Updated on 2024/09/16


Maruyama Motoyo
Faculty of Medicine, Division of Laboratory Animal Science, Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
External link

Research Interests

  • 長鎖非コードRNA

  • 神経障害性疼痛

Research Areas

  • Life Science / Neuroscience-general

  • Life Science / Laboratory animal science

  • Life Science / Molecular biology

Research History


  • Exploration for Blood Biomarkers of Human Long Non-coding RNAs Predicting Oxaliplatin-Induced Chronic Neuropathy Through iPS Cell-Derived Sensory Neuron Analysis. International journal

    Atsushi Sakai, Takeshi Yamada, Motoyo Maruyama, Koji Ueda, Toshimitsu Miyasaka, Hiroshi Yoshida, Hidenori Suzuki

    Molecular neurobiology   2024.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Oxaliplatin, a platinum-based chemotherapeutic agent, frequently causes acute and chronic peripheral sensory neuropathy, for which no effective treatment has been established. In particular, chronic neuropathy can persist for years even after treatment completion, thus worsening patients' quality of life. To avoid the development of intractable adverse effects, a predictive biomarker early in treatment is awaited. In this study, we explored extracellular long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) released from primary sensory neurons as biomarker candidates for oxaliplatin-induced peripheral neuropathy. Because many human-specific lncRNA genes exist, we induced peripheral sensory neurons from human induced pluripotent stem cells. Oxaliplatin treatment changed the levels of many lncRNAs in extracellular vesicles (EVs) released from cultured primary sensory neurons. Among them, the levels of release of lncRNAs that were considered to be selectively expressed in dorsal root ganglia were correlated with those of lncRNAs in plasma EV obtained from healthy individuals. Several lncRNAs in plasma EVs early after the initiation of treatment showed greater changes in patients who did not develop chronic neuropathy that persisted for more than 1 year than in those who did. Therefore, these extracellular lncRNAs in plasma EVs may represent predictive biomarkers for the development of chronic peripheral neuropathy induced by oxaliplatin.

    DOI: 10.1007/s12035-024-04017-7



  • TSLP in DRG neurons causes the development of neuropathic pain through T cells. International journal

    Yuka Ino, Motoyo Maruyama, Masumi Shimizu, Rimpei Morita, Atsuhiro Sakamoto, Hidenori Suzuki, Atsushi Sakai

    Journal of neuroinflammation   20 ( 1 )   200 - 200   2023.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: Peripheral nerve injury to dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons develops intractable neuropathic pain via induction of neuroinflammation. However, neuropathic pain is rare in the early life of rodents. Here, we aimed to identify a novel therapeutic target for neuropathic pain in adults by comprehensively analyzing the difference of gene expression changes between infant and adult rats after nerve injury. METHODS: A neuropathic pain model was produced in neonatal and young adult rats by spared nerve injury. Nerve injury-induced gene expression changes in the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) were examined using RNA sequencing. Thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) and its siRNA were intrathecally injected. T cells were examined using immunofluorescence and were reduced by systemic administration of FTY720. RESULTS: Differences in changes in the transcriptome in injured DRG between infant and adult rats were most associated with immunological functions. Notably, TSLP was markedly upregulated in DRG neurons in adult rats, but not in infant rats. TSLP caused mechanical allodynia in adult rats, whereas TSLP knockdown suppressed the development of neuropathic pain. TSLP promoted the infiltration of T cells into the injured DRG and organized the expressions of multiple factors that regulate T cells. Accordingly, TSLP caused mechanical allodynia through T cells in the DRG. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated that TSLP is causally involved in the development of neuropathic pain through T cell recruitment.

    DOI: 10.1186/s12974-023-02882-y



  • Neat1 lncRNA organizes the inflammatory gene expressions in the dorsal root ganglion in neuropathic pain caused by nerve injury Reviewed

    Maruyama M, Sakai A, Fukunaga T, Miyagawa Y, Okada T, Hamada M, Suzuki H

    Front. Immunol.   14:1185322   2023.8

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Frontiers Media SA  

    Primary sensory neurons regulate inflammatory processes in innervated regions through neuro-immune communication. However, how their immune-modulating functions are regulated in concert remains largely unknown. Here, we show that Neat1 long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) organizes the proinflammatory gene expressions in the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) in chronic intractable neuropathic pain in rats. Neat1 was abundantly expressed in the DRG and was upregulated after peripheral nerve injury. Neat1 overexpression in primary sensory neurons caused mechanical and thermal hypersensitivity, whereas its knockdown alleviated neuropathic pain. Bioinformatics analysis of comprehensive transcriptome changes indicated the inflammatory response was the most relevant function of genes upregulated through Neat1. Consistent with this, upregulation of proinflammatory genes in the DRG following nerve injury was suppressed by Neat1 knockdown. Expression changes of these proinflammatory genes were regulated through Neat1-mRNA interaction-dependent and -independent mechanisms. Notably, Neat1 increased proinflammatory genes by stabilizing its interacting mRNAs in neuropathic pain. Finally, Neat1 in primary sensory neurons contributed to spinal inflammatory processes that mediated peripheral neuropathic pain. These findings demonstrate that Neat1 lncRNA is a key regulator of neuro-immune communication in neuropathic pain.

    DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1185322.


  • Class III Alcohol Dehydrogenase Plays a Key Role in the Onset of Alcohol-Related/-Associated Liver Disease as an S-Nitrosoglutathione Reductase in Mice. International journal

    Takeshi Haseba, Motoyo Maruyama, Toshio Akimoto, Isao Yamamoto, Midori Katsuyama, Takahisa Okuda

    International journal of molecular sciences   24 ( 15 )   2023.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Lipid accumulation in the liver due to chronic alcohol consumption (CAC) is crucial in the development of alcohol liver disease (ALD). It is promoted by the NADH/NAD ratio increase via alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH)-dependent alcohol metabolism and lipogenesis increase via peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) in the liver. The transcriptional activity of PPARγ on lipogenic genes is inhibited by S-nitrosylation but activated by denitrosylation via S-nitrosoglutathione reductase (GSNOR), an enzyme identical to ADH3. Besides ADH1, ADH3 also participates in alcohol metabolism. Therefore, we investigated the specific contribution of ADH3 to ALD onset. ADH3-knockout (Adh3-/-) and wild-type (WT) mice were administered a 10% ethanol solution for 12 months. Adh3-/- exhibited no significant pathological changes in the liver, whereas WT exhibited marked hepatic lipid accumulation (p < 0.005) with increased serum transaminase levels. Adh3-/- exhibited no death during CAC, whereas WT exhibited a 40% death. Liver ADH3 mRNA levels were elevated by CAC in WT (p < 0.01). The alcohol elimination rate measured after injecting 4 g/kg ethanol was not significantly different between two strains, although the rate was increased in both strains by CAC. Thus, ADH3 plays a key role in the ALD onset, likely by acting as GSNOR.

    DOI: 10.3390/ijms241512102



  • Potential roles of extracellular non–coding RNAs in pain treatment

    Motoyo Maruyama, Hidenori Suzuki, Atsushi Sakai

    PAIN RESEARCH   37 ( 2 )   89 - 96   2022.7

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japanese Association for the Study of Pain  

    DOI: 10.11154/pain.37.89


  • Potential roles of extracellular non–coding RNAs in pain treatment

    Maruyama Motoyo, Suzuki Hidenori, Sakai Atsushi

    PAIN RESEARCH   37 ( 2 )   89 - 96   2022.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:JAPANESE ASSOCIATION FOR STUDY OF PAIN  

    Non–coding RNAs, including microRNA and lncRNA, affect various cellular functions primarily by regulating diverse stages of gene expression, such as transcription, translation, and epigenetic modulation. In recent years, it has been shown that many non–coding RNAs are dysregulated in pain disorders and can be a potential therapeutic target. Intriguingly, a part of non–coding RNAs are encapsulated in extracellular vesicles and are abundantly released into the extracellular space. These extracellular non–coding RNAs can be taken up by nearby or even distant cells and exert their own functions, indicating that they act as important mediators of cell–cell communication. In fact, some extracellular microRNAs have been shown to cause hyperalgesia by acting nearby neurons and immune cells. In addition, extracellular non–coding RNAs in blood and cerebrospinal fluid are expected as a biomarker for various purposes, such as diagnosis, drug responsiveness prediction and prognosis, in pain disorders. In this review, we summarize current insights into the significance of extracellular non–coding RNA in pain disorders and their treatment.

    DOI: 10.11154/pain.37.89

    CiNii Research


  • 慢性エタノール摂取がマウス腎に及ぼす影響

    勝山 碧, 長谷場 健, 石崎 正通, 佐佐木 喜広, 秋元 敏雄, 丸山 基世, 奥田 貴久

    アルコールと医学生物学   39   104 - 106   2020.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:梵天書房  

    腎でのアルコールの影響を、Alcohol Dehydrogenase Class III(ADH3)ノックアウトマウスを使って生化学的および形態学的に検討した。2ヵ月齢の雄のADH3ノックアウトマウス(Adh3-/-)およびC57BL/6Nマウス(WT)に10%アルコールまたは水を1ヵ月摂取させ、アルコール投与群(E群)および水投与群(C群)を作製した。免疫染色の結果、WTマウスのC群、E群いずれもADH1は遠位尿細管に、ADH3は核、近位尿細管、遠位尿細管に局在していることが明らかになった。形態学的手法を用いたアルコールによる腎への影響に関して、WTマウスのE群では近位尿細管上皮細胞で空胞変性、ミトコンドリアの崩壊および刷子縁のPAS陽性物質の減少が観察された。生化学的検討によるアルコールによる腎への影響では、WTマウスで腎障害診断基準のひとつであるアルブミンおよび総蛋白がE群で尿中に有意に漏出していた。本研究によりADH1とADH3の局在が明らかになり、WTマウスとAdh3-/-マウスを使用したアルコールによる腎の形態変化が明確になった。


  • Roles of Two Major Alcohol Dehydrogenases, ADH1 (Class I) and ADH3 (Class III), in the Adaptive Enhancement of Alcohol Metabolism Induced by Chronic Alcohol Consumption in Mice. Reviewed International journal

    Takeshi Haseba, Takahisa Okuda, Motoyo Maruyama, Toshio Akimoto, Gregg Duester, Youkichi Ohno

    Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire)   55 ( 1 )   11 - 19   2020.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    AIMS: It is still unclear which enzymes contribute to the adaptive enhancement of alcohol metabolism by chronic alcohol consumption (CAC). ADH1 (Class I) has the lowest Km for ethanol and the highest sensitivity for 4-methylpyrazole (4MP) among ADH isozymes, while ADH3 (Class III) has the highest Km and the lowest sensitivity. We investigated how these two major ADHs relate to the adaptive enhancement of alcohol metabolism. METHODS: Male mice with different ADH genotypes (WT, Adh1-/- and Adh3-/-) were subjected to CAC experiment using a 10% ethanol solution for 1 month. Alcohol elimination rate (AER) was measured after ethanol injection at a 4.0 g/kg dose. 4MP-sensitive and -insensitive AERs were measured by the simultaneous administration of 4MP at a dose of 0.5 mmol/kg in order to estimate ADH1 and non-ADH1 pathways. RESULTS: AER was enhanced by CAC in all ADH genotypes, especially more than twofold in Adh1-/- mice, with increasing ADH1 and/or ADH3 liver contents, but not CYP2E1 content. 4MP-sensitive AER was also increased by CAC in WT and Adh3-/- strains, which was greater in Adh3-/- than in WT mice. The sensitive AER was increased even in Adh1-/- mice probably due to the increase in ADH3, which is semi-sensitive for 4MP. 4MP-insensitive AER was also increased in WT and Adh1-/- by CAC, but not in Adh3-/- mice. CONCLUSION: ADH1 contributes to the enhancement of alcohol metabolism by CAC, particularly in the absence of ADH3. ADH3 also contributes to the enhancement as a non-ADH1 pathway, especially in the absence of ADH1.

    DOI: 10.1093/alcalc/agz091



  • Dorsal Root Ganglia Homeobox downregulation in primary sensory neurons contributes to neuropathic pain in rats Reviewed

    Takaya Ito, Atsushi Sakai, Motoyo Maruyama, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Takashi Okada, Haruhisa Fukayama, Hidenori Suzuki

    Molecular pain   16   2020.1

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1177/1744806920904462




  • Effect of H2 treatment in a mouse model of rheumatoid arthritis-associated interstitial lung disease. Reviewed International journal

    Yasuhiro Terasaki, Mika Terasaki, Satoshi Kanazawa, Nariaki Kokuho, Hirokazu Urushiyama, Yusuke Kajimoto, Shinobu Kunugi, Motoyo Maruyama, Toshio Akimoto, Yoko Miura, Tsutomu Igarashi, Ikuroh Ohsawa, Akira Shimizu

    Journal of cellular and molecular medicine   23 ( 10 )   7043 - 7053   2019.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)-associated interstitial lung disease (ILD), a primary cause of mortality in patients with RA, has limited treatment options. A previously established RA model in D1CC transgenic mice aberrantly expressed major histocompatibility complex class II genes in joints, developing collagen II-induced polyarthritis and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies and interstitial pneumonitis, similar to those in humans. Molecular hydrogen (H2 ) is an efficient antioxidant that permeates cell membranes and alleviates the reactive oxygen species-induced injury implicated in RA pathogenesis. We used D1CC mice to analyse chronic lung fibrosis development and evaluate H2 treatment effects. We injected D1CC mice with type II collagen and supplied them with H2 -rich or control water until analysis. Increased serum surfactant protein D values and lung densities images were observed 10 months after injection. Inflammation was patchy within the perilymphatic stromal area, with increased 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine-positive cell numbers and tumour necrosis factor-α, BAX, transforming growth factor-β, interleukin-6 and soluble collagen levels in the lungs. Inflammatory and fibrotic changes developed diffusely within the perilymphatic stromal area, as observed in humans. H2 treatment decreased these effects in the lungs. Thus, this model is valuable for studying the effects of H2 treatment and chronic interstitial pneumonia pathophysiology in humans. H2 appears to protect against RA-ILD by alleviating oxidative stress.

    DOI: 10.1111/jcmm.14603

    Web of Science



  • MicroRNA and long non–coding RNA in neuropathic pain

    Atsushi Sakai, Motoyo Maruyama, Hidenori Suzuki

    PAIN RESEARCH   34 ( 3 )   219 - 227   2019.9

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japanese Association for the Study of Pain  

    DOI: 10.11154/pain.34.219


  • Increased H19 Long Non-coding RNA Expression in Schwann Cells in Peripheral Neuropathic Pain. Reviewed

    Hirotoshi Iwasaki, Atsushi Sakai, Motoyo Maruyama, Takaya Ito, Atsuhiro Sakamoto, Hidenori Suzuki

    Journal of Nippon Medical School = Nippon Ika Daigaku zasshi   86 ( 4 )   215 - 221   2019.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: Neuropathic pain is an intractable chronic pain condition caused by damage to the somatosensory system. Although non-coding RNAs such as microRNAs are important regulators of neuropathic pain, the role of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) is poorly understood. METHODS: This study used a rat model of neuropathic pain induced by lumbar fifth spinal nerve ligation (SNL). Microarray analysis of lncRNAs in the lumbar fifth dorsal root ganglion was performed at day 14 after SNL. Expression levels of H19 were examined by using quantitative PCR. In situ hybridization was used to determine the distribution of H19 at day 14 after SNL. Schwann cells were isolated from peripheral nerves at day 14 after SNL. RESULTS: H19 lncRNA was greatly increased in the L5 dorsal root ganglion at day 14 after SNL and was significantly higher at and after day 4. In the dorsal root ganglion, H19 was detected mainly in non-neuronal cells but not in primary sensory neurons. Consistent with this, H19 expression was upregulated in Schwann cells isolated from peripheral nerves after SNL. CONCLUSION: Increased H19 lncRNA in Schwann cells might be involved in neuropathic pain.

    DOI: 10.1272/jnms.JNMS.2018_86-402

    Web of Science



  • Biodistribution Analysis of Transgene Expression from a Non-Cytotoxic Herpes Simplex Virus Based Vector Reviewed

    Miyagawa Yoshitaka, Maruyama Motoyo, Kuroda Seiji, Sakai Atsushi, Sato Yuriko, Kinoh Hiromi, Yamamoto Motoko, Cohen Justus B, Glorioso Joseph C, Okada Takashi

    MOLECULAR THERAPY   27 ( 4 )   196   2019.4

  • Metabolic pharmacokinetics of early chronic alcohol consumption mediated by liver alcohol dehydrogenases 1 and 3 in mice. Reviewed International journal

    Takahisa Okuda, Takeshi Haseba, Midori Katsuyama, Motoyo Maruyama, Toshio Akimoto, Tsutomu Igarashi, Youkichi Ohno

    Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology   33 ( 11 )   1912 - 1919   2018.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND AND AIM: Alcohol dehydrogenases (ADHs) 1 and 3 are responsible for systemic alcohol metabolism. The current study investigated the contribution of liver ADH1 and ADH3 to the metabolic pharmacokinetics of chronic alcohol consumption (CAC). METHODS: The 9-week-old male mice of different ADH genotypes (wild-type [WT], Adh1-/- , and Adh3-/- ) were administered with 10% ethanol solution for 1 month, followed by acute ethanol administration (4.0 g/kg). The alcohol elimination rate (AER), area under the blood alcohol concentration curve (AUC), and the maximum blood alcohol concentration (Cmax ) were calculated. The liver content, activity, and mRNA levels of ADH were evaluated. RESULTS: Chronic alcohol consumption increased the AER and reduced the AUC in all ADH genotypes. The increased ADH1 content was correlated with AER in WT mice but not in the Adh3-/- mice. Similarly, the increased ADH3 content was also correlated with AER in both WT and Adh1-/- mice. The Cmax was significantly higher in Adh3-/- control mice than in WT control mice. It decreased in the Adh1-/- mice by CAC along with an increase in the ADH3 content. CONCLUSIONS: Alcohol dehydrogenases 1 and 3 would accomplish the pharmacokinetic adaptation to CAC in the early period. ADH1 contributes to the metabolic pharmacokinetics of CAC with a decrease in AUC in conjunction with an increase of AER by increasing the enzyme content in the presence of ADH3. ADH3 also contributes to a decrease in AUC in conjunction with not only an increase in AER but also a decrease in Cmax by increasing the enzyme content.

    DOI: 10.1111/jgh.14260

    Web of Science



  • The Contribution of Alcohol Dehydrogenase 3 to the Development of Alcoholic Osteoporosis in Mice. Reviewed

    Takahisa Okuda, Munehiro Naruo, Osamu Iijima, Tsutomu Igarashi, Midori Katsuyama, Motoyo Maruyama, Toshio Akimoto, Youkichi Ohno, Takeshi Haseba

    Journal of Nippon Medical School = Nippon Ika Daigaku zasshi   85 ( 6 )   322 - 329   2018

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: Alcohol dehydrogenase 3 (ADH3) plays major roles not only in alcohol metabolism but also in nitric oxide metabolism as S-nitrosoglutathione reductase (GSNOR). ADH3/GSNOR regulates both adipogenesis and osteogenesis through the denitrosylation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ. The current study investigated the contribution of ADH3 to the development of alcoholic osteoporosis in chronic alcohol consumption (CAC). METHODS: Nine-week-old male mice of different ADH genotypes [wild-type (WT) and Adh3-/-] were administered a 10% ethanol solution for 12 months. The femurs were evaluated by histochemical staining and computed tomography-based bone densitometry. The mRNA levels of ADH3 were evaluated in the WT mice by reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: The Adh3-/- control mice exhibited increased activities of both osteoblasts and osteoclasts and lower bone masses than the WT control mice. CAC exhibited no remarkable change in osteoblastic and osteoclastic activities, but decreased bone masses were observed in WT mice despite an increase in the mRNA levels of ADH3. Conversely, bone masses in the Adh3-/- control mice were not reduced after CAC. CONCLUSIONS: The Adh3-/- control mice exhibited a high turnover of osteoporosis since osteoclastogenesis dominated osteoblastogenesis; however, bone resorption was not enhanced after CAC. In comparison, CAC lead to alcoholic osteoporosis in WT mice, accompanied by increased mRNA levels of ADH3. Hence, ADH3 can prevent osteoporosis development in normal ADH genotypes with no alcohol ingestion. However, ADH3 contributes to the development of alcoholic osteoporosis under CAC by participating in alcohol metabolism, increasing metabolic toxicity, and lowering GSNO reducing activity.

    DOI: 10.1272/jnms.JNMS.2018_85-52

    Web of Science



  • MicroRNA cluster miR-17-92 regulates multiple functionally related voltage-gated potassium channels in chronic neuropathic pain. Reviewed International journal

    Atsushi Sakai, Fumihito Saitow, Motoyo Maruyama, Noriko Miyake, Koichi Miyake, Takashi Shimada, Takashi Okada, Hidenori Suzuki

    Nature communications   8   16079 - 16079   2017.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP  

    miR-17-92 is a microRNA cluster with six distinct members. Here, we show that the miR-17-92 cluster and its individual members modulate chronic neuropathic pain. All cluster members are persistently upregulated in primary sensory neurons after nerve injury. Overexpression of miR-18a, miR-19a, miR-19b and miR-92a cluster members elicits mechanical allodynia in rats, while their blockade alleviates mechanical allodynia in a rat model of neuropathic pain. Plausible targets for the miR-17-92 cluster include genes encoding numerous voltage-gated potassium channels and their modulatory subunits. Single-cell analysis reveals extensive co-expression of miR-17-92 cluster and its predicted targets in primary sensory neurons. miR-17-92 downregulates the expression of potassium channels, and reduced outward potassium currents, in particular A-type currents. Combined application of potassium channel modulators synergistically alleviates mechanical allodynia induced by nerve injury or miR-17-92 overexpression. miR-17-92 cluster appears to cooperatively regulate the function of multiple voltage-gated potassium channel subunits, perpetuating mechanical allodynia.

    DOI: 10.1038/ncomms16079

    Web of Science



  • Expression analysis of long non-coding RNAs in neuropathic pain Reviewed

    Maruyama Motoyo, Sakai Atsushi, Suzuki Hidenori

    JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES   133 ( 3 )   S189   2017.3

  • miR-15b mediates oxaliplatin-induced chronic neuropathic pain through BACE1 down-regulation. Reviewed International journal

    Naomi Ito, Atsushi Sakai, Noriko Miyake, Motoyo Maruyama, Hirotoshi Iwasaki, Koichi Miyake, Takashi Okada, Atsuhiro Sakamoto, Hidenori Suzuki

    British journal of pharmacology   174 ( 5 )   386 - 395   2017.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY  

    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Although oxaliplatin is an effective anti-cancer platinum compound, it can cause painful chronic neuropathy, and its molecular mechanisms are poorly understood. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that negatively regulate gene expression in a sequence-specific manner. Although miRNAs have been increasingly recognized as important modulators in a variety of pain conditions, their involvement in chemotherapy-induced neuropathic pain is unknown. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH: Oxaliplatin-induced chronic neuropathic pain was induced in rats by i.p. injections of oxaliplatin (2 mg·kg-1 ) for five consecutive days. The expression levels of miR-15b and β-site amyloid precursor protein-cleaving enzyme 1 (BACE1 also known as β-secretase 1) were examined in the dorsal root ganglion (DRG). To examine the function of miR-15b, an adeno-associated viral vector encoding miR-15b was injected into the DRG in vivo. KEY RESULTS: Among the miRNAs examined in the DRG in the late phase of oxaliplatin-induced neuropathic pain, miR-15b was most robustly increased. Our in vitro assay results determined that BACE1 was a target of miR-15b. BACE1 and miR-15b were co-expressed in putative myelinated and unmyelinated DRG neurons. Overexpression of miR-15b in DRG neurons caused mechanical allodynia in association with reduced expression of BACE1. Consistent with these results, a BACE1 inhibitor dose-dependently induced significant mechanical allodynia. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: These findings suggest that miR-15b contributes to oxaliplatin-induced chronic neuropathic pain at least in part through the down-regulation of BACE1.

    DOI: 10.1111/bph.13698

    Web of Science



  • A new in vivo analysis model to detect sexually dimorphic rat liver cytochrome P450 gene expression dependent on growth hormone secretory patterns. Reviewed

    Motoyo Maruyama, Masahiko Fujisawa, Makoto Yokosuka, Toru R Saito, Shin-Ichi Hayama, Toshio Akimoto, Yoji Hakamata

    Experimental animals   65 ( 4 )   447 - 454   2016.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:INT PRESS EDITING CENTRE INC  

    Several drug-metabolizing cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes exhibit sexual dimorphism depending on the pituitary growth hormone (GH) secretory patterns. However, the mechanism underlying CYP sexual dimorphism remains unclear. We previously established a transgenic (Alb-DsRed2 Tg) rat that expressed red fluorescent DsRed2 protein, particularly in hepatocytes, to visualize cell differentiation and multiplication and found that hepatic DsRed2 expression exhibited sexual dimorphism that was limited to adult males. In this study, we compared the expression patterns between sexual dimorphic Cyps and DsRed2 in Tg rats after experimentally reversing the GH secretory patterns in males and females. Postnatal day 1 male and female Tg rats were gonadectomized and then testosterone propionate (0.25 mg/rat) was subcutaneously administered to ovariectomized females immediately after surgery. Cyp mRNA and DsRed2 expression levels were quantified using RT-PCR and an in vivo imaging system, respectively. GH-dependent Cyps and hepatic DsRed2 expression patterns were reversed in males and females at 9 weeks after birth and were significantly correlated (P<0.05). This suggested that DsRed2 expression in these Tg rats depended on GH secretory patterns. Based on DsRed2 fluorescence, this Tg rat model could become a tool to readily and effectively evaluate changes in GH-dependent Cyp expression.

    DOI: 10.1538/expanim.16-0030

    Web of Science



  • 成長ホルモン分泌パターンに依存する性的二形性ラット肝シトクロムP450遺伝子発現の検出のための新しいin vivo解析モデル

    丸山 基世, 藤澤 正彦, 横須賀 誠, 斎藤 徹, 羽山 伸一, 秋元 敏雄, 袴田 陽二

    Experimental Animals   65 ( 4 )   447 - 454   2016.10

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    Language:English   Publisher:(公社)日本実験動物学会  

    肝臓の薬物代謝酵素シトクロムP450(CYP)の一部は性的二形性を示し、薬物の効果や副作用の性差の原因として臨床上重要な問題となっている。ラットにおいてCYPの性的二形性は下垂体成長ホルモン(GH)の分泌パターンの性差に強く依存するとされているが、詳細なメカニズムは明らかでない。我々は、以前にマウスアルブミンエンハンサー/プロモーターの制御下で、肝細胞特異的に蛍光タンパク質DsRed2遺伝子を発現するトランスジェニック(Alb-DsRed2 Tg)ラットを作製し、肝DsRed2発現が成熟雄ラットに限定される性的二形を示すことを報告した。本研究では、GH分泌パターンに依存する内因性CYP発現と性的二形性DsRed2発現の関連性を検討するために、本ラットのGH分泌パターンを雌雄で逆転させ、肝CYPおよびDsRed2発現を比較した。生後1日目に雌雄Alb-DsRed2 Tgラットの性腺を摘出し、雌には同時にテストステロンプロピオネートを投与した。従来の報告と一致して、実験的にGH分泌パターンを雌雄で逆転させるとCYPの性的二形性発現が逆転し、それと同期して本ラットのDsRed2発現の性的二形性が逆転した。肝DsRed2発現は性的二形CYP発現と強く相関し、本ラットはGH分泌パターンに依存する性的二形CYP発現の変化を簡便に評価できる有用なツールであることが明らかとなった。(著者抄録)


    Other Link: https://search.jamas.or.jp/default/link?pub_year=2016&ichushi_jid=J04703&link_issn=&doc_id=20161114400014&doc_link_id=10.1538%2Fexpanim.16-0030&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdoi.org%2F10.1538%2Fexpanim.16-0030&type=J-STAGE&icon=https%3A%2F%2Fjk04.jamas.or.jp%2Ficon%2F00007_3.gif

  • Analysis of pain-related behaviors in the gain-of-function mutant rat of TRPV3 gene Reviewed

    Maruyama Motoyo, Sakai Atsushi, Akimoto Toshio, Suzuki Hidenori

    JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES   128 ( 3 )   S232   2015.7

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  • Long-term efficacy and safety of non-toxic herpesvirus vectors

    宮川世志幸, 丸山基世, 丸山基世, 坂井敦, 佐藤優里子, 黒田誠司, 喜納裕美, 山本基子, 橋詰令太郎, 鈴木秀典, JUSTUS Cohen, JOSEPH Glorioso

    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web)   46th   2023

  • 幼若期の神経障害性疼痛抵抗性の解析に基づく新規発症因子TSLPサイトカインの同定

    坂井 敦, 井野 佑佳, 丸山 基世, 坂本 篤裕, 鈴木 秀典

    PAIN RESEARCH   37 ( 4 )   262 - 262   2022.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本疼痛学会  


  • 神経障害性疼痛における一次感覚神経のTSLPサイトカインの解析

    坂井敦, 井野佑佳, 井野佑佳, 丸山基世, 丸山基世, 坂本篤裕, 鈴木秀典

    日本神経化学会大会抄録集(Web)   65th   2022

  • 小児期の神経障害性疼痛抵抗性に着目した新規治療標的の探索

    井野佑佳, 井野佑佳, 坂井敦, 丸山基世, 丸山基世, 鈴木秀典, 坂本篤裕

    日本麻酔科学会学術集会(Web)   68th   2021

  • 生体内における無毒化ヘルペスウイルスベクターの機能性・安全性の検証

    宮川世志幸, 丸山基世, 丸山基世, 坂井敦, 佐藤優里子, 黒田誠司, 喜納裕美, 山本基子, 橋詰令太郎, 鈴木秀典, COHEN Justus B., GLORIOSO Joseph C., 岡田尚巳

    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web)   43rd   2020

  • 一次感覚神経におけるホメオボックス遺伝子DRGXの神経障害性疼痛への関与

    伊藤孝哉, 伊藤孝哉, 坂井敦, 丸山基世, 丸山基世, 宮川世志幸, 岡田尚巳, 深山治久, 鈴木秀典

    日本薬理学雑誌   155 ( Supplement )   2020

  • DRGX regulates MMP-9 expression in the primary sensory neurons in neuropathic pain

    坂井敦, 伊藤孝哉, 伊藤孝哉, 丸山基世, 丸山基世, 宮川世志幸, 深山治久, 鈴木秀典

    Pain Research   35 ( 4 )   2020

  • アルコール摂取がマウスの腎臓に及ぼす形態変化と生化学的変動

    勝山碧, 長谷場健, 丸山基世, 秋元敏雄, 奥田貴久

    日本法医学雑誌   74 ( 2 )   2020

  • 神経障害性疼痛におけるマイクロRNAと長鎖非コードRNA

    坂井敦, 丸山基世, 鈴木秀典

    Pain Research   34 ( 3 )   219 - 227   2019.9

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  • 慢性エタノール摂取マウスにおける腎の形態的変化~1か月摂取での検討~

    勝山碧, 長谷場健, 佐佐木喜広, 和田健太朗, 丸山基世, 秋元敏雄, 奥田貴久

    日本腎臓学会誌   61 ( 3 )   412   2019.5

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  • Alcohol Dehydrogenase Class III(ADH3)とアルコール性腎障害の関係の検討

    勝山碧, 長谷場健, 奥田貴久, 大野曜吉, 丸山基世, 秋元敏雄

    アルコールと医学生物学   37   15‐16   2019.1

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  • 神経障害性疼痛における長鎖非コードRNA H19の発現増加

    岩崎宏俊, 坂井敦, 丸山基世, 伊藤孝哉, 鈴木秀典, 坂本篤裕

    日本麻酔科学会学術集会(Web)   66th   ROMBUNNO.Q‐IJ1‐3 (WEB ONLY)   2019

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  • In vivo遺伝子導入に至適化された無毒化ヘルペスウイルスベクターの開発

    宮川世志幸, 丸山基世, 丸山基世, 黒田誠治, 坂井敦, 佐藤優里子, 橋詰令太郎, 喜納裕美, 山本基子, JUSTUS Cohen, JOSEPH Glorioso, 岡田尚巳

    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web)   42nd   2019

  • Alcohol Dehydrogenaseとアルコール性腎障害の関係を探る

    勝山碧, 長谷場健, 長谷場健, 石崎正通, 佐佐木喜広, 奥田貴久, 丸山基世, 秋元敏雄, 小黒辰夫, 大野曜吉

    日本アルコール関連問題学会大会プログラム・抄録集   40th   104   2018.8

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  • 神経障害性疼痛及び軸索再生に対するNeat1の関与

    丸山基世, 坂井敦, 福永津嵩, 福永津嵩, 浜田道昭, 浜田道昭, 浜田道昭, 岡田尚巳, 鈴木秀典

    日本RNA学会年会要旨集   20th   149   2018.7

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  • 神経障害性疼痛モデルラットの一次感覚神経におけるNeat1長鎖非コードRNAの解析

    坂井敦, 丸山基世, 丸山基世, 岡田尚巳, 鈴木秀典

    Pain Research   33 ( 2 )   133   2018.6

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  • 生体内における新規無毒化ヘルペスウイルスベクターの遺伝子発現特性・動態解析

    宮川世志幸, 丸山基世, 丸山基世, 黒田誠治, 坂井敦, 佐藤優里子, 喜納裕美, 山本基子, COHEN Justus B, GLORIOSO Joseph C, 岡田尚巳

    日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web)   41st   ROMBUNNO.3P‐0793 (WEB ONLY)   2018

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  • 後根神経節に高発現する長鎖非コードRNAの神経障害性疼痛における変化

    坂井敦, 丸山基世, 丸山基世, 岩崎宏俊, 岩崎宏俊, 鈴木秀典

    Pain Research   32 ( 2 )   129   2017.6

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  • 慢性アルコール摂取によるアルコール代謝亢進に寄与するNon‐ADH 1 pathwayの正体

    長谷場健, 長谷場健, 丸山基世, 秋元敏夫

    アルコールと医学生物学   35   23‐24   2017.3

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  • 難治性神経・筋疾患の遺伝子治療に向けた新規無毒化ヘルペスウイルスベクターの開発

    宮川世志幸, 黒田誠司, 丸山基世, 丸山基世, 喜納裕美, 山本基子, VERLENGIA Gianluca, SIMONATO Michele, COHEN Justus, GLORIOSO Joseph, 岡田尚巳

    日本生化学会大会(Web)   90th   2017

  • WBN/Kob雄ラットおよびWBN/Kob-fatty雄ラットの糖尿病発症に至る未病期の比較

    秋元 敏雄, 岡田 嘉仁, 丸山 基世, 鈴木 龍一郎, 福生 吉裕

    日本未病システム学会学術総会抄録集   23回   97 - 97   2016.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本未病システム学会  


  • High kmアルコール脱水素酵素ADH3のアルコール摂取量ならびにアルコール性肝障害発症における役割

    長谷場 健, 丸山 基世, 秋元 敏雄, 成尾 宗浩, 奥田 貴久

    日本アルコール・薬物医学会雑誌   51 ( 4 )   154 - 154   2016.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本アルコール・アディクション医学会  


  • 神経障害性疼痛におけるmiR‐17‐92クラスターによるカリウムチャネルの調節

    坂井敦, 丸山基世, 丸山基世, 三宅紀子, 齋藤文仁, 三宅弘一, 島田隆, 岡田尚巳, 鈴木秀典

    Pain Research   31 ( 2 )   86   2016.6

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  • 急性アルコール中毒下での臓器障害とアルコール脱水素酵素の役割

    佐久間 隆弘, 長谷場 健, 丸山 基世, 秋元 敏雄, 大野 曜吉

    日本法医学雑誌   69 ( 2 )   122 - 122   2015.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(NPO)日本法医学会  


  • 肥満2型糖尿病モデルWBN/Kob-fattyラットにおける糖尿病性腎症に対する南蛮毛の未病ケア的効果について

    秋元 敏雄, 岡田 嘉仁, 丸山 基世, 鈴木 龍一郎, 福生 吉裕

    日本未病システム学会学術総会抄録集   22回   123 - 123   2015.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本未病システム学会  


  • びまん性肺疾患に対するエビデンスを構築する新規戦略的研究班 D1CCマウスリウマチモデルの肺病変の病理形態学的に解析と高濃度水素分子(H2)水飲水の病変に対する効果

    寺崎泰弘, 國保成暁, 漆山博和, 寺崎美佳, 功刀しのぶ, 丸山基世, 秋元敏雄, 金澤智

    びまん性肺疾患に対するエビデンスを構築する新規戦略的研究 平成26年度 研究報告書   115‐122   2015

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  • スナネズミ骨髄由来間葉系幹細胞の特性解析

    大坂 優衣, 寺谷 工, 丸山 基世, 藤澤 正彦, 袴田 陽二

    日本獣医生命科学大学研究報告   ( 63 )   133 - 133   2014.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本獣医生命科学大学  


  • スナネズミ脳虚血障害に対するスナネズミ骨髄由来間葉系幹細胞の神経保護作用の研究

    大坂 優衣, 藤澤 正彦, 寺谷 工, 丸山 基世, 袴田 陽二

    日本獣医学会学術集会講演要旨集   157回   538 - 538   2014.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本獣医学会  


  • 胆管結紮手術後のヘアレスラットのヘテロ個体およびワイルド個体の病態について

    蜂須賀 誠人, 前田 彩香, 丸山 基世, 秋元 敏雄

    日本医科大学医学会雑誌   9 ( 4 )   262 - 262   2013.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本医科大学医学会  


  • 肥満2型糖尿病モデルWBN/Kob-fattyラットの糖尿病性腎症の経過と腎臓におけるToxic AGEsの局在について

    秋元 敏雄, 丸山 基世, 益田 幸成, 岡田 嘉仁, 竹内 正義, 鈴木 龍一郎, 福生 吉裕

    日本未病システム学会学術総会抄録集   20回   124 - 124   2013.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本未病システム学会  


  • ラットにおける脳と肝薬物代謝酵素の性的二形性の比較

    丸山 基世, 藤澤 正彦, 横須賀 誠, 斎藤 徹, 藤平 篤志, 天尾 弘実, 羽山 伸一, 袴田 陽二

    日本獣医学会学術集会講演要旨集   154回   361 - 361   2012.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本獣医学会  


  • Establishment of GFP transgenic mice for biomedical research

    丸山 基世, 藤澤 正彦, 中垣 和英, 羽山 伸一, 福田 孝一, 三好 一郎, 田中 実, 袴田 陽二

    日本獣医生命科学大学研究報告   ( 60 )   58 - 66   2011.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本獣医生命科学大学  

    今回我々は,医学生物学研究の研究用ツールの開発を日指して,Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP)トランスジェニック(Tg) マウスの作製を行った。 BDF1雌マウスから採取した250個の受精卵にCAGプロモーターの下流にGFP遺伝子を連結した導入遺伝子をマイクロインジェクションし,1 匹の GFP Tg マウスの作出に成功した。 発生の各時期におけるGFP発現プロファイルを蛍光顕微鏡, 非侵襲的な in vivo imaging system (IVIS) およびフローサイトメトリーを用いて解析した。 GFPTg マウスの遺伝子型を Real time PCR法を用いて判定した。 GFPの発現は, 発生のいずれの時期においても全身性に強く認められた。 末梢白血球の GFP 陽性率は90% 以上と高率であった。 Real time PCR 法は, 導入遺伝子の遺伝子型を明確に判定することが出来た。本研究により全身性に GFP を強く発現する GFP Tg マウスの作出に成功した。系統化に成功した日獣大オリジナルの GFP Tg マウスは, 発生学あるいは幹細胞を利用した再生医学研究等,幅広く医学生物学研究に有用な研究ツールとなる。

    CiNii Books


  • 日獣大オリジナルのトランスジェニックマウス作製記録 GFPマウスの系統化と特性解析

    丸山 基世, 五十嵐 遥, 藤澤 正彦, 吉本 真衣, 高橋 香織, 野中 菜々美, 平井 翠, 蛭田 那津子, 中垣 和英, 羽山 伸一, 福田 孝一, 三好 一郎, 田中 実, 袴田 陽二

    日本獣医生命科学大学研究報告   ( 60 )   239 - 239   2011.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本獣医生命科学大学  


  • バイオイメージングシステムを利用したトランスジェニックラットの遺伝子型判別の有効性

    吉本 真衣, 高橋 香織, 丸山 基世, 藤澤 正彦, 袴田 陽二

    日本獣医学会学術集会講演要旨集   151回   277 - 277   2011.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本獣医学会  


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Research Projects

  • 一次感覚神経によるT細胞機能制御を活用した疼痛寛解戦略の探索

    Grant number:24K12101  2024.4 - 2027.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    丸山 基世, 坂井 敦

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    Grant amount:\4680000 ( Direct Cost: \3600000 、 Indirect Cost:\1080000 )


  • Exploring the osteoarthritis therapy targeting for silent nociceptor

    Grant number:23H02802  2023.4 - 2027.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

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    Grant amount:\18720000 ( Direct Cost: \14400000 、 Indirect Cost:\4320000 )


  • 一次感覚神経が放出する細胞外小胞を標的とした神経障害性疼痛治療の探索

    Grant number:23K08415  2023.4 - 2026.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    鈴木 秀典, 齋藤 文仁, 坂井 敦, 丸山 基世

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    Grant amount:\4810000 ( Direct Cost: \3700000 、 Indirect Cost:\1110000 )


  • 一次感覚神経特異的なエクソソーム膜タンパク質を標的としたがん抑制性鎮痛の検討

    Grant number:22K19463  2022.6 - 2025.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  挑戦的研究(萌芽)

    坂井 敦, 丸山 基世

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    Grant amount:\6370000 ( Direct Cost: \4900000 、 Indirect Cost:\1470000 )


  • 非コードRNAスプライスバリアントを標的とした新規鎮痛戦略の探索

    Grant number:21K08936  2021.4 - 2024.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)  基盤研究(C)

    丸山 基世, 坂井 敦, 齋藤 文仁

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    Grant amount:\4160000 ( Direct Cost: \3200000 、 Indirect Cost:\960000 )



  • Target protector RNAによるHCNチャネルを標的とした鎮痛戦略

    Grant number:20K09232  2020.4 - 2023.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)  基盤研究(C)

    鈴木 秀典, 齋藤 文仁, 坂井 敦, 丸山 基世

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    Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct Cost: \3300000 、 Indirect Cost:\990000 )

    難治性の神経障害性疼痛の治療標的としてHCNチャネルは有望であるが、HCNチャネルを発現する臓器に対する有害作用がHCNチャネル阻害薬の鎮痛薬としての開発を妨げている。本研究では、様々な遺伝子の発現を抑制する作用を有するmicroRNAによる特定のmRNAへの結合のみを阻害するアンチセンス核酸 (target protector) を用いることで、臓器特異的に発現するHCNチャネル調節サブユニットの発現を修飾し、一次感覚神経におけるHCNチャネル機能や神経障害性疼痛の抑制を試みる。一次感覚神経において発現特異性の高いmicroRNA-mRNA相互作用に関わる核酸配列のスクリーニングによって局所的な抑制効果の高いtarget protectorを同定することで、有害作用を回避した疼痛メカニズム特異的な鎮痛戦略の可能性を見出すことを目指している。
    本年度は、target protector候補となる様々な長さや標的配列を有するアンチセンス核酸に関して、神経障害性疼痛モデル動物に対する効果やHCNチャネルに関わる遺伝子発現を検討した。


  • 細胞外RNAの特性を活用した神経障害性疼痛に対する次世代治療戦略の探索

    Grant number:19H03552  2019.4 - 2023.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)  基盤研究(B)

    坂井 敦, 齋藤 文仁, 山田 岳史, 丸山 基世

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    Grant amount:\17160000 ( Direct Cost: \13200000 、 Indirect Cost:\3960000 )



  • Examination of new therapies targeting alternative splicing abnormalities in neuropathic pain.

    Grant number:17K16758  2017.4 - 2021.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Maruyama Motoyo

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    Grant amount:\4030000 ( Direct Cost: \3100000 、 Indirect Cost:\930000 )

    We found that alternative splicing patterns were significantly altered in the primary sensory neurons of neuropathic pain model animals, and that alternative splicing abnormalities may contribute to the pathology of neuropathic pain. It was revealed that expression changes of lncRNA, which is a major regulator of alternative splicing, following nerve injury cause expression changes of various genes involved in inflammation and neural function. Furthermore, it was suggested that lncRNA may contribute to neuropathic pain by regulating intracellular localization of many splicing regulatory proteins in the primary sensory neurons via binding to them.


  • Development of curative treatment against neuropathic pain through comprehensive functional analysis of human long non-coding RNAs

    Grant number:16H05461  2016.4 - 2020.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    SUZUKI Hidenori

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    Grant amount:\17290000 ( Direct Cost: \13300000 、 Indirect Cost:\3990000 )

    Neuropathic pain is intractable chronic pain mainly caused by damage of the primary sensory nerve. Because clinical benefits of available analgesics are insufficient for the patients with neuropathic pain, the possible novel therapeutic strategy based on the pathophysiology of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs), key regulators of gene expression, was investigated. Expression changes in several lncRNAs were shown in the primary sensory neurons after nerve injury in rats. Among them, the lncRNA Neat1 was significantly upregulated in the DRG after the nerve injury. Down-regulation of Neat1 alleviated mechanical allodynia and thermal hyperalgesia. Analysis using human primary sensory neurons differentiated from iPS cells revealed that lncRNAs expression was changed after the injury-mimicking stimuli as observed in the animal model of neuropathic pain.


  • Novel therapeutic target based on neonatal resistance to neuropathic pain

    Grant number:16K10986  2016.4 - 2019.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Sakai Atsushi, Maruyama Motoyo, Ino Yuka

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    Grant amount:\4680000 ( Direct Cost: \3600000 、 Indirect Cost:\1080000 )

    Traumatic nerve injury inducing neuropathic pain in adult animals were produced in neonatal and young adult rats. Comprehensive gene expression changes in nerve-injured neonatal and young adult rats were examined using RNA sequence. A number of genes that showed differential expression changes between these rats were first identified in the dorsal root ganglia, which detects peripheral sensory stimuli. Many of these genes had many inflammation- and/or immune-related functions and therefore is considered a novel therapeutic target for neuropathic pain.


  • Examination of innate immune responses in the local mucosal surfaces in the acute phase of HIV-1 infection using a humanized mice model

    Grant number:15K06811  2015.4 - 2019.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Ohkura Sadayuki, Negishi Yasuyuki, Maruyama Motoyo, Shimizu Masumi

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    Grant amount:\5070000 ( Direct Cost: \3900000 、 Indirect Cost:\1170000 )

    In this study, we established a humanized mouse model where innate immune cells are efficiently reconstituted in order to unveil the viral dynamics and the locally induced innate immunity at very early time points after human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) inoculation.
    We observed the successful reconstitution of human innate immune cells including Langerhans cells in the skin epithelia of the newly established humanized mice by injection of cocultured human haematopoitic and messenchymal stem cells. After intrarectal inoculation, the challenge virus resided at the anal side of the rectum, and some virus particles were found inside rectal villi as early as three hours after inoculation, suggesting much earlier incorporation of virus particles into the rectum tissue than previously thought. We are currently analyzing systematically the immune cells surrounding the infected cells to clarify the innate immune response to HIV-1 infection at the vey early phase of infection.


  • Analysis of TRPV3 function for therapeutic target of the cold pain

    Grant number:26861253  2014.4 - 2017.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Maruyama Motoyo

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    Grant amount:\3770000 ( Direct Cost: \2900000 、 Indirect Cost:\870000 )

    Cold hyperalgesia occurs frequently in patients using anticancer drugs such as oxaliplatin, but effective therapeutic strategy remains to be established. The response to noxious cold stimuli was increased in a gain-of-function mutant rat of TRPV3 gene which is involved in the warm sensation. TRPV3 was expressed in the primary sensory neuron that especially transmits pain sensation. It was suggested that TRPV3 channel may be involved in cold pain through the interaction with TRPA1 channel, which is important for cold sensitivity. Functional analysis of TRPV3 may help the understanding of the molecular mechanism and provide a novel target for medication of cold pain.


  • The roles of high Km ADH3 on alcohol metabolism and alcoholc disorders under chronic alcohol comsumpsion

    Grant number:25460879  2013.4 - 2016.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Haseba Takeshi, AKIMOTO Toshio, MARUYAMA Motoyo

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    Grant amount:\4940000 ( Direct Cost: \3800000 、 Indirect Cost:\1140000 )

    Three kinds of mice with different ADH genotypes(Wild, Adh1-/-, Adh3-/-) were subjected under chronic alcohol consumption(CAC) with 10% ethanol. ADH1 was found to be indispensable to continue CAC, and to have protective roles in alcoholic liver disease and dependence. On the other hand, ADH3 was demonstrated to accelerate alcoholic liver disease and alcoholism, although it represses daily alcohol intake under CAC. It is also suggested that both ADHs contribute to an increase in alcohol metabolism by CAC, especially in the absence of the other one, however, the contribution of ADH1 decrease in the prolonged CAC, differing from that of ADH3.


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