Updated on 2025/02/14


Kurihara Osamu
Chibahokusoh Hospital, Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Clinical Assistant Professor
Clinical Assistant Professor
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Research Areas

  • Life Science / Cardiology


  • Nippon Medical School

    2001.4 - 2007.3

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Research History

  • Nippon Medical School Chiba Hokusoh Hospital: Nihon Ika Daigaku Chiba Hokuso Byoin


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  • Nippon Medical School

    2020.5 - 2024.9

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  • ハーバード大学マサチューセッツ総合病院

    2018.6 - 2020.4

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    Country:United States


  • 日本医科大学千葉北総病院

    2007.4 - 2018.5

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  • Relation of Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Level to Plaque Rupture. Reviewed International journal

    Osamu Kurihara, Hyung Oh Kim, Michele Russo, Makoto Araki, Akihiro Nakajima, Hang Lee, Masamichi Takano, Kyoichi Mizuno, Ik-Kyung Jang

    The American journal of cardiology   2020.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Statin therapy reduces low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), inflammation, and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. We investigated the association between LDL-C and statin therapy on the prevalence of plaque rupture (PR). Patients with acute coronary syndromes who underwent optical coherence tomography imaging of the culprit lesion were divided into 4 groups based on LDL-C level and statin use (Group 1: LDL-C ≤ 100 without statin; Group 2; LDL-C ≤ 100 with statin; Group 3: LDL-C > 100 with statin; Group 4: LDL-C > 100 without statin), and the prevalence of PR was compared between the groups. Among 896 patients, PR was diagnosed in 444 (49.6%) patients. The prevalence of PR was significantly different among the 4 groups (p = 0.007): it was highest in the high LDL-C without statin group and lowest in the low LDL-C without statin group (53.9% and 39.2%, respectively). Compared with the high LDL-C without statin group, the low LDL-C without statin and low LDL-C with statin groups had a significantly lower prevalence of PR (p = 0.001, p = 0.040, respectively), and the low LDL-C with statin group had a significantly higher prevalence of calcification (p = 0.037). The patients with naturally low LDL-C have the lowest risk of PR. The patients with low LDL-C achieved by statin therapy had a higher prevalence of calcification. When LDL-C level is elevated, early and aggressive treatment with statin may help to prevent PR by stabilizing plaques through calcification.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2020.08.016



  • Seasonal Variations in the Pathogenesis of Acute Coronary Syndromes. Reviewed International journal

    Osamu Kurihara, Masamichi Takano, Erika Yamamoto, Taishi Yonetsu, Tsunekazu Kakuta, Tsunenari Soeda, Bryan P Yan, Filippo Crea, Takumi Higuma, Shigeki Kimura, Yoshiyasu Minami, Tom Adriaenssens, Niklas F Boeder, Holger M Nef, Chong Jin Kim, Vikas Thondapu, Hyung Oh Kim, Michele Russo, Tomoyo Sugiyama, Francesco Fracassi, Hang Lee, Kyoichi Mizuno, Ik-Kyung Jang

    Journal of the American Heart Association   9 ( 13 )   e015579   2020.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Background Seasonal variations in acute coronary syndromes (ACS) have been reported, with incidence and mortality peaking in the winter. However, the underlying pathophysiology for these variations remain speculative. Methods and Results Patients with ACS who underwent optical coherence tomography were recruited from 6 countries. The prevalence of the 3 most common pathologies (plaque rupture, plaque erosion, and calcified plaque) were compared between the 4 seasons. In 1113 patients with ACS (885 male; mean age, 65.8±11.6 years), the rates of plaque rupture, plaque erosion, and calcified plaque were 50%, 39%, and 11% in spring; 44%, 43%, and 13% in summer; 49%, 39%, and 12% in autumn; and 57%, 30%, and 13% in winter (P=0.039). After adjusting for age, sex, and other coronary risk factors, winter was significantly associated with increased risk of plaque rupture (odds ratio [OR], 1.652; 95% CI, 1.157-2.359; P=0.006) and decreased risk of plaque erosion (OR, 0.623; 95% CI, 0.429-0.905; P=0.013), compared with summer as a reference. Among patients with rupture, the prevalence of hypertension was significantly higher in winter (P=0.010), whereas no significant difference was observed in the other 2 groups. Conclusions Seasonal variations in the incidence of ACS reflect differences in the underlying pathobiology. The proportion of plaque rupture is highest in winter, whereas that of plaque erosion is highest in summer. A different approach may be needed for the prevention and treatment of ACS depending on the season of its occurrence. Registration URL: https://www.clini​caltr​ials.gov. Unique identifier: NCT03479723.

    DOI: 10.1161/JAHA.119.015579



  • Postprandial Hyperchylomicronemia and Thin-Cap Fibroatheroma in Nonculprit Lesions. Reviewed International journal

    Osamu Kurihara, Fumitaka Okajima, Masamichi Takano, Katsuhito Kato, Ryo Munakata, Daisuke Murakami, Yasushi Miyauchi, Naoya Emoto, Hitoshi Sugihara, Yoshihiko Seino, Wataru Shimizu

    Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology   38 ( 8 )   1940 - 1947   2018.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Objective- Although postprandial hypertriglyceridemia can be a risk factor for coronary artery disease, the extent of its significance remains unknown. This study aimed to investigate the correlation between the postprandial lipid profiles rigorously estimated with the meal tolerance test and the presence of lipid-rich plaque, such as thin-cap fibroatheroma (TCFA), in the nonculprit lesion. Approach and Results- A total of 30 patients with stable coronary artery disease who underwent a multivessel examination using optical coherence tomography during catheter intervention for the culprit lesion were enrolled. Patients were divided into 2 groups: patients with TCFA (fibrous cap thickness ≤65 µm) in the nonculprit lesion and those without TCFA. Serum remnant-like particle-cholesterol and ApoB-48 (apolipoprotein B-48) levels were measured during the meal tolerance test. The value of remnant-like particle-cholesterol was significantly greater in the TCFA group than in the non-TCFA group ( P=0.045). Although the baseline ApoB-48 level was similar, the increase in the ApoB-48 level was significantly higher in the TCFA group than in the non-TCFA group ( P=0.028). In addition, the baseline apolipoprotein C-III levels was significantly greater in the TCFA group ( P=0.003). These indexes were independent predictors of the presence of TCFA (ΔApoB-48: odds ratio, 1.608; 95% confidence interval, 1.040-2.486; P=0.032; apolipoprotein C-III: odds ratio, 2.581; 95% confidence interval, 1.177-5.661; P=0.018). Conclusions- Postprandial hyperchylomicronemia correlates with the presence of TCFA in the nonculprit lesion and may be a residual risk factor for coronary artery disease.

    DOI: 10.1161/ATVBAHA.118.311245



  • Impact of Diabetic Retinopathy on Vulnerability of Atherosclerotic Coronary Plaque and Incidence of Acute Coronary Syndrome. Reviewed International journal

    Osamu Kurihara, Masamichi Takano, Kyoichi Mizuno, Yusaku Shibata, Masato Matsushita, Hidenori Komiyama, Masanori Yamamoto, Katsuhito Kato, Ryo Munakata, Daisuke Murakami, Kentaro Okamatsu, Noritake Hata, Yoshihiko Seino, Wataru Shimizu

    The American journal of cardiology   118 ( 7 )   944 - 9   2016.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Although an association has been reported between the microvascular complications of diabetic patients and their poor prognosis after cardiovascular events related to advanced atherosclerosis, it is not clear whether there is a relation between diabetic retinopathy (DR) and the severity of plaque vulnerability. Fifty-seven diabetic patients with coronary artery disease, classified as non-DR (n = 42) or DR (n = 15), underwent angioscopic observation of at least 1 entire coronary artery. The number of yellow plaques (NYP) through the observed coronary artery was counted and their color grades, defined as 1 (light yellow), 2 (yellow), or 3 (intense yellow), were evaluated. The NYP per vessel and the maximum yellow grade were determined. The association between the presence of DR and incidences of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) was analyzed during the follow-up period (mean 7.1 ± 3.3 years; range, 0.83 to 11.75 years). Mean NYP per vessel and maximum yellow grade were significantly greater in DR than in non-DR patients (2.08 ± 1.01 vs 1.26 ± 0.77, p = 0.002, and 2.40 ± 0.74 vs 1.90 ± 0.82, p = 0.044, respectively). The cumulative incidences of ACS were higher in the DR group (p = 0.004), and the age-adjusted hazard ratio for ACS was 6.943 (95% CI 1.267 to 38.054; p = 0.026) for DR compared with non-DR patients. Our findings indicate that coronary atherosclerosis and plaque vulnerability are more severe in patients with DR. DR as a microvascular complication may be directly linked with macrovascular plaque vulnerability and fatal cardiovascular events such as ACS.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2016.06.060



  • Coronary atherosclerosis and risk of acute coronary syndromes in chronic kidney disease using angioscopy and the kidney disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) classification. Reviewed International journal

    Osamu Kurihara, Kentaro Okamatsu, Kyoichi Mizuno, Masamichi Takano, Masanori Yamamoto, Nobuaki Kobayashi, Ryo Munakata, Daisuke Murakami, Shigenobu Inami, Takayoshi Ohba, Noritake Hata, Yoshihiko Seino, Wataru Shimizu

    Atherosclerosis   243 ( 2 )   567 - 72   2015.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    OBJECTIVE: This 8-year follow-up cohort study evaluated and compared the degree of coronary atherosclerosis in chronic kidney disease (CKD) according to the Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) classification using multivessel angioscopy and investigated the impact of the vulnerability of coronary arteries on the relationship between the classification and risk of acute coronary syndromes (ACS). METHODS: We studied 89 coronary artery disease patients who underwent angioscopic observation of multiple coronary arteries. The patients were divided into 3 groups: Risk 0, 1, and 2 were equivalent to low risk, moderately high risk, and high and severely high risk, respectively. We examined the frequencies of complex and yellow plaques. Furthermore, we followed all patients for de novo ACS, dividing into two groups according to the existence of vulnerable coronary atherosclerosis (VCA) based on angioscopic findings. RESULTS: The number of yellow plaques per vessel, maximum yellow grade, number of complex plaques per vessel, and cumulative incidence of ACS in all patients were significantly associated with Risk grade progression (p < 0.05 for trend). Among the patients with VCA, Risk 2 had a higher incidence of ACS than Risk0 (p < 0.014) and Risk 1 (p < 0.007), whereas Risk 0 and Risk 1 had similar outcomes. Among the patients without VCA, no de novo ACS events were seen regardless of the Risk group. CONCLUSIONS: Coronary atherosclerosis progressed in the early stages of CKD, and once it reached to a vulnerable stage, advanced CKD patients had a synergistically increased risk of ACS.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2015.10.094



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  • TG・レムナントを識る/高トリグリセライド血症・高レムナント血症の臨床における新しい展開 食後遅延高カイロミクロン血症と冠動脈疾患

    岡島 史宜, 栗原 理, 高野 雅充, 江本 直也, 杉原 仁

    日本動脈硬化学会総会プログラム・抄録集   50回   159 - 159   2018.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本動脈硬化学会  



  • 三越海外留学渡航費助成

    2018   公益財団法人 三越厚生事業団  

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  • 褒賞内田賞

    2017.10   日本心臓血管内視鏡学会  

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  • 循環医学分野 海外留学助成金

    2017   公益財団法人 先進医薬研究振興財団  

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  • 研究助成金

    2014.4   公益財団法人石橋由紀子記念基金  

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Research Projects

  • Linkage analysis of novel biomarkers for the construction of preventive and therapeutic strategies in cardiovascular diseases

    Grant number:24591077  2012.4 - 2015.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    SEINO Yoshihiko, TAKANO Masamichi, KOBAYASHI Nobuaki, INAMI Toru, KURIHARA Osamu, KITAMURA Mitsunobu, OTSUKA Toshiaki

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    Grant amount:\5200000 ( Direct Cost: \4000000 、 Indirect Cost:\1200000 )

    To construct preventive and therapeutic strategy in cardiovascular diseases, we have applied linkage analyses in novel cardiovascular biomarkers in stage A or B and C patients. Even in patients with stable coronary artery disease, severity of SAS (AHI) significantly correlated with elevation of Hs-TnT, BNP, and sLOX-1 (detection of minor myocardial injury : MMI and silent vulnerable plaque). Elevation of sLOX-1 was characterized by ruptured thin-cap fibroatheroma. Strong statin therapy lowered Hs-TnT (deterrent of MMI) and attenuated periprocedural myocardial injury following PCI. Concerning the MMI in chronic heart failure, we revealed cross-talk between MMI and serum cholesterol levels and production of monocyte pro-inflammatory cytokines. It is important to select and set the high-precision surrogate biomarkers according to the heart failure stages and construct the comprehensive therapeutic strategies.
