Updated on 2024/08/19


Nishigoori Suguru
Chibahokusoh Hospital, Intensive Care Unit, Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
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  • Ten-year trends in non-surgical patients requiring intensive care: Long-term prognostic differences by year of admission. International journal

    Shota Shigihara, Akihiro Shirakabe, Masato Matsushita, Suguru Nishigoori, Tomofumi Sawatani, Kenichi Tani, Kazutaka Kiuchi, Riku Toguchi, Shohei Kawakami, Yu Michiura, Mana Sawahata, Nobuaki Kobayashi, Kuniya Asai

    Journal of cardiology   2024.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: The aim of the present study is to elucidate prognostic impact of temporal trends of non-surgical patients requiring intensive care over a 10-year period. METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 4276 non-surgical patients requiring intensive care from 2012 to 2021 were enrolled. Patients' backgrounds, in-hospital management, and prognoses were compared between five groups [2012-2013 (n = 825), 2014-2015 (n = 784), 2016-2017 (n = 864), 2018-2019 (n = 939), and 2020-2021 (n = 867)]. During the study period, mean age significantly increased from 69 years in 2012-2013 to 72 years in 2020-2021. Mean Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation scores significantly increased from 10 points in 2012-2013 to 12 points in 2020-2021. The median duration of intensive care unit stays increased from 3 to 4 days. Kaplan-Meier survival curve analysis showed that survival rates during 30- and 365-days were significantly lower in 2020-2021 than in 2012-2013, but it was not significantly different by a Cox proportional hazards regression model in 30 days. A Cox proportional hazards regression model revealed that the risks of 365-day all-cause death were significantly higher in patients enrolled in 2016-2017 (HR: 1.324, 95 % CI: 1.042-1.680, p = 0.021), in 2018-2019 (HR: 1.329, 95 % CI: 1.044-1.691, p = 0.021), and in 2020-2021 (HR: 1.409, 95 % CI: 1.115-1.779, p = 0.004). CONCLUSION: The condition of patients requiring intensive care is becoming more critical year by year, leading to poorer long-term prognoses despite improvements in treatment strategies. These findings emphasize the importance of additional care management after admission into non-surgical intensive care units, particularly for the aging society of Japan.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jjcc.2024.06.003



  • Clinical Significance of the Triglyceride-Glucose Index in Patients Requiring Nonsurgical Intensive Care.

    Suguru Nishigoori, Akihiro Shirakabe, Hirotake Okazaki, Masato Matsushita, Yusaku Shibata, Shota Shigihara, Tomofumi Sawatani, Kenichi Tani, Kazutaka Kiuchi, Nobuaki Kobayashi, Kuniya Asai

    International heart journal   65 ( 2 )   180 - 189   2024

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The evaluation of triglyceride-glucose (TyG) index has not been sufficient in patients requiring nonsurgical intensive care.A total of 3,906 patients who required intensive care were enrolled. We computed the TyG index using the value on admission by the following formula: ln [triglyceride (mg/dL) × glucose (mg/dL) /2]. Patients were divided into three groups according to the TyG index quartiles: low (quartile 1 [Q1]; TyG index ≤ 8.493, n = 977), middle (Q2/Q3; 8.494 ≤ TyG index ≤ 9.536, n = 1,953), and high (Q4; TyG index > 9.537, n = 976). The median (interquartile range) TyG index was 9.00 (8.50-9.54); acute coronary syndrome (ACS) had the highest TyG index among all etiologies at 9.12 (8.60-9.68). A multivariate logistic regression model showed that ACS (odds ratio [OR], 2.133; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.783-2.552) were independently correlated with high TyG index. A Cox proportional hazards regression model revealed that, in ACS, the Q2/Q3 and Q4 groups were independent predictors of 30-day all-cause mortality (hazard ratio [HR], 1.778; 95% CI, 1.014-3.118; HR, 2.986; 95% CI, 1.680-5.308; respectively) and that in acute heart failure [AHF], the Q4 group was a converse independent predictor of 30-day all-cause mortality (HR, 0.488; 95% CI, 0.241-0.988).High TyG index was linked to ACS and negative outcomes in the ACS group; in contrast, low TyG index was associated with adverse outcomes in the AHF group.

    DOI: 10.1536/ihj.23-409



  • Late Kidney Injury After Admission to Intensive Care Unit for Acute Heart Failure.

    Masaki Morooka, Akihiro Shirakabe, Hirotake Okazaki, Masato Matsushita, Shota Shigihara, Suguru Nishigoori, Tomofumi Sawatani, Kenichi Tani, Kazutaka Kiuchi, Shohei Kawakami, Yu Michiura, Shogo Kamitani, Nobuaki Kobayashi, Kuniya Asai

    International heart journal   65 ( 3 )   433 - 443   2024

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Late kidney injury (LKI) in patients with acute heart failure (AHF) requiring intensive care is poorly understood.We analyzed 821 patients with AHF who required intensive care. We defined LKI based on the ratio of the creatinine level 1 year after admission for AHF to the baseline creatinine level. The patients were categorized into 4 groups based on this ratio: no-LKI (< 1.5, n = 509), Class R (risk; ≥ 1.5, n = 214), Class I (injury; ≥ 2.0, n = 78), and Class F (failure; ≥ 3.0, n = 20). Median follow-up after admission for AHF was 385 (346-426) days. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that acute kidney injury (AKI) during hospitalization (Class R, odds ratio [OR]: 1.710, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.138-2.571, P = 0.010; Class I, OR: 6.744, 95% CI: 3.739-12.163, P < 0.001; and Class F, OR: 9.259, 95% CI: 4.078-18.400, P < 0.001) was independently associated with LKI. Multivariate Cox regression analysis showed that LKI was an independent predictor of 3-year all-cause death after final follow-up (hazard ratio: 1.545, 95% CI: 1.099-2.172, P = 0.012). The rate of all-cause death was significantly lower in the no-AKI/no-LKI group than in the no-AKI/LKI group (P = 0.048) and in the AKI/no-LKI group than in the AKI/LKI group (P = 0.017).The incidence of LKI was influenced by the presence of AKI during hospitalization, and was associated with poor outcomes within 3 years of final follow-up. In the absence of LKI, AKI during hospitalization for AHF was not associated with a poor outcome.

    DOI: 10.1536/ihj.23-603



  • Timing and Degree of Acute Kidney Injury in Patients Requiring Non-Surgical Intensive Care.

    Akihiro Shirakabe, Hirotake Okazaki, Masato Matsushita, Yusaku Shibata, Shota Shigihara, Suguru Nishigoori, Tomofumi Sawatani, Kenichi Tani, Kazutaka Kiuchi, Nobuaki Kobayashi, Kuniya Asai

    Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society   87 ( 10 )   1392 - 1402   2023.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: The degree and timing of acute kidney injury (AKI) on admission and during hospitalization in patients requiring non-surgical intensive care remain unclear.Methods and Results: In this study, 3,758 patients requiring intensive care were analyzed retrospectively. AKI was defined based on the ratio of serum creatinine concentrations recorded at each time point (i.e., on admission and during the first 5 days in the intensive care unit and during hospitalization) to those measured at baseline. Patients were grouped by combining AKI severity (RIFLE class) and timing (i.e., from admission to 5 days [A-5D]; from 5 days to hospital discharge [5D-HD]) as follows: No-AKI; New-AKI (no AKI to Class R [risk; ≥1.5-fold increase in serum creatinine], I [injury; ≥2.0-fold increase in serum creatinine], and F [failure; ≥3.0-fold increase in serum creatinine or receiving dialysis during hospitalization]); Stable-AKI (Class R to R; Class I to I); and Worsening-AKI (Class R to I or F; Class I to F). Multivariate logistic regression analysis indicated that 730-day mortality was independently associated with Class R, I, and F on admission; Class I and F during the 5D-H period; and New-AKI and Worsening-AKI during A-5D and 5D-HD. CONCLUSIONS: AKI on admission, even Class R, was associated with a poor prognosis. An increase in RIFLE class during hospitalization was identified as an important factor for poor prognosis in patients requiring intensive care.

    DOI: 10.1253/circj.CJ-23-0320



  • Organ dysfunction, injury, and failure in cardiogenic shock. International journal

    Akihiro Shirakabe, Masato Matsushita, Yusaku Shibata, Shota Shighihara, Suguru Nishigoori, Tomofumi Sawatani, Kazutaka Kiuchi, Kuniya Asai

    Journal of intensive care   11 ( 1 )   26 - 26   2023.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: Cardiogenic shock (CS) is caused by primary cardiac dysfunction and induced by various and heterogeneous diseases (e.g., acute impairment of cardiac performance, or acute or chronic impairment of cardiac performance). MAIN BODY: Although a low cardiac index is a common finding in patients with CS, the ventricular preload, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, central venous pressure, and systemic vascular resistance might vary between patients. Organ dysfunction has traditionally been attributed to the hypoperfusion of the organ due to either progressive impairment of the cardiac output or intravascular volume depletion secondary to CS. However, research attention has recently shifted from this cardiac output ("forward failure") to venous congestion ("backward failure") as the most important hemodynamic determinant. Both hypoperfusion and/or venous congestion by CS could lead to injury, impairment, and failure of target organs (i.e., heart, lungs, kidney, liver, intestines, brain); these effects are associated with an increased mortality rate. Treatment strategies for the prevention, reduction, and reversal of organ injury are warranted to improve morbidity in these patients. The present review summarizes recent data regarding organ dysfunction, injury, and failure. CONCLUSIONS: Early identification and treatment of organ dysfunction, along with hemodynamic stabilization, are key components of the management of patients with CS.

    DOI: 10.1186/s40560-023-00676-1



  • The Prognostic Impact of Fibrinogen-to-Albumin Ratio in Patients with Acute Heart Failure(タイトル和訳中)

    澤谷 倫史, 白壁 章宏, 松下 誠人, 柴田 祐作, 鴫原 祥太, 西郡 卓, 木内 一貴, 高橋 應仁, 小林 宣明, 浅井 邦也

    日本循環器学会学術集会抄録集   87回   PJ077 - 6   2023.3

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    Language:English   Publisher:(一社)日本循環器学会  


  • Evaluation of Plasma Xanthine Oxidoreductase (XOR) Activity in Patients with Cardiopulmonary Arrest.

    Yusaku Shibata, Akihiro Shirakabe, Hirotake Okazaki, Masato Matsushita, Shota Shigihara, Suguru Nishigoori, Tomofumi Sawatani, Kazutaka Kiuchi, Masahito Takahashi, Takayo Murase, Takashi Nakamura, Nobuaki Kobayashi, Kuniya Asai

    International heart journal   64 ( 2 )   237 - 245   2023

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Plasma xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR) activity in patients with cardiopulmonary arrest (CPA) has not yet been studied.A total of 1,158 patients who required intensive care and 231 control patients who attended a cardiovascular outpatient clinic were prospectively analyzed. Blood samples were collected within 15 minutes of admission from patients in intensive care patients, which were divided into a CPA group (n = 1,053) and a no-CPA group (n = 105). Plasma XOR activity was compared between the 3 groups and factors independently associated with extremely elevated XOR activity were identified using a multivariate logistic regression model. Plasma XOR activity in the CPA group (median, 1,030.0 pmol/hour/mL; range, 233.0-4,240.0 pmol/hour/mL) was significantly higher than in the no-CPA group (median, 60.2 pmol/hour/mL; range, 22.5-205.0 pmol/hour/mL) and control group (median, 45.2 pmol/hour/mL; range, 19.3-98.8 pmol/hour/mL). The regression model showed that out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) (yes, odds ratio [OR]: 2.548; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.098-5.914; P = 0.029) and lactate levels (per 1.0 mmol/L increase, OR: 1.127; 95% CI: 1.031-1.232; P = 0.009) were independently associated with high plasma XOR activity (≥ 1,000 pmol/hour/mL). Kaplan-Meier curve analysis indicated that the prognosis, including all-cause death within 30 days, was significantly poorer in high-XOR patients (XOR ≥ 6,670 pmol/hour/mL) than in the other patients.Plasma XOR activity was extremely high in patients with CPA, especially in OHCA. This would be associated with a high lactate value and expected to eventually lead to adverse outcome in patients with CPA.

    DOI: 10.1536/ihj.22-584



  • Time-Dependent Changes in N-Terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide and B-Type Natriuretic Peptide Ratio During Hospitalization for Acute Heart Failure.

    Tomofumi Sawatani, Akihiro Shirakabe, Hirotake Okazaki, Masato Matsushita, Yusaku Shibata, Shota Shigihara, Suguru Nishigoori, Nozomi Sasamoto, Kazutaka Kiuchi, Nobuaki Kobayashi, Wataru Shimizu, Kuniya Asai

    International heart journal   64 ( 2 )   213 - 222   2023

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The time-dependent changes in the simultaneous evaluation of B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) and N-terminal pro-BNP (NT-proBNP) levels during hospitalization for acute heart failure (AHF) remain obscure.A total of 356 AHF patients were analyzed. Blood samples were collected within 15 minutes of admission (Day 1), 48-120 hours (Day 2-5) and between days 7 and 21 (Before-discharge). Plasma BNP and serum NT-proBNP were significantly decreased on Days 2-5 and Before-discharge in comparison to Day 1, but the NT-proBNP/BNP ratio was not changed. Patients were divided into 2 groups according to the median NT-proBNP/BNP (N/B) ratio on Day 2-5 (Low-N/B versus High-N/B). A multivariate logistic regression model showed that age (per 1-year increase), serum creatinine (per 1.0-mg/dL increase), and serum albumin (per 1.0-mg/dL decrease) were independently associated with High-N/B (odds ratio [OR]: 1.071, 95%confidence interval [CI]: 1.036-1.108, OR: 1.190, 95%CI: 1.121-1.264 and OR: 2.410, 95%CI: 1.121-5.155, respectively). Kaplan-Meier curve analysis showed that the High-N/B group had a significantly poorer prognosis than the Low-N/B group, and a multivariate Cox regression model revealed that High-N/B was an independent predictor of 365-day mortality (hazard ratio [HR]: 1.796, 95%CI: 1.041-3.100) and HF events (HR: 1.509, 95%CI: 1.007-2.263). The same trend in prognostic impact was significantly observed in both low and high delta-BNP cohorts (< 55% and ≥ 55% BNP value on the start date/BNP value at 2-5-days).A high NT-proBNP/BNP ratio on Day 2-5 was associated with non-cardiac conditions and was associated with adverse outcomes even if BNP was adequately decreased by the treatment of AHF.

    DOI: 10.1536/ihj.22-350



  • SGLT2阻害薬内服糖尿病患者が腎盂腎炎から敗血症性ショックへ至った1例

    小林 綺音, 小林 宣明, 宮國 知世, 笹本 希, 西郡 卓, 白壁 章宏, 宮内 靖史, 淺井 邦也

    日本内科学会関東地方会   681回   33 - 33   2022.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本内科学会-関東地方会  


  • Trends in Sudden Death Following Admission for Acute Heart Failure. International journal

    Suguru Nishigoori, Akihiro Shirakabe, Hirotake Okazaki, Masato Matsushita, Yusaku Shibata, Shota Shighihara, Tomofumi Sawatani, Kazutaka Kiuchi, Nozomi Sasamoto, Nobuaki Kobayashi, Wataru Shimizu, Kuniya Asai

    The American journal of cardiology   178   89 - 96   2022.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Few studies on sudden death (SD) after admission for acute heart failure (AHF) have been published. A total of 1,664 patients with AHF were enrolled in this study, and 1,261 patients who were successfully followed up during the first year after admission were analyzed. The primary end point was SD, which was defined as out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. The median follow-up period from admission was 1,008 days (range 408 to 2,132). In total, 505 patients (40.0%) died: 341 (67.5%) died of cardiovascular causes and 55 (10.9%) died of other causes. Of the 505 who died, 80 (15.8%) experienced SD. The proportion of SDs increased in the later phases of follow-up (0 to 1 year, 10.3%; 1 to 2 years, 18.0%; 2 to 5 years, 18.8%; ≥5 years, 28.2%; p &lt;0.001). A multivariate logistic regression model showed that younger age was independently associated with SD (60 to 69 years: odds ratio 2.249, 95% confidence interval 1.060 to 4.722; &lt;60 years: odds ratio 3.863, 95% confidence interval 1.676 to 8.905). Kaplan-Meier curves showed that the incidence of cardiovascular death was highest during the acute phase, whereas the incidence of SD increased gradually over the entire follow-up period. In conclusion, the incidence of SD was surprisingly high in patients with AHF, accounting for 16% of long-term mortality. The proportion of SDs increased during the very late follow-up phases.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2022.05.024



  • Type III procollagen peptide level can indicate liver dysfunction associated with volume overload in acute heart failure. International journal

    Akihiro Shirakabe, Hirotake Okazaki, Masato Matsushita, Yusaku Shibata, Shota Shigihara, Suguru Nishigoori, Tomofumi Sawatani, Nozomi Sasamoto, Kazutaka Kiuchi, Masanori Atsukawa, Norio Itokawa, Taeang Arai, Nobuaki Kobayashi, Kuniya Asai

    ESC heart failure   9 ( 3 )   1832 - 1843   2022.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    AIM: The role of serum type III procollagen peptide (P3P) level in the acute phase of acute heart failure (AHF) requires clarification. We hypothesized that serum P3P level is temporarily higher during the acute phase, reflecting liver dysfunction due to congestion. METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 800 AHF patients were screened, and data from 643 patients were analysed. Heart failure was diagnosed by the treating physician according to the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) guidelines, and included patients being treated with high-concentration oxygen inhalation (including mechanical support) for orthopnea, inotrope administration, or mechanical support for low blood pressure, and various types of diuretics for peripheral or pulmonary oedema. In all cases, diuretics or vasodilators were administered to treat AHF. The patients were divided into three groups according to their quartile (Q) serum P3P level: low-P3P (Q1, P3P ≤ 0.6 U/mL), mid-P3P (Q2/Q3, 0.6 < P3P <1.2 U/mL), and high-P3P (Q4, P3P ≥ 1.2 U/mL). The plasma volume status (PVS) was calculated using the following formula: ([actual PV - ideal PV]/ideal PV) × 100 (%). The primary endpoint was 365 day mortality. A Kaplan-Meier curve analysis showed that prognoses, including all-cause mortality and heart failure events within 365 days, were significantly (P < 0.001) worse in the high-P3P group when compared with the mid-P3P and low-P3P groups. A multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that high PVS (Q4, odds ratio [OR]: 4.702, 95% CI: 2.012-20.989, P < 0.001), high fibrosis-4 index (Q4, OR: 2.627, 95% CI: 1.311-5.261, P = 0.006), and low estimated glomerular filtration rate per 10 mL/min/1.73 m2 decrease (OR: 1.996, 95% CI: 1.718-2.326, P < 0.001) were associated with high P3P values. The Kaplan-Meier curve analysis demonstrated a significantly lower survival rate, as well as a higher rate of heart failure events, in the high-P3P and high-PVS groups when compared with the other groups. A multivariate Cox regression model identified high P3P level and high PVS as an independent predictor of 365 day all-cause mortality (hazard ratio [HR]: 2.249; 95% CI: 1.081-3.356; P = 0.026) and heart failure events (HR: 1.586, 95% CI: 1.005-2.503, P = 0.048). CONCLUSION: A high P3P level during the acute phase of AHF served as a comprehensive biomarker of liver dysfunction with volume overload (i.e. liver congestion) and renal dysfunction. A high P3P level at admission may be able to predict adverse outcomes in AHF patients.

    DOI: 10.1002/ehf2.13878



  • Helicopter emergency medical service for patients with acute coronary syndrome: selection validity and impact on clinical outcomes.

    Suguru Nishigoori, Nobuaki Kobayashi, Yusaku Shibata, Akihiro Shirakabe, Takanori Yagi, Masamichi Takano, Yasushi Miyauchi, Wataru Shimizu, Hisashi Matsumoto, Kuniya Asai

    Heart and vessels   37 ( 7 )   1125 - 1135   2022.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Helicopter emergency medical service (HEMS) has the potential to improve prognosis for acute coronary syndrome (ACS). However, adequacy and effectiveness of HEMS have not been fully evaluated. A total of 862 ACS patients transferred by emergency medical services were divided into two groups: patients transferred by HEMS (n = 171) or by ground ambulance (GA; n = 691). Among them, angiography images for 718 patients (149 in HEMS and 569 in GA group) and optical coherence tomography (OCT) images for 374 patients (75 in HEMS and 299 in GA groups) were analyzed. Additional analysis to compare 2-year cardiac mortality between groups was conducted following propensity score matching to adjust for inter-group differences. ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (81% vs. 66%, p < 0.001) and cardiogenic shock (Killip IV; 20% vs. 10%, p < 0.001) at admission were more prevalent in HEMS than GA group. Time from admission to balloon angioplasty was shorter in HEMS group (median 54 min vs. 69 min, p < 0.001). Antegrade coronary flow was worse in HEMS group (TIMI flow grade 0 or 1; 68% vs. 51%, p < 0.001). Plaque rupture was more frequently detected by OCT in HEMS group (68% vs. 49%, p = 0.029). Following propensity score matching, the incidence of cardiac death was significantly lower in HEMS group (6.3% vs. 14.9%, p = 0.019). In conclusion, severe ACS patients requiring early reperfusion were appropriately triaged and transferred more rapidly by HEMS. Lower mortality in HEMS group after propensity score matching suggests that HEMS may improve cardiac mortality in ACS patients.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00380-022-02022-1



  • Clinical Significance of Low-Triiodothyronine Syndrome in Patients Requiring Non-Surgical Intensive Care - Triiodothyronine Is a Comprehensive Prognostic Marker for Critical Patients With Cardiovascular Disease.

    Shota Shigihara, Akihiro Shirakabe, Nobuaki Kobayashi, Hirotake Okazaki, Masato Matsushita, Yusaku Shibata, Suguru Nishigoori, Tomofumi Sawatani, Fumitaka Okajima, Kuniya Asai, Wataru Shimizu

    Circulation reports   3 ( 10 )   578 - 588   2021.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Background: Low-triiodothyronine (T3) syndrome is a known complication in intensive care unit (ICU) patients, but the underlying mechanisms and prognostic impact are unclear. Methods and Results: This study retrospectively enrolled 2,976 patients who required care in the ICU. Of these patients, 2,425 were euthyroid and were divided into normal (n=1,666; free T3 [FT3] ≥1.88 µIU/L) and low-FT3 (n=759; FT3 <1.88 µIU/L) groups. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that prognostic nutritional index >46.03 (odds ratio [OR] 2.392; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.904-3.005), age (per 1-year increase; OR 1.022; 95% CI 1.013-1.031), creatinine (per 0.1-mg/dL increase; OR 1.019; 95% CI 1.014-1.024), and C-reactive protein (per 1-mg/dL increase; OR 1.123; 95% CI 1.095-1.151) were independently associated with low FT3. Survival rates (within 365 days) were significantly lower in the low-FT3 group. A multivariate Cox regression model showed that low FT3 was an independent predictor of 365-day mortality (hazard ratio 1.785; 95% CI 1.387-2.297). Low-T3 syndrome was significantly more frequent in patients with non-cardiovascular than cardiovascular diseases (73.5% vs. 25.8%). Prognosis was significantly poorer in the low-FT3 than normal group for patients with cardiovascular disease, particularly those with acute coronary syndrome and acute heart failure. Conclusions: Low-T3 syndrome was associated with aging, inflammatory reaction, malnutrition, and renal insufficiency and could lead to adverse outcomes in patients admitted to a non-surgical ICU.

    DOI: 10.1253/circrep.CR-21-0040



  • Clinical Significance of the Fibrosis-4 Index in Patients with Acute Heart Failure Requiring Intensive Care.

    Akihiro Shirakabe, Hirotake Okazaki, Masato Matsushita, Yusaku Shibata, Shota Shigihara, Suguru Nishigoori, Tomofumi Sawatani, Kenichi Tani, Kazutaka Kiuchi, Yusuke Otsuka, Masanori Atsukawa, Norio Itokawa, Taeang Arai, Nobuaki Kobayashi, Kuniya Asai, Wataru Shimizu

    International heart journal   62 ( 4 )   858 - 865   2021.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The Fibrosis-4 (FIB4) index could indicate the liver fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatic diseases. It was calculated using the following formula: (age × aspartate aminotransferase [U/L]) / (platelet count [103/μL] × √alanine aminotransferase [U/L]). However, the clinical impact of the FIB4 index in the acute phase of acute heart failure (AHF) has not been sufficiently investigated.A total 1,468 AHF patients were analyzed. The median FIB4 index was 2.71 [1.85-4.22]. The patients were divided into three groups according to the quartiles of their FIB4 index (low-FIB4 [Q1, ≤ 1.847], middle-FIB4 [Q2/Q3, 1.848-4.216], and high-FIB4 [Q4, ≥ 4.216] groups). A Kaplan-Meier curve analysis showed that the prognosis, such as all-cause mortality and HF events within 365 days, was significantly poorer in the high-FIB4 group than in the middle-FIB4 and low-FIB4 groups. A multivariate Cox regression model identified high FIB4 index as an independent predictor of 365-day all-cause death (hazard ratio (HR): 1.660, 95% CI: 1.136-2.427) and HF events (HR: 1.505, 95% CI: 1.145-1.978). The multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that the high plasma volume status (PVS) (Q4, odds ratio [OR]: 2.099, 95% CI: 1.429-3.082), low systolic blood pressure (SBP) (< 100 mmHg, OR: 3.825, 95% CI: 2.504-5.840), and low left ventricular ejection fraction (< 40%, OR: 1.321, 95% CI: 1.002-1.741) were associated with a high FIB4 index.A high FIB4 index can predict adverse outcomes in AHF patients, which indicate that congestive liver and liver hypoperfusion occur due to low cardiac output in the acute phase of AHF.

    DOI: 10.1536/ihj.20-793



  • 急性心不全の急性期におけるN末端プロ脳性ナトリウム利尿ペプチド/B型ナトリウム利尿ペプチド比の臨床的意義(Clinical Significance of N-terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide and B-type Natriuretic Peptide Ratio at the Acute Phase of Acute Heart Failure)

    澤谷 倫史, 白壁 章宏, 岡崎 大武, 松下 誠人, 柴田 祐作, 鴫原 祥太, 西郡 卓, 大塚 悠介, 木内 一貴, 小林 宣明, 畑 典武, 浅井 邦也, 清水 渉

    日本循環器学会学術集会抄録集   85回   OJ55 - 6   2021.3

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    Language:English   Publisher:(一社)日本循環器学会  


  • 急性心不全患者における入院時の血漿Xanthine Oxydoreductase(XOR)と入院中の経時的変化が予後へ及ぼす影響(Prognostic Impact of Plasma Xanthine Oxydoreductase(XOR) on Admission and Time-Dependent Changes during Hospitalization in Patients with Acute Heart Failure)

    岡崎 大武, 白壁 章宏, 松下 誠人, 大塚 悠介, 谷 憲一, 西郡 卓, 鴫原 祥太, 村瀬 貴代, 中村 敬志, 小林 宣明, 畑 典武, 浅井 邦也, 清水 渉

    日本循環器学会学術集会抄録集   85回   OJ57 - 2   2021.3

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    Language:English   Publisher:(一社)日本循環器学会  


  • 心臓血管集中治療を要する患者におけるlow Triiodothyronine syndromeの臨床的意義(Clinical Significance of the Low Triiodothyronine Syndrome in Patients Who Require Cardiovascular Intensive Care)

    鴫原 祥太, 白壁 章宏, 岡崎 大武, 松下 誠人, 柴田 祐作, 西郡 卓, 澤谷 倫史, 大塚 悠介, 小林 宣明, 畑 典武, 浅井 邦也, 清水 渉

    日本循環器学会学術集会抄録集   85回   OJ31 - 2   2021.3

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    Language:English   Publisher:(一社)日本循環器学会  


  • The Prognostic Impact of Hospital Transfer after Admission due to Acute Heart Failure.

    Kazutaka Kiuchi, Akihiro Shirakabe, Hirotake Okazaki, Masato Matsushita, Yusaku Shibata, Shota Shigihara, Suguru Nishigoori, Tomofumi Sawatani, Yusuke Otsuka, Hiroto Kokubun, Tomoyo Miyakuni, Nobuaki Kobayashi, Kuniya Asai, Wataru Shimizu

    International heart journal   62 ( 6 )   1310 - 1319   2021

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The prognostic impact of transfer to another hospital among acute heart failure (AHF) patients has not been well elucidated.Of the 800 AHF patients analyzed, 682 patients were enrolled in this study for analysis. The subjects were divided into two groups according to their discharge location: discharge home (Group-H, n = 589) or transfer to another hospital for rehabilitation (Group-T, n = 93). The Kaplan-Meier curves revealed a poorer prognosis, including all-cause death and heart failure (HF) events (death, readmission-HF), in Group-T than that in Group-H (P < 0.001, respectively). A multivariate Cox regression model showed that Group-T was an independent predictor of 365-day all-cause death (hazard ratio: 2.618, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.510-4.538, P = 0.001). The multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that aging (per 1-year-old increase, odds ratio [OR]: 1.056, 95% CI: 1.028-1.085, P < 0.001), female gender (OR: 2.128, 95% CI: 1.287-3.521, P = 0.003), endotracheal intubation during hospitalization (OR: 2.074, 95% CI: 1.093-3.936, P = 0.026), and increased Controlling Nutritional Status score on admission (per 1.0-point increase, OR: 1.247, 95% CI: 1.131-1.475, P < 0.001) were associated with transfer to another hospital after AHF admission. The prognosis, including all-cause death, was determined to be significantly poorer in patients who were transferred to another hospital, as their activities of daily living were noted to lessen before discharge (n = 11) compared to others (n = 82).Elderly AHF patients suffering from malnutrition were difficult to discharge home after AHF admission, and transfer to another hospital only led to adverse outcomes. Appropriate rehabilitation during definitive hospitalization appears necessary for managing elderly patients in the HF pandemic era.

    DOI: 10.1536/ihj.21-126



  • Prognostic benefit of acute heart failure associated with atherosclerosis: the importance of prehospital medication in patients with severely decompensated acute heart failure.

    Hirotake Okazaki, Akihiro Shirakabe, Noritake Hata, Nobuaki Kobayashi, Masato Matsushita, Yusaku Shibata, Suguru Nishigoori, Saori Uchiyama, Kazutaka Kiuchi, Kuniya Asai, Wataru Shimizu

    Heart and vessels   33 ( 12 )   1496 - 1504   2018.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Atherosclerotic diseases sometimes contribute to acute heart failure (AHF). The aim of the present study is to elucidate the prognostic impact of AHF with atherosclerosis. A total of 1226 AHF patients admitted to the intensive care unit were analyzed. AHF associated with atherosclerosis was defined by the etiology: atherosclerosis-AHF group (n = 708) (patients whose etiologies were ischemic heart disease or hypertensive heart disease) or AHF not associated with atherosclerosis (non-atherosclerosis-AHF) group (n = 518). Kaplan-Meier curves showed that the survival rate of the atherosclerosis-AHF group was significantly better than that of the non-atherosclerosis-AHF group within 730 days of follow-up. Regarding pre-hospital medications, atherosclerosis-AHF patients were more likely to be administered nitroglycerin (20.3 vs. 13.7%, p = 0.003), nicorandil (18.8 vs. 7.5%, p < 0.001), angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACE-I) or angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB) (46.5 vs. 38.6%, p = 0.006), β-blocker (33.2 vs. 26.6%, p = 0.014) and statin (30.1 vs. 22.4%, p = 0.003) because of a previous coronary event or atherosclerotic diseases. In sub-group analysis of medication including administered ≥ 3 drugs within 5 medications and ACE-I/ARB, atherosclerosis-AHF significantly decreased the rate of all-cause death within 180 days (hazard ratio (HR) 0.215, 95% CI 0.078-0.593 and HR 0.395, 95% CI 0.244-0.641, respectively) with a significant interaction (p value for interaction 0.022 and 0.005, respectively). Kaplan-Meier curves showed that the 180-days survival rate of the atherosclerosis-AHF group with ACE-I/ARB and ≥ 3 drugs were significantly better than other groups. The AHF patients associated with atherosclerosis lead to be a good long-term outcome. A relationship may exist between efficient treatment including ACE-Is before admission and a good outcome in mid-term.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00380-018-1204-7



  • Decreased blood glucose at admission has a prognostic impact in patients with severely decompensated acute heart failure complicated with diabetes mellitus.

    Akihiro Shirakabe, Noritake Hata, Nobuaki Kobayashi, Hirotake Okazaki, Masato Matsushita, Yusaku Shibata, Suguru Nishigoori, Saori Uchiyama, Kazutaka Kiuchi, Fumitaka Okajima, Toshiaki Otsuka, Kuniya Asai, Wataru Shimizu

    Heart and vessels   33 ( 9 )   1008 - 1021   2018.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The prognostic impact of a decreased blood glucose level in acute heart failure (AHF) has not been sufficiently clarified. The data from 1234 AHF patients were examined in the present study. The blood glucose (BG) levels were evaluated at admission. The patients were divided into groups based on the following: with or without diabetes mellitus (DM), and BG level ≥ 200 mg/dl (elevated BG) or < 200 mg/dl (decreased BG). The elevated and decreased BG patients were further divided into another three groups: 200 mg/ml ≤ BG < 300 mg/dl (mild-elevated), 300 mg/ml ≤ BG < 400 mg/dl (moderate-elevated) and BG ≥ 400 mg/ml (severe-elevated); and 150 mg/ml ≤ BG < 200 mg/dl (mild-decreased), 100 mg/ml ≤ BG < 150 mg/dl (moderate-decreased) and BG < 100 mg/ml (severe-decreased), respectively. The DM patients had a significantly poorer mortality than the non-DM patients. The prognosis was different between patients with elevated or decreased BG. In DM patients with elevated BG, the severe-elevated patients had a significantly poorer prognosis than moderate- and mild-elevated patients. In the DM patients with decreased BG, the severe-decreased patients had a significantly poorer prognosis than those moderate- and mild-decreased patients. The multivariate Cox regression model showed that a severe-decreased [hazard ratio (HR) 3.245, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.271-8.282] and severe-elevated (HR 2.300, 95% CI 1.143-4.628) status were independent predictors of 365-day mortality in AHF patients with DM. The mortality was high among AHF patients with DM. Furthermore, both severe hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia were independent predictors of the mortality in patients with AHF complicated with DM.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00380-018-1151-3



  • Social determinants are crucial factors in the long-term prognosis of severely decompensated acute heart failure in patients over 75 years of age. International journal

    Masato Matsushita, Akihiro Shirakabe, Noritake Hata, Nobuaki Kobayashi, Hirotake Okazaki, Yusaku Shibata, Suguru Nishigoori, Saori Uchiyama, Kazutaka Kiuchi, Kuniya Asai, Wataru Shimizu

    Journal of cardiology   72 ( 2 )   140 - 148   2018.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: The association between social factors and the long-term prognosis of acute heart failure (AHF) remains unclear. METHODS AND RESULTS: One thousand fifty-one AHF patients were screened, and 915 were enrolled. Four hundred forty-two AHF patients ≥75 years of age (the elderly cohort) were also included in a sub-analysis. Participants who fulfilled one of the three marital status-, offspring-, and living status-related criteria were considered socially vulnerable. On this basis they were classified into the socially vulnerable (n=396) and non-socially vulnerable (n=519) groups in the overall cohort, and the socially vulnerable (n=219) and non-socially vulnerable (n=223) groups in the elderly cohort. Kaplan-Meier curves showed that the survival rate of the socially vulnerable group was significantly poorer than that of the non-socially vulnerable group in the overall (p=0.049) and elderly (p=0.004) cohorts. A multivariate Cox regression model revealed that social vulnerability was an independent predictor of 1000-day mortality in the overall [hazard ratio (HR): 1.340, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.003-1.043, p=0.048] and elderly cohort (HR: 1.531, 95% CI: 1.027-2.280, p=0.036). Regarding the components of social vulnerability, the marital status was an independent factor in the elderly cohort (HR: 1.500, 95% CI 1.043-2.157, p=0.029). CONCLUSION: Social vulnerability was independently associated with long-term outcomes in AHF patients, especially in the elderly cohort. Organization of the social structure of AHF patients might be able to improve their prognosis.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jjcc.2018.01.014



  • Worsening renal function definition is insufficient for evaluating acute renal failure in acute heart failure. International journal

    Akihiro Shirakabe, Noritake Hata, Nobuaki Kobayashi, Hirotake Okazaki, Masato Matsushita, Yusaku Shibata, Suguru Nishigoori, Saori Uchiyama, Kuniya Asai, Wataru Shimizu

    ESC heart failure   5 ( 3 )   322 - 331   2018.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    AIMS: Whether or not the definition of a worsening renal function (WRF) is adequate for the evaluation of acute renal failure in patients with acute heart failure is unclear. METHODS AND RESULTS: One thousand and eighty-three patients with acute heart failure were analysed. A WRF, indicated by a change in serum creatinine ≥0.3 mg/mL during the first 5 days, occurred in 360 patients while no-WRF, indicated by a change <0.3 mg/dL, in 723 patients. Acute kidney injury (AKI) upon admission was defined based on the ratio of the serum creatinine value recorded on admission to the baseline creatinine value and placed into groups based on the degree of AKI: no-AKI (n = 751), Class R (risk; n = 193), Class I (injury; n = 41), or Class F (failure; n = 98). The patients were assigned to another set of four groups: no-WRF/no-AKI (n = 512), no-WRF/AKI (n = 211), WRF/no-AKI (n = 239), and WRF/AKI (n = 121). A multivariate logistic regression model found that no-WRF/AKI and WRF/AKI were independently associated with 365 day mortality (hazard ratio: 1.916; 95% confidence interval: 1.234-2.974 and hazard ratio: 3.622; 95% confidence interval: 2.332-5.624). Kaplan-Meier survival curves showed that the rate of any-cause death during 1 year was significantly poorer in the no-WRF/AKI and WRF/AKI groups than in the WRF/no-AKI and no-WRF/no-AKI groups and in Class I and Class F than in Class R and the no-AKI group. CONCLUSIONS: The presence of AKI on admission, especially Class I and Class F status, is associated with a poor prognosis despite the lack of a WRF within the first 5 days. The prognostic ability of AKI on admission may be superior to WRF within the first 5 days.

    DOI: 10.1002/ehf2.12264



  • Prognostic benefit of maintaining the hemoglobin level during the acute phase in patients with severely decompensated acute heart failure.

    Akihiro Shirakabe, Noritake Hata, Nobuaki Kobayashi, Hirotake Okazaki, Masato Matsushita, Yusaku Shibata, Suguru Nishigoori, Saori Uchiyama, Kuniya Asai, Wataru Shimizu

    Heart and vessels   33 ( 3 )   264 - 278   2018.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The optimum method of managing anemia during the acute phase of acute heart failure (AHF) remains to be elucidated. The data from 1109 AHF patients were enrolled in present study. The hemoglobin (Hb) levels were evaluated in all patients at admission (day 1) and 3 days after admission (day 3), and in survival discharge patients (n = 998) before discharge (pre-discharge). The serum hemoglobin levels were significantly lower on day 3 (11.2 (9.6-12.9) g/dl) than on day 1 (12.4 (10.4-14.2) g/dl) and at pre-discharge (11.6 (10.1-13.2) g/dl). A multivariate Cox regression model showed that mild anemia (11.0 ≤ Hb ≤ 12.9 g/dl, n = 316) and severe anemia (Hb ≤ 10.9 g/dl, n = 517) on day 3 were independent predictors of HF event (hazard ratio (HR) 1.542, 95% confidence interval (CI)1.070-2.221, HR 2.026, 95% CI 1.439-2.853), and severe anemia on day 3 were independent predictors of 365-day mortality (HR 2.247, 95% CI 1.376-3.670). The prognosis, including all-cause death and HF events, in patients with non-anemia on day 1 was significantly poorer in severe new-anemia patients on day 3 (n = 44) than in mild new-anemia patients on day 3 (n = 153) and non-anemia patients on day 3 (n = 252). In patients with anemia on day 1, the prognosis was significantly poorer in patients with severe anemia on day 3 (n = 190) than in those with non-anemia or mild anemia on day 3 (n = 482). The hemoglobin level after the initial treatment might be easily influenced by clinical decongestion. Successfully treated decongestion can help maintain the hemoglobin levels. It, therefore, leads to a prognostic benefit in patients with AHF. These findings might underscore the importance of hemoglobin management of the acute phase of AHF.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00380-017-1057-5



  • Features and Outcomes of Patients with Calcified Nodules at Culprit Lesions of Acute Coronary Syndrome: An Optical Coherence Tomography Study

    Nobuaki Kobayashi, Masamichi Takano, Masafumi Tsurumi, Yusaku Shibata, Suguru Nishigoori, Saori Uchiyama, Hirotake Okazaki, Akihiro Shirakabe, Yoshihiko Seino, Noritake Hata, Wataru Shimizu

    Cardiology (Switzerland)   139 ( 2 )   90 - 100   2018.2

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    © 2018 S. Karger AG, Basel. Objectives: We sought to clarify clinical features and outcomes related to calcified nodules (CN) compared with plaque rupture (PR) and plaque erosion (PE) detected by optical coherence tomography (OCT) at the culprit lesions in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Methods: Based on OCT findings for culprit lesion plaque morphologies, ACS patients with analyzable OCT images (n = 362) were classified as CN, PR, PE, and other. Results: The prevalence of CN, PR, and PE was 6% (n = 21), 45% (n = 163), and 41% (n = 149), respectively. Patients with CN were older (median 71 vs. 65 years, p = 0.03) and more diabetic (71 vs. 35%, p = 0.002) than those without CN. In OCT findings, the distal reference lumen cross-sectional area (median 4.2 vs. 5.2 mm2, p = 0.048) and the postintervention minimum lumen cross-sectional area (median 4.5 vs. 5.3 mm2, p = 0.04) were smaller in lesions with CN than in those without. Kaplan-Meier estimate survival curves showed that the 500-day survival without target lesion revascularization (TLR) was lower (p = 0.011) for patients with CN (72.9%) than for those with PR (89.3%) or PE (94.8%). Conclusions: ACS patients with CN at the culprit lesion had more TLR compared to those with PR or PE.

    DOI: 10.1159/000481931




  • The prognostic impact of malnutrition in patients with severely decompensated acute heart failure, as assessed using the Prognostic Nutritional Index (PNI) and Controlling Nutritional Status (CONUT) score.

    Akihiro Shirakabe, Noritake Hata, Nobuaki Kobayashi, Hirotake Okazaki, Masato Matsushita, Yusaku Shibata, Suguru Nishigoori, Saori Uchiyama, Kuniya Asai, Wataru Shimizu

    Heart and vessels   33 ( 2 )   134 - 144   2018.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Patients with heart failure (HF) are sometimes classified as malnourished, but the prognostic value of nutritional status in acute HF (AHF) remains largely unstudied. 1214 patients who were admitted to the intensive care unit between January 2000 and June 2016 were screened based on their serum albumin, lymphocyte count, and total cholesterol measures. A total of 458 HF patients were enrolled in this study. The Prognostic Nutritional Index (PNI) is calculated as 10 × serum albumin (g/dL) + 0.005 × lymphocyte count (per mm3) (lower = worse). The Controlling Nutritional Status (CONUT) score is points based, and is calculated using serum albumin, total cholesterol, and lymphocyte count (range 0-12, higher = worse). Patients were divided into three groups according to PNI: high-PNI (PNI < 35, n = 331), middle-PNI (35 ≤ PNI < 38, n = 50), and low-PNI (PNI ≥ 38, n = 77). They were also divided into four groups according to CONUT score: normal-CONUT (0-1, n = 128), mild-CONUT (2-4, n = 179), moderate-CONUT (5-8, n = 127), and severe-CONUT (≥9, n = 24). The PNI, which exhibited a good balance between sensitivity and specificity for predicting in-hospital mortality [66.1 and 68.4%, respectively; area under the curve (AUC) 0.716; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.638-0.793), was 39.7 overall, while the CONUT score was 5 overall (61.4 and 68.4%, respectively; AUC 0.697; 95% CI 0.618-0.775). A Kaplan-Meier curve indicated that the prognosis, including all-cause death, was significantly (p < 0.001) poorer in low-PNI patients than in high-PNI groups and was also significantly poorer in severe-CONUT patients than in normal-CONUT and mild-CONUT groups. A multivariate Cox regression model showed that the low-PNI and severe-CONUT categories were independent predictors of 365-day mortality [hazard ratio (HR) 2.060, 95% CI 1.302-3.259 and HR 2.238, 95% CI 1.050-4.772, respectively). Malnutrition, as assessed using both the PNI and the CONUT score, has a prognostic impact in patients with severely decompensated AHF.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00380-017-1034-z



  • Clinical Usefulness of Urinary Liver Fatty Acid-Binding Protein Excretion for Predicting Acute Kidney Injury during the First 7 Days and the Short-Term Prognosis in Acute Heart Failure Patients with Non-Chronic Kidney Disease. International journal

    Akihiro Shirakabe, Noritake Hata, Nobuaki Kobayashi, Hirotake Okazaki, Masato Matsushita, Yusaku Shibata, Suguru Nishigoori, Saori Uchiyama, Kuniya Asai, Wataru Shimizu

    Cardiorenal medicine   7 ( 4 )   301 - 315   2017.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Background: The clinical significance of urinary liver fatty acid-binding protein (u-LFABP) in acute heart failure (AHF) patients remains unclear. Methods and Results: The u-LFABP levels on admission of 293 AHF patients were analyzed. The patients were divided into 2 groups according to the u-LFABP quartiles (Q1, Q2, and Q3 = low u-LFABP [L] group vs. Q4 = high u-LFABP [H] group). We evaluated the diagnostic and prognostic value of u-LFABP and compared the findings between the chronic kidney disease (CKD; n = 165) and non-CKD patients (n = 128). Acute kidney injury (AKI) during the first 7 days was evaluated based on the RIFLE criteria. In the non-CKD group, the number of AKI patients during the first 7 days was significantly greater in the H group (70.0%) than in the L group (45.6%). A multivariate logistic regression model indicated that the H group (odds ratio: 3.850, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.128-13.140) was independently associated with AKI during the first 7 days. The sensitivity and specificity of u-LFABP for predicting AKI were 63.6 and 59.7% (area under the ROC curve 0.631) at 41.9 ng/mg × cre. A Cox regression model identified the H group (hazard ratio: 13.494, 95% CI 1.512-120.415) as an independent predictor of the 60-day mortality. A Kaplan-Meier curve, including all-cause death within 60 days, showed a significantly poorer survival rate in the H group than in the L group (p = 0.036). Conclusions: The u-LFABP level is an effective biomarker for predicting AKI during the first 7 days of hospitalization and an adverse outcome in AHF patients with non-CKD.

    DOI: 10.1159/000477825



  • The prognostic impact of gender in patients with acute heart failure - An evaluation of the age of female patients with severely decompensated acute heart failure. International journal

    Ayaka Nozaki, Akihiro Shirakabe, Noritake Hata, Nobuaki Kobayashi, Hirotake Okazaki, Masato Matsushita, Yusaku Shibata, Suguru Nishigoori, Saori Uchiyama, Yoshiki Kusama, Kuniya Asai, Wataru Shimizu

    Journal of cardiology   70 ( 3 )   255 - 262   2017.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: The gender differences in the prognosis of Asian patients with acute heart failure (AHF) remain to be elucidated. METHODS AND RESULTS: One thousand fifty AHF patients were enrolled. The patients were assigned to a female group (n=354) and a male group (n=696). A Kaplan-Meier curve showed that the cardiovascular survival rate of the female group was significantly lower than that of the male group (p=0.005). A multivariate Cox regression model identified female gender [hazard ratio (HR): 1.381, 95% CI: 1.018-1.872] as an independent predictor of 730-day cardiovascular death. In subgroup analysis by age, in patients over 79 years, female gender significantly increased the cardiovascular death (HR: 1.715, 95% CI: 1.088-2.074, p<0.001) with a significant interaction (p-value for interaction<0.001). The prognosis, including cardiovascular death, was significantly poorer among elderly female patients (≥79 years) than among elderly male patients (p=0.019). The multivariate Cox regression model identified female gender as an independent predictor of 730-day cardiovascular death in patients who were older than 79 years of age (HR, 1.943; 95% CI, 1.192-3.167). CONCLUSIONS: Female gender was associated with poor prognosis in AHF patients. In particular, old age (≥79 years) was associated with adverse outcomes in female patients with AHF.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jjcc.2016.11.015



  • Response to letter regarding article, "The prognostic impact of uric acid in patients with severely decompensated acute heart failure". International journal

    Hirotake Okazaki, Akihiro Shirakabe, Toshiaki Otsuka, Nobuaki Kobayashi, Noritake Hata, Takuro Shinada, Masato Matsushita, Yoshiya Yamamoto, Junsuke Shibuya, Reiko Shiomura, Suguru Nishigoori, Kuniya Asai, Wataru Shimizu

    Journal of cardiology   70 ( 2 )   200 - 200   2017.8

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  • Are atherosclerotic risk factors associated with a poor prognosis in patients with hyperuricemic acute heart failure? The evaluation of the causal dependence of acute heart failure and hyperuricemia.

    Hirotake Okazaki, Akihiro Shirakabe, Nobuaki Kobayashi, Noritake Hata, Takuro Shinada, Masato Matsushita, Yoshiya Yamamoto, Yusaku Shibata, Junsuke Shibuya, Reiko Shiomura, Suguru Nishigoori, Kuniya Asai, Wataru Shimizu

    Heart and vessels   32 ( 4 )   436 - 445   2017.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Atherosclerosis induces the elevation of uric acid (UA), and an elevated UA level is well known to lead to a poor prognosis in patients with acute heart failure (AHF). However, the prognostic value of atherosclerotic risk factors in hyperuricemic AHF patients remains to be elucidated. The data from 928 patients who were admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) at Nippon Medical School Chiba Hokusoh Hospital between January 2001 and December 2014, and whose serum UA levels were measured were screened. A total of 394 AHF patients with hyperuricemia were enrolled in this study. The patients were assigned to a low-risk group (≤1 atherosclerosis risk factor) and a high-risk group (≥2 atherosclerosis risk factors) according to their number of risk factors. The patients in the low-risk group were more likely to have dilated cardiomyopathy, clinical scenario 3 than those in the high-risk group. The serum total bilirubin, blood urea nitrogen, C-reactive protein, and brain-type natriuretic peptide levels were significantly higher in the low-risk group than the high-risk group (p < 0.001, p = 0.005, p = 0.003, and p = 0.008, respectively). A multivariate Cox regression model revealed that the number of risk factors (number = 1, HR (hazard ratio) 0.243, 95 % CI 0.096-0.618, p = 0.003; number = 2, HR 0.253, 95 % CI 0.108-0.593, p = 0.002; number ≥3, HR 0.209, 95 % CI 0.093-0.472, p < 0.001), eGFR (per 1.0 mmol/l increase) (HR 0.977, 95 % CI 0.961-0.994, p = 0.007), and serum UA level (per 1 mg/dl increase) (HR 1.270, 95 % CI 1.123-1.435, p < 0.001) was an independent predictor of 1-year mortality. The prognosis, including all-cause death and HF events, was significantly poorer among the low-risk patients than among the high-risk patients. Atherosclerotic risk factors were not associated with a poor prognosis in patients with hyperuricemic AHF.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00380-016-0893-z



  • The prognostic impact of uric acid in patients with severely decompensated acute heart failure. International journal

    Hirotake Okazaki, Akihiro Shirakabe, Nobuaki Kobayashi, Noritake Hata, Takuro Shinada, Masato Matsushita, Yoshiya Yamamoto, Junsuke Shibuya, Reiko Shiomura, Suguru Nishigoori, Kuniya Asai, Wataru Shimizu

    Journal of cardiology   68 ( 5 )   384 - 391   2016.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: The serum level of uric acid (UA) is a well-known prognostic factor for heart failure (HF) patients. However, the prognostic impact of hyperuricemia and the factors that induce hyperuricemia in acute HF (AHF) patients are not well understood. METHODS AND RESULTS: Eight hundred eighty-nine AHF patients were enrolled in this study. The patients were assigned into a low UA group (UA≤7.0mg/dl, n=495) or a high UA group (UA>7.0mg/dl, n=394) according to their UA level on admission. A Kaplan-Meier curve showed that the survival rate of the low UA group was significantly higher than that of the high UA group. A multivariate Cox regression model identified that a high UA level (HR: 1.192, 95%CI 1.112-1.277) was an independent predictor of 180-day mortality. A multivariate logistic regression model for a high serum UA level on admission indicated that chronic kidney disease (CKD) (OR: 2.030, 95%CI: 1.298-3.176, p=0.002) and the administration of loop diuretics before admission (OR: 1.556, 95%CI: 1.010-2.397, p=0.045) were independent factors. The prognosis, including all-cause death and HF events, was significantly poorer among patients who had a high UA level who had previously used loop diuretics and among CKD patients with a high UA level than among other patients. CONCLUSIONS: The serum UA level was an independent predictor in patients who were hospitalized during an emergent situation for AHF. An elevated serum UA level on admission was associated with the presence of CKD and the use of loop diuretics. These factors were also associated with adverse outcomes in hyperuricemic patients with AHF.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jjcc.2016.04.013



  • Matrix metalloproteinase-9 as a marker for plaque rupture and a predictor of adverse clinical outcome in patients with acute coronary syndrome: An optical coherence tomography study

    Nobuaki Kobayashi, Masamichi Takano, Noritake Hata, Noriaki Kume, Masafumi Tsurumi, Akihiro Shirakabe, Hirotake Okazaki, Junsuke Shibuya, Reiko Shiomura, Suguru Nishigoori, Yoshihiko Seino, Wataru Shimizu

    Cardiology (Switzerland)   135 ( 1 )   56 - 65   2016.8

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    © 2016 S. Karger AG, Basel. Objectives: The present study sought to clarify the relationship between matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) levels and plaque morphology demonstrated by optical coherence tomography (OCT), and to examine their prognostic impacts in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Methods: MMP-9 levels were measured for patients with ACS (n = 249). Among 249 patients, 120 with evaluable OCT images were categorized into patients with ruptured plaques (n = 65) and those with nonruptured plaques (n = 55) on the basis of culprit lesion plaque morphology demonstrated by OCT. Results: MMP-9 levels on admission were significantly higher in the rupture group than in the nonrupture group (p = 0.029). Although creatine kinase-MB (CK-MB) on admission was comparable between the groups, peak CK-MB was higher in the rupture group than in the nonrupture group (p < 0.001). By receiver operating characteristic curve analysis, the optimal cut-off value of MMP-9 to detect ruptured plaques was 65.5 ng/ml (p = 0.029). There was a nonstatistically significant trend toward increased cardiac death at 2 years (5.9 vs. 1.0%, p = 0.059) in patients with high MMP-9 (≥65.5 ng/ml) compared to those with low MMP-9 (<65.5 ng/ml). Conclusions: MMP-9 can differentiate ACS with ruptured plaques from nonruptured plaques, and MMP-9 may be a valuable predictor of long-term cardiac mortality in patients with ACS reflecting plaque rupture.

    DOI: 10.1159/000445994




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  • early phase TEVAR for Type B complicated aortic dissections without malperfusion or rupture

    松下誠人, 白壁章宏, 高橋應仁, 木内一貴, 澤谷倫史, 西郡卓, 鴫原祥太, 柴田祐作, 浅井邦也

    日本集中治療医学会学術集会(Web)   50th   2023

  • Approach to the development of PDCA cycle for cardiovascular intensivist

    白壁章宏, 松下誠人, 柴田祐作, 鴫原祥太, 西郡卓, 澤谷倫史, 笹本希, 木内一貴, 浅井邦也

    日本集中治療医学会学術集会(Web)   49th   2022

  • Effect of NT-proBNP/BNP ratio on prognosis after acute heart failure treatment

    澤谷倫史, 笹本希, 西郡卓, 鴫原祥太, 柴田祐作, 松下誠人, 白壁章宏, 浅井邦也

    日本集中治療医学会学術集会(Web)   49th   2022

  • Trends in the Sudden Deaths after Admission of Acute Heart Failure

    西郡卓, 笹本希, 澤谷倫史, 鴫原祥太, 柴田祐作, 松下誠人, 白壁章宏, 浅井邦也

    日本循環器学会学術集会(Web)   86th   2022

  • Prognostic Impact of Plasma Xanthine Oxydoreductase(XOR) on Admission and Time-Dependent Changes during Hospitalization in Patients with Acute Heart Failure(和訳中)

    岡崎 大武, 白壁 章宏, 松下 誠人, 大塚 悠介, 谷 憲一, 西郡 卓, 鴫原 祥太, 村瀬 貴代, 中村 敬志, 小林 宣明, 畑 典武, 浅井 邦也, 清水 渉

    日本循環器学会学術集会抄録集   85回   OJ57 - 2   2021.3

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  • Clinical Significance of the Low Triiodothyronine Syndrome in Patients Who Require Cardiovascular Intensive Care(和訳中)

    鴫原 祥太, 白壁 章宏, 岡崎 大武, 松下 誠人, 柴田 祐作, 西郡 卓, 澤谷 倫史, 大塚 悠介, 小林 宣明, 畑 典武, 浅井 邦也, 清水 渉

    日本循環器学会学術集会抄録集   85回   OJ31 - 2   2021.3

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  • Clinical Significance of N-terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide and B-type Natriuretic Peptide Ratio at the Acute Phase of Acute Heart Failure(和訳中)

    澤谷 倫史, 白壁 章宏, 岡崎 大武, 松下 誠人, 柴田 祐作, 鴫原 祥太, 西郡 卓, 大塚 悠介, 木内 一貴, 小林 宣明, 畑 典武, 浅井 邦也, 清水 渉

    日本循環器学会学術集会抄録集   85回   OJ55 - 6   2021.3

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    Language:English   Publisher:(一社)日本循環器学会  


  • 心臓血管系集中治療医の育成-日本医科大学千葉北総病院集中治療室の取り組み-

    白壁章宏, 浅井邦也, 岡崎大武, 柴田祐作, 鴫原祥太, 西郡卓, 澤谷倫史, 大塚悠介, 國分裕人, 清水渉

    日本集中治療医学会学術集会(Web)   48th   2021

  • 急性心筋梗塞及び心室細動を合併した逆行性Stanford A型急性大動脈解離に対して,経皮的心肺補助装置使用下で冠動脈形成術及び大動脈ステントグラフと治療を行い救命し得た一例

    鴫原祥太, 岡崎大武, 白壁章宏, 國分裕人, 大塚悠介, 笹本希, 澤谷倫史, 西郡卓, 柴田祐作, 松下誠人, 嶺貴彦, 山下裕正, 川瀬康裕, 藤井正大, 浅井邦也, 清水渉

    日本集中治療医学会関東甲信越支部学術集会プログラム・抄録集(Web)   5th   2021

  • PCI後、異なるステント内において、遅発性ステント血栓症に伴う不安定狭心症とST上昇型心筋梗塞を生じた一例

    澁谷 淳介, 西郡 卓, 平澤 泰宏, 田中 邦夫, 朝倉 靖, 清水 渉

    日本心血管インターベンション治療学会抄録集   27回   MO390 - MO390   2018.8

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    Language:English   Publisher:(一社)日本心血管インターベンション治療学会  


  • AKIの予防と治療は可能か? 急性心不全における急性腎障害

    白壁 章宏, 畑 典武, 小林 宣明, 岡崎 大武, 柴田 祐作, 西郡 卓, 浅井 邦也, 清水 渉

    日本集中治療医学会雑誌   25 ( Suppl. )   [SY7 - 2]   2018.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本集中治療医学会  


  • 急性心不全におけるキサンチンオキシドレダクターゼ(XOR)活性の推移

    岡崎 大武, 白壁 章宏, 畑 典武, 小林 宣明, 松下 誠人, 柴田 祐作, 西郡 卓, 木内 一貴, 浅井 邦也, 清水 渉

    日本集中治療医学会雑誌   25 ( Suppl. )   [P16 - 7]   2018.2

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  • Stanford A型急性大動脈解離による右冠動脈入口部圧排を光干渉断層装置(OCT)で観察した1症例

    柴田 祐作, 小林 宣明, 内山 沙央里, 西郡 卓, 岡崎 大武, 白壁 章宏, 畑 典武, 清水 渉

    日本集中治療医学会雑誌   25 ( Suppl. )   [P30 - 5]   2018.2

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  • 感染性塞栓物により生じた急性心筋梗塞後に形成された冠動脈瘤

    柴田 祐作, 小林 宜明, 辻林 亨, 木内 一貴, 内山 沙央里, 西郡 卓, 岡崎 大武, 白壁 章宏, 畑 典武, 清水 渉

    日本心血管インターベンション治療学会抄録集   26回   MO025 - MO025   2017.7

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  • Biomarker Strategy for the Detection and Prediction of Acute Kidney Injury in Patients with Acute Heart failure

    SHIRAKABE Akihiro, HATA Noritake, KOBAYASHI Nobuaki, OKAZAKI Hirotake, MATSUSHITA Masato, SHIBATA Yusaku, NISHIGOORI Suguru, UCHIYAMA Saori, ASAI Kuniya, ASAI Kuniya, SHIMIZU Wataru

    日本心不全学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集   21st   2017

  • Is the Definition of Worsening Renal Function Enough for the Evalnation of Acute Renal Failure in Acute Heart Failure?

    SHIRAKABE Akihiro, HATA Noritake, KOBAYASHI Nobuaki, OKAZAKI Hirotake, MATSUSHITA Masato, SHIBATA Yusaku, NISHIGOORI Suguru, UCHIYAMA Saori, ASAI Kuniya, SHIMIZU Wataru

    日本心不全学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集   21st   2017

  • 冬季発症急性冠症候群の臨床的特徴と予後 Optical coherence tomographyを用いた検討

    澁谷 淳介, 小林 宣明, 内山 沙央里, 西郡 卓, 塩村 玲子, 岡崎 大武, 白壁 章宏, 品田 卓郎, 畑 典武, 清水 渉

    日本心臓病学会学術集会抄録   64回   O - 032   2016.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本心臓病学会  


  • 収縮期血圧低値の急性心不全は予後不良であり、肝胆道系酵素値がその予後を予測しうる

    塩村 玲子, 小林 宣明, 内山 沙央里, 西郡 卓, 澁谷 淳介, 岡崎 大武, 白壁 章宏, 品田 卓郎, 畑 典武, 清水 渉

    日本心臓病学会学術集会抄録   64回   P - 491   2016.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本心臓病学会  


  • 肺動脈塞栓症を契機に遺伝子変異の特定に至った先天性アンチトロンビン欠乏症の1例

    木内 一貴, 小林 宣明, 西郡 卓, 岡崎 大武, 畑 典武, 栗原 理, 清野 精彦, 鶴見 昌史, 脇田 知志, 清水 渉

    日本内科学会関東地方会   624回   29 - 29   2016.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本内科学会-関東地方会  


  • 急性冠症候群におけるドクターヘリ搬送症例の臨床的特徴

    西郡 卓, 小林 宣明, 澁谷 淳介, 塩村 玲子, 岡崎 大武, 鶴見 昌史, 品田 卓郎, 松本 尚, 畑 典武, 清水 渉

    日本集中治療医学会雑誌   23 ( Suppl. )   405 - 405   2016.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本集中治療医学会  


  • Clinical Significance of the Measurement of Urinary Liver-Fatty Acid-Binding Protein (LFABP) Excretion in Acute Heart Failure Patients

    SHIRAKABE Akihiro, KOBAYASHI Nobuaki, OKAZAKI Hirotake, MATSUSHITA Masato, SHIBUYA Junsuke, NISHIGOORI Suguru, HATA Noritake, HATA Noritake, ASAI Kuniya, SHIMIZU Wataru

    日本心不全学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集   20th   2016

  • NOAC登場後の急性静脈血栓塞栓症に対する抗凝固療法

    鈴木 啓士, 山本 剛, 小野寺 健太, 西郡 卓, 大山 亮, 岡 英一郎, 古瀬 領人, 三軒 豪仁, 林 洋史, 細川 雄亮, 圷 宏一, 谷田 篤史, 高木 郁代, 清水 渉

    日本心臓病学会学術集会抄録   63回   944 - 944   2015.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本心臓病学会  


  • Relationship between Twenty-Four Hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring Pattern and Plaque Characteristics in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease

    SANGEN Hideto, TAKANO Hitoshi, NISHIGOORI Suguru, OOYAMA Ryou, CHINEN Daigo, NAKAMURA Yuuki, AOYAMA Rie, KUBOTA Yoshiaki, INUI Keisuke, NAKAMURA Shunichi, MURAI Koji, KATOH Koji, ASAI Kuniya, FUKUMA Nagaharu, SHIMIZU Wataru

    Circulation Journal   79 ( Supplement 1(CD-ROM) )   2015

  • Relationship between Sleep-disordered Breathing and Systemic Atherosclerosis: Cross Sectional Study

    NAKAMURA Yuuki, NAKAMURA Shunichi, NISHIGOORI Suguru, OYAMA Ryo, CHINEN Daigo, SANGEN Hideto, AOYAMA Rie, KUBOTA Yoshiaki, INUI Keisuke, MURAI Koji, KATOH Koji, TAKANO Hitoshi, ASAI Kuniya, SHIMIZU Wataru

    Circulation Journal   79 ( Supplement 1(CD-ROM) )   2015

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