2009.8

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    Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-associated gastric carcinoma (GC) is a distinct subtype with characteristic clinicopathological features. To better characterize its cellular characteristics, 43 cases of EBV-associated GC, 68 cases of EBV-negative GC, and non-neoplastic gastric mucosa in adults and fetuses were examined immunohistochemically. We quantified the expression of the major tight-junction protein claudin (CLDN) -1, -3, -4, -7, and -18 together with gastric mucins (MUC5AC and MUC6), intestinal mucin (MUC2), and CD10. EBV-associated GC showed a high frequency of CLDN18 expression (84%) and a low frequency of CLDN3 expression (5%). This expression profile corresponded to that of normal gastric epithelium in adults and fetuses. Almost half of the EBV-associated GC cases demonstrated gastric mucin expression, whereas the other half lacked mucin or CD10 expression. In contrast, as demonstrated by the expression profiles of CLDN3 and CLDN18, EBV-negative GC comprised a heterogeneous group of four different CLDN phenotypes: gastric, intestinal, mixed, and an undifferentiated type with variable expression patterns of mucins. These results indicate that EBV-associated GC is considerably homogenous with regard to cellular differentiation and that it preserves well the nature of the cells of origin. EBV-associated GC may undergo distinct carcinogenic processes, which differ from those of EBV-negative GC. © The Histochemical Society, Inc.

    DOI: 10.1369/jhc.2009.953810




  • Activation of DNA methyltransferase 1 by EBV latent membrane protein 2A leads to promoter hypermethylation of PTEN gene in gastric carcinoma Reviewed

    Rumi Hino, Hiroshi Uozaki, Noriko Murakami, Tetsuo Ushiku, Aya Shinozaki, Shumpei Ishikawa, Teppei Morikawa, Takeo Nakaya, Takashi Sakatani, Kenzo Takada, Masashi Fukayama

    Cancer Research   69 ( 7 )   2766 - 2774   2009.4

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    CpG island promoter methylation of tumor suppressor genes is one of the most characteristic abnormalities in EBV- associated gastric carcinoma (GC). Aberrant promoter meth- ylation and expression loss of FTEN were evaluated in cancer tissues of GC by methylation-specific PCR and immunohisto- chemistry, respectively, showing that both abnormalities occurred concurrently in EBV-associated GC. FTEN abnor- malities were reiterated in GC cell lines MKN-I and MKN-7 infected with recombinant EBY, and DNA methyltransferase 1 (DNMTl) was commonly overexpressed in both cell lines. Stable and transient transfection systems in MKN-I similarly showed that viral latent membrane protein 2A (LMF2A) upregulated DNMTl, leading to an increase in methylation of the PTEN promoter. Importantly, the level of phosphorylated signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (pSTAT3) increased in the nuclei of LMP2A-expressing GC cells, and knockdown of STAT3 counteracted LMP2A mediated DNMTl overexpression. Immunohistochemistry for both pSTAT3 and DNMTl showed diffuse labeling in the nuclei of the cancer cells in GC tissues, especially in EBV-associated GC. Taken together, LMF2A induces the phosphorylation of STAT3, which activates DNMTl transcription and causes FTEN expression loss through CpG island methylation of the PTEN promoter in EBV-associated GC. LMP2A plays an essential role in the epigenetic abnormalities in host stomach cells and in the development and maintenance of EBV-associated cancer. ©2009 American Association for Cancer Research.

    DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-08-3070




  • Survival advantage of EBV-associated gastric carcinoma: Survivin up-regulation by viral latent membrane protein 2A Reviewed

    Rumi Hino, Hiroshi Uozaki, Yoko Inoue, Yukako Shintani, Tetsuo Ushiku, Takashi Sakatani, Kenzo Takada, Masashi Fukayama

    Cancer Research   68 ( 5 )   1427 - 1435   2008.3

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    EBV-associated gastric carcinoma is a distinct subset of gastric carcinoma infected with EBV, which shows latency I type expression of EBV latent genes (EBNA1, EBER, BARF0, and LMP2A). To clarify the role of EBV in this type of gastric carcinoma, the cell biological characteristics (growth, apoptosis, and migration) were evaluated in gastric carcinoma cell lines (MKN-1, TMK1, MKN-74 and MKN-7) with and without infection of recombinant EBV harboring the neomycin resistance gene. The infection reiterated the latency I type infection, and the only difference observed in EBV-infected gastric carcinoma cell lines was the resistance to serum deprivation-induced apoptosis. Comparative analyses of transcripts of apoptosis-associated genes in MKN-1 and EBV-MKN-1 and subsequent quantitative reverse transcription-PCR analysis showed up-regulation of the cellular survivin gene in EBV-infected gastric carcinoma cell lines. Small interfering RNA-mediated knockdown of survivin increased apoptosis in EBV-MKN-1 to the level of the original MKN-1 cells. Transfection of EBV-latent genes into MKN-1 showed that LMP2A, but not EBNA1, EBER, or BARF0, up-regulated survivin gene expression. LMP2A-mediated survivin up-regulation in gastric carcinoma cells was inhibited with a nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) inhibitor, Bay 11-7082. In parallel with these findings in vitro, survivin expression was frequent in carcinoma tissues of gastric carcinoma by immunohistochemistry, and significantly more in EBV-associated gastric carcinoma (12 of 13) than in EBV-negative gastric carcinoma in the advanced stage (P = 0.0307). Thus, EBV uses its latent protein, LMP2A, to activate the NF-κB-survivin pathway to rescue EBV-infected epithelial cells from serum deprivation, and up-regulation of survivin may play a role in the progression of this specific type of gastric carcinoma infected with EBV. ©2008 American Association for Cancer Research.

    DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-07-3027




  • Loss of imprinting of Igf2 alters intestinal maturation and tumorigenesis in mice Reviewed

    T Sakatani, A Kaneda, CA Iacobuzio-Donahue, MG Carter, SD Witzel, H Okano, MSH Ko, R Ohlsson, DL Longo, AP Feinberg

    SCIENCE   307 ( 5717 )   1976 - 1978   2005.3

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    Loss of imprinting (LOI) of the insulin-like growth factor II gene (IGF2) is an epigenetic alteration that results in a modest increase in IGF2 expression, and it is present in the normal colonic mucosa of about 30% of patients with colorectal cancer. To investigate its role in intestinal tumorigenesis, we created a mouse model of lgf2 LOI by crossing female H19(+/-) mice with mate Apc(+/min) mice. Mice with LOI developed twice as many intestinal tumors as did control littermates. Notably, these mice also showed a shift toward a less differentiated normal intestinal epithelium, reflected by an increase in crypt length and increased staining with progenitor,cell markers. A similar shift in differentiation was seen in the normal colonic mucosa of humans with LOI. Thus, altered maturation of nonneoplastic tissue may be one mechanism. by which epigenetic changes affect cancer risk.

    DOI: 10.1126/science.1108080

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  • Epigenetics, I GF2 dosage and cancer risk

    Kaneda [No Value, Feinberg [No Value, Iacobuzio-Donahue, No Value, Sakatani Takashi, Witzel Sten De Boom, Carter Mark, Ko Minoru, Longo Dan, Okano Hideyuki, Ohlsson [No Value

    Cancer Biology and Therapy   4 ( 3 )   2005.3

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  • Epigenetic heterogeneity at imprinted loci in normal populations Reviewed

    T Sakatani, M Wei, M Katoh, C Okita, D Wada, K Mitsuya, M Meguro, M Ikeguchi, H Ito, B Tycko, M Oshimura


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    Genomic imprinting is the phenomenon by which the two alleles of certain genes are differentially expressed according to their parental origin. Extensive analysis of allelic expression at multiple imprinted loci in a normal population has not performed so far. In the present study, we examined the allelic expression pattern of three imprinted genes in a panel of 262 Japanese normal individuals. We observed differences in the extent of maintenance of allele-specific expression of the three genes. The allelic expression of small nuclear ribonucleoprotein N (SNRPN) was stringently regulated while that of multimembrane-spanning polyspecific transporter-like gene 1 (IMPT1) showed a large degree of variation. Significant biallelic expression of insulin-like growth factor II (IGF2) was observed in about 10% of normal individuals. Our findings add to the accumulating evidence for variable allelic expression at multiple loci in a normal human population. This epigenetic heterogeneity can be a stable trait and potentially influence individual phenotypes. (C) 2001 Academic Press.

    DOI: 10.1006/bbrc.2001.4916

    Web of Science


  • Thymidine phosphorylase activity in liver tissue and its correlation with multifocal occurrence of hepatocellular carcinomas Reviewed

    M. Ikeguchi, T. Sakatani, T. Ueda, Y. Hirooka, N. Kaibara

    In Vivo   15 ( 4 )   265 - 270   2001

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Background. In hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), new tumors develop in the residual liver within a few years after hepatectomy. However, the biological risk factors of multifocal occurrence of cancers remains unclear. In this study, the thymidine phosphorylase (TP) activity, which is known as an angiogenic factor, of cancerous and non-cancerous liver tissues in HCC was analyzed to determine its suitability as a biological marker of the multifocal occurrence of HCCs. Materials and Methods: Fresh tissues (tumor: HCC and adjacent liver tissue: N-HCC) from 63 patients with HCC and normal liver tissues (NL) from 6 patients without HCC were obtained. The TP activities of the tissues were analyzed by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results: The mean TP activity of 63 HCCs (136 U/mg protein) was higher than that of 63 N-HCCs (81 U/mg protein) and that of 6 NLs (47 U/mg protein, p &lt
    0.001). Multifocal occurrence of HCCs were detected in 17 patients. In these 17 patients, the mean TP activity of HCCs (145 U/mg protein) was not different from that of HCCs from the remaining 46 patients (133 U/mg protein, p = 0.272), however the mean TP activity of N-HCCs (110 U/mg protein) was significantly higher than of N-HCCs from the remaining 46 patients (71 U/mg protein, p = 0.038). Moreover, only a high TP activity of N-HCCs was detected as a significant risk factor of multifocal occurrence of HCCs. Conclusion: Patients who have tumors with high TP activity in the non-cancerous livers may have a risk of multifocal occurrence of HCCs in the residual liver.




  • Expressions of thymidine phosphorylase (dThdPase) and vascular endothelial growth factor on angiogenesis in intestinal-type gastric carcinoma Reviewed

    T Sakatani, E Okamoto, S Tsujitani, M Ikeguchi, N Kaibara, H Ito

    ONCOLOGY REPORTS   7 ( 4 )   831 - 836   2000.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PROFESSOR D A SPANDIDOS  

    We examined the clinical and pathological significance of thymidine phosphorylase (dThdPase) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in human gastric carcinomas, in terms of intratumoral microvessel density (IMVD), P53 expression, and patient prognosis in a total of 128 patients. Mean IMVD was significantly higher in the carcinomas with dThdPase or VEGF expression than in carcinomas without the expression. The simultaneous expression of dThdPase and VEGF was correlated with increased IMVD of human gastric carcinomas. VEGF expression was associated with P53 expression and poor patient prognosis, but dThdPase expression was not.

    Web of Science


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  • 乳腺II –乳癌治療個別化のための病理診断- 病理と臨床


    文光堂  2018.10 

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  • 新臨床腫瘍学(改訂第5版)

    坂谷貴司( Role: Contributor病理診断、TNM分類)

    南江堂  2018.7 

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  • 乳がん(HER2) がん治療におけるコンパニオン診断


    ヴァンメディカル社  2018 

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  • 乳癌学 最新の診断と治療

    日本臨牀, 増刊( Role: ContributorHER2)

    日本臨牀社  2017.4 

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  • 乳癌診療のための分子病理エッセンシャル

    津田均, 木下貴之, 田村研治編( Role: Contributor乳癌におけるheterogeneity)

    南山堂  2016.6 

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  • 乳癌 (腫瘍病理鑑別診断アトラス)

    森谷卓也, 津田均編( Role: Contributor異型乳管過形成性、Ki-67の判定)

    文光堂  2016.5 

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  • 乳腺腫瘍学 (第2版)

    日本乳癌学会編( Role: Contributor病理)

    金原出版  2016.4 

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  • 胃癌・乳癌 HER2病理診断ガイドライン

    日本病理学会( Role: Contributor)

    金原出版  2015.12 

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  • 新臨床腫瘍学(改訂第4版)

    日本臨床腫瘍学会( Role: Contributor病理診断、TNM分類)

    南江堂  2015.7 

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  • 細胞診ガイドライン 2 乳腺・皮膚・軟部骨 2015年版

    日本臨床細胞学会( Role: Contributor乳腺)

    金原出版  2015.3 

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  • 細胞診ガイドライン 5 消化器 2015年版:口腔/唾液腺/消化管/肝胆道系/膵臓

    日本臨床細胞学会( Role: Contributor)

    金原出版  2015.3 

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  • 病理学・病理検査学 (標準臨床検査学)

    仁木利郎, 福島敬宜編( Role: Contributor消化器系、皮膚、乳腺)


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  • 術前内分泌療法の新たな効果予測因子

    浅川英輝, 浅川英輝, 二宮淳, 二宮淳, 坂谷貴司, 武井寛幸

    日本癌治療学会学術集会(Web)   58th   2020

  • 診断に難渋した非機能性副甲状腺癌の1例

    銭 真臣, 長岡 竜太, 數阪 広子, 松井 満美, 齋藤 麻梨恵, 杉谷 巌, 坂谷 貴司, 亀山 香織

    日本内分泌外科学会雑誌   36 ( Suppl.3 )   S341 - S341   2019.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌外科学会  


  • ニボルマブにより薬剤性肺障害を発症した間質性肺炎合併肺扁平上皮癌の1剖検例

    林 杏奈, 宮永 晃彦, 鈴木 彩奈, 高野 夏希, 久金 翔, 高橋 聡, 菅野 哲平, 武内 進, 野呂 林太郎, 峯岸 裕司, 齋藤 好信, 久保田 馨, 清家 正博, 弦間 昭彦, 功刀 しのぶ, 坂谷 貴司

    肺癌   59 ( 3 )   323 - 323   2019.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(NPO)日本肺癌学会  


  • 乳癌サブタイプ分類の臨床及び組織・細胞学的特徴 乳癌HER2およびTNタイプの細胞学的特徴とその傾向

    葉山 綾子, 渡會 泰彦, 松澤 こず恵, 石井 英昭, 坂谷 貴司, 清水 章, 内藤 善哉, 土屋 眞一

    日本臨床細胞学会雑誌   58 ( Suppl.1 )   128 - 128   2019.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本臨床細胞学会  


  • 小児造血器腫瘍の治療後に甲状腺濾胞癌を発症した1例

    數阪 広子, 長岡 竜太, 松井 満美, 銭 真臣, 眞田 麻梨恵, 遠藤 陽子, 寺崎 泰弘, 坂谷 貴司, 岡村 律子, 杉谷 巌

    日本内分泌外科学会雑誌   36 ( Suppl.1 )   S139 - S139   2019.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌外科学会  


  • ニボルマブにより薬剤性肺障害を発症した間質性肺炎合併肺扁平上皮癌の1剖検例

    林杏奈, 宮永晃彦, 鈴木彩奈, 高野夏希, 久金翔, 高橋聡, 菅野哲平, 武内進, 野呂林太郎, 峯岸裕司, 齋藤好信, 久保田馨, 清家正博, 弦間昭彦, 功刀しのぶ, 坂谷貴司

    肺癌(Web)   59 ( 3 )   2019

  • 乳癌組織標本における非典型的細胞分裂の臨床的意義 細胞増殖能マーカーKi67・PHH3との比較研究

    大橋 隆治, 並松 茂樹, 坂谷 貴司, 内藤 善哉, 武井 寛幸, 清水 章

    日本医科大学医学会雑誌   14 ( 4 )   221 - 221   2018.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本医科大学医学会  


  • 細胞診判定技術(細胞・集塊・背景のここを見ろ!) 細胞集塊から分かること

    葉山 綾子, 石井 英昭, 坂谷 貴司, 内藤 善哉, 清水 章, 土屋 眞一

    日本臨床細胞学会雑誌   57 ( Suppl.2 )   524 - 524   2018.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本臨床細胞学会  


  • 有棘細胞癌におけるTLR4の発現と機能についての検討(The expression and biology of toll-like receptor 4 in squamous cell carcinoma of the skin)

    三神 絵理奈, 工藤 光洋, 大橋 隆治, 川原 清子, 河本 陽子, 手塚 潔, 藤井 雄文, 呉 壮香, 石野 孔祐, 坂谷 貴司, 和田 龍一, 佐伯 秀久, 内藤 善哉

    日本癌学会総会記事   77回   2166 - 2166   2018.9

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    Language:English   Publisher:日本癌学会  


  • 乳癌センチネルリンパ節生検における磁性体・磁気プローブシステムの有効性と展望 AMED委託多施設共同研究

    栗田 智子, 垂野 香苗, 柳原 恵子, 明石 定子, 榎戸 克年, 沢田 晃暢, 中井 麻木, 金丸 里奈, 范姜 明志, 桑山 隆志, 坂谷 貴司, 大橋 靖雄, 金子 美樹, 桑波田 晃弘, 日下部 守昭, 関野 正樹, 蒔田 益二郎, 中村 清吾, 武井 寛幸

    日本乳癌学会総会プログラム抄録集   26回   369 - 369   2018.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本乳癌学会  


  • 乳癌内破骨型巨細胞のimmuno-phenotypeに関する研究(Immuno-phenotype of osteoclast-like giant cells in breast cancer)

    大橋 隆治, 並松 茂樹, 坂谷 貴司, 武井 寛幸, 内藤 善哉, 清水 章

    日本病理学会会誌   107 ( 1 )   431 - 431   2018.4

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    Language:English   Publisher:(一社)日本病理学会  


  • 「それぞれの癌」難治性癌に対する治療戦略 乳腺 癌微小環境におけるトリプルネガティブ乳癌の免疫応答

    杉江 知治, 佐藤 永一, 宮下 穣, 三上 芳喜, 山口 倫, 坂谷 貴司, 小塚 祐司, 森谷 鈴子, 鈴木 栄治, 垣見 和宏, 森谷 卓也

    日本癌治療学会学術集会抄録集   55回   WS13 - 7   2017.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本癌治療学会  


  • 良悪の鑑別が問題になった乳管内乳頭腫の1例

    葉山 綾子, 土屋 紳一, 松澤 こず恵, 松原 美雪, 渡會 泰彦, 大橋 隆治, 坂谷 貴司, 石井 英昭, 内藤 善哉, 武井 寛幸, 清水 章

    日本臨床細胞学会雑誌   56 ( Suppl.2 )   736 - 736   2017.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本臨床細胞学会  


  • 破骨型巨細胞を伴う乳癌の細胞病理組織像の検討

    大橋 隆治, 葉山 綾子, 松原 美幸, 渡會 泰彦, 石井 英昭, 坂谷 貴司, 武井 寛幸, 内藤 善哉, 清水 章

    日本臨床細胞学会雑誌   56 ( Suppl.2 )   856 - 856   2017.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本臨床細胞学会  


  • 術前診断に苦慮した仙骨脊索腫の一例

    酒田 美香, 大橋 隆治, 北川 泰之, 松原 美幸, 渡曾 泰彦, 石井 英昭, 坂谷 貴司, 内藤 善哉, 清水 章

    日本臨床細胞学会雑誌   56 ( Suppl.2 )   864 - 864   2017.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本臨床細胞学会  


  • 多形腺腫由来癌(CXPA)におけるIMP3の発現とその意義

    三軒 真央香, 工藤 光洋, 大橋 隆治, 藤井 雄文, 河本 陽子, 手塚 潔, 川原 清子, 坂谷 貴司, 和田 龍一, 内藤 善哉

    日本癌学会総会記事   76回   P - 1317   2017.9

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    Language:English   Publisher:日本癌学会  


  • 免疫腫瘍学による新たな乳癌治療 乳がん免疫治療の方向性 班研究「乳癌における腫瘍浸潤リンパ球の臨床病理学的研究」を踏まえて

    杉江 知治, 佐藤 永一, 宮下 穣, 三上 芳喜, 山口 倫, 坂谷 貴司, 小塚 祐司, 森谷 鈴子, 鈴木 栄治, 森谷 卓也

    日本乳癌学会総会プログラム抄録集   25回   219 - 219   2017.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本乳癌学会  


  • 免疫腫瘍学による新たな乳癌治療 乳癌におけるtumor infiltrating lymphocyte検索の現状

    森谷 卓也, 三上 芳喜, 山口 倫, 佐藤 永一, 坂谷 貴司, 小塚 祐司, 森谷 鈴子, 杉江 知治

    日本乳癌学会総会プログラム抄録集   25回   219 - 219   2017.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本乳癌学会  


  • 乳腺化生癌におけるIMP3発現の意義

    大橋隆治, 森田真央香, 並松茂樹, 坂谷貴司, 坂谷貴司, 武井寛幸, 内藤善哉, 内藤善哉

    日本病理学会会誌   106 ( 1 )   2017

  • 良悪の鑑別が問題になった乳管内乳頭腫の1例

    葉山綾子, 土屋紳一, 土屋紳一, 松澤こず恵, 松原美雪, 渡會泰彦, 大橋隆治, 坂谷貴司, 石井英昭, 内藤善哉, 武井寛幸, 清水章

    日本臨床細胞学会雑誌(Web)   56   2017

  • 比較的稀な経過をたどった悪性葉状腫瘍の一例

    金丸里奈, 中井麻木, 栗田智子, 柳原恵子, 山下浩二, 坂谷貴司, 土屋慎一, 武井寛幸

    日本乳癌学会学術総会プログラム・抄録集   25th   2017

  • 術前ホルモン療法による抗腫瘍効果とTILsとの関係

    栗田智子, 中井麻木, 鈴木えりか, 柳原恵子, 山下浩二, 村上隆介, 坂谷貴司, 土屋眞一, 土屋眞一, 武井寛幸

    日本乳癌学会学術総会プログラム・抄録集   25th   2017

  • 術前化学療法におけるweekly nab-paclitaxelの有効性および安全性に関する臨床研究報告

    中井麻木, 栗田智子, 柳原恵子, 山下浩二, 坂谷貴司, 武井寛幸

    日本乳癌学会学術総会プログラム・抄録集   25th   2017

  • 若年で認めた乳腺過誤腫の1例

    鈴木えりか, 武井寛幸, 山下浩二, 柳原恵子, 栗田智子, 中井麻木, 坂谷貴司, 長嶋隆

    日本臨床外科学会雑誌   78   2017

  • 線維腺腫内に発生した浸潤性乳管癌の1例

    金丸里奈, 范姜明志, 中井麻木, 栗田智子, 柳原恵子, 原絵津子, 坂谷貴司, 土屋眞一, 武井寛幸

    日本臨床外科学会雑誌   78   2017

  • 破骨型巨細胞を伴う乳癌の細胞病理組織像の検討

    大橋隆治, 葉山綾子, 松原美幸, 渡會泰彦, 石井英昭, 坂谷貴司, 坂谷貴司, 武井寛幸, 内藤善哉, 内藤善哉, 清水章

    日本臨床細胞学会雑誌(Web)   56   2017

  • 臨床的に乳癌が疑われた巨大葉状腫瘍の1症例

    范姜明志, 金丸里奈, 中井麻木, 栗田智子, 武井寛幸, 坂谷貴司, 石井英昭

    日本臨床外科学会雑誌   78   2017

  • 膵神経内分泌癌による異所性ACTH症候群の1例

    山田 裕士, 周東 佑樹, 原田 太郎, 稲垣 恭子, 福田 いずみ, 坂谷 貴司, 近藤 俊輔, 片上 秀喜, 杉原 仁

    日本内分泌学会雑誌   92 ( S.Branc )   138 - 138   2016.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本内分泌学会  


  • 乳がんに対する薬物療法の効果判定 術前内分泌療法における超音波検査画像所見の特徴

    武井 寛幸, 山下 浩二, 柳原 恵子, 中井 麻木, 鈴木 えりか, 飯田 信也, 蒔田 益次郎, 横山 正, 関 奈紀, 坂谷 貴司

    超音波医学   43 ( Suppl. )   S418 - S418   2016.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本超音波医学会  


  • 乳がんに対する薬物療法の効果判定 術前内分泌療法における超音波検査画像所見の特徴

    武井 寛幸, 山下 浩二, 柳原 恵子, 中井 麻木, 鈴木 えりか, 飯田 信也, 蒔田 益次郎, 横山 正, 関 奈紀, 坂谷 貴司

    超音波医学   43 ( Suppl. )   S418 - S418   2016.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本超音波医学会  


  • 乳がんに対する薬物療法の効果判定 術前内分泌療法における超音波検査画像所見の特徴

    武井 寛幸, 山下 浩二, 柳原 恵子, 中井 麻木, 鈴木 えりか, 飯田 信也, 蒔田 益次郎, 横山 正, 関 奈紀, 坂谷 貴司

    乳腺甲状腺超音波医学   5 ( 2 )   233 - 233   2016.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(NPO)日本乳腺甲状腺超音波医学会  


  • 顎下腺の多形腺腫由来癌肉腫の一例

    遠藤 陽子, 大橋 隆治, 稲井 俊太, 彭 為霞, 和田 龍一, 石井 英昭, 坂谷 貴司, 大久保 公裕, 長尾 俊孝, 内藤 善哉

    日本病理学会会誌   105 ( 1 )   424 - 424   2016.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本病理学会  


  • 当院でのトリプルネガティブ乳癌に対する治療方針の検討

    中井麻木, 鈴木えりか, 金谷洋平, 柳原恵子, 山下浩二, 武井寛幸, 坂谷貴司, 渡辺淳

    日本乳癌学会学術総会プログラム・抄録集   24th   2016

  • 転移性乳がんに対するエリブリンの有用性と安全性

    柳原恵子, 鈴木えりか, 中井麻木, 山下浩二, 山根彩, 村上隆介, 和田隆一, 石井英昭, 大橋隆治, 坂谷貴司, 武井寛幸

    日本乳癌学会学術総会プログラム・抄録集   24th   2016

  • 膵神経内分泌癌による異所性ACTH症候群の1例

    山田裕士, 周東佑樹, 原田太郎, 稲垣恭子, 福田いずみ, 坂谷貴司, 近藤俊輔, 片上秀喜, 杉原仁

    日本内分泌学会関東甲信越支部学術集会プログラム抄録集   17th   107   2016

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  • 乳癌のKi-67ラベリングインデックスに対する至適な計測法の検討

    森谷 卓也, 鹿股 直樹, 有馬 信之, 本間 尚子, 大井 恭代, 坂谷 貴司, 飛田 陽, 玉城 研太朗, 新倉 直樹, 吉田 一也, 杉江 知治

    日本乳癌学会総会プログラム抄録集   23回   308 - 308   2015.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本乳癌学会  


  • 神経内分泌分化を伴う乳腺粘液癌の細胞像と臨床組織像との比較

    大橋隆治, 坂谷貴司, 松原美幸, 柳原恵子, 山下浩二, 土屋眞一, 土屋眞一, 武井寛幸, 内藤善哉, 内藤善哉

    日本乳癌学会学術総会プログラム・抄録集   23rd   2015

  • 病理医間のKi67の一致率の検討 Ki67リングスタディの結果から

    新倉 直樹, 坂谷 貴司, 有馬 信之, 大井 恭代, 本間 尚子, 鹿股 直樹, 吉田 一也, 角舎 学行, 玉城 研太朗, 森谷 卓也, 熊木 伸枝, 岩本 高行, 杉江 知治

    日本乳癌学会総会プログラム抄録集   22回   276 - 276   2014.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本乳癌学会  


  • 2012年度日本乳癌学会班研究最終報告 Ki-67の測定評価の標準化に関する研究

    森谷 卓也, 有馬 信之, 大井 恭代, 角舎 学行, 鹿股 直樹, 坂谷 貴司, 玉城 研太朗, 新倉 直樹, 本間 尚子, 吉田 一也, 飛田 陽

    日本乳癌学会総会プログラム抄録集   22回   227 - 227   2014.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本乳癌学会  


  • Assessment of the Ki67 labeling index: A Japanese validation ring study.

    Naoki Niikura, Takashi Sakatani, Nobuyuki Arima, Yasuyo Ohi, Naoko Honma, Naoki Kanomata, Kazuya Yoshida, Takayuki Kadoya, Kentaro Tamaki, Nobue Kumaki, Takayuki Iwamoto, Tomoharu Sugie, Takuya Moriya

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY   32 ( 15 )   2014.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:AMER SOC CLINICAL ONCOLOGY  

    Web of Science


  • Altered Expressions of Chromatin Remodeling Factors (BRG1, BRM, ARID1A, ARID1B, BAF47) in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer

    YOSHIMOTO Taichiro, MATSUBARA Daisuke, SAKATANI Takashi, FUKUSHIMA Noriyoshi, NIKI Toshiro

    日本癌学会学術総会抄録集(Web)   73rd   P-1335 (WEB ONLY)   2014

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  • 耳下腺sebaceous adenomaの1例

    田村聖月, 鈴木智子, 郡俊勝, 柳田美樹, 芳賀美子, 山口岳彦, 坂谷貴司, 福嶋敬宜

    日本臨床細胞学会雑誌   52 ( Suppl.2 )   670 - 670   2013.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本臨床細胞学会  



  • 2012年度日本乳癌学会班研究中間報告「Ki-67の測定評価の標準化に関する研究」

    森谷 卓也, 有馬 信之, 大井 恭代, 角舎 学行, 鹿股 直樹, 坂谷 貴司, 玉城 研太朗, 新倉 直樹, 本間 尚子, 吉田 一也, 飛田 陽

    日本乳癌学会総会プログラム抄録集   21回   202 - 202   2013.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本乳癌学会  


  • フィルター転写法(ThinPrep5000)による腺癌細胞の検出性能の検討

    鈴木智子, 坂谷貴司, 伊藤聡史, 柳田美樹, 郡俊勝, 芳賀美子, 福嶋敬宜

    日本臨床細胞学会雑誌   52 ( Suppl.1 )   189 - 189   2013.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本臨床細胞学会  



  • 中枢神経発生と考えられる節外性Rosai‐Dorfman症候群の一例

    今田浩生, 坂谷貴司, 福嶋敬宜

    日本病理学会会誌   102 ( 1 )   392 - 392   2013.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本病理学会  



  • バーチャル画像を用いた、乳腺疾患に対する病理コンサルテーションの精度

    森谷 卓也, 鹿股 直樹, 大井 恭代, 坂谷 貴司, 原田 大, 堀井 理絵, 前田 一郎, 山口 倫, 笠島 敦子, 大森 昌子, 小塚 祐司

    日本病理学会会誌   102 ( 1 )   368 - 368   2013

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  • 自治医大附属病院総合診療部グランドカンファレンス

    見坂 恒明, 高村 典子, 山本 祐, 坂谷 貴司

    日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会誌 = An official journal of the Japan Primary Care Association   35 ( 4 )   363 - 370   2012.12

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  • バーチャル画像を用いた乳腺針生検病理コンサルテーションの精度

    森谷 卓也, 鹿股 直樹, 大井 恭代, 坂谷 貴司, 原田 大, 堀井 理絵, 前田 一郎, 山口 倫, 平川 久

    日本病理学会会誌   101 ( 1 )   241 - 241   2012.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本病理学会  


  • 自治医大附属病院総合診療部グランドカンファレンス

    見坂 恒明, 高村 典子, 山本 祐, 坂谷 貴司

    日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会誌   35 ( 4 )   363 - 370   2012

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:一般社団法人 日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会  

    DOI: 10.14442/generalist.35.363


  • Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia presenting severe uterine hemorrhage due to uterine infiltration of leukemic cells and early-stage endometrial adenocarcinoma

    Akihide Yoshimi, Takashi Asai, Daichi Maeda, Akira Hangaishi, Takashi Sakatani, Tsuyoshi Takahashi, Yoichi Imai, Masashi Fukayama, Mineo Kurokawa

    ARCHIVES OF GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS   280 ( 6 )   1077 - 1078   2009.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER HEIDELBERG  

    DOI: 10.1007/s00404-009-1086-0

    Web of Science


  • 当院における乳腺穿刺吸引細胞診「鑑別困難例」の再検討

    竹内裕子, 坂谷貴司, 瀬田章, 福嶋敬宜, 深山正久

    日本臨床細胞学会雑誌   48 ( Suppl.2 )   551 - 551   2009.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本臨床細胞学会  



  • Progressive transition of Epstein-Barr virus associated lymphoproliferative disease subtypes with the development of lung cancer

    Kazuki Taoka, Yasuhito Nannya, Go Yamamoto, Takashi Sakatani, Satoshi Ota, Masashi Fukayama, Tsuyoshi Takahashi, Mineo Kurokawa

    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY   84 ( 9 )   600 - 603   2009.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-LISS  

    Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) associated lymphoproliferative disease (LPD) comprises a wide spectrum of clinical and pathological features [1]. This variety is most systematically categorized in post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders (PTLD) [2], in which subtypes are ordered according to disease progression from reactive polyclonal proliferation to large cell lymphoma. However, whether this categorization Is applicable to LPDs other than PTLD is not well explored. Here, we present a nontransplant case of EBV-LPD that initially presented as a polyclonal self-limiting proliferation and later transited to large cell lymphoma. This transition was associated with the progression of lung cancer and its therapy. Our case demonstrates that stepwise progression of LPD is a feature that can be observed in non-PTLD cases of EBV-LPD.

    DOI: 10.1002/ajh.21479

    Web of Science


  • Expression of Survivin messenger RNA correlates with poor prognosis in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma

    M Ikeguchi, T Ueda, T Sakatani, Y Hirooka, N Kaibara

    DIAGNOSTIC MOLECULAR PATHOLOGY   11 ( 1 )   33 - 40   2002.3

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    Language:English   Publisher:LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS  

    Suppression of apoptosis is important for carcinogenesis and tumor growth. Recent studies revealed that survivin not only inhibited apoptosis but also accelerated cancer cell proliferative activity. To investigate the prognostic role of expression of the antiapoptosis gene, survivin, in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the authors analyzed the correlation between the expression pattern of survivin messenger RNA (mRNA) and clinicopathologic findings of patients. Tissues were obtained by surgical resection of livers from 51 patients with HCC and 6 patients without HCC. Expression of survivin mRNA was evaluated using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction in 51 tumors, 51 adjacent histologically noncancerous livers, and 6 normal livers. Survivin protein expression was evaluated using Western blotting, and apoptotic cancer cells were detected by immunostaining with polyclonal rabbit anti-single-stranded DNA. Survivin mRNA expression was detected in 21 of 51 (41%) tumors, 2 of 51 (4%) noncancerous livers, and none of the 6 normal livers. Survivin mRNA expression did not correlate with tumor size or stage of HCC. Percentage of apoptotic cancer cells of 30 survivin mRNA-negative tumors (5.2 +/- 3.4%) was significantly higher than that of 21 survivin mRNA-positive tumors (2.2 +/- 2.3%, P = 0.0019). The disease-free 5-year survival rate of 21 patients positive for survivin mRNA (19%) was significantly poorer than that of 30 patients negative for survivin mRNA (39%, P = 0.0148). Survivin mRNA was detected in 57% (17/30) patients with HCC recurrence but in only 19% (4/21) of patients without recurrence (P = 0.0072). These results indicated that survivin mRNA expression could be used as an independent prognostic factor for patients with HCC after hepatectomy.

    DOI: 10.1097/00019606-200203000-00007

    Web of Science


  • Epigenetic heterogeneity at imprinted loci in normal populations.

    T Sakatani, M Wei, M Katoh, C Okita, D Wada, K Mitsuya, M Meguro, M Ikeguchi, H Ito, B Tycko, M Oshimura

    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS   69 ( 4 )   405 - 405   2001.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:UNIV CHICAGO PRESS  

    Web of Science


  • Clinicopathological significance of cathepsin D expression in gastric adenocarcinoma

    M Ikeguchi, K Fukuda, S Oka, K Yamaguchi, K Hisamitsu, S Tsujitani, T Sakatani, T Ueda, N Kaibara

    ONCOLOGY   61 ( 1 )   71 - 78   2001

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    Language:English   Publisher:KARGER  

    Objective: An estrogen-regulated lysosomal protease, cathepsin D, has been detected in a variety of tissues. This proteinase has been described as closely associated with tumor progression and metastasis in malignant tumors. The purpose of this study was to determine the clinicopathological and prognostic significance of cathepsin D expression in gastric adenocarcinoma. Methods: In a consecutive series of 478 patients with gastric carcinoma (median follow-up period: 93 months, range: 1-285 months), cathepsin D expression in tumors was quantitatively analyzed with immunohistochemistry using a monoclonal antibody against cathepsin D (clone: 1C11). The percentage of cathepsin-D-positive cancer cells (the CD index) was calculated. In addition, the amount of cathepsin-D-positive stromal cells was evaluated; three grades (high, intermediate, and low) were used for the classification. Results: The mean CD index of 478 tumors was 12.8% (range: 0-100%, median: 8%). The mean CD index of diffuse-type gastric carcinomas (14.9%) was significantly higher than that of intestinal-type carcinomas (10.1%, p &lt; 0.0001). Cathepsin D expression of cancer cells was significantly associated with the depth of tumor invasion in both types. The percentage of tumors with high cathepsin D expression in stromal cells was significantly higher in well-differentiated tumors (25.5%) than in moderately differentiated (12.8%) or in poorly differentiated tumors (19.1%). Cathepsin D expression of stromal cells was significantly associated with the depth of tumor invasion in the intestinal type, in contrast to the diffuse type. Highly expressed cathepsin D in cancer cells was associated with a poor prognosis in both types of carcinoma, but in stromal cells highly expressed cathepsin D was associated to a poor prognosis in the intestinal type only. Conclusion: These results indicate that cathepsin D expression in cancer cells may play an important role in tumor progression in diffuse-type gastric carcinoma, whereas in the intestinal type of carcinoma, cathepsin D expression in stromal cells may play an important role in tumor progression. Copyright (C) 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel.

    DOI: 10.1159/000055356

    Web of Science


  • Computerized nuclear morphometry is a useful technique for evaluating the high metastatic potential of colorectal adenocarcinoma

    M Ikeguchi, T Sakatani, K Endo, M Makino, N Kaibara

    CANCER   86 ( 10 )   1944 - 1951   1999.11

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    Language:English   Publisher:WILEY-LISS  

    BACKGROUND. Nuclear profiles have been reported to be useful prognostic predictors in various cancers. Data from computerized morphometry are objective and are quickly obtained by conventional microscopic analysis. However, this image analysis of nuclear features has been only rarely applied to investigations of colorectal adenocarcinoma. The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between the morphologic nuclear features and clinicopathologic parameters in cases of colorectal adenocarcinoma.
    METHODS. Morphometric nuclear features (nuclear area, perimeter, and shape) were analyzed in 343 patients with colorectal carcinoma and in 57 patients with colorectal adenoma. In each case, 300 nuclei of carcinoma or adenoma cells were analyzed on routine hematoxylin and eosin stained slides by means of a computer-assisted image analysis system that involved tracing the nuclear profiles (magnification x400) on a computer monitor. The morphometric data were compared with patients' survival, clinicopathologic status, and DNA ploidy pattern of tumors.
    RESULTS. The mean nuclear area (NA) enlarged from normal colorectal mucosa to adenoma and carcinoma (normal mucosa: n = 343, mean NA = 19 mu m(2); adenoma: n = 57, mean NA = 34 mu m(2); mucosal carcinoma: n = 15, mean NA = 45 mu m(2); P &lt; 0.001). In 343 colorectal carcinomas, NAs of cancer cells in tumors with lymphatic invasion, venous invasion, lymph node metastasis, or hepatic metastasis were significantly larger than those of cancer cells in tumors without such factors. The mean NA of DNA aneuploid tumors was larger than that of DNA diploid tumors (P &lt; 0.001). re nuclear area of cancer cells was determined to be one of the independent prognostic factors in multivariate analysis (P &lt; 0.001). Moreover, the large nuclear area of cancer cells was recognized as one of the risk factors of metachronous hematogenic metastasis in patients after curative surgery.
    CONCLUSIONS. Data from computerized morphometry are objective and can be obtained rapidly by conventional microscopic analysis. The nuclear area of cancer cells appears to predict 1) the ability of cancer cells to invade the microvessels in the colorectal wall and 2) the ability of cancer cells to metastasize to die lymph nodes or Liver. Therefore, nuclear morphometry is beneficial in mass screening to select patients who are at risk of hematogenic or lymph node metastatic recurrence after curative surgery for colorectal carcinoma. Cancer 1999;86:1944-51. (C) 1999 American Cancer Society.

    DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-0142(19991115)86:10<1944::AID-CNCR10>3.0.CO;2-2

    Web of Science



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  • 乳腺病理 -診断における注意点と最近のトピックス-


    第75回日本病理学会関東支部学術集会  2017.6 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • 乳腺腫瘍のWHO組織診断分類と細胞診 –乳管内増殖性病変•乳頭状病変-

    坂谷貴司, 葉山綾子, 大橋隆治, 和田龍一, 内藤善哉

    第58回日本臨床細胞学会総会 春期大会  2017.5 

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    Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


  • HER2病理診断を適正に行うために〜乳癌HER2病理診断ガイドラインを中心に〜


    第105回日本病理学会総会  2016.5 

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    Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • 乳癌HER2病理診断ガイドライン;作成プロセスとポイント

    坂谷貴司, 小塚祐司, 吉田正行

    第105回日本病理学会総会  2016.5 

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    Presentation type:Poster presentation  


  • 病理解剖と剖検症例のまとめ方


    第105回日本病理学会総会  2016.5 

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    Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • ER, PgR, HER2のセルフアセスメント


    NPO法人 日本病理精度保証機構 教育・研修会  2015.3 

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    Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • 乳腺の病理と細胞診


    富山県臨床細胞学会研修会  2019.7 

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  • 乳腺 スライドカンファレンス出題


    第60回日本臨床細胞学会総会(春期大会)  2019.6 

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  • Pathological evaluation of therapeutic effect and predictive factors in breast cancer


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    Language:English   Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


  • 乳腺病理 –診断のピットフォールと最近の話題-


    茨城病院病理医の会  2019.3 

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  • 乳腺の病理と細胞診 –本邦分類•WHO分類の比較検討を加味して-


    えびのカンファレンス 宮崎  2019.1 

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  • 病理部門が院内の医療安全体制に与える影響に関する検討

    坂谷貴司, 佐々木毅, 田中伸哉, 内藤善哉

    第12回医療の質•安全学会学術集会  2017.11 

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    Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)  


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  • 第7回(平成17年度)学術奨励賞

    2005   日本病理学会  


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Research Projects

  • A study on clinical implementation of response guided therapy with neoadjuvant endocrine therapy for breast cancer.

    Grant number:22K07218  2022.4 - 2025.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

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    Grant amount:\4030000 ( Direct Cost: \3100000 、 Indirect Cost:\930000 )


  • New predictive markers of effectiveness of neoadjuvant endocrine therapy of breast cancer by analyzing tumor angiogenesis

    Grant number:18K08583  2018.4 - 2021.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Takei Hiroyuki

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    Grant amount:\4420000 ( Direct Cost: \3400000 、 Indirect Cost:\1020000 )

    As predictive factors for the efficacy of neoadjuvant endocrine therapy (NET) in operable breast cancer, clinical stage ("early stage"), histology ("ductal carcinoma"), and estrogen receptor ("high expression") were identified by clinicopathological analysis of real-world practice. In addition, immunohistochemical analysis for tumor microenvironment and angiogenic factors identified tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (CD8 and FOXp3), vascular endothelium (CD31), and lymphovascular invasion as risk factors for recurrence in patients treated with NET. These results will provide important evidence for the standardization of NET in breast cancer care.


  • Treatment strategy for suppression of cancer stem cell in breast cancer

    Grant number:16K10479  2016.4 - 2020.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Wada Ryuichi

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    Grant amount:\4550000 ( Direct Cost: \3500000 、 Indirect Cost:\1050000 )

    The association of expression of delta-HER2, a splice variant of HER2, and cancer stem cell was investigated in culture cells and human HER2-positive breast cancers. The overexpression of delta-HER2 in culture cells suppressed the proliferation of the cell. In human HER2-positive breast cancers, the cells expressing delta-HER2 was scattered in the cancer tissue. Most of the cells positive for delta-HER2 were negative for Ki-67, and the cells were closely associated with the cells positive for a cancer stem cell marker, aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 (ALDH1). It was considered that the expression delta-HER2 was associated with cancer stemness, and the delta-HER2-expressing cells may be a therapeutic target of HER2-positive breast cancer.


  • 乳癌におけるマイクロRNA発現制御機構の解明

    Grant number:21790343  2009 - 2010

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  若手研究(B)

    坂谷 貴司

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    Grant amount:\4420000 ( Direct Cost: \3400000 、 Indirect Cost:\1020000 )

    腫瘍組織は種々の組織亜型に分類され、その特徴に基づいて検討が行われている。最も重要な研究領域の一つである乳癌においては、既存の病理学的分類とは異なるmolecular subtypeと呼ばれる分類があり、そのうちの一つとしてbasal-like subtypeが挙げられる。HER2-/ER-などの発現パターンを示すbasal-like subtypeの臨床上の問題点には、予後不良であること、ホルモン療法やHER2に対するモノクローナル抗体であるトラスツズマブによる治療に抵抗性であることが挙げられる。
    タンパク質をコードしないnon-coding RNAの一つであるmicroRNA(miRNA)はさまざまな生命現象をコントロールしている。われわれはbasal-like subtypeに分類される乳癌には多型性を有し、接合性のやや乏しい組織像を呈するものが多いことから、上皮間葉転換(EMT)を引き起こす遺伝子をターゲットとするmicro RNAに着目し、その発現解析を行った。乳癌脳転移症例においてもbasal-like subtypeのものが多いことから、これについても引き続き解析を行っている。microRNAは生命現象をコントロールするだけでなく、治療ターゲットしても有用であることから、解析によって得られた新たな知見は、一群の治療抵抗性乳癌に対する分子標的治療への足がかりとなる可能性がある。


  • EB virus-associated gastric carcinoma. Molecular mechanisms of DNA hypermethylation and strategy for gastric cancer therapy.

    Grant number:20249022  2008 - 2012

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    FUKAYAMA Masashi, UOZAKI Hiroshi, SAKATANI Takashi, HINO Rumi, USHIKU Tetsuo, MORIKAWA Teppei, KIKUCHI Yoshinao, NAKAYA Takeo, SHINOZAKI Aya, KUNITA Akiko, MATSUSAKA Keisuke

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    Grant amount:\50310000 ( Direct Cost: \38700000 、 Indirect Cost:\11610000 )

    Methylation array analyses demonstrated that EBV-associated GC showed genome-wide hypermethylation at CpG sites of promoter regions. We succeeded in reproducing this genome-wide methylation by EBV infection of the gastric cancer cell line, MKN7, which serves as an important experimental system to investigate the molecular mechanisms. We demonstrated that a viral latent protein, LMP2A, partially contributed to the DNA hypermethylation. A possible virus-reactivating therapy was evaluated with inhibitors of DNA methylation and proteosome.


  • Molecular Mechanism for Regulation of microRNA Expression in Gastrointestinal Cancer

    Grant number:19790253  2007 - 2008

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    SAKATANI Takashi

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    Grant amount:\3430000 ( Direct Cost: \3100000 、 Indirect Cost:\330000 )


  • Carcinogenesis of EB virus-associated gastric carcinoma. Mutual DNA-methylation of host and infective agent.

    Grant number:18390110  2006 - 2007

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    FUKAYAMA Masashi, UOZAKI Hiroshi, SAKATANI Takashi, USHIKU Tetsuo, HINO Rumi

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    Grant amount:\16720000 ( Direct Cost: \14800000 、 Indirect Cost:\1920000 )

    Phenotype : Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-associated gastric carcinoma (GC) was classified as null or gastric type in the phenotype classification, which was determined by the expression pattern of mucin molecules and CD10. The fact suggests that the target of EBV-infection is the stem cell of gastric epithelium.
    Epigenetic Abnormality: Methylation of cytocine of the CpG repeats in promoter region of tumor suppressor genes (TSG) facilitates the cancer development through trascription repression of TSG. The carcinomas with such epigenetic abnormalities at high frequencies in many TSG are called as CpG island methylator phenotype high (CIMP-H). EBV-associated GC was demonstrated as a typical example of CIMP-H GC, but it showed much more methylated genes than EBV-negative CIMP-H GC. Furthermore, p73 gene one of TSG, was specifically methylated in EBV-associated GC. When the frequencies of DNA methylation in p16, p14, and p73 genes were compared between the non-neoplastic gastric mucosa and early gastric carcinomas, both were similarly low, suggesting that DNA-methylation occurs along the infection of EBV in the epithelial cells.
    EBV-infected GC cell lines: Resistance to apoptosis is one of characteristics to EBV-associated GC. It was retrieved as resistance to serum deprivation-induced apoptosis in GC cell lines with infection of recombinant EBV harboring Neomycin resistance gene. Using these cell lines, we demonstrated that viral latent protein, LMP2A, up-regulates cellular survivin gene through activation of NFkB pathway.
    Transgenic mouse: The transgenic mouse was generated with the construct of H^+K^+ ATPase promoter and EBV-latent genes. LMP2A or EBNA1 to achieve the specific expression in the gastric epithelial cells. The expression of EBV-latent genes was confirmed in the stomach of the transgenic mice. The experimental model is anticipated for the detailed analysis of the development of EBV-associated GC.


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