2023/06/30 更新


ナガオ タケヒコ
長尾 毅彦
Nagao Takehiko
武蔵小杉病院 脳神経内科 臨床准教授


  • 医学博士 ( 日本医科大学 )


  • ライフサイエンス / 神経内科学


  • 日本医科大学武蔵小杉病院   脳神経内科   部長



  • 日本医科大学多摩永山病院   脳神経内科   部長

    2015年6月 - 2022年3月


  • 東京女子医科大学   神経内科   臨床准教授

    2010年9月 - 2015年5月


  • 東京都保健医療公社荏原病院   神経内科   医長

    1994年9月 - 2010年8月


  • 東京都多摩老人医療センター   神経内科   医員

    1990年9月 - 1993年6月


  • 日本赤十字社医療センター   内科   臨床研修医

    1988年5月 - 1990年3月




  • Bridging Therapy With Heparin Before Starting Rivaroxaban in Ischemic Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack With Non-Valvular Atrial Fibrillation.

    Keisuke Tokunaga, Masahiro Yasaka, Kazunori Toyoda, Etsuro Mori, Teruyuki Hirano, Toshimitsu Hamasaki, Hiroshi Yamagami, Takehiko Nagao, Shinichi Yoshimura, Shinichiro Uchiyama, Kazuo Minematsu

    Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society   86 ( 6 )   958 - 963   2022年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: The present observational study aimed to clarify the association between bridging therapy with heparin before starting rivaroxaban and clinical outcomes after ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF).Methods and Results: Patients with NVAF who experienced acute ischemic stroke or TIA of the middle cerebral artery territory and started rivaroxaban within 30 days after onset were enrolled and were followed up for 90 days. Outcome measures were ischemic events, major bleeding, their composite, and death or disability 90 days after onset. Ischemic events were defined as ischemic stroke, TIA, and systemic embolism. Of 1,308 analyzed patients, 638 received bridging therapy with unfractionated or low-molecular-weight heparin with a median of 10,000 IU/day. Associations between bridging therapy and ischemic events or major bleeding were not statistically significant individually, but the association between bridging therapy and their composite was statistically significant (multivariable-adjusted hazard ratio, 1.80; 95% confidence interval, 1.01-3.29). The association between bridging therapy and death or disability 90 days after onset was not statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: The composite of ischemic events and major bleeding was more frequent in patients with NVAF who received bridging therapy with low-dose heparin than in those who started treatment directly with rivaroxaban after ischemic stroke or TIA.

    DOI: 10.1253/circj.CJ-21-0617



  • Practical "1-2-3-4-Day" Rule for Starting Direct Oral Anticoagulants After Ischemic Stroke With Atrial Fibrillation: Combined Hospital-Based Cohort Study. 国際誌

    Shunsuke Kimura, Kazunori Toyoda, Sohei Yoshimura, Kazuo Minematsu, Masahiro Yasaka, Maurizio Paciaroni, David J Werring, Hiroshi Yamagami, Takehiko Nagao, Shinichi Yoshimura, Alexandros Polymeris, Annaelle Zietz, Stefan T Engelter, Bernd Kallmünzer, Manuel Cappellari, Tetsuya Chiba, Takeshi Yoshimoto, Masayuki Shiozawa, Takanari Kitazono, Masatoshi Koga

    Stroke   53 ( 5 )   1540 - 1549   2022年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: The "1-3-6-12-day rule" for starting direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation after acute ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack recommends timings that may be later than used in clinical practice. We investigated more practical optimal timing of DOAC initiation according to stroke severity. METHODS: The combined data of prospective registries in Japan, Stroke Acute Management with Urgent Risk-factor Assessment and Improvement-nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (September 2011 to March 2014) and RELAXED (February 2014 to April 2016) were used. Patients were divided into transient ischemic attack and 3 stroke subgroups by the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score: mild (0-7), moderate (8-15), and severe (≥16). The early treatment group was defined as patients starting DOACs earlier than the median initiation day in each subgroup. Outcomes included a composite of recurrent stroke or systemic embolism, ischemic stroke, and severe bleeding within 90 days. Six European prospective registries were used for validation. RESULTS: In the 1797 derivation cohort patients, DOACs were started at median 2 days after transient ischemic attack and 3, 4, and 5 days after mild, moderate, and severe strokes, respectively. Stroke or systemic embolism was less common in Early Group (n=785)-initiating DOACS within 1, 2, 3, and 4 days, respectively-than Late Group (n=1012) (1.9% versus 3.9%; adjusted hazard ratio, 0.50 [95% CI, 0.27-0.89]), as was ischemic stroke (1.7% versus 3.2%, 0.54 [0.27-0.999]). Major bleeding was similarly common in the 2 groups (0.8% versus 1.0%). On validation, both ischemic stroke (2.4% versus 2.2%) and intracranial hemorrhage (0.2% versus 0.6%) were similarly common in Early (n=547) and Late (n=1483) Groups defined using derivation data. CONCLUSIONS: In Japanese and European populations, early DOAC initiation within 1, 2, 3, or 4 days according to stroke severity seemed to be feasible to decrease the risk of recurrent stroke or systemic embolism and no increase in major bleeding. These findings support ongoing randomized trials to better establish the optimal timing of DOAC initiation.

    DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.121.036695



  • Characteristics of Ischemic Versus Hemorrhagic Stroke in Patients Receiving Oral Anticoagulants: Results of the PASTA Study.

    Satoshi Suda, Arata Abe, Yasuyuki Iguchi, Yoshiki Yagita, Takao Kanzawa, Seiji Okubo, Nobuyuki Ohara, Takayuki Mizunari, Mineo Yamazaki, Nobuhito Nakajima, Kimito Kondo, Shigeru Fujimoto, Takeshi Inoue, Takeshi Iwanaga, Yuka Terasawa, Kensaku Shibazaki, Yu Kono, Makoto Nakajima, Masataka Nakajima, Masahiro Mishina, Koji Adachi, Ichiro Imafuku, Koichi Nomura, Takehiko Nagao, Hiroshi Yaguchi, Sadahisa Okamoto, Masato Osaki, Kazumi Kimura

    Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan)   61 ( 6 )   801 - 810   2022年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Objective Limited data exist regarding the comparative detailed clinical characteristics of patients with ischemic stroke (IS)/transient ischemic attack (TIA) and intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) receiving oral anticoagulants (OACs). Methods The prospective analysis of stroke patients taking oral anticoagulants (PASTA) registry, a multicenter registry of 1,043 stroke patients receiving OACs [vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) or non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulant (NOACs)] across 25 medical institutions throughout Japan, was used. Univariate and multivariable analyses were used to analyze differences in clinical characteristics between IS/TIA and ICH patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) who were registered in the PASTA registry. Results There was no significant differences in cardiovascular risk factors, such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, smoking, or alcohol consumption (all p>0.05), between IS/TIA and ICH among both NOAC and VKA users. Cerebral microbleeds (CMBs) [odds ratio (OR), 4.77; p<0.0001] were independently associated with ICH, and high brain natriuretic peptide/N-terminal pro B-type natriuretic peptide levels (OR, 1.89; p=0.0390) were independently associated with IS/TIA among NOAC users. A history of ICH (OR, 13.59; p=0.0279) and the high prothrombin time-international normalized ratio (PT-INR) (OR, 1.17; p<0.0001) were independently associated with ICH, and a history of IS/TIA (OR, 3.37; 95% CI, 1.34-8.49; p=0.0101) and high D-dimer levels (OR, 2.47; 95% CI, 1.05-5.82; p=0.0377) were independently associated with IS/TIA among VKA users. Conclusion The presence of CMBs, a history of stroke, natriuretic peptide and D-dimer levels, and PT-INR may be useful for risk stratification of either IS/TIA or ICH development in patients with AF receiving OACs.

    DOI: 10.2169/internalmedicine.8113-21



  • Tenecteplase versus alteplase for large vessel occlusion recanalization (T-FLAVOR): Trial protocol. 国際誌

    Hiroyuki Kawano, Teruyuki Hirano, Manabu Inoue, Mayumi Fukuda-Doi, Koji Iwasaki, Katsuhiro Omae, Kanta Tanaka, Haruko Yamamoto, Masatoshi Koga, Nobuyuki Sakai, Takehiko Nagao, Makoto Sasaki, Naoki Hayakawa, Kazunori Toyoda

    European stroke journal   7 ( 1 )   71 - 75   2022年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: Tenecteplase has higher fibrin specificity with a longer half-life and the potential to achieve higher rates of recanalization than alteplase. A critical limitation of tenecteplase is no commercial use in Japan and no experience with its administration to Japanese patients. HYPOTHESIS: Tenecteplase is superior to alteplase in achieving recanalization on the initial angiogram when administered ≤4.5-hour of stroke onset in patients planned for mechanical thrombectomy (MT) in Japan where alteplase at the unique dose of 0.6mg/kg is officially used. METHODS: The Tenecteplase versus alteplase For LArge Vessel Occlusion Recanalization (T-FLAVOR) trial is an investigator-initiated, phase II, multicenter, prospective, randomized, open-label, masked-endpoint, superiority study. Eligibility criteria include acute ischemic stroke with pre-stroke modified Rankin Scale score ≤3 and large vessel occlusion (internal carotid artery, middle cerebral artery, or basilar artery) eligible for intravenous thrombolysis ≤4.5-hour and MT ≤6-hour of stroke onset. After completing the safety confirmation phase involving three patients who received non-masked tenecteplase (0.25 mg/kg), 220 patients will be randomized to two groups (1:1), intravenous alteplase (0.6mg/kg, n = 110) or tenecteplase (0.25mg/kg, n = 110), prior to MT. OUTCOMES: In the safety confirmation phase, the primary outcome is symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (sICH) ≤24-36-hour. In the randomized, comparative phase, the primary efficacy outcome is substantial angiographic reperfusion (mTICI grade 2b/2c/3) or absence of retrievable thrombus on the initial angiogram. The primary safety outcome is sICH ≤24-36-hour and 90-day mortality. DISCUSSION: T-FLAVOR may help determine if tenecteplase should be recommended as a routine clinical strategy before MT for Japanese stroke patients. TRIAL REGISTRATION: jRCTs051210055.

    DOI: 10.1177/23969873211070455



  • Early initiation of rivaroxaban after reperfusion therapy for stroke patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. 国際誌

    Junpei Koge, Hiroshi Yamagami, Kazunori Toyoda, Masahiro Yasaka, Teruyuki Hirano, Toshimitsu Hamasaki, Takehiko Nagao, Shinichi Yoshimura, Masahito Fujishige, Akira Tempaku, Shinichiro Uchiyama, Etsuro Mori, Masatoshi Koga, Kazuo Minematsu

    PloS one   17 ( 4 )   e0264760   2022年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: The optimal timing of initiating oral anticoagulants after reperfusion therapy for ischemic stroke is unknown. Factors related to early initiation of rivaroxaban and differences in clinical outcomes of stroke patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF) who underwent reperfusion therapy was investigated. METHODS: From data of 1,333 NVAF patients with ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) in a prospective multicenter study, patients who started rivaroxaban after intravenous thrombolysis and/or mechanical thrombectomy were included. The clinical outcomes included the composite of ischemic events (recurrent ischemic stroke, TIA, or systemic embolism) and major bleeding at 3 months. RESULTS: Among the 424 patients, the median time from index stroke to starting rivaroxaban was 3.2 days. On multivariable logistic regression analysis, infarct size (odds ratio [OR], 0.99; 95%CI, 0.99-1.00) was inversely and successful reperfusion (OR, 2.13; 95%CI, 1.24-3.72) was positively associated with initiation of rivaroxaban within 72 hours. 205 patients were assigned to the early group (< 72 hours) and 219 patients (≥ 72 hours) to the late group. Multivariable Cox regression models showed comparable hazard ratios between the two groups at 3 months for ischemic events (hazard ratio [HR], 0.18; 95%CI, 0.03-1.32) and major bleeding (HR, 1.80; 95%CI, 0.24-13.54). CONCLUSIONS: Infarct size and results of reperfusion therapy were associated with the timing of starting rivaroxaban. There were no significant differences in the rates of ischemic events and major bleeding between patients after reperfusion therapy who started rivaroxaban < 72 hours and ≥ 72 hours after the index stroke. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: Unique identifier: NCT02129920; URL: https://www.clinicaltrials.gov.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0264760



  • ASPECTS-Region-Dependent Functional Outcomes after Endovascular Therapy in Patients with Cardioembolic Stroke. 国際誌

    Yoshiharu Oki, Fumihiro Sakakibara, Kazutaka Uchida, Hiroto Kageyama, Masahiro Yasaka, Kazunori Toyoda, Etsuro Mori, Teruyuki Hirano, Toshimitsu Hamasaki, Hiroshi Yamagami, Takehiko Nagao, Shinichiro Uchiyama, Kazuo Minematsu, Shinichi Yoshimura

    Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association   30 ( 7 )   105814 - 105814   2021年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    OBJECTIVES: Cardioembolic stroke has a poor prognosis. We evaluated the region-dependent efficacy of endovascular therapy (EVT) based on diffusion-weighted imaging-Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score (DWI-ASPECTS). METHODS: This post-hoc analysis of the RELAXED study, which investigated the optimal timing of rivaroxaban to prevent nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF) recurrence in patients with acute ischemic stroke (AIS), included NVAF patients admitted with AIS or transient ischemic attack in the middle cerebral artery (MCA), with internal carotid artery (ICA), M1, or M2-MCA occlusion. Relationships between DWI-ASPECTS region and functional outcome (modified Rankin Scale [mRS]), mortality, recurrence, and hemorrhagic stroke were compared between patients with and without EVT, and adjusted odds ratios for age, pre-stroke mRS, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS), ICA occlusion, infarct size, recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA) use, and onset-to-hospitalization time were estimated. RESULTS: EVT patients had significantly lower hemoglobin levels, higher median NIHSS scores, more lentiform nucleus infarcts, ICA or M1-MCA occlusions, treatment with rt-PA, and fewer M3, M5, or M6 infarcts and M2-MCA occlusions than no-EVT patients. EVT patients had shorter onset-to-hospitalization times and more frequent favorable functional outcomes (p=0.007). Mortality, recurrent ischemic stroke, and hemorrhagic infarction were similar in both groups. EVT was associated with significantly better functional outcomes among patients with insular ribbon (p=0.043) and M3 (p=0.0008) infarcts. M3 patients had significantly fewer rt-PA and EVT, and longer onset-to-hospitalization times. CONCLUSIONS: An occlusion in the insular ribbon or M3 region was associated with favorable functional outcomes in patients treated with EVT after cardioembolic stroke.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2021.105814



  • Blood Pressure Level and Variability During Long-Term Prasugrel or Clopidogrel Medication After Stroke: PRASTRO-I. 国際誌

    Kazunori Toyoda, Hiroshi Yamagami, Kazuo Kitagawa, Takanari Kitazono, Takehiko Nagao, Kazuo Minematsu, Shinichiro Uchiyama, Norio Tanahashi, Masayasu Matsumoto, Izumi Nagata, Masakatsu Nishikawa, Shinsuke Nanto, Toshiaki Shirai, Kenji Abe, Yasuo Ikeda, Akira Ogawa

    Stroke   52 ( 4 )   1234 - 1243   2021年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: High blood pressure increases bleeding risk during treatment with antithrombotic medication. The association between blood pressure levels and the risk of recurrent stroke during long-term secondary stroke prevention with thienopyridines (particularly prasugrel) has not been well studied. METHODS: This was a post hoc analysis of the randomized, double-blind, multicenter PRASTRO-I trial (Comparison of Prasugrel and Clopidogrel in Japanese Patients With Ischemic Stroke-I). Patients with noncardioembolic stroke were randomly assigned (1:1) to receive prasugrel 3.75 mg/day or clopidogrel 75 mg/day for 96 to 104 weeks. Risks of any ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke, combined ischemic events, and combined bleeding events were determined based on the mean level and visit-to-visit variability, including successive variation, of systolic blood pressure (SBP) throughout the observational period. These risks were also compared between quartiles of mean SBP level and successive variation of SBP. RESULTS: A total of 3747 patients (age 62.1±8.5 years, 797 women), with a median average SBP level during the observational period of 132.5 mm Hg, were studied. All the risks of any stroke (146 events; hazard ratio, 1.318 [95% CI, 1.094-1.583] per 10-mm Hg increase), ischemic stroke (133 events, 1.219 [1.010-1.466]), hemorrhagic stroke (13 events, 3.247 [1.660-6.296]), ischemic events (142 events, 1.219 [1.020-1.466]), and bleeding events (47 events, 1.629 [1.172-2.261]) correlated with increasing mean SBP overall. Similarly, an increased risk of these events correlated with increasing successive variation of SBP (hazard ratio, 3.078 [95% CI, 2.220-4.225] per 10-mm Hg increase; 3.051 [2.179-4.262]; 3.276 [1.172-9.092]; 2.865 [2.042-4.011]; 2.764 [1.524-5.016], respectively). Event rates did not differ between the clopidogrel and prasugrel groups within each quartile of SBP or successive variation of SBP. CONCLUSIONS: Both high mean SBP level and high visit-to-visit variability in SBP were significantly associated with the risk of recurrent stroke during long-term medication with either prasugrel or clopidogrel after stroke. Control of hypertension would be important regardless of the type of antiplatelet drugs. Registration: URL: https://www.clinicaltrials.jp; Unique identifier: JapicCTI-111582.

    DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.120.032824



  • Sex Differences in Management and Outcomes of Cardioembolic Stroke: Post HOC Analyses of the RELAXED Study. 国際誌

    Takashi Okada, Kazutaka Uchida, Fumihiro Sakakibara, Hiroto Kageyama, Masahiro Yasaka, Kazunori Toyoda, Etsuro Mori, Teruyuki Hirano, Toshimitsu Hamasaki, Hiroshi Yamagami, Takehiko Nagao, Shinichiro Uchiyama, Kazuo Minematsu, Shinichi Yoshimura

    Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association   30 ( 4 )   105613 - 105613   2021年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    INTRODUCTION: Experimental models have clearly demonstrated sex differences in the pathophysiology of stroke and prognosis, however clinical evidence remains elusive. In this study, we examined sex differences as a post hoc analysis of RELAXED (Recurrent Embolism Lessened by rivaroxaban, an anti-X agent, of Early Dosing for acute IS and TIA with atrial fibrillation) Study. METHODS: We stratified study participants by sex and compared baseline and clinical characteristics as well as clinical outcomes. The primary outcome measure was a good outcome defined as a modified Rankin Scale score of 0-2 at 90 days after stroke. Secondary outcomes were mortality at 90 days, intracranial hemorrhage within 90 days, and recurrence of stroke or transient ischemic attack within 90 days. We constructed a logistic regression model to estimate the adjusted odds ratio of female patients compared with male patients for the primary and secondary outcomes. RESULTS: Of 1303 patients, most were male (57.7%) with a mean age of 74.5 years. Female patients were older with a mean age of 80.6 ± 8.9 years and had significantly less frequent anticoagulation therapy before onset of stroke and more severe NIHSS scores. Good outcome was observed in 51.2% and 63.3% of the females and males (p < 0.0001). The adjusted odds ratio of a good outcome in females was 1.12 (95% confidence interval, 0.44-2.87) (p = 0.81). There were no sex differences in secondary outcomes. CONCLUSION: Adjusted regression analysis found no sex difference in the treatment outcomes at 90 days after stroke with non-valvular atrial fibrillation.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2021.105613



  • Efficacy and Safety of Prasugrel by Stroke Subtype: A Sub-Analysis of the PRASTRO-I Randomized Controlled Trial.

    Takanari Kitazono, Kazunori Toyoda, Kazuo Kitagawa, Takehiko Nagao, Hiroshi Yamagami, Shinichiro Uchiyama, Norio Tanahashi, Masayasu Matsumoto, Kazuo Minematsu, Izumi Nagata, Masakatsu Nishikawa, Shinsuke Nanto, Yasuo Ikeda, Toshiaki Shirai, Kenji Abe, Akira Ogawa

    Journal of atherosclerosis and thrombosis   28 ( 2 )   169 - 180   2021年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    AIMS: The efficacy of antiplatelet therapy may vary among different disease subtypes. Prasugrel is generally a more potent, consistent, and fast-acting platelet inhibitor than clopidogrel. This sub-analysis of the phase III comparison of PRAsugrel and clopidogrel in Japanese patients with ischemic STROke (PRASTRO-I) trial aimed to assess the differences in efficacy of these treatments for each stroke subtype. METHODS: In the PRASTRO-I trial, a total of 3,753 patients with ischemic stroke were recruited from 224 centers throughout Japan and randomized (1:1) to prasugrel (3.75 mg/day) or clopidogrel (75 mg/day) for 96 weeks. For the sub-analysis, strokes were classified as large-artery atherosclerosis, small-artery occlusion (lacunar), stroke of other etiology, and stroke of undetermined etiology. The cumulative incidence of primary events (ischemic stroke, myocardial infarction, and death from other vascular cause) and hazard ratios (HRs) were calculated for each subgroup. RESULTS: For patients with large-artery atherosclerosis, the primary event incidence was 3.8% in the prasugrel group and 4.8% in the clopidogrel group (HR 0.79; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.45-1.41). For patients with small-artery occlusion, the incidence was 3.3% in the prasugrel group and 3.9% in the clopidogrel group (HR 0.82; 95% CI 0.45-1.50). For patients with stroke of undetermined etiology, the incidence was 4.6% in the prasugrel group and 3.0% in the clopidogrel group (HR 1.56; 95% CI 0.90-2.72). The incidence of bleeding was similar across subtypes. CONCLUSIONS: Although statistical significance was not reached, the efficacy of prasugrel was potentially different between stroke subtypes, warranting further studies.

    DOI: 10.5551/jat.56093



  • Risk factors, etiology, and outcome of ischemic stroke in young adults: A Japanese multicenter prospective study. 国際誌

    Yu Kono, Yuka Terasawa, Kenichiro Sakai, Yasuyuki Iguchi, Yasuhiro Nishiyama, Chikako Nito, Satoshi Suda, Kazumi Kimura, Takao Kanzawa, Ichiro Imafuku, Takahiro Nakayama, Masayuki Ueda, Takeshi Iwanaga, Tomoyuki Kono, Kazuo Yamashiro, Ryota Tanaka, Seiji Okubo, Makoto Nakajima, Nobuhito Nakajima, Masahiro Mishina, Hiroshi Yaguchi, Hisayoshi Oka, Masahiko Suzuki, Masato Osaki, Nobuyuki Kaneko, Kazuo Kitagawa, Sadahisa Okamoto, Koichi Nomura, Mineo Yamazaki, Takehiko Nagao, Yoshitaka Murakami

    Journal of the neurological sciences   417   117068 - 117068   2020年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    PURPOSE: This study aimed to evaluate the risk factors, etiology, and outcomes of ischemic stroke (IS) in Japanese young adults. METHODS: This was a prospective multicenter study. We enrolled patients aged 16 to 55 years with IS within seven days of the onset of symptoms. We assessed the demographic data, risk factors, stroke etiology, and outcome at discharge. The clinical characteristics were compared between sexes and among age groups. RESULTS: We prospectively enrolled 519 patients (median age, 48 years: 139 females). The mean National Institute of Health Stroke Scale score was 3.6 ± 0.2. The most common risk factors were hypertension (HT) (55%), dyslipidemia (DL) (47%), and current smoking (42%). Body mass index, incidence of current smoking, and heavy alcohol consumption were higher in males. The prevalence of current smoking, HT, DL, and diabetes mellitus increased with aging. The most common etiologic subgroup of IS was small vessel disease (145/510, 28%). Intracranial arterial dissection (IAD) was the most common among the other determined causes (56/115, 49%). The outcome at discharge was relatively good (mRS 0-1, 71.7%); however, poor outcome (mRS ≥ 4) was observed at an incidence of 9.5%. CONCLUSIONS: Most young adults with IS had modifiable risk factors, of which prevalence increased with age. This emphasizes lifestyle improvement to prevent IS in the young population. Furthermore, we indicated that the incidence rate of IAD was high among the other determined causes.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jns.2020.117068



  • Multicenter Prospective Analysis of Stroke Patients Taking Oral Anticoagulants: The PASTA Registry - Study Design and Characteristics. 国際誌

    Satoshi Suda, Yasuyuki Iguchi, Shigeru Fujimoto, Yoshiki Yagita, Yu Kono, Masayuki Ueda, Kenichi Todo, Tomoyuki Kono, Takayuki Mizunari, Mineo Yamazaki, Takao Kanzawa, Seiji Okubo, Kimito Kondo, Nobuhito Nakajima, Takeshi Inoue, Takeshi Iwanaga, Makoto Nakajima, Ichiro Imafuku, Kensaku Shibazaki, Masahiro Mishina, Koji Adachi, Koichi Nomura, Masataka Nakajima, Hiroshi Yaguchi, Sadahisa Okamoto, Masato Osaki, Yuka Terasawa, Takehiko Nagao, Kazumi Kimura

    Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association   28 ( 12 )   104456 - 104456   2019年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    OBJECTIVES: The management of atrial fibrillation and deep venous thrombosis has evolved with the development of direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC), and oral anticoagulant (OAC) might influence the development or clinical course in both ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. However, detailed data on the differences between the effects of the prior prescription of warfarin and DOAC on the clinical characteristics, neuroradiologic findings, and outcome of stroke are limited. DESIGN: The prospective analysis of stroke patients taking anticoagulants (PASTA) registry study is an observational, multicenter, prospective registry of stroke (ischemic stroke, transient ischemic attack, and intracerebral hemorrhage) patients receiving OAC in Japan. This study is designed to collect data on clinical background characteristics, drug adherence, drug dosage, neurological severity at admission and discharge, infarct or hematoma size, acute therapy including recanalization therapy or reverse drug therapy, and timing of OAC re-initiation. Patient enrollment started in April 2016 and the target patient number is 1000 patients. CONCLUSIONS: The PASTA prospective registry should identify the status of stroke patients taking OAC in the current clinical practice in Japan.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2019.104456



  • Comparison of prasugrel and clopidogrel in patients with non-cardioembolic ischaemic stroke: a phase 3, randomised, non-inferiority trial (PRASTRO-I). 国際誌

    Akira Ogawa, Kazunori Toyoda, Kazuo Kitagawa, Takanari Kitazono, Takehiko Nagao, Hiroshi Yamagami, Shinichiro Uchiyama, Norio Tanahashi, Masayasu Matsumoto, Kazuo Minematsu, Izumi Nagata, Masakatsu Nishikawa, Shinsuke Nanto, Kenji Abe, Yasuo Ikeda

    The Lancet. Neurology   18 ( 3 )   238 - 247   2019年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: The effect of prasugrel in terms of the prevention of recurrence of ischaemic stroke is unknown. We investigated the non-inferiority of prasugrel to clopidogrel for prevention of ischaemic stroke, myocardial infarction, and death from other vascular causes in Japanese patients with non-cardioembolic stroke. METHODS: In this phase 3 randomised, double-blind, non-inferiority trial, patients aged 20-74 years who had had a non-cardioembolic stroke in the previous 1-26 weeks were recruited from 224 hospitals in Japan. Eligible patients were randomly assigned (1:1) to receive prasugrel (3·75 mg/day) or clopidogrel (75 mg/day) orally for 96-104 weeks. Randomisation was stratified according to stroke subtype. The randomisation schedule was generated by an independent statistician who created a computer-generated random number sequence. Patients, investigators, and the funder were masked to treatment allocation. The primary endpoint was combined incidence of ischaemic stroke (fatal and non-fatal), myocardial infarction (fatal and non-fatal), and death from other vascular causes in the intention-to-treat population. The safety endpoint was incidence of bleeding events, comprising life-threatening bleeding, major bleeding, and clinically relevant bleeding. The safety analysis was done in the population excluding trial patients with serious Good Clinical Practice violations, and those who had not taken the trial drug. The predefined non-inferiority margin was an upper 95% CI limit for the risk ratio (RR) of 1·35. The trial was registered with the Japan Pharmaceutical Information Center (JapicCTI-111582). FINDINGS: Patients were recruited between Sept 1, 2011, and June 12, 2015. 3747 patients (797 [21%] women) were enrolled, with a mean age of 62·1 (SD 8·5) years. 3753 patients were randomly assigned to treatment and, of these patients, 1885 in the prasugrel group and 1862 in the clopidogrel group were confirmed to have taken the trial drug at least once, and six patients withdrew from the trial before administration of the trial drug. Thus, a total of 3747 patients were included in the full analysis set. 73 (4%) of 1885 patients in the prasugrel group and 69 (4%) of 1862 patients in the clopidogrel group reached the primary endpoint (RR 1·05, 95% CI 0·76-1·44). The incidence of bleeding events was not significantly different between treatment groups; life-threatening bleeding was observed in 18 (1%) patients in the prasugrel group and 23 (1%) patients in the clopidogrel group (RR 0·77, 0·41-1·42). INTERPRETATION: The non-inferiority of prasugrel to clopidogrel for the prevention of ischaemic stroke, myocardial infarction, and death from other vascular causes was not confirmed in Japanese patients with non-cardioembolic stroke. No safety concerns were identified. FUNDING: Daiichi Sankyo.

    DOI: 10.1016/S1474-4422(18)30449-6



  • Rivaroxaban administration after acute ischemic stroke: The RELAXED study. 国際誌

    Masahiro Yasaka, Kazuo Minematsu, Kazunori Toyoda, Etsuro Mori, Teruyuki Hirano, Toshimitsu Hamasaki, Hiroshi Yamagami, Takehiko Nagao, Shinichi Yoshimura, Shinichiro Uchiyama

    PloS one   14 ( 2 )   e0212354   2019年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    The efficacy of early anticoagulation in acute stroke with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF) remains unclear. We performed a study to evaluate the risk of recurrent ischemic stroke (IS) and major bleeding in acute IS patients with NVAF who started rivaroxaban. This observational study evaluated patients with NVAF and acute IS/transient ischemic attack (TIA) in the middle cerebral arterial territory who started rivaroxaban within 30 days after the index IS/TIA. The primary endpoints were recurrent IS and major bleeding within 90 days after the index IS/TIA. The relationship between the endpoints and the time to start rivaroxaban was evaluated by correlation analysis using cerebral infarct volume, determined by diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance images within 48 hours of onset of the index IS/TIA. Of 1309 patients analyzed, recurrent IS occurred in 30 (2.3%) and major bleeding in 11 (0.8%) patients. Among patients with known infarct size (N = 1207), those with small (<4.0 cm3), medium (≥4.0 and <22.5 cm3), and large (≥22.5 cm3) infarcts started rivaroxaban a median of 2.9, 2.9, and 5.8 days, respectively, after the index IS/TIA. Recurrent IS was significantly less frequent when starting rivaroxaban ≤14 days versus ≥15 days after IS (2.0% versus 6.8%, P = 0.0034). Incidences of recurrent IS and major bleeding in whom rivaroxaban was started <3 days (N = 584) after IS were also low: 1.5% and 0.7%, respectively. Initiation of rivaroxaban administration in acute IS or TIA was associated with a low recurrence of IS (2.3%), and a low incidence of major bleeding events (0.8%) for 90 days after the index stroke. For the prevention of recurrent attacks in acute IS patients with NVAF, it is feasible to start the administration of rivaroxaban within 14 days of onset. Rivaroxaban started within 3 days of onset may be a feasible treatment option for patients with a small or medium-sized infarction.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0212354



  • High-Dose Versus Low-Dose Pitavastatin in Japanese Patients With Stable Coronary Artery Disease (REAL-CAD): A Randomized Superiority Trial. 国際誌

    Isao Taguchi, Satoshi Iimuro, Hiroshi Iwata, Hiroaki Takashima, Mitsuru Abe, Eisuke Amiya, Takanori Ogawa, Yukio Ozaki, Ichiro Sakuma, Yoshihisa Nakagawa, Kiyoshi Hibi, Takafumi Hiro, Yoshihiro Fukumoto, Seiji Hokimoto, Katsumi Miyauchi, Tsutomu Yamazaki, Hiroshi Ito, Yutaka Otsuji, Kazuo Kimura, Jun Takahashi, Atsushi Hirayama, Hiroyoshi Yokoi, Kazuo Kitagawa, Takao Urabe, Yasushi Okada, Yasuo Terayama, Kazunori Toyoda, Takehiko Nagao, Masayasu Matsumoto, Yasuo Ohashi, Tetsuji Kaneko, Retsu Fujita, Hiroshi Ohtsu, Hisao Ogawa, Hiroyuki Daida, Hiroaki Shimokawa, Yasushi Saito, Takeshi Kimura, Teruo Inoue, Masunori Matsuzaki, Ryozo Nagai

    Circulation   137 ( 19 )   1997 - 2009   2018年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: Current guidelines call for high-intensity statin therapy in patients with cardiovascular disease on the basis of several previous "more versus less statins" trials. However, no clear evidence for more versus less statins has been established in an Asian population. METHODS: In this prospective, multicenter, randomized, open-label, blinded end point study, 13 054 Japanese patients with stable coronary artery disease who achieved low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) <120 mg/dL during a run-in period (pitavastatin 1 mg/d) were randomized in a 1-to-1 fashion to high-dose (pitavastatin 4 mg/d; n=6526) or low-dose (pitavastatin 1 mg/d; n=6528) statin therapy. The primary end point was a composite of cardiovascular death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal ischemic stroke, or unstable angina requiring emergency hospitalization. The secondary composite end point was a composite of the primary end point and clinically indicated coronary revascularization excluding target-lesion revascularization at sites of prior percutaneous coronary intervention. RESULTS: The mean age of the study population was 68 years, and 83% were male. The mean LDL-C level before enrollment was 93 mg/dL with 91% of patients taking statins. The baseline LDL-C level after the run-in period on pitavastatin 1 mg/d was 87.7 and 88.1 mg/dL in the high-dose and low-dose groups, respectively. During the entire course of follow-up, LDL-C in the high-dose group was lower by 14.7 mg/dL than in the low-dose group (P<0.001). With a median follow-up of 3.9 years, high-dose as compared with low-dose pitavastatin significantly reduced the risk of the primary end point (266 patients [4.3%] and 334 patients [5.4%]; hazard ratio, 0.81; 95% confidence interval, 0.69-0.95; P=0.01) and the risk of the secondary composite end point (489 patients [7.9%] and 600 patients [9.7%]; hazard ratio, 0.83; 95% confidence interval, 0.73-0.93; P=0.002). High-dose pitavastatin also significantly reduced the risks of several other secondary end points such as all-cause death, myocardial infarction, and clinically indicated coronary revascularization. The results for the primary and the secondary composite end points were consistent across several prespecified subgroups, including the low (<95 mg/dL) baseline LDL-C subgroup. Serious adverse event rates were low in both groups. CONCLUSIONS: High-dose (4 mg/d) compared with low-dose (1 mg/d) pitavastatin therapy significantly reduced cardiovascular events in Japanese patients with stable coronary artery disease. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: URL: https://www.clinicaltrials.gov. Unique identifier: NCT01042730.

    DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.117.032615



  • A noninferiority confirmatory trial of prasugrel versus clopidogrel in Japanese patients with non-cardioembolic stroke: rationale and study design for a randomized controlled trial - PRASTRO-I trial. 国際誌

    Takehiko Nagao, Kazunori Toyoda, Kazuo Kitagawa, Takanari Kitazono, Hiroshi Yamagami, Shinichiro Uchiyama, Norio Tanahashi, Masayasu Matsumoto, Kazuo Minematsu, Izumi Nagata, Masakatsu Nishikawa, Shinsuke Nanto, Kenji Abe, Yasuo Ikeda, Akira Ogawa

    Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy   19 ( 6 )   529 - 535   2018年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: This comparison of PRAsugrel and clopidogrel in Japanese patients with ischemic STROke (PRASTRO)-I trial investigates the noninferiority of prasugrel to clopidogrel sulfate in the prevention of recurrence of primary events (ischemic stroke, myocardial infarction, and death from other vascular causes), and the long-term safety of prasugrel in Japanese patients with non-cardioembolic stroke. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: This was an active-controlled, randomized, double-blind, double-dummy, parallel-group study conducted between July 2011 and March 2016 at multiple centers around Japan. Patients had to meet eligibility criteria before receiving 3.75 mg prasugrel or 75 mg clopidogrel orally once daily for a period of 96-104 weeks. RESULTS: A total of 3747 patients were included in this trial; 1598 in the 3.75 mg prasugrel group and 1551 in the 75 mg clopidogrel group completed the study. During the study period, 287 (15.2%) patients in the prasugrel group and 311 (16.7%) in the clopidogrel group discontinued treatment. Baseline characteristics, safety, and efficacy results are forthcoming and will be published separately. CONCLUSIONS: This article presents the study design and rationale for a trial investigating the noninferiority of prasugrel to clopidogrel sulfate with regards to the inhibitory effect on primary events in patients with non-cardioembolic stroke.

    DOI: 10.1080/14656566.2018.1444029



  • Novel Therapeutic Target of Anticoagulation Therapy in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation - Cognitive Decline and Dementia.

    Eitaro Kodani, Takehiko Nagao

    Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society   82 ( 3 )   644 - 645   2018年2月


  • Low risk of ICH after reperfusion therapy in acute stroke patients treated with direct oral anti-coagulant. 国際誌

    Kentaro Suzuki, Junya Aoki, Yuki Sakamoto, Arata Abe, Satoshi Suda, Seiji Okubo, Takehiko Nagao, Kazumi Kimura

    Journal of the neurological sciences   379   207 - 211   2017年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: The safety of intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) and endovascular therapy (EVT) in patients treated with DOAC is unclear. We investigated whether recanalization therapy in patients treated with DOAC is safe. METHODS: A nationwide, multicenter, retrospective cohort questionnaire survey was conducted to investigate the: (1) frequency of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) after recanalization therapy in patients treated with DOAC; (2) independent factors related to ICH; (3) relationship between last intake time of DOAC and ICH; and (4) comparison of ICH frequency between patients treated with DOAC, vitamin K antagonist (VKA), and no-anticoagulation (no-ACT) (control). RESULTS: One hundred eighteen stroke centers returned the questionnaire and 100 patients (56 IVT alone, 29 EVT alone, and 15 both IVT and EVT) on DOAC were registered. The frequency of asymptomatic and symptomatic (≥4-point NIHSS score increase) ICH within 24h in DOAC patients were 18% and 2%, and were not different compared with the VKA and no-ACT groups (p=0.728; and p=0.626). On multivariate analysis, systolic blood pressure (OR, 1.04; p<0.001) and blood glucose (OR, 1.02; p=0.019) were independent factors for ICH. Among the 52 patients with a known last intake time of DOAC, the rate of ICH was higher in patients ≤4h from last intake than those >4h (38% vs. 10%, p=0.033). CONCLUSIONS: Risk of ICH after reperfusion therapy in patients treated with DOAC should be low. Systolic blood pressure, glucose level, and DOAC intake time appear to be factors for ICH.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jns.2017.06.004



  • Design and Rationale of the RELAXED (Recurrent Embolism Lessened by rivaroxaban, an Anti-Xa agent, of Early Dosing for acute ischemic stroke and transient ischemic attack with atrial fibrillation) Study. 国際誌

    Masahiro Yasaka, Kazuo Minematsu, Kazunori Toyoda, Hiroshi Yamagami, Shinichi Yoshimura, Takehiko Nagao, Etsuro Mori, Teruyuki Hirano, Toshimitsu Hamasaki, Takenori Yamaguchi

    Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association   25 ( 6 )   1342 - 8   2016年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: In the acute phase of cardioembolic stroke in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF), the recurrence rate is high. Nonvitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants may be appropriate for prevention of early recurrence because they have a much lower risk of hemorrhagic stroke than warfarin. METHODS: RELAXED (Recurrent Embolism Lessened by rivaroxaban, an Anti-Xa agent, of Early Dosing for acute ischemic stroke and transient ischemic attack with atrial fibrillation) study is an observational study designed to investigate the optimal timing to start administration of rivaroxaban for prevention of recurrence in NVAF patients in the acute phase of cardioembolic stroke (ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT02129920 and UMIN-clinical trials registry: UMIN000013932). It will evaluate the efficacy and safety of rivaroxaban with regard to infarct size, timing of initiation of rivaroxaban medication, and other patient characteristics. A total of 2000 consecutive patients with acute ischemic stroke in the territory of the middle cerebral artery and NVAF will be enrolled in 100 institutes throughout Japan, and they will receive rivaroxaban within 30 days of the index stroke for secondary prevention of stroke. The infarct size within 48 hours after stroke onset will be measured by diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. The primary efficacy endpoint is recurrent ischemic stroke, and the primary safety endpoint is major bleeding during the observational period of 3 months after stroke onset. The optimal timing to start treatment with rivaroxaban during the acute stage of ischemic stroke will be determined by analysis of the correlation between primary endpoints and the size of cerebral infarct. CONCLUSIONS: The RELAXED observational registry study will elucidate the optimal timing of the initiation of rivaroxaban in acute cardioembolic stroke associated with NVAF.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2016.01.035


